But that said, however, Rimmer had also informed Lister, when they, had
been marooned, on the ice planet, that the first time, that he had, ever
been, with a woman, sexually, had been, with this girl, he had met, at
Cadet College, who had been called: Sandra... And that, they had done
it, in the back of his Brother's car!
And Lister, had asked him, what it, had been like, and Rimmer, had
kindly, informed him, that it, had been brilliant! And Incredible! And
that, his First Ever Sexual Experience, had been committed, in a Bentley
Convertible, which had been, a V8 Turbo, complete with Walnut Veneer
Panelling! And, even more importantly, than that, it had been, a
Marvellous Machine!
But that said however, deep down, Lister had known, full-well, that
Rimmer had been lying, all along, with regard, to Rimmer, who had
kindly, informed Lister, when they, had been marooned, on the ice
planet, that the first time, that he had, ever been, with a woman,
sexually, had been, with this girl, he had met, at Cadet College, who
had been called: Sandra... And that, they had done it, in the back of
his Brother's car!
And Lister, had asked him, what it, had been like, and Rimmer, had
kindly, informed him, that it, had been brilliant! And Incredible! And
that, his First Ever Sexual Experience, had been committed, in a Bentley
Convertible, which had been, a V8 Turbo, complete with Walnut Veneer
Panelling! And, even more importantly, than that, it had been, a
Marvellous Machine!, which had eventually, enabled him, to make an
effort, so that, he could, put all, of those bad memories, behind him,
with regard, to Yvonne McGruder...
And in a sense, however, Lister had also, blocked it out, himself, with
regard, to Rimmer, who had kindly, informed Lister, when they, had been
marooned, on the ice planet, that the first time, that he had, ever
been, with a woman, sexually, had been, with this girl, he had met, at
Cadet College, who had been called: Sandra... And that, they had done
it, in the back of his Brother's car!
And Lister, had asked him, what it, had been like, and Rimmer, had
kindly, informed him, that it, had been brilliant! And Incredible! And
that, his First Ever Sexual Experience, had been committed, in a Bentley
Convertible, which had been, a V8 Turbo, complete with Walnut Veneer
Panelling! And, even more importantly, than that, it had been, a
Marvellous Machine!, which had eventually, enabled him, to make an
effort, so that, he could, put all, of those bad memories, behind him,
with regard, to Yvonne McGruder...
And therefore, it had been, so much easier, for Lister, to have
believed, Rimmer's Tale, with regard, to Rimmer, who had kindly,
informed Lister, when they, had been marooned, on the ice planet, that
the first time, that he had, ever been, with a woman, sexually, had
been, with this girl, he had met, at Cadet College, who had been called:
Sandra... And that, they had done it, in the back of his Brother's car!
And Lister, had asked him, what it, had been like, and Rimmer, had
kindly, informed him, that it, had been brilliant! And Incredible! And
that, his First Ever Sexual Experience, had been committed, in a Bentley
Convertible, which had been, a V8 Turbo, complete with Walnut Veneer
Panelling! And, even more importantly, than that, it had been, a
Marvellous Machine!, when all had been said and done!, which had
eventually, enabled him, to make an effort, so that, he could, put all,
of those bad memories, behind him, with regard, to Yvonne McGruder...
And ever since, Lise Yates, there had been, a number of women, in
Lister's life...
But as far, as Lister, had been concerned, no Woman, could even compete,
with the likes, of Red Dwarf's: Navigation Officer: Kristine Kochanski,
at the time...
And so, we had first been introduced, to the very first incarnation, of
Red Dwarf's: Navigation Officer: Kristine Kochanski, who had had, a
Scottish accent, just before the radiation incident, on the Dwarf, had
taken place, when Lister had asked her, for some directions, to the
Captain's Office.
And Kochanski, had kindly, informed Lister, that the Captain's Office,
had been "Where it says 'Captain's Office'. Where it's always said -
"Captain's Office". And Lister, had asked Kochanski, if she had known,
what he had wanted, to see him for? And Kochanski, had informed Lister,
in a kind, of Come on way - "Yes, I think you've been promoted to
Admiral. Yeah. For your diligence and general devotion to duty!".
