On 3/22/19 12:09 PM, Lee wrote:
jane....@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 11:48:06 AM UTC-4, Lee wrote:
>>> Doctors’ bills play a role in 60 percent of
>>> personal-bankruptcy filings.
>>> MAR 15, 2019
>>> Medical debt is a uniquely American phenomenon,
>>> a burden that would be unfathomable in many
>>> other developed countries.
Why do you force people to live pay check to paycheck with your LIBERAL
taxes.... Apparently it's the Liberal GREED that causes that bankruptcy.
You tax property and telephones and water and electricity and cable TV
and food and medical supplies and Social Security and Medicare and
unemployment insurance and alcohol and cigarettes.... and on and on and
on. Why do you do that if it forces people into bankruptcy because
LIBERAL taxes leave them no money to pay their medical costs?
That's Karma