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The Bohemian Grove and the Murder of Polly Klaas

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Jan 11, 2002, 5:56:26 PM1/11/02
Subject: The Bohemian Grove and the Murder of Polly Klaas

in this very
area...last week alone, four cessnas crashed...

The Bohemian Grove and the Murder of Polly Klaas

Polly Hannah Klaas was kidnapped at knifepoint from her bedroom
slumber party on October 1, 1993, the community of Petaluma,
California responded with a spontaneous and unprecedented effort to
find her. Thousands of volunteers from the San Francisco Bay Area
and across the nation joined in what became an international search
for the missing 12 year-old. Her dead body was later recovered and
Richard Allen Davis was charged with the murder.

I recently received this information below anonymously and am
posting it unchanged. I have no way to verify this information. It
is my hope that if there are other criminals involved as this
report below attests to, that posting this will help flush out
those other evil entities engaged in the rape and murder of Polly
Klass. Was the case over when Richard Allen Davis was found guilty
and sentenced to death? Or was the Bohemian Grove Club a silent
accomplice? J.E.Whisler


Important story written for Bob on the Job, and the American's
Bulletin concerning the Richard Allen Davis abduction and rape of
Polly Klass, and the delivering of Polly Klass to the Bohemia Grove
Club, where she was further raped, tortured, and sacrificed to the
elite's Satanic Gods. This matter in part, is why George Bush
Senior had Bob on the Job, Robert E. Lee Lewis arrested and placed
in a Federal Detention Center. Because Bob had proven that the
Pedeluma Police Department and the two police officers who had been
on duty that night, had lied at the Polly Klass, and Richard Allen
Davis murder trial.

Bob went to the Pedeluma Police Department's radio maintenance man,
who informed Bob that the two police officers had lied about
they're never receiving the radio report that Polly Klass had been
kidnapped. The two Police Officers claimed at the trial that they
had never received the Police Department radio transmitted alert of
the kidnapping, because they had claimed that they're Squad Car's
radio was not working. Bob went and recovered the first hand
testimony of the radio maintenance technician and Bob had
discovered that the maintenance technician had fully repaired the
Squad Car radio and the two Pedeluma Police officers were proven to
have lied at the trial about having never received the kidnapping

Bob further discovered from the Pedeluma district Coroners office
that Polly Klass's body had been turned over to the County Coroner
from the Bohemia Grove Club. Bob also went to the women who had
been blocked from testifying at the trial, who had witnessed
Richard Allen Davis raping the tied and bound Polly Klass on the
women's property just after he had kidnapped Polly Klass from her
home and just before Richard Allen Davis was to deliver Polly Klass
through the CIA/Wackenhut Security and to his controllers at the
Bohemia Grove Club. This women further informed Bob that she had
witnessed the two Pedeluma Police officers stop their squad car
near the car that Richard Allen Davis was driving while Richard
Allen Davis was raping Polly Klass, and the two Police Officers
even witnessed Richard Allen Davis raping Polly Klass, and the
women had noticed that Richard Allen Davis was in an extensive
drunken and semi-drugged and semi conscious state.

The women also observed as the two Pedeluma Police Officers then
assisted Richard Allen Davis with the placing of the gagged, and
bound Polly Klass back into the trunk of the automobile that the
Richard Allen Davis was driving. The two police officers also
picked up the alcoholic beverage containers that Richard Allen
Davis had littered on the ground around the automobile that he was
driving. The elites have so much power that the law enforcement
authority for the entire State of California and particularly
within a hundred mile perimeter around the Bohemia Grove Club are
completely under the command of the elites and their globally all
powerful Bohemia Grove Club network, and their New World Order
Banking hierarchy.

Bob's Polly Klass investigation served as one of Bob's many
articles that had been written for the American's Bulletin
newspaper. The news edition that carried Bob's first story was a
first in a series of Bob's stories about the Polly Klass Murder
Investigation. The news edition was then sent to the family of
Polly Klass, and as well, the news edition was further circulated
to more then three hundred thousand concerned American Citizens.
This story struck home with the elite's New World Order and their
members at the Bohemia Grove Club. The elites have so much power
that their hierarchical controlled police officers, and police
authorities will cover up the elite's extensive criminal activities
and even work in complicity to even cover up the elites extensive
criminal activities. These elites and their hierarchies are all
powerful, and have gotten away with their murder, rape, sacrifice,
genocide, theft, conspiracy, etc., etc., for a long long time due
these hierarchies being the all powerful Satanist Mafia and global
banking network.



more information on Polly Klaas:

The killer of 12-year-old Polly Klaas was sentenced to death
Thursday, moments after outraging courtroom spectators by claiming
the girl told him her father had molested her.


questions from:

Under the California Law Enforcement Teletype System and the
National Crime Information Center, any person on parole for felony
convictions is listed. When Richard Allen Davis was questioned on
Pythian Road and a check was run on him, the claim is that no
information was printed out on any warrants or his priors or his
parole status. How is this possible ?