Unfortunately however, Red Dwarf's: Navigation Officer: Kristine
Kochanski, had eventully become, a pile of radioactive white dust, along
with the rest of the Red Dwarf Crew...
And Lister, had actually forgotten, that he had actually, had an affair,
with Red Dwarf's: Navigation Officer: Kristine Kochanski, until he had
recovered, from coming out, of Stasis for several years, that is...!
And Lister, had thought back, to the very first time, that he had first
met, Red Dwarf's: Navigation Officer: Kristine Kochanski, in Red Dwarf's
main bar...
(Adapted from: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers: Copyright: Grant Naylor)
Lister had noticed, that Red Dwarf's: Navigation Officer: Kristine
Kochanski, had got a face. It had not been, a beautiful face. But it had
been a nice face. It had not been a face, that could, have launched, a
thousand ships. Maybe two ships and a small Yacht. That was, until she
had smiled. When she had smiled, her eyes had lit up, like a Pinball
Machine, whenever you win, a bonus game...
And Red Dwarf's: Navigation Officer: Kristine Kochanski, had smiled a lot...
Lister could have perhaps, survived the smile. But it had been, when he
had found, the smile, attached to a sense of humour, that he had become,
irretrievably lost...
And Lister, had not been able, to stop looking, at Kochanski, in Red
Dwarf's main bar, which had been, in a not-looking-at-her kind of way...
And Lister, had admired her, for the way, that Kochanski, had stood up,
to a rather, stuck up, Tanned white-uniformed Officer, who had noticed,
a book, sticking out, of her black jacket pocket. And Lister, had also
noticed, the book, sticking out, of her black jacket pocket...
And, the book, which had been, sticking out, of Kochanski's black jacket
pocket, had been called: Learn Japanese by Dr P. Brewis...
"Learn Japanese!" the rather, stuck up, Tanned white-uniformed Officer
had snorted, at Kochanski. "Talk about Pretentious!".
What she had said next, had nearly tipped Lister, over the edge.
"Prententious? Watashi?". Lister did not know, any Japanese, but he had
guessed, quite rightly, that it had been, an adaptation of the very
Famous: Pretentious Moi? Joke (which is best known, via Fawlty Towers:
Series II: Episode II: The Psychiatrist). And the rather, stuck up,
tanned white-uniformed Officer, had just looked, at her blankly, in the
And Lister, had found it, next to nigh impossible, to find, something
witty, to say to her, at the time, after Kochanski, had gone back to her
seat, with her drinks...
And Lister had not, really been listening, to Petersen, droning on,
about the Supply Station, at the Uranian Moon: Miranda, where Red Dwarf,
had been due, to stop off, for supplies, in seven weeks time. And, it
was, to have been, their only shore leave, between Saturn and Triton,
and Petersen had been, informing Lister, of what, a great time, that
they, would be having...
But Lister, had craftily, been looking across, at the crowded Cocktail
bar, trying to work out, just exactly, the amount, of drink, left in,
the glasses, of the girl, with the Pinball smile, and her friend, just
so, that he could be, at the bar, just as, she had arrived, so that, he
could offer, to buy her a drink...
Who had Lister, been kidding?! How do you casually offer, to buy
somebody a drink, without making, it sound, like: I want you to have my
babies?! If he had, not been, so crazy about her, it would not, have
been, such a problem, for him...
And Kochanski, had got up, to go, to the bar. And Lister, had got up, as
well. They had exchanged smiles, and they, had ordered, their drinks,
and they, had gone back, to their separate tables.
'Damn, Smeg, Blew it' Lister had thought, at the time.
And Kochanski had got up, once again. And Petersen, had tried, to get
up, from his seat, and Lister, had thrust him, back into his chair, and
he had, gone back, to the bar. And, they had exchanged smiles, and
"Hi's", during the second time, and they, had ordered, their drinks, and
they, had gone back, to their separate tables, once again.
'Damn, Smeg, Blew it again' Lister had thought, at the time.
And Kochanski, had hardly sat down, before she had been, getting up,
from her seat, once again. And the two girls glasses, had been full...
