Some time later, via the Red Dwarf Corridor, that is situated, outside
Lister and the Cat's Sleeping quarters, Lister had heard, some of his
Rasatabilly Skank Music (which I really do feel, is probably, a mild
cross, between Blues and Acid House Music), which had been played by
Rimmer, for a change. And Rimmer, had still been convinced, at that
point, in time, that he had been, living his life, just like Lister!
And, with that, Lister had jumped in the air, with extreme excitement,
for Rimmer, because he was so happy, that Rimmer, had had some supposed
happiness, in his life, even though, it had been a complete and utter
lie, of course (well, what would one expect, where Dave Lister, is
concerned?!)! And Lister, had clicked his heels, and he had walked into
the Sleeping Quarters, to see Rimmer, dancing to the music.
"You're in a good mood!" Lister had stated. "Why not Listy? When Life's
so good?!" Rimmer had answered him, and with that, he had made, an A-OK
sign, and he had also snapped his fingers.
And somehow, one way, or another, it had definitely looked like, that
Rimmer, had seemed, to have changed, somewhat. He had seemed, far more
normal, and a great deal, more confident, and a lot less, like the
Rimmer, that everybody, in the whole Red Dwarf Universe, that everybody
had thought, and still think, they had seemed to know, when all had been
said and done! And, Rimmer's shirt had been, all crumpled and
unbuttoned, and he had also seemed, far more relaxed and confident, when
it had actually come down to it, at the end of the day!
And while, Lister had opened a beer, which had spluttered, all over the
place, which could not be helped, being the Working Class Hero, that he
is! Lister had asked Rimmer - "Why is Life so good?". And while lying,
on his bunk, Rimmer had answered him - You wouldn't understand, Lister,
you've never been in love!". And Lister, had answered him back - "I
have!". And Rimmer, had answered him back - "Oh, not real love, Lister,
not like I have! Not fireworks-in-the-sky-from-here-to-eternity,
rolling-naked-on-the-beach kind of love! Not like me and Lise! And
Lister, had also asked Rimmer, in a very evasive manner, which had been,
quite obvious, to anybody, but Arnold Rimmer, when it had actually come
down to it, at the end of the day! "So, who's Lise?" And, he had smiled,
just like, the endearing, little Cherub, that he is! Which Rimmer, could
not see, for the Life of him!
And Rimmer, had answered him back - "Never you mind, Lister! Someone who
was absolutely nuts about me, that's all you need to know!". "Fine, if
you want to keep it to yourself!" Lister had answerd him, in his usual
cherubic and seraphic manner! "All I'm saying is, from now on call me
"Tiger!" Rimmer had growled back, at him.
And, that had been, totally unlike, the Rimmer, that we all Love and
Hate, when all had been said and done!
"An old girlfriend, was she? 'Tiger!'", Lister had answered him back, in
a somewhat, rather hopeful manner, now that Rimmer, had suddenly
appeared, to be, quite contented, with his life, in what, he had
actually felt, had been, his worthless life, during his lifespan, as a
human being, and during his deathspan, as a Hologram, ever!, which had
probably, been the only time, in his life, in what, he had actually
felt, had been, his worthless life, during his lifespan, as a human
being, and during his deathspan, as a Hologram, ever!, that he had
actually, felt quite satisfied, with what, he had achieved, where
falling in love, had been concerned, in what, he had actually felt, had
been, his worthless life, during his lifespan, as a human being, and
during his deathspan, as a Hologram, ever!
Even though, it had most, definitely been, a lie, of course! Which had
definitely been: Courtesy of complete and utter cherubic and seraphic
mischief, on Dave Lister's part! God Bless The Little Cherub! And, he
certainly does need, Blessing, when it actually comes down to it, at the
end of the day!
And with that, Rimmer, had suddenly started, pacing around, the Sleeping
Quarters - "What a crazy, crazy year that was! The first three months I
was at Saturn Tech doing a maintenance course. Then for absolutely no
reason I suddenly moved to Liverpool! I drank too much, I smoked too
much, I became a total slob! I met Lise, of course. I even started to
eat my own toenail clippings!".
And, if you were to look, very closely, behind Rimmer, Lister had been
seen, eating his own toenail clippings, as Rimmer, had continued, to
explain, to him, about his non-existent Love, for Lister's
ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates! But that said, however, Rimmer, had not,
seemed, to notice, Lister eating his own toenail clippings, at that
point, in time, even though, it had definitely, showed Lister up, for
the real slob, that he actually is, which Rimmer, had seemed, to think,
that he had been, at that point in time!
