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Regarding The Best Freeware

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May 13, 2021, 6:46:38 PM5/13/21
Are people who make freeware possible with, their talents, I can imagine
some day where free using software, will overtake every imaginable
business model to dreams of worth,but in that very short life
experience, bring out your dead, dump everything as you prepare mentally
and spiritually you are preparing your highest value from which you
depart, to visit your mother and father, or some atheist version of
reality, I will send you a post card


May 13, 2021, 7:54:07 PM5/13/21
When your hear the alarm clock sound, it is time to take your meds.


May 13, 2021, 9:39:18 PM5/13/21
On Thu, 13 May 2021 18:46:31 -0400, Nic <> wrote:

>Are people who make freeware possible

No, freeware as scientifically applicable has been disproved.

Economically, at declination in value and further abandonment, as
China signals intent to pummel a Taiwanese residual of silicon logic
into greater reigning nationalist submission. Computer's direct
replacements, as such, are already ensconced within smartphones, half
of which Mark the Sectarian of Facebook personally claims for his sole
sovereignty, replete with the Supreme Court of Mark's formal
censorship, ruling over objections espoused by the former reigning
regime. Starting at Britain, a western coalition exists predominately
in adaptation, whereas, east of Britain, conversely divergence are
appropriated over non-English speaking worldwide usages, where
technology's"followers" occur alternatively at some to be expected
decline from an implement of representative, localized language and
cultural-politico models regionally therein. Actuality, however, is
given to the perfect crystalline structure of Huxley chanting on acid,
at a California ashram, to a sanity a Brave New World presages:
Computer literacy that has been exposed for a worldwide offset of
degenerative regression of peoples presented as recycled onto V.2
smartphones. Although disallowance in course is clearly eschewed
against further mechanized motivational remittance, illustratively
from claims embellished as industrial advertisement (see recent Apple
privacy efforts) being yet rejected from a stance of apparent
sociality, the handheld media nevertheless remains undeniably
important for a phenomena of staunch focus and reconciliation, to have
had supplanted a written literacy of prior generations' missives,
past an interim inception between for POT communications;- The
logogram of the abridged pictorial as allure in visual undulation, no
less within direct imagery whereby ideological gestalt remains to
model and abstract from conveyances salience as supreme efficacy, a
technological motif to behold in marvel of profits of goods and
services from intellectual discernment, promoted within the vulgate
for a future bursting in potency with flavorful ascendancy.

John C.

May 13, 2021, 10:12:12 PM5/13/21
VanguardLH wrote:
Hey VLH, is "Nic" a different person than Nicodemus? Curious minds want
to know.

John C. BS206. No ad, CD, commercial, cripple, demo, nag, pirated,
share, spy, time-limited, trial or web wares for me please. I filter out
posts made from Google Groups and cross-posted (sent to more than one
newsgroup at a time) messages. I recommend you do likewise.

p-0''0-h the cat (coder)

May 14, 2021, 8:48:53 AM5/14/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 14:28:08 +0200, Yrrah <Yrra...@acf.invalid> wrote:

>"John C." <>:
>> Hey VLH, is "Nic" a different person than Nicodemus?
>A nutcase with a split personality? They/he/it/whatever can keep each
>other company in the bozo bin.
>> Curious minds want
>> to know.
>Who, where? At the National Institute of Mental Health?

*plonk* inane twaddle

Live everyday like you're a cat.

Sent from my iFurryUnderbelly.

p-0.0-h the cat

Internet Terrorist, Mass sock puppeteer, Agent provocateur, Gutter rat,
Devil incarnate, Linux user#666, BaStarD hacker, Resident evil, Monkey Boy,
Certifiable criminal, Spineless cowardly scum, textbook Psychopath,
the SCOURGE, l33t p00h d3 tr0ll, p00h == lam3r, p00h == tr0ll, troll infâme,
the OVERCAT [The BEARPAIR are dead, and we are its murderers], lowlife troll,
shyster [pending approval by STATE_TERROR], cripple, sociopath, kook,
smug prick, smartarse, arsehole, moron, idiot, imbecile, snittish scumbag,
liar, total ******* retard, shill, pooh-seur, Pooh Dendum, scouringerer,
jumped up chav, punk ass dole whore troll, no nothing innumerate religious
maniac, lycanthropic schizotypal lesbian, professional bully and stalker,
the most complete ignoid, joker, and furball.

