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[N.Z.] 100% PURE POISON [Dairy Exports] — [½ Human ½ Cow]

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Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty

Feb 17, 2017, 5:55:25 PM2/17/17


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NZIPT 500596 \ 2011

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1. RED China Involved In Frankenstein
Half-Human-Half Cows
2. Foreign Milk In Top "Kiwi" Brands
3. Deadly 1080 (Sodium fluoroacetate)
Killing Livestock, In NZ Dairy Products,
Killing Wildlife Across New Zealand
4. The use of dicyandiamide (DCD) to control
nitrogen pollution in NZ
5. LIE: Fonterra Says: "DCD No Danger In NZ Milk"
6. 1080 Poison Residue In NZ Foods,
Case In Point Taranaki Dairy Industry
7. Evil Fonterra Behind Melamine Poison In Milk

New Zealand's Environment-Friendly Image Marred By Dairy Contamination

WELLINGTON/SYDNEY, Aug 6 (Reuters) - For a country that markets itself to
the world with the slogan "100% Pure", New Zealand's environmental
credentials are not as impeccable as many would think.

The majority of its rivers are too polluted to swim in. Its record on
preservation of natural environments is among the worst in the world on a
per capita basis. And it is the only OECD country that does not produce a
regular national report on its environment.

The discovery by dairy giant Fonterra of a bacteria that can cause
potentially fatal food poisoning in ingredients sold to eight countries
exposes New Zealand's vulnerability to food safety scares and the fragility
of the clean, green image underpinning its farming- and tourism-based

Agricultural exports, including dairy, meat, fruit and wine, command high
premiums internationally thanks to New Zealand's reputation as a producer of
safe, natural and high-quality food.

"It was only a matter of time before our dirty little secret came out," said
Jill Brinsdon, brand strategist at Radiation, a brand agency in Auckland.

"Fonterra is our largest exporter and they're completely intertwined with
New Zealand's image and also they're the absolute biggest benefactor of the
'100% Pure' brand. When you're coming out with something that presents
itself as fact, or 100% pure, then you have to be 100% pure and we've proven
that we're not."


New Zealand's primary sector, which includes fishing and forestry, accounts
for some 60 percent of exports and 18 percent of the country's $160 billion
GDP, among the highest proportions in the developed world. Tourism makes up
another 10 percent or so of GDP.

The country has long marketed itself internationally with the "100% Pure"
slogan in print and TV ads, drawing millions of visitors each year to
experience its national parks, beaches and lakes. With barely 4.5 million
people spread over a mountainous area larger than the United Kingdom or
California and more than a quarter of that set aside for reserves and
national parks - the backdrop for the popular Lord of the Rings movie
trilogy - New Zealand has no shortage of unspoilt natural attractions.

But the marketing overlooks a dark side to the country's environmental

More than 60 percent of New Zealand rivers monitored by the Environment
Ministry had "poor" or "very poor" water quality and were rated as unsafe
for swimming due to pollution.

Dairy farming, which has a lot riding on New Zealand's strong environmental
reputation, has been a significant cause of poor river quality due to
fertiliser and effluent runoff. Unlike many other countries, New Zealand
cows are kept on grassy pastures year-round, a major selling point for its
$9 billion annual global dairy trade.

"Because we've had a lack of regulation on farm waste for 20 years it's been
a free for all, so farmers have done what they can to produce more milk -
which is to put more cows on pastures," said Mike Joy, an ecology and
environmental sustainability scientist at Massey University.

Prime Minister John Key, who has been previously criticised for saying the
100% pure marketing should be taken with a pinch of salt, said New Zealand
would always be reliant on dairying, with its natural competitive advantage
and global demand rising.

"The right answer is not for New Zealand to sell less dairy. The right
answer is for New Zealand to be absolutely sure that the safety standards
are met," he said on Tuesday.


While separate from its environmental credentials, New Zealand's food safety
record is also not without stain.

Until the late 2000s, New Zealand had the highest rate in the developed
world of food-borne campylobacteriosis, a serious and sometimes deadly
disease caused by a bacteria often found in uncooked chicken.

By 2011, even after a major government initiative to control the epidemic,
New Zealand still reported incidents of the disease at more than double the
rate of nearby Australia and 12 times the rate of the United States,
according to the University of Otago.

