On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 16:09:02 -0800 (PST), Hank Sienzant
hsie...@aol.com> wrote:
>On Monday, February 12, 2024 at 9:37:15?AM UTC-5, Ben Holmes wrote:
>> Huckster has recently doubled down on his "explanation" for the
>> contradicting documents regarding the paper in the "paper sack."
>> He pretends that someone merely typed up two possible variants of the
>> test results in advance.
>> Of course, anyone who'd bothered to READ this citation:
>> ... knows that such a theory is dead in the water from the beginning.
>Explain why.
Both "versions" were disseminated.
Now, either you knew this and just blatantly lied...
Or you didn't read the cited article.
Or you're simply a moron.
Which one is it? Or can you come up with an excuse I've not thought
Go ahead... we'll wait.
>Quote the passage that you claim makes my argument “dead in the water”
>Go ahead. We’ll wait.
This is YOUR problem, not mine.
It's YOUR lie... *YOU* need to deal with it.
Get busy retracting your lie, or explaining it away...
Go ahead... we'll wait.
>> Clearly, either Huckster is a moron beyond belief, or he didn't bother
>> reading the citation.
>> And... as is his habit when I prove him a liar... Huckster will run.
>> As he does...
>> TIME!!!
And Huckster once again proved how true my prediction is. Instead of
actually READING the cited article to understand why his "explanation"
fails, he tried to put it back on me.
Just like he's been running from this:
You've claimed that the "A.B.C.D." in the Autopsy Report is the
description of the *location* of the large head wound.
Yet you refuse time and time again from QUOTING the preceding
paragraph that describes what this ACTUALLY is. Why is that?
You've also claimed that the prosectors dissected the throat wound.
Why do you continue to refuse to cite any evidence for this?
Why have you CONSISTENTLY run away each time I raise this issue?
Now you've quite stupidly insisted that the bullet entered JFK's back,
and exited the back of his head.
More cowardice, more stupidity, more dishonesty.
Are you proud of yourself?