| "JJ" <
jj4p...@vfemail.net> wrote in message news:11h8h2vighvur.q...@40tude.net...
| "pez" <
pez.u...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:gj824b...@mid.individual.net...
|| "John Corliss" <
r9j...@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:qamhmc$nig$1...@dont-email.me...
|| This worked for me in Firefox 52.8.1:
|| 1. Open about:config
|| 2. If your version of Firefox has it, change
|| xpinstall.signatures.required to "false".
|| 3. Restart Firefox.
|| Doing the above re-enabled all of my extensions. You might lose some UI
|| customizations you've made, you can put things back in order with a
|| little effort.
|| Another problem after this fix is that if you go into your Addon
|| Manager, several of your extensions will have the following message
|| above them in a yellowish-tan color:
|| "(name of extension) could not be verified for use in Firefox. Proceed
|| with caution."
|| but I can live with that.
|| --
|| John Corliss BS206. No ad, CD, commercial, cripple, demo, nag, pirated,
|| share, spy, time-limited, trial or web wares for me please. I filter out
|| posts made from Google Groups and recommend you do likewise. I also
|| block (can't see & won't reply to) posts from »Q« and Kasey.
| =
| - thank you - it works ! -
- addendum -
| "Bill Sharkey" <
wgsh...@rogers.com> wrote in message news:qakr85$o04$1...@dont-email.me...
| On 2019-05-04 4:01 p.m., pez wrote:
| > | "Shadow" <
S...@dow.br> wrote in message news:1ha7pd11q3u314us2...@4ax.com...
| > | On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 14:20:40 +1000, Maurice Helwig
| > | <
mbhe...@aussiebroadband.com.au> wrote:
| > |
| > | >I have used Youtube Downloader HD successfully for years.
| > | >Now it refuses to download giving the following error --
| > | >
| > | >error 6 couldn't find func name
| > | >
| > | >I have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail
| > | >I am now using the portable version but still get the same error.
| > | >
| > | >Can anyone help or suggest an alternative.
| > | >
| > | >Win 7 pro OS with latest firefox browser
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | Youtube-dl downloads from hundreds of sites
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | (I use it for the BBC (sometimes need the proxy switch),
| > | Brazilian media, Facebook (need to temporarily disable hosts file) etc
| > |
| > | All you need is a command line
| > |
| > | youtube-dl -F URL
| > |
| > | will give you available formats
| > |
| > | And for example
| > |
| > | youtube-dl -f 22 someyoutubelink
| > |
| > | Will download the video.
| > |
| > | Pity there isn't a decent frontend for it. Tends to scare
| > | people away.
| > |
| > | PS I saw a new version of youtube downloader was released
| > | today
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | Maybe that'll work.
| > | []'s
| > | --
| > | Don't be evil - Google 2004
| > | We have a new policy - Google 2012
| > =
| >
| > + 1
| >
| > - thank you -
| >
| The last update of Firefox stopped all addons. They are working on a fix
| and it should be out soon.
: )
well, not exactly
since in my wxpp64&sp2, the [CookieKeeper] add-on
* s u r v i v e s * in FF 52.9.0,32-bit,ESR update
obviously, because I forced by FF to install it
non-"automatically", that is manually
anyway, thanks to this, last in the long sequence
of many previous, disaster it seems that finally
I shall rid off all these useless add-ons, that is
of the self-called "downloaders" - I hope