The botulism scare at Fonterra was the company's second contamination issue
this year after it earlier found traces of dicyandiamde, a potentially toxic
chemical, in some products.

Even so, New Zealand has one of the most stringent food safety regimes in
the world and the recent dairy product scares only turned up with the
sophisticated and sensitive testing available.

Fonterra expects the current contamination issue to be resolved within days.

A protracted, major animal health incident, rather than a localised
contamination issue, could wreak havoc on the New Zealand economy.

A decade ago, at the height of a foot and mouth epidemic in Europe, the
Reserve Bank of New Zealand modelled the impact of a limited outbreak of the
livestock disease - estimating an immediate 20 percent hit to the currency,
as well as a 12 percent fall in exports and an 8 percent hit to GDP in two

"We've got to wake up and look more closely at our green credentials, and
work harder to create a pristine environment so consumers can get a product
which matches the story," said a consultant to New Zealand companies
operating in Asia.

"We can't be complacent."

1/2 Human Cows \ Sodium Fluoroacetate (1080) \
Melamine \ Dicyandiamide (DCD)

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"... there is no internationally set standard for
DCD residues in food ...

"Because no standard exists, the detectable
presence of DCD residues in milk could be
unacceptable to consumers and our
international markets, even in the small
amounts found in recent testing."

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* In China, scientists have inserted human genes
into the DNA of dairy cow embryos. At this point,
approximately 200 hybrid cows have been successfully
produced. These cows can produce milk that is virtually
identical to human breast milk. The scientists hope to
have huge herds of these cows producing an alternative
to human breast milk soon, and they hope to have this
“milk” sold in global supermarkets within 3 years.

Additonally: Toxics, Including Pesticides And Poisons Are
Regularily Found In Chinese Milk

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By Susan Edmunds

Fonterra turns to big overseas farms to make up shortfall from NZ suppliers

China is playing a growing role in the global dairy industry

Supermarkets around the world are selling Anchor milk that is not produced
on New Zealand farms.

New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra says it gets nearly 5 billion litres of
milk a year from cows in Australia, Chile and, increasingly, China and

Most of that, with 17 billion litres from New Zealand cows, is sold
overseas. The country of origin is on the back of the package.

Fonterra sells the Anchor, Fernleaf and Anlene brands in the Middle East,
Singapore, Asia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, China and India.

Foreign milk is now about 20 per cent of Fonterra's production, but to
achieve its growth goals, the company plans to obtain half its milk from
overseas sources.

China is a prime focus: Fonterra opened its first Chinese farm in 2008 and
its second last year. A third farm is being developed.

Eventually, the three farms will produce 150 million litres of milk a year
for Fonterra.

Federated Farmers president Bruce Wills said Fonterra was benefiting from
the strength of the "pure New Zealand" brand - even if the products were not
from the country.

Millionaire New Zealand businessman Eric Watson and his brother Richard run
a big dairy farming operation in the southern US state of Georgia.

In his Herald on Sunday column today, Eric Watson urges New Zealand to
forget about "made in New Zealand", and instead promote its brands overseas
as "made by New Zealand".

This would enable exports such as milk from overseas farms run by the Watson
brothers, Fonterra and its joint venture partners, to be branded as New

It would recognise the New Zealand investment and initiative that had gone
into the product, while enabling companies to take advantage of cheaper
overseas farmland, feedstuffs and labour.

Green Party co-leader Russel Norman criticised the proposal: "If we start
putting 'Made by New Zealand' on products produced overseas, we really are
going to confuse our overseas customers and they are going to start thinking
the New Zealand brand is a bit suspect."

Council of Trade Unions president Helen Kelly said it was misleading to use
a brand associated with New Zealand to market products that were not made
here. "Particularly around food, people might think they are buying
something they are not getting."

The melamine scare had highlighted the dangers of outsourcing production,
she said, and New Zealand companies would be better off re-investing in
local New Zealand workers and the local economy. But Fonterra said Anchor
was a global brand - as well-known in Sri Lanka as it was in New Zealand.

Bruce Wills said dairy farmers had got used to the idea of Fonterra
obtaining milk overseas. But he agreed with Norman and Kelly that if
Fonterra was using New Zealand's honest reputation to its advantage
overseas, the dairy giant needed to safeguard that reputation.

"Being trustworthy is a powerful part of our marketing message. "We're seen
as a country with integrity, which is hugely important when it comes to safe

He said other countries were already looking to capitalise on that. Infant
baby formula maker Yashili was opening open a plant at Petone.

