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(OT) Find out if your Windows PC is affected by Meltdown/Spectre vulnerabilities

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John Corliss

Jan 5, 2018, 3:29:42 AM1/5/18
"Meltdown and Spectre are designed vulnerabilities in modern processors
that allow attackers to read virtual memory arbitrarily. What this means
is that attackers may read the memory of computer systems to steal
passwords and other sensitive data.

The researchers that found the bug identified three variants of it. The
first two variants, “bounds check bypass” and “branch target injection”
go under the name Spectre, the last, “rogue data cache load,” under the
name Meltdown. Both vulnerabilities are described on the official
Meltdownattack website. Research papers are linked on the website as well.

Affected are processors from Intel, AMD, ARM as well as operating
systems and other software programs."

Full article is here:

I guess this is one way to get people to dump old software and hardware.

And of course, now that they've made such efforts to publicize the
problem, Meltdown and Spectre will INDEED be exploited by the bad guys.

John Corliss BS206. No ad, CD, commercial, cripple, demo, nag, pirated,
share, spy, time-limited, trial or web wares for me please. I filter out
posts originating from Google Groups and recommend you do likewise. I
also block (can't see & won't reply to) posts from the following people:
»Q«, Kasey, FredW and BurfordTJustice.

p-0''0-h the cat (coder)

Jan 5, 2018, 5:29:27 AM1/5/18
On Fri, 5 Jan 2018 00:29:15 -0800, John Corliss <>

>I guess this is one way to get people to dump old software and hardware.

It's an ill wind that blows no good.

Sent from my iFurryUnderbelly.

p-0.0-h the cat

Internet Terrorist, Mass sock puppeteer, Agent provocateur, Gutter rat,
Devil incarnate, Linux user#666, BaStarD hacker, Resident evil, Monkey Boy,
Certifiable criminal, Spineless cowardly scum, textbook Psychopath,
the SCOURGE, l33t p00h d3 tr0ll, p00h == lam3r, p00h == tr0ll, troll infâme,
the OVERCAT [The BEARPAIR are dead, and we are its murderers], lowlife troll,
shyster [pending approval by STATE_TERROR], cripple, sociopath, kook,
smug prick, smartarse, arsehole, moron, idiot, imbecile, snittish scumbag,
liar, total ******* retard, shill, pooh-seur, scouringerer, jumped up chav,
lycanthropic schizotypal lesbian, the most complete ignoid, joker, and furball.

NewsGroups Numbrer One Terrorist

Honorary SHYSTER and FRAUD awarded for services to Haberdashery.
By Appointment to God Frank-Lin.

Signature integrity check
md5 Checksum: be0b2a8c486d83ce7db9a459b26c4896

I mark any message from »Q« the troll as stinky

Jack Meoff

Jan 5, 2018, 7:44:19 AM1/5/18
"p-0''0-h the cat (coder)" <super...@fluffyunderbelly.invalid> wrote in

> Sent from my iFurryUnderbelly.

iFurryUnderbelly?? That's your asshole isn't it?


p-0''0-h the cat (coder)

Jan 5, 2018, 7:52:59 AM1/5/18
On Fri, 05 Jan 2018 12:44:12 GMT, Jack Meoff <>
Oh! gosh yes. Give it to me big boy.

Shit, can you prepare my safe space. I have a feeling I may need it.



Jan 5, 2018, 5:52:47 PM1/5/18
| On 05.01.2018 09:29, John Corliss wrote:
| ...
| I guess this is one way to get people to dump old software and hardware.

+ 1
- Now the New Skype...


Jan 6, 2018, 7:01:45 PM1/6/18

John Corliss <> wrote in <news:p2nd1i$fjc$>:

> I guess this is one way to get people to dump old software and hardware.

Its a re-hash of the tired old mantra "you better upgrade right now, or else
dreadful things might happen"

The only major difference is the name of the software bogeyman. In prevous years
they might call the bogeyman SHELLSHOCK , POODLE or whatever. Ho, hum.

I have no plans to force my kernel 30% slower. In fact no plans to change any
computer hardware/software and adopt the latest NSA certified processor only to
have the same scare story run again next year with the name SPECTRE changed to
something else.

p-0''0-h the cat (coder)

Jan 6, 2018, 7:13:02 PM1/6/18
On Sun, 7 Jan 2018 00:01:39 +0000 (UTC), Spamblk
<Zap...@SpamMeNot.invalid> wrote:

>John Corliss <> wrote in <news:p2nd1i$fjc$>:
>> I guess this is one way to get people to dump old software and hardware.
>Its a re-hash of the tired old mantra "you better upgrade right now, or else
>dreadful things might happen"
>The only major difference is the name of the software bogeyman. In prevous years
>they might call the bogeyman SHELLSHOCK , POODLE or whatever. Ho, hum.
>I have no plans to force my kernel 30% slower. In fact no plans to change any
>computer hardware/software and adopt the latest NSA certified processor only to
>have the same scare story run again next year with the name SPECTRE changed to
>something else.

If this was the car industry there would be a product recall. In this
industry we have to adjust our brakes using the vendors instructions to
make the pads rub continually against the discs so our car runs 30%
slower and therefore covers only 70% of the distance for the same outlay
on fuel.

Hmm. Why are we supposed to put up with that?

>> And of course, now that they've made such efforts to publicize the
>> problem, Meltdown and Spectre will INDEED be exploited by the bad guys.


Jan 7, 2018, 2:06:53 AM1/7/18
On Sun, 7 Jan 2018 00:01:39 +0000 (UTC), Spamblk
<Zap...@SpamMeNot.invalid> wrote:

>The only major difference is the name of the software bogeyman. In prevous years
>they might call the bogeyman SHELLSHOCK , POODLE or whatever. Ho, hum.
>I have no plans to force my kernel 30% slower. In fact no plans to change any
>computer hardware/software and adopt the latest NSA certified processor only to
>have the same scare story run again next year with the name SPECTRE changed to
>something else.

I think you're better off parenthetically to stick within your first

The NSA provision, among extant backlashes, is as well within a state
apparent to an end to its means (can't offhand translate that into
suitable Latin<Greek phrase for the inevitable, ipse dixit, governing
rationale). In any event, NSA is suffering from a dearth of
intelligent and talented computer-savvy aspirants. Evidently a former
NSA focus has turned into a rather passé front for stimulating any
nationalistic sense of honor, principled ethics, integrity and
distinction. At least among esprit de corps of present NSA employees.

A shame, really, as every good nation should propagate an healthy
exhibitionist representative of interests, fairly and honestly to task
humanity: a civil worthiness for binding principles validating the
state comprising its citizens. Then again, our youth hasn't had that
sense of loyalty, for much of anything, notably, apart from having
lost it some time ago.
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