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The Ant People.

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John Winston

Sep 29, 2011, 2:05:02 PM9/29/11
Subject: The Ant People.
Sept. 29, 2011.

This talks about the American Indians dealing with the the Ant People.


From: _Liane Legey_ (
Date: 9/28/2011
To: _agelesswisdomdiscussion_
Subject: Hopi Legend of Shambhala

_Hopi Legend of Shambhala _ (

_and the Sacred Mountain Mount Meru_
* Read a preview of the upcoming book, _In Search of Shambhala

What Do These Two Areas Have In Common?


Hopis call themselves Hopitu - The Peaceable People
Hopis, meaning good, peaceful or wise, live in northeastern Arizona at the
southern end of the B-ack Mesa. A mesa is the name given to a small
isolated flat-topped hill with three steep sides called the 1st Mesa, 2nd
and the 3rd Mesa. On the mesa tops are the Hopi villages called pueblos.
The pueblo of Oraibi on the 3rd Mesa started in 1050, and is the oldest in
North America that was lived in continuously.
Read about _Black Mesa and Holy Mountain, Mt. Meru_


Evidence suggest that _the Hopi_
( consist of the
descendants of various groups that entered the country from the north,
the east, and the south, and that a series of movements covered a period
of probably three centuries, and perhaps considerably longer.

Related to people of the various Pueblos to the east, the Hopis never
actually had a single group identity--they were independent villages,
with the Zuni and other Pueblos a basic culture and view of the s-cred,
while sharing among themselves their own (Uto-Aztecan) language base.


Native Am-ricans believed in constellations in many cases they believed in
the same formations for stars that we do. Their constellations seemed to
be marked by the same knowledge that western civilizations on the other part
of the globe was aware of. They call them by different names but the star
arrangements were very similar.

They believed in maps that have been drawn. That they existed at the
center of the earth or Turtle Island. That beyond them was the sky and that
beyond the sky were dimensional portals or sky holes as they called them.

Beyond the dimensional portals was an area that they call the Ocean of
were the beauty of the night sky and the galaxies spun out towards them.
Beyond that were the boundaries of the universe. And that set along the rim
the boundaries of the universe were 4 different extraterrestrial groups.

They believed in Achivas the sa-red ceremonial places to honor the earth.

These are the places that _Shaman_
would go into the earth to do their most sac-ed work. The reason that
Achivas are built into the earth for sacred work is because according to
legend, at the destruction at each of the ages of mankind the people
that were pure of heart went down into the buxom of the earth and there
remained protected. According to them they dwelt in the center of the earth
with a group of beings that they call the Ant People.

Drawings of the Ant People are remarkable similar to the Grey aliens of
today - large heads - little stocky bodies - long spindly fingers - in some
cases 4, 5, or 6 digits.

Some of these drawings have the indication of telepathic thought waves
coming from the beings head themselves.

The Native Ame-icans believed that the home of the Kachinas was on top of
a mountain where there were great cloud formations. Today we know
that UFOs often hide in what we call Lenticular Clouds, which are cloud
formations that seem to be produced to conceal the ships from the visible
eye spectrum. Real lenticular clouds move with the rest of the clouds.
Whereas the UFO clouds do not - often sitting 5 hours in one place.

* The Hopis called _the Pleiadians_
the Chuhukon, meaning those who cling together. They considered
themselves direct descendents of the Pleiadians.
* The Navajos named the Pleiades the Sparkling Suns or the Delyahey,
the home of the Bla k G d.
* The Iroquois p ay to them for happiness.
* The Cree came to have come to earth from the stars in sp-rit form
first and then became flesh and blood.
* Each year a medicine man performs the green corn dance where he
takes 7 ears of corn from 7 fields of the 7 clans to insure a healthy

* Early Dakota stories speak of the Tiyami home of the ancestors as
being the Pleiades. Astronomy tells us that the Pleiades rise with the sun
in May and that when you die your spir-t returns south to the seven
* They believe that Mythic Mountain is actually the home of the
Kachinas. This mountain top is a -acred one. Being the home of the kachina
spi-its it is the place where all of the large mythic beings they honor in
their rituals land.