Fonterra needed a constant milk supply, but New Zealand production was
seasonal, he said.

"It's the same with meat, we can supply six to eight months a year but
supermarkets want it for 12 months' so they have to get it from overseas."

Beef and Lamb NZ chief executive Rod Slater said shoppers would start to see
Australian meat on supermarket shelves in about six weeks.

Because country-of-origin labelling was not compulsory, some might not
realise where their meat was coming from.

"We have the New Zealand beef and lamb quality mark ... If consumers don't
see it, it could still be New Zealand meat but it might be Australian."

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Deadly 1080 (Sodium fluoroacetate) Killing Livestock,
In NZ Dairy Products, Killing Wildlife Across New Zealand

0800 Free-call Number for Victims of 1080 Poison Operations

After finding it difficult to get help, from what they believe is 1080
poisoning, the owners of an iconic tourist business based on the west coast
of the South Island have established a free-call number - 0800 BAN 1080
(0800 226 1080) - for people to share their experiences after aerial 1080

The concern about 1080 poisoning is not a new phenomenon. While filming on
the West Coast in 2002, a British film crew led by Terry Brownbill, stated
New Zealand's use of 1080 poison "was a sinister tale of corruption and
bureaucratic indifference."

Brownbill claimed to have found a "hot spot" of 9 people suffering with
brain tumours, living around the small town of Kumara, on the West Coast. He
went on to say that he believed the tumours were a result of an incident in
which he said five tonnes of 1080 bait was buried near a stream in the area,
and that no Medical Officer of Health went on to investigate this

However, the Agriculture Minister at the time, Jim Sutton, said the "1080
documentary maker should put up or shut up," and disputed the British
journalist's claims, inferring that "the risk of 1080 residues entering the
food supply is very low."

History shows that Mr Brownbill's claims do have credibility. Hundreds of
farm animals - including sheep, dry stock, cows, horses, and deer - have
been poisoned in aerial operations across the country, since the British
film crew left New Zealand. It would seem improbable that all of these
animals had received a lethal dose, without any of their surviving paddock
companions, not receiving sub-lethal doses. (Only about one animal is tested
for 1080 residues in every 2 months, and is randomly chosen from anywhere in
New Zealand. So the chances of actually striking an animal from where a drop
has taken place within a few days of testing, is consequently, very low.)

There are plenty of cases of farm animal deaths following aerial poisoning
operations, from Northland to Southland.

In one case, it was reported in the Wairarapa Times Age that 9 dairy cows
were poisoned by 1080.
The processing plant spokesperson stated that "at the end of the day if
contamination is suspected we'd like to hear about it". The milk from the
cows was subsequently processed into milk powder before the farmer had
warned the processing plant that his cows had been poisoned.

In the documentary Poisoning Paradise, Taupo (Western Bays) farmer Lance
Aldridge states that his neighbor had over 150 sheep poisoned in one
operation, and that in other drops he has had deer and cattle poisoned, with
test results showing 1080 residues in carcasses as much as 12 months after
the poisoning operation took place. He states that he believes the animals
were either poisoned by the 1080 remaining in the fields where the animals
were grazing, or from streams feeding the farm, following another drop over
5 kilometres away.

The creators of the free-call number believe there is mis-trust and fear
among communities, of not being taken seriously when contacting the
authorities, especially when those they are encouraged to engage with are
the very departments dropping the poisons.

In 2008 midwives from Karamea, also on the West Coast, warned several
pregnant ladies to leave the district while an aerial 1080 drop was being
conducted. The response to their warnings from authorities was astonishing
and swift. The mid-wives were humiliated publicly. Not surprisingly, another
drop is planned for the Karamea region this year.

In December 2008, the Ministry of Health published a statement including the
following paragraphs:
"Studies show that 1080 can cause foetal skeletal malformation,
cardiomyopathy/damage to heart muscle, and testicular effects/reduction in
sperm count in animals."

"To date, there are no known epidemiological studies that have been carried
out in relation to 1080 and potential adverse health effects on humans."

It's not just health concerns that the 0800 number is setup for.
Many people, all across New Zealand have had their pets and live stock
poisoned. "We'd like to hear from them too," stated the 0800 free-call
trust's spokesperson.