And Lister, had suspected, that Kochanski had been, going back, to the
bar, to get some peanuts. Petersen had not wanted, any peanuts, from the
bar, but Lister, had got up, from his seat, on the pretence, of getting,
some peanuts, from the bar, nethertheless...
And Lister and Kochanski, had stood, at the bar, once again. And, they
had exchanged smiles, once again. And, all of a sudden, Kochanski, had
introduced herself, to Lister, and she had asked him, out on, a date...
And so it had begun...
And Lister, had become, a walking cliche'...
All of Lister's senses, had been heightened, so that even, the foul,
recycled air of the Dwarf, had tasted spring and crisp like. He had
even, gone off his food, and he had, even stopped drinking. And Pop
Lyrics, had actually, started to mean something, to him. And Lister, had
even, got out of bed, before his alarm clock, had gone off, which had
been something, that had been, entirely unheard of, for him, as far, as
he was concerned, when all had been said and done!
And Lister, had even started, to marvel, at the view, of the stars,
outside the Sleeping quarters, Viewpoint Window...
And Lister's face, had even acquired, three new expressions. And those
three facial expressions, in question, had been stolen, from Kochanski,
which he had found adorable...
And Lister, had not, even been aware, that he had, been copying, those
three facial expressions, in question, which had, been stolen, from
Kochanski. And Lister, had certainly, had not, even been aware, of how
stupid, he had looked, when he had pulled, those three facial
expressions, in question, which had, been stolen, from Kochanski...
And even, if Lister, had actually, been aware, that he had, been
copying, those three facial expressions, in question, which had, been
stolen, from Kochanski, he would not, have cared, because Red Dwarf's:
Navigation Officer: Kristine Kochanski, a.k.a. 'Babes', a.k.a. 'Ange'
(short for Angel), a.k.a. 'Krissie', a.k.a. 'KK', a.k.a. 'Sweetpea', and
a whole host, of other names, which had been, far too nauseating, to
recount, had been madly, and electrically, madly in love with him.
Lister's all-time favourite movie, was (and still is!): Frank Capra's:
It's a Wonderful Life. And, just to make things, totally perfect,
between them, it had been, Kochanski's favourite movie, as well.
And, Kochanski's Bunk Mate: Barbara, had been chased away, to the
Dwarf's Cinema, once again. And, they had sat up, in bed, eating their
Hot Dogs, doused in Mustard, and watching, for the third consecutive
night: It's a Wonderful Life, on the Sleeping quarters vid-screen.
In the middle of the scene, where Jimmy Stewart's Father, had died,
Lister had found himself, for the very first time in his life,
discussing his Father's death, to Kochanski.
He had not been, his real Father (Lister had had, no idea, who his real
Father, had been, whatsoever...), but he had, only been, six years old,
at the time, and he had had, no idea, that he had, been adopted. And, it
had been, a gloriously hot day, when his Father, had died, during the
Summer. And, the six year old Lister, had been, given Toys and Presents,
by everybody concerned...
And, it had been, even better, than Christmas, for the little Cherub!
And Lister, had remembered, wishing and hoping, at the time, that a few
more people, would die, so that, he could, complete, his Lego Set!
And Kochanski, had held, his hand, and she had listened, to Lister's
"My Grandmother, had tried, to explain. She said, he'd gone away, and
that, he was never coming back. So I had wanted, to know where, and she
had told me, that he was very happy, and that, he had gone to the same
place, as my Goldfish". And Lister had toyed, with his plaited locks.
And Lister, had continued - "I thought, they'd flushed him, down the
bog! I used to stand, with my head, down the loo, and talk to him. I had
thought, that he was, just around, the U-bend. In the end, they had to
take me, to a Child Psychologist, because they found me, with my head,
down the pan, reading him, the Football scores!".
It had never struck Lister, as being, all that funny. But when
Kochanski, had started, roaring with laughter, he had started laughing,
as well. It had been, like a Geyser, going off. And something, had been
exorcised. And, as they had lain, in the crumb-laden bed sheets, wrapped
in each others arms, giggling like idiots. And, even though, they had
only been, dating one another, for three and a half short weeks, Lister,
had been, more than certain, than he had, ever known, anything in his
life before, that they, would be together, forever and ever...