And Rimmer, had carried on, informing Lister - "My tastes in music
radically changed. I stopped adoring Mantovani and got into Rastabilly
Skank! Crazy!". And Lister's response, to that, had been - "Well, you
know, you were in love. You go a bit crazy!". And Rimmer, had continued
informing Lister - "It was weird. I was absolutely nuts about her, but I
started to treat her really badly". "No you didn't!" Lister had
insisted, on defending himself, which Rimmer had not seemed, all that
concerned about, at that point, in time! "I did! I started to give her
some wishy washy twaddle about not wanting to get tied down". Lister had
continued, to get his point, across, to Rimmer - "But you were young!
You didn't want to settle down! You wanted to bum around and have a
laugh!". And Rimmer, had seemed to think, that there was something, not
right about, all of this, and he had stated, to Lister - "But I hate
bumming around and having a laugh!". And Lister, had actually found
himself, defending Rimmer - "But that's what you're like when you're
young!". Unfortunately however, Rimmer could just not help, having his
doubts, about the former Love of his life: Lise Yates - "But I wasn't
like that when I was young, so why did I say those things?". "But, I
mean, she wanted you to have a career!!!". And Lister, had Spat, out the
word: Career, in complete and utter disgust, because Lister had really
hated: Career People, at the time, when all had been said and done! And,
come to think of it, Lister still does, really hate: Career People, at
the present time, when all is said and done!
And, it had suddenly, brought it all back, to Lister, just exactly why,
he had split up, with Lise Yates, in the first place! Especially, as she
had been, that little bit too demanding, with regard, to Lister, where
his lack of Career Choices, had been concerned. And, been the wife, of a
Supermarket Trolley Attendant, at Sainsburys Megamarket, Liverpool,
Merseyside, on the Good Old Planet Earth, which had been built, on the
site of the Old Anglican Cathedral, had definitely not, been something,
that Lise, had been prepared, to settle for, for the rest of her life,
as easily, as all that!, when all had been said and done!
And, I daresay, with regard, to Lister, being stuck, in Deep Space, with
a Hologram, a Cat and a Computer, and a Mechanoid, for the best part of
three million years, may have had, something to do with him,
putting it to the back of his mind, with regard, to just exactly why, he
had split up, with Lise Yates, in the first place! Especially, as she
had been, that little bit too demanding, with regard, to Lister, where
his lack of Career Choices, had been concerned. And, been the wife, of a
Supermarket Trolley Attendant, at Sainsburys Megamarket, Liverpool,
Merseyside, on the Good Old Planet Earth, which had been built, on the
site of the Old Anglican Cathedral, had definitely not, been something,
that Lise, had been prepared, to settle for, for the rest of her life,
as easily, as all that!, when all had been said and done!
Unfortunately however, at that point in time, however, Rimmer had not,
been prepared, to give up, with regard, to where his feelings, had been
concerned, which had been, all about, his non-existent Love, for
Lister's ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates - "That's what I'd always dreamt of,
so why did I finish it with her?". And Lister's response, to that, had
been - "Because, you wanted to play the field!".
And with that, Rimmer had suddenly, recalled his fake memories, with
regard, to his time, with his non-existent Love, for Lister's
ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates, in a rather wistful manner - That's right. I
told her I wanted to play the field! I told her that?! I must have been
mad! She was great and she thought I was great!" And Lister, had looked
at Rimmer, rather strangely - "Yeah, man, you're right! You were mad!".
And Rimmer's dedicated response, to that, had been - "She was a lover
and a friend!". "And beautiful!", had been Lister's response. And
Rimmer, had also carried on - "Gorgeous!".
And Lister, had also insisted, on carrying on - "Great sense of
humour!". "Terrific!", had been Rimmer's reply. "The sex was fantastic!"
Lister, had stated, in sheer excitement, somewhat, suddenly forgetting
himself, for the time being - "Amazing sex!" Rimmer had answered him
back, also in excitement - "Brilliant sex!" Lister had continued. "Oh,
Primo Dynamite sex!".
And now, that Rimmer, who had been reminiscing, where his sexual
excitement, of Lise Yates, had been concerned, now seemed, to be
reflecting on, Lister's reminiscing, where his former sexual excitement,
of his ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates, had been concerned, when it had
actually come down to it, at the end of the day!
