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LNH: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #10: Clash of Ideals

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Drew Nilium

Sep 23, 2023, 12:03:21 AM9/23/23
Clash of Ideals
Setup 0
<Interpersonal> <Conflict>

Choose another player. Each of you chooses a Hero you control. Each of you
chooses a Voice of Wit, Determination, or Groundedness.

Each Hero A brings the chosen Voice to the other Hero B:
If A brings Wit, B shows Edge.
If A brings Determination, B shows Chill.
If A brings Groundedness, B shows Whimsy.
A delivers Beats to B equal to the Voice brought minus the Voice shown.

After, if the difference been the Beats on A and on B is less than 2, remove all
Beats from A and B and Resolve this Conflict. Otherwise, put this Conflict
Backstage and play it again at the beginning of next turn.

Drama 2, Progression 1


Drew Nilium

Scott Eiler

Sep 23, 2023, 6:39:18 PM9/23/23
It seems to me, you have a good handle on the mechanics for this game.

Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out Omniverse the Card Game. It
probably needs simpler combat rules. When I try to resolve combat, I
tend to ignore everything between "Loser has to flee" and "Loser is

-- (signed) Scott Eiler 8{D> ------ -------

"Your Royal Highness, instead of devoting yourself exclusively
to Minerva, should, instead, rather offer sacrifice at the altars
of Bacchus, Orpheus, Venus, and Morpheus."

- Advice to Prince Duarte of Portugal. From "The golden age of
Prince Henry the Navigator", by Joaquim Pedro Oliveira Martins.
Coming soon to Project Gutenberg.


Sep 23, 2023, 9:23:41 PM9/23/23
On 9/23/23 17:39, Scott Eiler wrote:
> On 2023-09-22 21:03, Drew Nilium wrote:
>> Clash of Ideals
>> Setup 0
>> <Interpersonal> <Conflict>
>> Choose another player. Each of you chooses a Hero you control. Each of
>> you chooses a Voice of Wit, Determination, or Groundedness.
>> Each Hero A brings the chosen Voice to the other Hero B:
>> If A brings Wit, B shows Edge.
>> If A brings Determination, B shows Chill.
>> If A brings Groundedness, B shows Whimsy.
>> A delivers Beats to B equal to the Voice brought minus the Voice shown.
>> After, if the difference been the Beats on A and on B is less than 2,
>> remove all Beats from A and B and Resolve this Conflict. Otherwise,
>> put this Conflict Backstage and play it again at the beginning of next
>> turn.
>> Drama 2, Progression 1
>> ====
> It seems to me, you have a good handle on the mechanics for this game.
> Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out Omniverse the Card Game.  It
> probably needs simpler combat rules.  When I try to resolve combat, I
> tend to ignore everything between "Loser has to flee" and "Loser is
> obliterated".

TBH i don't get the game at all
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

Drew Nilium

Sep 24, 2023, 12:11:38 PM9/24/23
On 9/23/23 6:39 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
> On 2023-09-22 21:03, Drew Nilium wrote:
>> Clash of Ideals
>> Setup 0
>> <Interpersonal> <Conflict>
> It seems to me, you have a good handle on the mechanics for this game.

Thanks! n.n Honestly, I'm still figuring them out, but I have a good idea of
what I want to do, and the tricky part is just figuring out how to render that
as a workable game mechanic. There's one that I made a breakthru on yesterday
that's probably not going to be published for another month, lol.

> Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out Omniverse the Card Game.  It probably
> needs simpler combat rules.  When I try to resolve combat, I tend to ignore
> everything between "Loser has to flee" and "Loser is obliterated".

To be fair, I find it's usually better to start with the complex version and
then trim it down. :>

Drew "first draft, *then* edit" Nilium

Drew Nilium

Sep 25, 2023, 2:00:45 PM9/25/23
On 9/23/23 9:23 PM, candycanearter07 wrote:
> TBH i don't get the game at all

That's fair. X> Part of what I'm doing is giving y'all the pieces and letting
you figure out how it works, but to be clear, this is a game about telling a
story - specifically, an LNH story. And this card is the point in the story
where two people who are on the same side get in an argument over an important
issue, and learn to understand each other more.

Drew "and I gotta figure out how to represent that with cards and counters" Nilium
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