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Looking for Illustrator CS script

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Mark Carson

Sep 20, 2017, 11:45:54 AM9/20/17
Illustrator CC 21.1.0 for Mac on Sierra 10.12.6

I’d like to acquire a script to do three things for either a folder of
files, or act upon a bunch of EPS and AI files already open:

1. Document Setup > Edit Artboards > Fit to Artwork Bounds.

2. Save as latest AI or EPS (whichever it already was to start)

3. Export as SVG.This is already available under File> Export> Export As
and will execute for all files already open.

So the #3 is already there, but I’d like to squeeze #1 and #2 in front.


Jolly Roger

Sep 20, 2017, 12:44:55 PM9/20/17
Sounds reasonable, assuming corresponding AppleScript commands are
supported in Adobe Illustrator CS.

Have you looked at the Adobe Illustrator CS scripting dictionary to see
if it supports those commands?


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Mark Carson

Sep 20, 2017, 2:25:33 PM9/20/17
On Sep 20, 2017, Jolly Roger wrote
(in article <>):

> On 2017-09-20, Mark Carson<> wrote:
> > Illustrator CC 21.1.0 for Mac on Sierra 10.12.6
> >
> > I’d like to acquire a script to do three things for either a folder of
> > files, or act upon a bunch of EPS and AI files already open:
> >
> > 1. Document Setup > Edit Artboards > Fit to Artwork Bounds.
> >
> > 2. Save as latest AI or EPS (whichever it already was to start)
> >
> > 3. Export as SVG.This is already available under File> Export> Export As
> > and will execute for all files already open.
> >
> > So the #3 is already there, but I’d like to squeeze #1 and #2 in front.
> Sounds reasonable, assuming corresponding AppleScript commands are
> supported in Adobe Illustrator CS.
> Have you looked at the Adobe Illustrator CS scripting dictionary to see
> if it supports those commands?
> <
> ual/AppleScriptX/Concepts/work_with_as.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001568-115
> 3006>

I will read up on it. By the way was I was not correct: File Export> Export
As does only one file at a time. The present SaveDocsAsSVG will do all open
docs. Its .js comments showed my how to change link to embed, but I want to
set the options as shown in Export As: Inline Style; SVG, Embed images, Layer
names for object IDs, decimal = 2, and minify and responsive.

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