NewsGroups Numbrer One Terrorist

Honorary SHYSTER and FRAUD awarded for services to Haberdashery.
By Appointment to God Frank-Lin.

Signature integrity check
md5 Checksum: be0b2a8c486d83ce7db9a459b26c4896

I mark any messages from trolls »Q« and 'Arlene' Holder as stinky

Bill Day

May 14, 2021, 9:41:15 AM5/14/21
On Thu, 13 May 2021 21:38:45 -0400, Flasherly <>
Now there's a reply worthy of the OP! I couldn't have made it
clearer myself..
remove nonsense for reply


May 14, 2021, 2:51:47 PM5/14/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 09:41:05 -0400, Bill Day
<> wrote:

>Now there's a reply worthy of the OP! I couldn't have made it
>clearer myself..

1st half is old news. 2nd half is based from a UCLA project, Lucas'
first "student" film, THX1138 (Robert Duvall), and dialogue being
piped through a PA system for "elevator music", as ambient background
noise to a dystopian society.

John C.

May 14, 2021, 3:14:21 PM5/14/21
Bill Day wrote:
> Flasherly wrote:
>> Nic wrote:
>>> Are people who make freeware possible
>> No, freeware as scientifically applicable has been disproved.
>> Economically, at declination in value and further abandonment, as
>> China signals intent to pummel a Taiwanese residual of silicon logic
>> into greater reigning nationalist submission. Computer's direct
>> replacements, as such, are already ensconced within smartphones, half
>> of which Mark the Sectarian of Facebook personally claims for his sole
>> sovereignty, replete with the Supreme Court of Mark's formal
>> censorship, ruling over objections espoused by the former reigning
>> regime. Starting at Britain, a western coalition exists predominately
>> in adaptation, whereas, east of Britain, conversely divergence are
>> appropriated over non-English speaking worldwide usages, where
>> technology's"followers" occur alternatively at some to be expected
> Now there's a reply worthy of the OP! I couldn't have made it
> clearer myself..

Please provide me with a link to the translation program you're using.



May 14, 2021, 3:43:48 PM5/14/21
That would explain the LOL, laughter when thoughtfully examined seems to
be reaction to what is being said or perceived and is an involuntary
reaction to the unbelievable.


May 14, 2021, 5:00:51 PM5/14/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 15:43:42 -0400, TheSidhe <> wrote:

>That would explain the LOL, laughter when thoughtfully examined seems to
>be reaction to what is being said or perceived and is an involuntary
>reaction to the unbelievable.

What's totally unbelievable about making something free is someone
would actually think to stroll up to the edge of park grounds where
it's being freely given;- as if the next swinging dick, in fact, were
to come along, apparently unable not to help but to notice, knowing
all the while that better ought to be to put up a sign, just opposite
that edge, so that others yet might stroll beneath it, through a door
no less erected, ably to pay money first, as is quite in evidence of
need due in counterpoint, whereby to consider a very same subject that
first thought was freely given to advance.

