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Re: Clinton and Uranium One

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Mar 25, 2019, 4:08:31 PM3/25/19
On 3/25/19 3:04 PM, Trump Exonerated wrote:
> One Potential Russian Collusion Scandal Has Not Yet Been Investigated: Hitlery Clinton and Uranium One
> After one year, ten months and five days and the expenditure of millions of taxpayer dollars, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has submitted a report that concluded there was no evidence of Russian collusion by President Trump or anyone on his campaign team, nor is there any evidence to support obstruction of justice charges against the president.

If he *never* had any evidence of a crime, what was he investigating?

Isn't the first requirement of investigating a crime for their to be
evidence that a crime was committed, so what was that evidence of crime
that Mueller used to justify his continued persecution of the people who
TRUMP had known in the past and the people who seemed to have
anonymously supported TRUMP in his campaign.

None committed any crime connected to the President.... and yet he
didn't look at the evidence the FBI used to make those accusations?

Why didn't Mueller investigate the FBI/RUSSIA connection if those other
people were connected to trump then the FBI was connected as well. The
FBI came into contact with the "evidence" as did John McCain, why not
investigate them and their Russian collusion and their connection to

Things seemed to end suddenly, was there any extortion by Mueller to get
anything is he keeping the real dirt in his pocket to protect his

We need to investigate the FBI and DOJ and Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder
Hillary and John McCain and Schiff.... with a special council to make
sure the Russians didn't collude with TRUMP to double cross the
Democrats on their collusion with the Russians.

The idea of a double agent in government spying is an old one, and it
looks like the Russians played Hillary for a fool so we need to
investigate that angle to see if Hillary is a victim? ;)


That's Karma
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