It's possible our UEFI BIOS are designed differently.
Mine never makes a reference to Windows Boot Manager.
Maybe it would if I was in pure UEFI mode.
The F8 boot menu only lists drives. It also puts
a modifier to indicate whether the drive is
to be booted CSM or UEFI. A drive can be listed
twice for example. I have some OSes on USB sticks
that show up this way (because they're hybrids).
And if I want it to start in legacy BIOS CSM mode, I
cursor down to the second entry.
Some devices are only listed once, some are listed
twice, according to what the BIOS thinks it "smells"
on the device. For example, a Win10 Hybrid DVD supports
both boot modes, so you would expect the optical drive
to be listed twice in the F8 menu.
If you set the boot order in the BIOS, and *don't*
use the F8 boot menu, my presumption is you set
the "boss" drive in the BIOS. Then, using EasyBCD,
you edit the boot menu of the "boss" drive so that
it shows the other two drives and the single OS
on those drives. Now, the "boss" drive has three
disks mentioned in its BCD (boot menu). Without
pressing F8, Win10 comes part-way up, and presents
the boot menu, with three items. I cursor to the
disk I want, and it restarts and selects that disk
with no further fuss.
When a Windows disk uses a hibernate function
(either Fast Start or Hibernate), the hibernate bit
is set in the chipset. When the BIOS comes up, instead
of "considering" the boot order, offering the user
the usual choices, the BIOS knows the last session
hibernated something. So the BIOS ignores the pressing
of F8 and Del, and just boots into the drive that
was hibernated. You can stop that by killing the power
for a bit, then powering up.
This is why I use "powercfg /h off", so that
all OSes have any hibernation-like functions turned
off. This ensures my F8 menu works. It ensures I
have control over selecting the next boot device.
Since the Asus guy gave you a method that works,
I've got no argument with that. It's just another
way to do things.
While I've done UEFI mode experiments, all my
daily driver configs are CSM. It's part of my
"Paul hates surprises" policy :-)