And now, that a completely knackered up, Lister has met up, with a very
disorientated Kryten, and an utterly shattered Cat, and who are, all now
fully aware, of exactly just what, is their position, with Holly, in the
Science Room, with regard, to their present situation, on the Dwarf,
where their route, back to Earth, is concerned. Will they have the
misfortune, to encounter, the evil Gelf's, of unknown origins, that had
been, in residence, on the Dwarf, about two hundred years previously,
before they can even reach, the icy Blue Moon (which will take them, the
best part of a week, to reach!), that they have got to orbit, for the
best part of a week, before they can even set off, for their brand new
destination: The Andromeda Galaxy, is concerned? They could not be, that
unlucky, could they?! Surely not?!
And, now that we are also fully aware, of what has happened, where
Rimmer's whereabouts, are concerned. Will Holly be able to resolve, the
problem, that is affecting his Light Bee, where restoring him, is
concerned, over the next forty eight hours, if she wants to restore him,
that is?!
And, will Lister be able, to give poor Kryten, the re-charging time of
ten hours, via his maxi-recharging unit, in his Sleeping quarters, that
is absolutely essential, to enable him, to perform his duties,
adequately and sufficiently enough, on the Dwarf, one hundred percent,
before the Cat gets his hands, on him, to clean his Sleeping quarters
out, before he can get around, to getting the Skutters, to do all, of
the repairs, that are absolutely necessary, to the roof, of the
corridor, and clean up, the corridor, by Lister and Rimmer's Sleeping
quarters, as well, as sprucing up, Lister and Rimmer's Sleeping quarters?!
And now, that we have discovered, that our perky pal, Talkie Toaster,
has finally stopped functioning, after keeping Holly company, for the
best part of four hundred and four years, will Kryten, ever be able to
repair him, after he is up and running, again?! Or do we really want,
Talkie Toaster, up and running again, especially if he is going, to make
constant demands, of the Boyz of the Dwarf, to eat, a lot of bread
related products, in the near future?!
And now, that Lister, has finally managed, to get a good nights sleep,
just exactly, what the Bloody Hell, is the significance, and exact
relevance, of all of the dreams, that he is having, with regard, to all
of the women, that he had ever been with, over the years, especially
with regard, to Lister's ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates, who had suddenly,
become Rimmer's ex-girlfriend, albeit, only on a temporary basis (and in
quite, some very suspicious circumstances, indeed, especially, via sheer
irresponsible, and well-meant, Cherubic and Seraphic mischief,
especially, where Lister and the Cat, had been concerned!), and the
Black Box, that had been located, on the Planet's Moon, where they had
originally celebrated, Rimmer's: Deathday?! And, come to think of it,
just exactly, what have the connections, with Rimmer's short-lived: Long
Lost Love interest: Yvonne McGruder, and the late Dr Hildegarde
Lanstrom, at the Scientific Research Centre, on the barren planet, and
the Luck and the Sexual Magnetism viruses, have got to do, with all of
And more recently, just exactly, why is Lister dreaming, all about, his
long-lost ex-girlfriend: Kristine Kochanski, and just exactly, what is,
all, of the relevance, where their former history, is concerned, with
regard, to a completely knackered up, Lister who, has met up, with a
very disorientated Kryten, and an utterly shattered Cat, and who are,
all now fully aware, of exactly just what, is their position, with
Holly, in the Science Room, with regard, to their present situation, on
the Dwarf, where their route, back to Earth, is concerned. Will they
have the misfortune, to encounter, the evil Gelf's, of unknown origins,
that had been, in residence, on the Dwarf, about two hundred years
previously, before they can even reach, the icy Blue Moon (which will
take them, the best part of a week, to reach!), that they have got to
orbit, for the best part of a week, before they can even set off, for
their brand new destination: The Andromeda Galaxy, is concerned? They
could not be, that unlucky, could they?! Surely not?!
And is there a possibility, that Lister, will not come to blows, with
the Cat, before they set off, for Earth, once again?!
