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Making Aspell work with AkelPad

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Mar 18, 2011, 11:47:49 AM3/18/11
I have been wanting to find a way to make Aspell work with AkelPad, that
will work on both a hard drive and a USB drive. Yesterday I had the time
to experiment with it and finally found a way to make it work. I have seen
people here talking about it and thought I'd share my solution with those
who might be interested.

Download AkelPad and the PlugsPack.

Download Aspell and the language dictionary that you want to use.

Extract AkelPad to a folder called AkelPad.

Extract ContextMenu.dll, SpellCheck.dll, and the SpellCheck folder from
the PlugsPack to the AkelPad\AkelFiles\Plugs folder.

Install Aspell and then the language dictionary.

Copy the bin, data, and dict folder from the Aspell installation folder
to the AkelPad\AkelFiles\Plugs\SpellCheck folder and then uninstall
Aspell. You do not need the doc folder unless you want to read the
Aspell documentation.

Install the context menu plugin by opening AkelPad, click Options, click
Plug-ins, put a check in the ContextMenu::Main option, and click OK.
You can also put a check in the SpellCheck::Background option if you
want to spell check as you type. Close and open AkelPad and you will
have a Plugins option on the menu bar that will allow you to access the
spell check plugin. It will also allow you to access the other plugins, but
you have to install the ones that you want to use.

I also added a spell check document icon to the toolbar, but you have to
install the toolbar.dll plugin from the PlugsPack, which is installed like
SpellCheck.dll. Put a check in Toolbar::Main, click OK, close and open
AkelPad, and you will see the toobar. Then right click anywhere on the
toolbar and add this line to the end of the Toolbar plugin.

"SpellCheck plugin" Call("SpellCheck::CheckDocument")
Icon("%a\AkelFiles\Plugs\SpellCheck.dll", 0)

You can put the line wherever you want the icon to show up on the toolbar,
and you should see an ABC icon with a green check mark on the toolbar.

You can change "SpellCheck plugin" to whatever you want the tooltip to
display when you hover the mouse over it. I changed it to display Check
Document on mine.

Open a document in AkelPad, click on "Plugins" and "Spell check", and
click on one of the three spell check options. If you added a spell check
document icon to the taskbar just click on it.

The only thing I did not like is when Aspell is used with AkelPad there
is not an option that allows you to add words to the dictionary like you
can when you use Aspell with Notepad++. I assume that is controlled
by the SpellCheck.dll and was not added as an option for some reason.

Now you can copy the AkelPad folder to wherever you want to put it on
your hard drive or USB drive.

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Mar 18, 2011, 3:12:22 PM3/18/11

"Guy" <Use-Reply-To-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote in message

> jmv wrote:
>> The only thing I did not like is when Aspell is used with AkelPad
>> there is not an option that allows you to add words to the
>> dictionary like you can when you use Aspell with Notepad++. I
>> assume that is controlled by the SpellCheck.dll and was not added
>> as an option for some reason.
> Review the contents of your aspell.conf file.

I'd love to, but it must be very well hidden as I just did a search and
could not find any such file anywhere on my hard drive.


Mar 18, 2011, 5:10:03 PM3/18/11

"Guy" <Use-Reply-To-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote in message
> jmv wrote:
>> The only thing I did not like is when Aspell is used with AkelPad
>> there is not an option that allows you to add words to the
>> dictionary like you can when you use Aspell with Notepad++. I
>> assume that is controlled by the SpellCheck.dll and was not added
>> as an option for some reason.
> Review the contents of your aspell.conf file.

Maybe I should have mentioned earlier that I am using the Windows
version of Aspell which does not appear to have a aspell.conf file.

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Mar 20, 2011, 9:37:36 PM3/20/11
"Yrrah" <Yrra...@acf.invalid> wrote in message
> "jmv" <>:
> Thanks for sharing this.

You're very welcome.

> You may want to add to the Plugins menu
> "SpellCheck (document)" Call("SpellCheck::CheckDocument")
> "SpellCheck (selection)" Call("SpellCheck::CheckSelection")
> "SpellCheck (settings)" Call("SpellCheck::Settings")
> (Edit menu, Main menu)

> I could not get CheckSelection to work as an Edit (right click) menu
> entry.

Good idea, I was just interested in making Aspell work and have an icon
on the toolbar to spell check the document so I didn't go any further then

> The Notepad++ implementation of Aspell is (still) better.

Agreed, but at least you can use Aspell with Akelpad for those times
when you want to use it. I keep it on my computer mostly as a backup
just in case I ever have any trouble with Notepadd++, but I like to use
it now and then just for something different.

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Mar 21, 2011, 8:42:49 PM3/21/11

"Yrrah" <Yrra...@acf.invalid> wrote in message
> "jmv" <>:

>> Agreed, but at least you can use Aspell with Akelpad for those times
>> when you want to use it. I keep it on my computer mostly as a backup
>> just in case I ever have any trouble with Notepad++, but I like to use

>> it now and then just for something different.
> Just out of curiosity, which plug-ins do you find useful? I use
> ContextMenu, LineBoard, ToolBar, SpellCheck, Stats, MinimizeToTray,
> Format, SpecialChar and Coder.
> Yrrah

I use ContextMenu, LineBoard, ToolBar, SpellCheck, Explorer, and
Coder. I thought about installing the MinimizeToTray plugin, but I have
a program called 4t Tray Minimizer that lets me minimize any program
to the systray so there was no need for that plugin.