Davis was drinking beer and driving a vehicle in the presence of
officers, he also claimed he was sightseeing in the pitch dark when
accused of trespassing. An officer admitted leaving this
information out of his report on Davis. Why no citation or arrest
or further questioning ?

What was the motive for Polly's kidnapping and why did Davis ask
"Who lives here?"

Who was the man seen on the back porch of Polly's house talking to
Richard Allen Davis just prior to the kidnapping?

Why did 18 F.B.I. officers show up at the scene within five hours
of the kidnapping when the policy generally is that they will not
enter the case until after 24 hours and usually with one or two
agents only ?

Why did Davis say to the three girls in Polly's house that "no one
else was supposed to be there" especially Polly's mother ? Polly's
mother was originally scheduled to be at her business that night.
Why were pretrial hearings closed to the Press, the public and the
family ?

Why didn't the family identify Polly's body ?

Davis claims he took Polly at random. Why would he care which girl
"lives here" ?

If, on the following morning, it struck Dana Jaffe ( as stated on
Prime time Live ) and her neighbor, Bill Rivas, that Davis might
have been the kidnapper, why didn't it occur to deputies Rankin and
Howard, the two deputies who pulled Davis over that night ?

Why has Polly's family from the beginning believed Davis did not
work alone?

What did Judge Dale mean when he said, " This case leaves many
gnawing questions. Among them are when and how Polly died and
whether she was still alive when two Sheriff's deputies questioned
Davis shortly after the kidnapping" ?

Why does Polly's father and grandfather believe Polly was handed
over to someone else prior to the time Davis was discovered
trespassing near Oakmont ?

Was Polly transferred to a blue van and flowin into Angwin ?

Why was Davis not arrested earlier when law enforcement officials
knew about his whereabouts for almost a month or more ?

And what ties exist between the 1994 kidnapping of Katie Romanek
and the 1993 kidnapping of Polly Klaas ? The kidnappings had
similarities - both girls were taken from their home, both victims
were the same age, both crimes involved ex-convicts with long
criminal records and both suspects were described as having heavily
tattooed arms. And both kidnappers asked "Who lives here ?" and
neither left any ransom note.

Why did Davis' first public defender claim the body was planted and
expert testimony was given that the corpse would not have
decomposed so quickly at the temperature of the site ?

Why did the Coroner not perform the autopsy until a Federal expert,
who had been in Bosnia, return to do the autopsy ?

How were dental records checked on the body when the jaw bone was
missing and part of the skull was missing ?

Why were the entrails of the corpse missing ?

If Davis confessed to strangling Polly why was the body so badly
mutilated ?

Polly was in Napa a month prior to her kidnapping ? Davis was
identified by residents of G Street near Jefferson a month prior to
Polly's kidnaping allegedly stalking Napa High School students but
at the same time Polly was in Napa.

Why did Polly's step father call the Napa Sentinel ( which had not
published any articles at the time ) and ask if Polly might be held
in Angwin ?

And what or who is Midnight Sterling in the San Diego area ?

Why didn't the authorities ever acknowledge that there might have
been an accomplice ? The tenant in the back of the Klaas house gave
a description of a clean-shaven man peering into the back door ?


To End a Lifetime

(The Story of Polly Klaas and Her Killer)

Polly Klaas s was hidden nearby on an embankment scared but alive,
while her soon to be murderer Richard Allen Davis was being
questioned in a chance encounter with sheriff s deputies just two
days after her October 3, 1993 abduction. Weeks later,Davis broke
down and confessed to the kidnapping, telling investigators he
acted alone, picking his victim randomly, and strangling the
12-year-old girl. Davis personally directed investigators to the
wooded thicket where the body of the 7th-grader was buried in a
shallow grave under some plywood and scrap lumber.

Although authorities regretted that Davis was not apprehended
sooner, the small community of Petaluma was relieved that the case
was finally closed. Sadly, though, even after her brutal kidnapping
and murder, Polly was fated to be not only exploited by her killer,
but by the media and politicians. When one reviews the facts of
this case, one can only remain heart struck and outraged.

In October of 1993, it was midnight on a rural road and something
was not right about the man whose car was stuck in the ditch. The
deputies were responding to a call from by a woman about a
trespasser on her property. Although it was pitch dark, the shady
figure told the deputies he was sightseeing. He blurted he had just
changed shirts, so no one asked any further questions. If the two
Sonoma County officers had been tuned to Channel 1 on their radio,
they would have known a search was on for the stranger who an hour
earlier had snatched a 12-year-old girl from her bedroom in
Petaluma, California, 20 miles away. But they were listening to
Channel 3, and Richard Allen Davis slipped away.