And exactly, just what, is the significance of the long silver space
ship, especially, where the radio signal, and those two large silver
coffins, are concerned?!
Find out all this and more, in the next exciting instalment of:
The Alternative Red Dwarf!
My new version of the Alternative Red Dwarf, which is actually set, on
the Dwarf, is now available, for viewing, or downloading, at:
If you would like to go directly on to my Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf
Website, the Web Reference is:
Now available, on my Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Website:
A Review of Red Dwarf VIII Filmed Live, at Shepperton
Studios of the 4th of December 1998!
Some new Red Dwarf Web Links, on my Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Links
Website, which includes, Web Links, to:
Red Dwarf - The Official Website.
The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club Website (UK, Eire and Europe).
The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club Website (U.S.A, Australia and
New Zealand).
The Craig Charles Funk and Soul MySpace Website.
My Unofficial Craig Charles Website.
My Unofficial Captain Butler Website.
The Danny John-Jules MySpace Website
The CBBC MI High Website.
The CBeebies Story Makers Website
The Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website.
The Hideout (A Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website)
Kryten's Homepage.
The Unofficial Chloe Annett, and The Unofficial Clare Grogan Websites.
My Unofficial Emile Charles Website.
The Inquisitor Red Dwarf Fanzine, and The Inquisitor Red Dwarf Website.
My Xanadu Red Dwarf Discussion and Fan Fiction Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
Future Red Dwarf Projects.
The Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Favourite Episode Guide Website, has
recently, been updated!
The Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Fact File Website.
A Review of the Film: Xanadu, and the Lyrics for the Theme, of the Film:
Xanadu by Olivia Newton-John!
A Review of the Red Dwarf VII Extended Episodes: Tikka To Ride, and
Ouroboros, and Duct Soup, and Possible unedited material, for Red Dwarf
VII, plus a Review of Can't Smeg, Won't Smeg, and The Tenth Anniversary
Red Dwarf Smeg Ups, and Red Dwarf Universe Challenge, and The Children
in Need Sketch.
The Explanation For The Time Drive in Transporting The Red Dwarf Posse,
back to Earth in Tikka to Ride: Episode I: Red Dwarf VII), as well as,
The Heady Medieval Atmosphere of 15th Century Space!
A Review of the Red Dwarf VIII Episodes: Back in the Red I to III!
Recently added, to my Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Website:
A Review of Red Dwarf VII
by Marie Birch and Kevin Blake, and An Additional Review of Red Dwarf
VII by Marie Birch!
Red Dwarf: Back to Earth News!
Red Dwarf X News!
Red Dwarf XI News!
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Craig
Charles Websites, the Web References, are:
Recently added, to my Unofficial Craig Charles Websites:
The ITV Coronation Street Website.
The Lloyd Mullaney (Coronation Street Character) Profile Website.
A Craig Charles Funk and Soul Page Website.
The Craig Charles Career Profile Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The Craig Charles Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The Smegaround: Smeg Around - Just A Place To Smeg Around Yahoo! Groups
Message Board.
The Street (Coronation Street) Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The BBC Radio 6 Music Website.
A Profile of Craig Charles' Work For BBC Radio 6 Music! Plus Some Very
Important BBC Radio 6 Music Information!
The BBC Radio 6 Music Extra Information Website.
Craig Charles', very short Tribute, to the former: BBC North and BBC
North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters.
A Weblink, for the brand new: MediaCityUK Studos Complex, where the
brand new: BBC Radio 6 Music Station Headquarters, at The BBC North and
BBC North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters, Dock House,
Salford, Greater Manchester, which is situated, at the brand new:
MediaCityUK Studios Complex, which is based, at The Greenhouse, Salford
Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester.
Information, with regard, to Her Royal Highness: Princess Anne: The
Princess Royal, opening The Blue Peter Garden, at the BBC North and BBC
North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters, Dock House, Salford,
Greater Manchester, which is situated, at the brand new: MediaCityUK
Studios Complex, which is based, at The Greenhouse, Salford Quays,
Salford, Greater Manchester.