* "We come as clouds to bless the Hopi people" is a quote passed
from generation to generation.

The Hopi Indian UFOs

Hopi Indian legends tell of a sure certainty in the future that the tribes
faithful will be lifted to other planets on the Day of Purification. And
they watch and wait for the UFOs that will take them there. The C-ristian
version of the rapture??

The legend is borne of an ancient rock carving near Mishongnovi, AZ,
depicting a dome-shaped saucer object and maiden that has become a
core part of the tribes r-ligious beliefs. Elders in the Hopi community
have said they perceive UFOs as having a direct connection with the
old petroglyph drawing and the foretelling of visitors from space who
arrive for the Day of Purification.

On that day, "all wicked people and wrong-doers will be punished or
destroyed," said the Prescott Daily Courier in 1995. The newspaper
reported on a visit to Prescott by Hope Chief Dan Katchongva, who
with two others from the tribe came to investigate "the rash of UFOs
in the summer of 1970.

The chief told the newspaper that, "we believe other planets are
inhabited and that our prayers are heard there. The arrow on which
the dome-shaped object rests stands for travel through space. The
Hopi maiden on the dome-shaped drawing represents purity.
Those Hopi who survive Purification Day will travel to other planets. We,
the faithful Hopi have seen the ships and know they are true."

Chief Katchongva also told of Hopi prophecies that say his people will be
divided three times before the True White Brother arrives to take the
faithful away. He said the first division occurred in 1906, when Chief
Yukiuma were driven from the old town of Oraibi to Hoteville. The
second division, said the chief, happened in 1969, when contact was
made with a flying saucer that whispered a message to the tribe.

The third division is said to be the precursor of the Purification day,
and until it arrives, the chief told the newspaper, "many Hopi men wear
their bang haircut that represents a window from which they continue
to look for the True White Brother who will arrive with matching
pieces of the stone petroglyph.

But Chief Dan Katchongva won't see the day come or perhaps he will. He's
been missing since 1972, lost to the tribe while walking to a valley where
a UFO had just been seen.

Staff Writer Sally Suddock - X-Factor Magazine

Kachinas are also used in the Hopi tribes. They are connected to powerful
ancestor spirits called to bring rain to help the crops grow. There are
over 300 different Kachinas. There is a prophecy about the return of the
Blue Kachina to herald in the Fifth Age of Man.


_Hopi prophecies_
are very famous - but as with all prophecies - their timeline became
invalid after 1939 when space/time altered.

The concepts are fundamentally correct but the timeline for them to play
out is undetermined.

The Hopi Indians are the Record Keepers of the Native Americans.


The people of the Southwest, along with the Southeast had full-time
religious leaders with shrines or temple buildings. Most Native Americans
believe that in the universe there exists an Almighty, a spiritual force
that is the source of all life. The Almighty belief is not pictured as a
man in the sky, but is believed to be formless and exist in the universe.
The sun is viewed as the power of the Almighty.

They are not worshipping the sun, but praying to the Almighty, and
the sun is a sign and symbol for that. Native Americans show less
interest in an afterlife unlike the Christians. They assume the souls
of the dead go to another part of the universe where they have a new
existence carrying on everyday activities like they were still alive.
They are just in a different world.

The religious and ceremonial life of the Hopi centers in the kiva, which
is simply a room, wholly or partly subterranean and entered by way of
ladder through an opening in the flat roof. While the membership of the
kiva consists principally of men and boys from certain clan or clans,
there is no case in which all the members of a kiva belong to one clan
- a condition inseparable from the provision that a man may change his
kiva membership, and in fact made necessary by the existence of more
clans than kivas. It is probable, nevertheless, that originally the kivas
were clan institutions."

Part 1.

John Winston.

Jul 3, 2019, 1:26:33 AM7/3/19
Yes, The Hopis say that these "Ant Insect People" saved them during their extremely hard times and taught them to raise corn and farming crops. Please google the story of corn and how the Indian tribes of South America "genetically engineered" so many different colors of corn from just plain tall grass... Corn and sugarcane are basically a variety of grass that's all... And in Peru, so many varieties of potatoes it is really mind boggling!!
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