It was the first missed opportunity in a case plagued by
might-have-beens. Between the abduction and his arrest for alleged
parole violations, Davis had two more brushes with the law, an
arrest for drunken driving and a missed appointment with his
probation officer. With a rap sheet 11 pages long, Davis had been
in and out of prison for most of his adult life, committing
increasingly violent and devastating crimes, such as his 1985
conviction for kidnapping, robbery, first-degree burglary and
assault for which he was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

On the evening of October 1 Polly Klaas sat with two of her friends
playing a board game in her bedroom. Suddenly a man burst in and
bound and gagged the girls and told them he would slit their
throats if they screamed. At knife point he forced Polly out the
unlocked back door from which he had entered. Polly s faded cries
would bring tears to a stricken community. For sixty-four
nightmarish days of dread and hope, a small army tried desperately
to chase down the demon who had stolen little Polly Klaas. They
were too late. The child s body was found in a field three weeks
before Christmas. Although they did not find Polly alive, they had
found a mission. The volunteers of Petaluma are still trying to
save stolen children today. As of October 1994 the Polly Klaas
Foundation headed by Gary Kinley had advised in more than 130
searches and helped with fliers in 35 cases, all but four of which
ended in a safe return.

More than 22 months later the jury had been selected and the trial
of career criminal, Richard Davis, began. Davis was charged with
kidnapping and strangling Polly. In his opening statement on
Tuesday, April 16, 1996, prosecutor Greg Jacobs quoted Davis saying
that he was high on drugs and alcohol at the time of the
kidnapping, and that if he had assaulted Polly he didn t want to
remember. Davis claimed afterward that he didn t assault the girl,
although an unrolled condom was found near his sweatshirt on the
property of the woman who complained about the trespassing.
Undeniably, when Polly s body was uncovered, her skirt had been
pushed up over her hips.

Deputy Public Defender Barry Collins said in his opening statement
that even Egyptian mummies embalmed for centuries have yielded DNA
evidence and had there been a sexual crime, there would have been
traces of it. After Collins concluded, Polly s mother, Eve Nichol,
took the stand. Eve, who had been divorced from Marc Klaas for
several years prior to the kidnapping, said she had gone to sleep
at about 10 p.m. with her 6-year-old daughter, Annie, after telling
the other girls to "keep it down to a dull roar". "I said, Good
night, to them," Eve recalled, "and Polly said, Good night,
mommy and that was the last time I ever saw her." (Kevin Galvin)

Almost all the testimony and evidence presented in Santa Clara
County Superior Court over the seven week trial had been aimed at
shaping the jury s answer to the question: Should Davis get death,
or life in prison without parole? Sexual assault on a child is one
of four special circumstances that could qualify Polly s slaying as
a capital crime. "All we have to prove is that there was some
physical touching with the intent to gratify [Davis s] sexual
desire," (Kevin Galvin) Jacobs told the jury. However, he admitted
that he couldn t prove Polly was actually raped.

Two other life-or-death themes also emerged in the trial: Had Davis
actually stalked Polly and planned her abduction, or was he (as he
claimed) lost in a booze-and-drug-induced fog when he snatched her
from her home? Outside the courtroom, Collins claimed that Polly s
death resulted from a simple burglary gone awry. But Jacobs
reminded jurors of testimony from FBI expert Chris Allen that
strips of cloth used to bind Polly and her two friends at her home
appeared to have been cut with scissors before the crime.

Davis had one more atrocity to perform. Before the jurors
recommendation, a horrified gasp echoed through the courtroom as
Davis claimed the reason he did not sexually assault Polly on the
night he killed her was that the young girl had told him while they
walked up the embankment, "Just don t do me like my Dad." (Elaine
Lafferty) Davis s lawyer covered her face with her hands. After a
second of frozen shock, Polly s father leaped from his seat, but
was restrained and escorted from the courtroom. Polly Klaas s
killer was then sentenced to death on September 26, 1996, almost
three years after the kidnapping.

Unfortunately, the grievous saga doesn t end there. On August 19,
1996, California s attorney general announced a lawsuit against
Davis for selling the rights to his story to a TV tabloid program,
Hard Copy. The show maintains that it had obtained an exclusive
interview with Richard Davis at Santa Clara County Main Jail. "This
is absolutely disgusting," said Attorney General Dan Lungren, who
sued under the "Son of Sam" law to prevent criminals from gaining
profit from their acts. (TV ads Capitalise...) But the exploitation
of Polly s tragic death didn t end even here.