Information, with regard, to Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II,
opening the BBC Studios, and unveiling the plaque, at the Open Centre,
at the BBC North and BBC North West Studios: BBC Manchester
Headquarters, Dock House, Salford, Greater Manchester, which is
situated, at the brand new: MediaCityUK Studios Complex, which is based,
at The Greenhouse, Salford Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester, and with
regard, to Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, who also started, the
BBC Sport Relief Mile, for six hundred participants, from the Quayside,
at the MediaCityUK Complex. And more information, with regard, to Her
Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, along with his Royal Highness: Prince
Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, opening the Royal Manchester Children's
Hospital, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, and Saint Mary's Hospital, and
a new wing, at Manchester Royal Infirmary, in Manchester, Greater
Manchester, and with regard, to the Royal couple, attending a Lunch, at
Manchester Town Hall, hosted by the Lord Mayor of Manchester, and Her
Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, meeting Newlyweds: John and Frances
Canning, of Prestwich, Greater Manchester. And, more information, with
regard, to Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, viewing a Jubilee
Garden, unveiled in Albert Square, in her honour, which has, as its
Centrepiece, an enormous "Throne", sculpted from a fallen beech tree,
from Wythenshaw Park.
Craig Charles: Former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club and the Former:
Craig Charles Online Website.
The Funky Bunker and Weapons of Mass Distraction Website.
A Craig Charles: Back From Hell: Red Dwarf VII (September 1996) Interview.
Craig Charles: Autobiography Information.
My Unoffical Craig Charles Websites: Web Pages, which have recently,
been updated:
My Craig Charles Career Profile Website: Plus an Interview With Craig
Charles From Cult TV Magazine, has recently, been updated.
My Craig Charles Poetry Website, has recently, been updated.
My Craig Charles Mini-Biography, has recently, been updated.
Craig Charles, being a Presenter, of The Craig Charles Funk and Soul
Show, at the BBC Radio 6 Music Station, has recently, been updated.
Craig Charles: Coronation Street (Craig, has starred, as Lloyd Mullaney,
on Coronation Street), has recently, been updated.
Craig Charles, being a Former Presenter, on Robot Wars, has recently,
been updated.
Craig Charles: Former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and the Former:
Craig Charles Online Website, have recently, been updated.
A Craig Charles and Suzanne Rhatigan Profile, has recently, been updated.
Craig Charles: Author, has recently, been updated.
Craig Charles: Autobiography News, has recently, been updated.
And finally, I have set up a brand new: Section, on my Unofficial Craig
Charles Website, which is dedicated, to Additional Websites Devoted To
Craig Charles, which is basically dedicated, to some Message Boards,
that have been set up, as a Tribute, for Craig, over the years. And, one
of those Message Boards, in question, I had originally set up, for
Craig, all by myself!
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Captain Butler
Website, the Web Reference is:
Recently added, to my Unofficial Captain Butler Website:
A Web Link has been set up, for the Captain Pugwash Website, and The
Captain Butler Maritime and Non-Maritime Incidents Website, informs you,
all about, The Mary Celeste Mystery and just exactly, how old,
Admiral Horatio Nelson, was, when he lost his arm!
The Captain Butler Good and Evil Pirates Website, informs you, about,
all, that you need to know, about, Blackbeard, and the Renowned:
Legitimate Pirate: Sir Francis Drake!
And my Captain Butler Fan Fiction: On The Goodship Lady Captain, has
recently been updated!
I was, and I still am, a very devoted Fan of the Late Actor: Barry
Evans, who starred, in the Doctor Series, and Mind Your Language, and
not to mention, the Films: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush, Die
Screaming Marianne, The Adventures of a Taxi Driver, and Under The
Doctor. And Barry, had also, appeared, alongside, the Late Actor and
Comedian: Dick Emery, in the 1982: BBC Comedy Series: Emery: Legacy of
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Barry Evans
Website, the Web Reference is:
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Doctor Series
Website, the Web Reference is:
I am also, in the process, of working, on a Review, of the very First
Episode, of the Doctor Series: Why Do You Want To Be A Doctor?, and a
Review, of Doctor In The House: Those Wonderful TV Times Review, which
had featured, the very First Episode, of the Doctor Series: Why Do You
Want To Be A Doctor?
