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Is this group still working?

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Brian Gaff

May 6, 2019, 6:30:26 AM5/6/19
I was just wondering about attempting to get folk back in.

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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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Brian Gaff

May 6, 2019, 7:38:12 AM5/6/19
ah yes its still working.

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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"Brian Gaff" <> wrote in message

J. P. Gilliver (John)

May 6, 2019, 9:47:42 AM5/6/19
In message <qap2c1$4el$>, Brian Gaff
<> writes:
>I was just wondering about attempting to get folk back in.
> Brian
I still have it subscribed, but yours is the first post I've seen in it
for a very long time ...

John G.

Petitions are still unfair. [Still need over 9000 signatures by 19 May )-:!] #fairpetitions
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

"He who will not reason is a bigot;
he who cannot is a fool;
he who dares not is a slave."
- Sir William Drummond

Above all things, use your mind.
Don't be that bigot, fool, or slave.

Brian Gaff

May 7, 2019, 2:28:40 AM5/7/19
Yes I was wondering if the albersani and eternal September web sites still
exist as I could not find either the other day, which means most of the
providers of these groups are concentrating on binary groups which quite
rightly you pay for, and most seem to also be offering vpn access and
annonymising etc. Reminds me very much of the old days where we had a server
in Norway which posted and did not keep real ip addresses it got closed
down due to some very naughty behaviour by users. Criminals mostly.
There seems to be no way one can actually chat with other people about
stuff you might not want your granny to know about you even if its perfectly


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This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please
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"J. P. Gilliver (John)" <> wrote in message

J. P. Gilliver (John)

May 7, 2019, 8:15:06 AM5/7/19
In message <qar8in$7b6$>, Brian Gaff
<> writes:
>Yes I was wondering if the albersani and eternal September web sites still

I currently get this via eternal-september, though I think PlusNet (or
what they pretend is PlusNet) still carry it. I haven't seen on-topic
posts - e. g. about screenreaders, speech, Braille ... - for many years,
though - in fact I'm not sure if I ever saw any; I took the 'group as
I'm interested in computing for the blind (initially because I have a
couple of friends [did you ever take the tape magazine "computer
talk"?], but now generally.)

>exist as I could not find either the other day, which means most of the
>providers of these groups are concentrating on binary groups which quite
>rightly you pay for, and most seem to also be offering vpn access and
>annonymising etc. Reminds me very much of the old days where we had a server
>in Norway which posted and did not keep real ip addresses it got closed
>down due to some very naughty behaviour by users. Criminals mostly.

I didn't know about a Norway one; I remember, which I
assumed was in Finland.

> There seems to be no way one can actually chat with other people about
>stuff you might not want your granny to know about you even if its perfectly

As in society in general!
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

A biochemist walks into a student bar and says to the barman: "I'd like a pint
of adenosine triphosphate, please." "Certainly," says the barman, "that'll be
ATP." (Quoted in) The Independent, 2013-7-13

Brian Gaff

May 15, 2019, 5:43:52 AM5/15/19
Well not sure about that really. I think there is a paranoia in the society
that if you are being secret you are hiding something criminal, not that you
might want to keep your personal relationships to between you and your SO as
they say.
Indeed social media for fetishists or different sexualities seem often to be
targeted as somehow on the edge of legality when really there is probably
just as much abuse and dodgy practice on normal dating sites etc.
This is a very wide discussion but in the main I guess its the few who are
up to no good that spoil it for everybody else.
The recent whatsapp hack shows that somebody, the Israelis to name but one
want to break anything with end to end encryption.

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This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please
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"J. P. Gilliver (John)" <> wrote in message

J. P. Gilliver (John)

May 15, 2019, 8:16:49 AM5/15/19
In message <qbgn0n$t4k$>, Brian Gaff
<> writes:
>Well not sure about that really. I think there is a paranoia in the society
>that if you are being secret you are hiding something criminal, not that you

Yes, the "what are you hiding" argument. Which I counter as the "why
don't you have glass walls" argument.

>might want to keep your personal relationships to between you and your SO as
>they say.
>Indeed social media for fetishists or different sexualities seem often to be
>targeted as somehow on the edge of legality when really there is probably
>just as much abuse and dodgy practice on normal dating sites etc.

Given the relative quantities of each, there will be far _more_ in
absolute terms.

> This is a very wide discussion but in the main I guess its the few who are
>up to no good that spoil it for everybody else.

Indeed. I _think_ I'd not object too much if access were granted _to
*responsible* authorities_ where criminal activity is reasonably

> The recent whatsapp hack shows that somebody, the Israelis to name but one
>want to break anything with end to end encryption.

Most governments - and similar - want access to such.

> Brian

(Where has the "treat northern Ireland differently" option gone?)

Three- (or four-) way referendum, if we _have_ to have another one.
Petitions are still unfair. [Still need over 9000 signatures by 19 May )-:!] #fairpetitions
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

"Bother," said Pooh, as Eeyore sneezed the crack all over Owl.

Seth Hurst

Aug 24, 2019, 9:48:41 PM8/24/19
In article <qap2c1$4el$>,
> I was just wondering about attempting to get folk back in.
> Brian

I'm new to usenet and blind my self so am browsing the group.

J. P. Gilliver (John)

Aug 27, 2019, 2:56:45 AM8/27/19
In message <>, Seth Hurst
Welcome; the more the merrier. This _is_ rather a quiet 'group, though.
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

I hate people who quote Shakespeare at you but are proud that they can't add
up. Stupid People. - Carol Vorderman (Radio Times, 1-7 March 2003)

Brian Gaff

Aug 28, 2019, 3:50:04 AM8/28/19
That is weird I posted a reply here yesterday, not seen it yet. This often
happens if I try a reply and a post at the same time. I blame the weather.

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This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please
Note this Signature is meaningless.!
"J. P. Gilliver (John)" <> wrote in message
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