The dark, bearded face of Richard Allen Davis slowly "morphs" on
the TV screen into the unsmiling image of Rep. Vic Fazio. The
stunning commercial is for Tom LeFever, a Republican challenging
Democrat Fazio, and it s not the only campaign in California to
make political use of the public s revulsion toward the man
sentenced to die for the murder of apple-cheeked Polly Klaas. At
least three Republican congressional candidates from Sacramento
hundreds of miles south of Santa Barbara are using Davis s name in
ads to attack their opponents on the death penalty.

Rep. Andrea Seastrand has her own ad that opens with a shot of
children in a playground. It claims that two people were
disappointed with Davis s death sentence: Davis and Seastrand s
opponent, Democrat Walter Capps. The ad labels Davis "The Murderer"
and Capps "The Liberal." Then there s the ad from Frank Riggs, a
Republican whose district included Klaas s hometown of Petaluma. It
shows footage of Davis and describes Riggs as a death penalty
supporter. Then opponent Democrat Michele Alioto s face slams up
onto the screen covered with a red question mark. Her voiceover
says "I am not in favor of the death penalty."

Polly s father, Marc Klaas, understandably is upset by the ads.
"This [tragedy] hasn t all happened so that individual politicians
can use it to pursue their own political ends," he declared. But
even his statement decrying the ads was put to political use. The
remark, written in white letters against a black screen, is used to
begin the Alioto campaign s counterattack ad, which claims Riggs
has "gone to far." (Kevin Galvin) However, after criticizing the
use of his daughter s tragic story for political gain, Marc Klaas
appears in a new Clinton campaign spot designed to defend the
President against character attacks.

The Klaas ad first aired over a weekend in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and
West Virginia. Notably absent from that list of markets was
California, the Klaas s home state and a key electoral battleground
where the Polly Klaas case has become a driving political issue.
Dole spokeswoman Christina Martin accused Clinton of "trying to
exploit the savage murder of a little girl... This is a level of
cynical exploitation that borders on the obscene." (Kevin Galvin)
But the Clinton campaign spokesman Joe Lockhart said the campaign
agreed to Mr. Klaas s request that the ad not air in California
because of the controversy surrounding Congressional ads.

Some good has come out of all this evil. Reacting to the outrage
over the crimes like the abduction and slaying of Polly Klaas,
California Gov. Pete Wilson signed into law on March 7, 1994, a
"three-strikes-and-you re-out" bill intended to put career
criminals behind bars for life. Wilson, who was up for re-election,
called the law "the most sweeping crime reform in California
history," and used the signing to push his anti-crime platform.
(Kevin Galvin)

Maybe once the elections are over we can finally close the book and
end the story of one girl s life. How much longer will the friends
and family of the deceased will be tortured? As this tragic tale of
abduction, murder, conviction, scandal, and exploitation is retold,
the lyrics of the folk band the Neilds1 seem all too appropriate:

The man in black said "You won t mind; It ll be over before you
know it / You can pretend that you are blind if it will help you to
get over it."... / And when I wake he will be gone... / It s just a
tale of right and wrong... / How she lost the game / She ll never
be the same / He doesn't even know her name, but / I know what kind
of love this is.

Works Cited

Polly Klaas Dad Writes Courtroom Dispatches for All the World to
Read by Michael Dougan New York Times; May 21, 1996

No title given by Kevin Galvin The Associated Press; Oct. 21, 1996

Final Outrage by Elaine Lafferty Time Magazine; Oct. 7, 1996

I Know What Kind of Love This Is by Nerissa Neilds Copywright 1996
Peter Quince Productions

Body of Abducted California Girl Found source: The Associated Press
Chicago Tribune; Dec. 5, 1993

Convicted Kidnapper Questioned in Abduction of California Girl
source: The Associated Press; Dec. 2, 1993

Girl Alive When Cops Stopped Him source: Chicago Tribune San
Francisco Examiner; Dec. 7, 1993

TV Ads Capitalize on Polly Klaas Slaying Used Against Foes of Death
Penalty source: The Associated Press Chicago Tribune; Oct. 17, 1996

Nov 8, 2018, 3:05:12 PM11/8/18
Please see There was definitely a conspiracy before and after the abduction of Polly involving cops, parole officers, DA's and judges who would not allow DNA testimony when it was standard practice after the O.J. trial of 1995. More DNA will be found on that body after I exhume it.

If I have to personally take these people to Hell with me, I will. No fear of death or incarceration.

Jan 7, 2020, 7:15:52 PM1/7/20
Correction, the body was cremated and cast out to sea. The DNA came up negative for Polly according to a federal autopsy in Norfolk, Virginia. After the body was cremated and cast out to sea, the land where the body was found was bulldozed and flowers were put up, I believe this is a cover-up knowing that teeth and entrails were missing.
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