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Mind Your
Language Website, the Web Reference is:
I am also, in the process, of working, on a Review, of the very First
Episode, of Mind Your Language: The First Lesson.
Recently added to my Unofficial Barry Evans Website:
A Barry Evans Career Profile Website.
The Barry Evans Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The Under The Doctor: aka: The Way You Smile (1976) Review Website.
Recently added to my Unofficial Doctor Series Website:
The Doctor In The House Episode Guide Website.
The Doctor On The Go Episode Guide Website.
And, the Doctor Series Episode Guide and Cast List, has finally, been
updated, with the Episode Guide and Cast List, for Doctor at the Top!
With regard, to my Episode Reviews, of The Doctor Series, and Mind Your
Language, I am afraid, that they are incomplete, at this point in time,
which is due, to time constraints. But they are available, for viewing,
or downloading, via the appropriate Websites, above, and they will
always be, permanently available, for that purpose! And when, my Episode
Reviews, of The Doctor Series, and Mind Your Language, are
complete, it will be my intention, to notify, the various Newsgroups,
to whom, they have been posted to!
But in the meantime however, I sincerely apologise, for any delays,
caused, with regard, to my not, sorting out, my Episode Reviews, of The
Doctor Series, and Mind Your Language. And my special thanks, do go out,
to everybody concerned, on the alt.comedy.british newsgroup, who are
interested, in my Unofficial Barry Evans Website, and my Doctor Series
Website, and my Mind Your Language Website, anyway! And, it is always
nice to know, that there, is more, than enough interest, to make it,
more than, worth my while, to keep, my Unofficial Barry Evans Website,
and my Doctor Series Website, and my Mind Your Language Website, going!
Thank you!
And, at this point in time, I have set up, some Episode Guide Websites,
via my Unofficial Doctor Series Website, which so far, have covered, the
very First Series, of Doctor In The House, and for, every single,
Episode, of Doctor On The Go, which are not, as nearly, as time
consuming, to set up, and sort out, as my Reviews, of every single,
Episode, of the Doctor Series, anyhow!
And therefore, I sincerely hope, that for all Fans, of the Doctor
Series, and Mind Your Language, then at the very least, I have always,
got something, with regard, to my Episode Guides of Doctor In The House
and Doctor On The Go, and Mind Your Language (I have not, actually got
around, to sorting out, an Episode Guide, for Mind Your Language, at
this point in time!), which I really, do feel, will definitely, give
all, of the Fans, of the Doctor Series, and Mind Your Language,
something, to keep, them going, for quite, a long time, where my
Unofficial Doctor Series Website, and my Mind Your Language Website (I
have not, actually got around, to sorting out, an Episode Guide, for
Mind Your Language, at this point in time!), are concerned, anyhow!
More recently, on my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic British
Comedy Website, you may be interested, to know, that, there are also,
Web Links, set up, for my Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men
Website, and my Unofficial Men From The Ministry Website.
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Maid Marian and
Her Merry Men Website, the Web Reference is:
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Men From The
Ministy Website, the Web Reference is:
And, for those of you who are interested, in my Lynne Guy's General
Information and Classic British Comedy Websites, the Web References, are:
On my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic British Comedy
Websites, you will find, Web Links, set up for:
Our Astronomy Website.
The Jess Picture Gallery and Information Website.
The Cats Protection League Headquarters Website.
The Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website.
The College Of Adult Education in Wolverhampton Website.
The I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again Website.
The Unofficial Men From The Ministry Website
Wildlife Park Kirkcudbright Website.
Kevin Blake's: Puzlebox Hobbies and Puzzlebox Business Websites.
The Official Website Of The British Monarchy.
Recently added, to my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic
British Comedy Website, you can find a Website, which informs you, all
about me: Marie Birch!
Recently added, to my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic
British Comedy Websites:
A Message of Sympathy for the Families of the Victims and the
Firefighters, who lost their lives, via the attacks, on The World Trade
Centre and The Pentagon, in the United States of America.
That's All For Now, Folks!
Marie Birch
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