unread,Jan 18, 2018, 9:01:15 AM1/18/18You do not have permission to delete messages in this group
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How’s about some food for thought..
Try being a decent human being and act like a genuine man with a set of balls and dignity. You’re such a desperate loser that preys on vulnerable young girls. You give them compliments, take them to dinners and romantic weekends buying them gifts and painting portraits of them (wtf u weirdo!). This strokes you’re pathetic little ego whilst you announce to the world that you’re gods gift to women and all chicks want u when it couldn’t be anymore from the truth. In fact they feel sorry for you and laugh at how you think you are gonna win them over they tell everyone in the meantime how sad you are to think that there was even the slightest of possiblities not only are you hideously ugly with you’re ridiculous bug like eyes, the way u flirt and cheat on your missus makes u think that you’re honestly a kind loving deserving human being u sent her to rehab coz she couldn’t take u no more then u cheat on her while she’s there needing you’re support—- the best bit is she cheats on you in the end and gosh that’s her fault she’s a bitch?? Yeah right u messed up fool, u fucked things up when u sexted your ‘Pal’ every night of the week while u masterbated. U fucked her up and you’re daughter that u “love” so much u had to move an hours drive away from. What fucked up delusional wanker are u?? U never had her, you’re an odd extremely unfortunate looking cunt with no morals and persistently lies to make yourself look like the rich generous amazing incredible boyfriend material you think u are what a bloody joke! You’re a shit bloke and absolute bleeping joke.
Fuck off sparky xx