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Transient helper CFC

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Jonathan Price

Oct 20, 2015, 7:41:15 PM10/20/15
I need a simple transient cfc, but I'm having a hard time getting it to load with accessable properties. Here's what I have:

component accessors=true {

property type="array" name="BillingItems";

public function init() {
return this;

public any function addBillingItem( required any item ) {
arrayAppend( variables.BillingItems, arguments.item );

This component lives in the same beans directory I use for all of my ORM stuff.

new generates 'Could not find the ColdFusion component' errors.

entityNew generates 'A CFC with entityname could not be found' errors

If I createObject this component, I get errors about BillingItems existing in variables when I call addBillingItem.

As a note, all of my ORM stuff works fine. I just wanted to make a helper transient this afternoon, and I realized I don't know how.


Jonathan Price

Oct 20, 2015, 8:58:11 PM10/20/15
Figured out a way to do it.
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