Now, is volition of a will thus to choose, Meno, all the more
assuredly, once a price distinguishably may be assessed to an impetus
of the proto-intangible, obviously, another no longer can afford to


May 14, 2021, 5:19:00 PM5/14/21
On 5/14/21 5:00 PM, Flasherly wrote:
> Now, is volition of a will thus to choose,
If you base reality from a fast burger advert you will likely lose the
point, free will has no intellectual component, an uninformed free will
will likely be easily led.

p-0''0-h the cat (coder)

May 14, 2021, 5:27:18 PM5/14/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 17:00:43 -0400, Flasherly <>

>What's totally unbelievable about making something free is someone
>would actually think to stroll up to the edge of park grounds where
>it's being freely given;- as if the next swinging dick, in fact, were
>to come along, apparently unable not to help but to notice, knowing
>all the while that better ought to be to put up a sign, just opposite
>that edge, so that others yet might stroll beneath it, through a door
>no less erected, ably to pay money first

That's OK. The GPL allows that.

p-0''0-h the cat (coder)

May 14, 2021, 5:32:43 PM5/14/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 17:18:54 -0400, TheSidhe <> wrote:

>free will has no intellectual component

A stroke of luck for Boris.


May 14, 2021, 5:56:07 PM5/14/21
On 5/14/21 5:32 PM, p-0''0-h the cat (coder) wrote:
> On Fri, 14 May 2021 17:18:54 -0400, TheSidhe <> wrote:
>> free will has no intellectual component
> A stroke of luck for Boris.
> Live everyday like you're a prat.
> Sent from my iFurryUnderbelly.

Steady cat, is this your primary identity. When I observed your MPD
little did I think that I would be accused of such, yet in the free
flowing diverse platforms of of everlasting testaments you have forced
yourself into the docket or as some would say the blockchain, in
dialogues among men and women little is thought of cats and dogs or pigs
and cows, I wish I could get close to a horse, a stallion who can look
me in the eye, to remind me of my place

Clamidia Ramsbottom, Secretary, Woman's Institute, Walmington-on-Sea

May 14, 2021, 6:18:17 PM5/14/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 17:56:01 -0400, TheSidhe <> wrote:

>I wish I could get close to a horse, a stallion who can look
>me in the eye, to remind me of my place

I bet you do.

Women know your place!
Ironing the bedlinen - Super fun
Flower arranging - One must do one's bit you know!
Rimming the Vicar - He just adores me


May 14, 2021, 11:02:46 PM5/14/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 17:18:54 -0400, TheSidhe <> wrote:

>> Now, is volition of a will thus to choose,
>If you base reality from a fast burger advert you will likely lose the
>point, free will has no intellectual component, an uninformed free will
>will likely be easily led.

And examined in comparative measure, willfully if no less of a nature
is to affect a verity for radicals of a volition to enact. The
counter-reality need not last longer, and usually they do not, from
where the easily led are most reluctantly fit. (Usually. 'For it is
better to marry than to burn <with passion>.' CTH-I 7:8–9 )

Bill Day

May 15, 2021, 9:46:34 AM5/15/21
On Fri, 14 May 2021 12:14:12 -0700, "John C." <>

>Bill Day wrote:
>> Flasherly wrote:
>>> Nic wrote:
>>>> Are people who make freeware possible
>>> No, freeware as scientifically applicable has been disproved.
>>> Economically, at declination in value and further abandonment, as
>>> China signals intent to pummel a Taiwanese residual of silicon logic
>>> into greater reigning nationalist submission. Computer's direct
>>> replacements, as such, are already ensconced within smartphones, half
>>> of which Mark the Sectarian of Facebook personally claims for his sole
>>> sovereignty, replete with the Supreme Court of Mark's formal
>>> censorship, ruling over objections espoused by the former reigning
>>> regime. Starting at Britain, a western coalition exists predominately
>>> in adaptation, whereas, east of Britain, conversely divergence are
>>> appropriated over non-English speaking worldwide usages, where
>>> technology's"followers" occur alternatively at some to be expected
>> Now there's a reply worthy of the OP! I couldn't have made it
>> clearer myself..
>Please provide me with a link to the translation program you're using.
Oh, sure... I just do google translator from English to Hawaiian ,
then run that answer thru in

The Sidhe

May 15, 2021, 4:44:16 PM5/15/21
VanguardLH <V...@nguard.LH> wrote in news:d6u1ldho...@v.nguard.lh:
For whom does the bell toll
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