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Re: Obama ordered feds to spy on Trump

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Mar 31, 2019, 12:07:15 PM3/31/19
On 3/31/19 10:20 AM, OrigInfoJunkie wrote:
>> Clapper Sings – Former Director of National Intelligence
>> James Clapper Tells CNN Obama Ordered the Trump-Russia
>> Spying Operation (VIDEO)
> Unless you post a link to a credible source on this,
> I'm calling it "fake news".
CNN is FAKE NEWS but if there is video of clapper who we know is part of
the conspiracy then it's hard to NOT at least call for a Special Council
and to investigate Obama for Conspiracy to sabotage the Federal
Government and undermining the U.S. Constitution and then charge Obama
with Sedition Treason and Sabotage.


That's Karma


Apr 1, 2019, 11:10:14 AM4/1/19
And we do know that Lisa Page gave testimony that incriminates the
ObamaRegime's DOJ in a conspiracy to NOT put Hillary Clinton on trial.

It NOT a stretch to imagine that NOT only Bill Clinton is part of that
conspiracy along with Loretta Lynch but that is also extended to the
Obama White House.

Brennan and Clapper the spooks who hated TRUMP have in the past all but
admitted they are in on the destroy TRUMP campaign. Brennan goes so far
as to claim he was given bad information which is a tacit admission of
guilt. They will be linked to the spying and the unconstitutional
warrant, that's why they are trying to appear as victims who were duped
when in fact they ran a great deal of the spying operations to get trump.


That's Karma
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