The inconvenience and investigations that follow placing a complaint,
discourage victims.To make a claim, and have that claim registered, and
officially recorded, is a long and complex process. Hence the recent claim
by the PCE that only 8 dogs have died from 1080 poison in the last 4 years.
This is inaccurate.
One Taupo farmer alone has had 8 of his working dogs die after poisoning
operations around the farm he manages. The killings are endless, right
across our country.

Do the people of New Zealand have reason to be concerned? Yes they do.
Should the people of New Zealand rely on government departments, government
organisations and industry supporters to provide them with robust research,
and consumer confidence - when the pest control company that imports 1080
poison and produces the 1080 bait, is owned by our government, and when the
Minister of Finance and the Minister of Agriculture represent 50%
shareholdings in the company that imports the poison? No, they shouldn't!

"If you have been a victim of 1080 poisoning, or you know of someone that
has, please phone 0800 BAN 1080, and talk about it. If you believe you've
been poisoned, you've had stock poisoned, your water-supply poisoned, or
your pet poisoned - even if it's historical - please call and let us know.
It's free, it's independent, and it's confidential. It's time to start a
credible record of the impact of poisoning operations." Said Clyde Graf.

And one last thing - take advantage of the opportunity to watch Poisoning
Paradise free, at the Green Unplugged Film Festival, and please spread this
0800 free-call phone number to your friends and family. The destructive use
of 1080 poison can only be stopped, with your help.

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What is unknown ecologically is if extensive use of DCD adversely affects
aquatic ecosystems by causing a build-up of ammonia or in other ways
altering nitrogen cycling process in wetlands so that they don’t buffer
downstream waters from nitrate pollution. Complete denitrification (right
side of the picture) entails reduction of nitrate through to nitrogen gas
(N2) and completes the cycle of N-fixation by clover, followed by sequential
production of urea, ammonium and nitrate. DCD offers a solution to some of
the problems caused by nitrate in the environment and it remains to be seen
what its future in New Zealand agriculture will be, given recent news to
voluntarily suspend its sale and use pending further information about
uptake by grazing cattle and market reactions.

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There is no danger in consuming New Zealand's milk, says Fonterra.

A finding in September said traces of Dicyandiamide (DCD) had appeared in
milk tested by Fonterra, specifically in whole, skim milk, and buttermilk
powder products.

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1080: Poisoning Paradise - The Great New Zealand Ecocide

Apparently New Zealand uses 86% of the total world use of 1080. In many
other countries the substance is banned entirely. For some reason this
little fact reminds me of the time my history teacher told the class that
the Americans dropped more bombs on Vietnam during that war than were
dropped during the entirety of both World Wars I and II. It’s not a good

The Department of Conservation, Regional Councils, and ERMA (Enviromental
Risk Management Authority) do not want to stop using 1080 poison, firmly
believing that the trick to eradicating possums once and for all is to
continue with aerial drops of the poison. My aunty informed me that Mt
Taranaki is expected to receive a 100 ton drop of non-toxic bait designed to
get the possums used to eating the stuff. This will be followed up with a
200 ton drop of poisoned bait.

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Fonterra used to hold 43 percent of Sanlu Group Co, a Shijiazhuang-based
dairy firm, which was bankrupted by the melamine-tainted infant formula
scandal in December 2008. Fonterra wrote-off NZ$200 million due to this

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8 August, 2013

Daily newspapers in China have held nothing back in dealing to New Zealand
over Fonterra's tainted milk powder crisis.

The product recall in the dairy giant's biggest and most valuable market has
been given front-page treatment, with some papers using graphic imagery,
including enlarged colour pictures of bacteria alongside the New Zealand

The Xiamen-based Haixi Chenbao included the grim reaper lurking behind a tin
of formula, with the headline "Imported milk taken off shelves".

Nanfang Ribao's front page, showing milk pouring into a cup, said "Dumex has
420 tonnes of tainted milk powder on the market". Dumex is a Chinese
subsidiary of the French firm Danone and makes infant formula. It used the
potentially contaminated ingredient WPC80.

The newspaper Zhengquan Sibao ran a headline "NZ dairy products poisons four
companies". Jiangjiang Evening News illustrated its front page with bacteria
seen through a magnifying glass and powdered milk being poured into a

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
Maangai Kaawanatanga - Tainui Kiingitanga - Te Aotearoa Ko te Mana Motuhake

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