Mar 21, 2011, 9:32:58 PM3/21/11
Op 2011-03-22 01:42, jmv schreef:

> I thought about installing the MinimizeToTray plugin, but I have
> a program called 4t Tray Minimizer that lets me minimize any program
> to the systray so there was no need for that plugin.

4t Tray Minimizer : nice, thanks!



Mar 22, 2011, 8:04:09 AM3/22/11
"S.F." <s...@privacy.invalid> wrote in message

You're welcome.

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Mar 23, 2011, 8:59:54 PM3/23/11

"Yrrah" <Yrra...@acf.invalid> wrote in message
> "jmv" <>:

>> I thought about installing the MinimizeToTray plugin, but I have
>> a program called 4t Tray Minimizer that lets me minimize any program
>> to the systray so there was no need for that plugin.
> I got the free version, but it does not work with all programs

I have the free one too and so far it has worked with every program
I have tried.

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Mar 23, 2011, 10:55:32 PM3/23/11
Op 2011-03-24 02:31, Yrrah schreef:

> "jmv"<>:
>>>> I thought about installing the MinimizeToTray plugin, but I have
>>>> a program called 4t Tray Minimizer that lets me minimize any program
>>>> to the systray so there was no need for that plugin.
>>> I got the free version, but it does not work with all programs
>> I have the free one too and so far it has worked with every program
>> I have tried.
> Not with:
> and an old Encarta which I've kept for one reason or another.
> Yrrah

You make me wonder, Harry.
Aimp2 minimizes to the tray, doesn't it?
Are you talking about the beta v3? (I never tested that yet.)


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Mar 24, 2011, 10:47:28 AM3/24/11
Op 2011-03-24 13:37, Yrrah schreef:
> "S.F."<s...@privacy.invalid>:

>>> Not with:
>>> and an old Encarta which I've kept for one reason or another.
>> You make me wonder, Harry.
>> Aimp2 minimizes to the tray, doesn't it?
>> Are you talking about the beta v3? (I never tested that yet.)
> Yes,

I asked you two questions. What do you mean, "yes"?

but that was not really the point. 4t Tray Minimizer doesn not
> work with it.
> Besides, 4t Tray Minimizer has more features than just
> that. Of course, a program like 4t Tray Minimizer can't work with it
> because the AIMP GUI is a skin, which is closer to the point. The
> point is that 4t Tray Minimizer appears not to work with programs with
> a non-standard GUI.
> Yrrah

I was not commenting on whether 4t Tray Minimizer works with every
program. Of course I agree with you that it doesn't work for some
non-standard GUIs.

I simply asked to clarify your specific "it does not work with Aimp".
It is a strange choice to mention as an example of non-standard GUIs for
which 4t Tray Minimizer doesn't work.

I asked you two questions. Now let's be clear, as your answer to these
questions was clear as mud.

Aimp2 already minimizes to the tray, doesn't it?
Both left- and right-clicking the minimize button. Yes/No ?
4t Tray Minimizer has no use for such a program, but it also does not
change its behaviour.
Your specific "it does not work with Aimp" makes no sense for Aimp2.

So I asked: are you talking about the beta v3?
I am curious, so please provide a clear answer: has its behaviour changed?
I would be very (and unpleasantly) surprised, so I just want to know.



Mar 24, 2011, 12:58:12 PM3/24/11
Op 2011-03-24 15:47, S.F. schreef:

> Aimp2 already minimizes to the tray, doesn't it?
> Both left- and right-clicking the minimize button. Yes/No ?

Actually, it is a bit more complicated.
There is a difference between left- and right-clicking the minimize button.
Left-clicking minimizes and removes the trayicon and a trayicon is shown
whether "allways show trayicon" is checked or not.
Right-clicking minimizes, but does not remove the trayicon and if the
option "allways show trayicon" is not checked a trayicon is not shown.
The following still applies.

> 4t Tray Minimizer has no use for such a program, but it also does not
> change its behaviour.
> Your specific "it does not work with Aimp" makes no sense for Aimp2.



Mar 24, 2011, 1:02:03 PM3/24/11
Op 2011-03-24 17:58, S.F. schreef:
> Left-clicking minimizes and removes the *trayicon* and a trayicon is shown

sorry, I mean removes the *taskbar icon*

> whether "allways show trayicon" is checked or not.

> Right-clicking minimizes, but does not remove the *trayicon* and if the

again, *taskbar icon*

> option "allways show trayicon" is not checked a trayicon is not shown.


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Mar 24, 2011, 9:26:44 PM3/24/11

"Yrrah" <Yrra...@acf.invalid> wrote in message
> "jmv" <>:

> You can add words manually to
> ...\Akelpad\Akelfiles\Plugs\SpellCheck\your_language.pws

True, but the spell checker ought to be able to do it for you.

> There are also other problems with AkelPad's rather crude
> implementation of Aspell though. Let's hope that it will be improved.

Yes, it could use some work and hopefully it will be improved someday.
If I had known it was so crude I might not have bothered to find a way
to make it work. Oh well, at least it works now so I will be able to see
if it is ever improved. In the meantime I'll stick with Notepad++ as my
primary text editor.

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