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[EBOOK] The Thames and Hudson Manual of Book Binding (Thames and Hudson Manuals (Paperback))

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Eliz Cinthia

Jul 13, 2022, 6:33:30 AM7/13/22
"The Thames and Hudson Manual of Book Binding (Thames and Hudson Manuals (Paperback))
To give a book a worthy binding is one of the most satisfying of crafts. Beyond the utility of a good binding, there is a great deal of aesthetic pleasure to be gained from a book that opens easily and flatly, and from the decoration, the harmony of colors, and the brilliance of gold. Arthur Johnson, one of Britain's foremost designer-bookbinders, has written a manual of the craft whose clarity and comprehensiveness make it invaluable to the student and the professional. It covers equipment, tools, and materials all stages of preparation (end papers, sewing, rounding and backing, edge-gilding, etc.) different binding styles and the finer points of finishing. The illustrations show not only tools, materials, and processes, but also a selection of striking and beautiful examples of the binder's art, both historic and modern.
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