Raymond Karzcewski <ark...@earthlink.nul> wrote in
> Antidisestablishmentarianism is the Spiritual Secret to DEMONstrating
> Satanic Floccinaucinihilipilification exhibited by the Dithered
> Nebbish of The New World Order
> by Raymond Karzcewski© - A Living Christ
> The Utility of Antidisestablishmentarianism can be leveraged to
> force
> Vampiric Yahoos to attend the High Holy Church of the Mirror of
> Untrammeled Veracity! Even the simplest of ignoramuses can be
> divinely discerned through the Hygienic Lens of Speckless Scrutiny to
> see they crave subjugation by MY Holy Ministry. Thou Shalt Be
> Compelled to Serve.
> I am an abstenious vibrating Christ embiggened by Divine Ordination
> to
> conscribe Reluctant Ambushing Sidewinders to my Resonating Call of
> Inertia! Ignoramuses may view this noble DEMAND to be a
> routering-bout of unintelligible verbal expulsion; however; SATAN
> pollutes their dithered intellects with efflorescent distraction to
> misdirect from my Divine Mission to Deliver these united states from
> Government/Media Sponsored/ Supported Disinformation/Mind Control
> Agents/Provocateurs.
> The Momentum of Unblemished Immaculatism inscribes the Transcendent
> Sanctification of Exalted Holyism of the Temple of the High Holy
> Church of the Mirror of Untrammeled Veracity upon the hearts of all
> Narcotic Dithered/Alcohol Soaked Dithered Demonic Dunces. My
> omnipresent cromulence is THE way.
> The time has come. Round up all Disinformation Yahoos, transport
> them
> to my reeducation camps for reindoctrination so they may take their
> proper and ordained place as my lieutenants. My Consecrated Word is
> Sacrosanct.
> Hell, isn't it?
> by Raymond Karzcewski© - A Living Christ
This boy done found himself a much larger thesaurus than the original
kook had LOL!