And Lister, had seemed, to be getting, way out of control, at that point
in time, and he had ended up, rolling around on his bunk, like the
little devil, that he is! And Lister had carried on - "Fantastic sex!
Stupendous sex!". And suddenly, Rimmer had appeared, to be, rather
shocked, at the way, that Lister, had been carrying on, with regard, to
his lusting, over his ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates, had been concerned,
when all had been said and done! Or so, he had thought, anyhow!
Rimmer had suddenly, yelled at him, to control himself - "Lister!".
Lister had continued - "The way she used to-- Oh...". (And I shudder, to
think, what that had meant, by the way, that she had used to...?! Well I
won't ask! Marie Birch)
And, in a rather shocked manner, somewhat, Rimmer had suddenly exclaimed
- "Lister!". "Oh, sex! Brilliant sex!" Lister had carried on exclaiming.
And, Rimmer had asked Lister, in quite, a surprised manner - "Lister!
How do you know?!". And finally, Lister had answered Rimmer's question,
with complete and utter cherubic and seraphich innocence - "I'm just
having a guess!".
Meanwhile, back on Blue Midget...
We come out of flashback. The Boyz from The Dwarf, could be seen,
watching the Black Box Recording.
And Rimmer, could be heard, via the Black Box recording - "Kindly don't!
No one will ever know how beautiful the relationship between me and Lise
Yates was!".
And outside of the Black Box recording, Rimmer had stated - "How could
you do this to me? It's the most heartbreakingly tragic thing, it's ever
been my misfortune to witness! "Popcorn?", a heartless Cat, had offered
some Popcorn, to Rimmer, as if they had been watching, the latest Movie
Release, at the Cinema, on the Dwarf! And Rimmer, had kindly declined,
the Cat's offer of some Popcorn, but Lister, had taken some Popcorn, off
him, all the same!
And, seeing Rimmer, suffer via Lister's gesture, via giving him, all of
his memories, of his ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates, courtesy of the Black
Box Recording, had just been entertainment, to the Cat, who did not
know, any better, really! But that said, however, Lister should have
known better, and that, had proved, without a doubt, that he is a
complete and utter disgrace, to his species!
Lister had suddenly felt a touch of guilt, coming on, and he did his
level best, to molify Rimmer - "Look, I'm sorry, man! I mean, obviously
I thought I was doing you a favour!".
At that point in time, Holly had suddenly appeared, on Blue Midget's
Monitor), and he had stated - "What's all this got to do with jigsaws,
broken legs, and Godzilla-size footprints, eh? And with that, Lister,
had shaken his head, in sheer bewilderment...
And now, that a completely knackered up, Lister has met up, with a very
disorientated Kryten, and an utterly shattered Cat, and who are, all now
fully aware, of exactly just what, is their position, with Holly, in the
Science Room, with regard, to their present situation, on the Dwarf,
where their route, back to Earth, is concerned. Will they have the
misfortune, to encounter, the evil Gelf's, of unknown origins, that had
been, in residence, on the Dwarf, about two hundred years previously,
before they can even reach, the ice Blue Moon (which will take them, the
best part of a week, to reach!), that they have got to orbit, for the
best part of a week, before they can even set off, for their brand new
destination: The Andromeda Galaxy, is concerned? They could not be, that
unlucky, could they?! Surely not?!
And, now that we are also fully aware, of what has happened, where
Rimmer's whereabouts, are concerned. Will Holly be able to resolve, the
problem, that is affecting his Light Bee, where restoring him, is
concerned, over the next forty eight hours, if she wants to restore him,
that is?!
And, will Lister be able, to give poor Kryten, the re-charging time of
ten hours, via his maxi-recharging unit, in his Sleeping quarters, that
is absolutely essential, to enable him, to perform his duties,
adequately and sufficiently enough, on the Dwarf, one hundred percent,
before the Cat gets his hands, on him, to clean his Sleeping quarters
out, before he can get around, to getting the Skutters, to do all, of
the repairs, that are absolutely necessary, to the roof, of the
corridor, and clean up, the corridor, by Lister and Rimmer's Sleeping
quarters, as well, as sprucing up, Lister and Rimmer's Sleeping quarters?!
And now, that we have discovered, that our perky pal, Talkie Toaster,
has finally stopped functioning, after keeping Holly company, for the
best part of four hundred and four years, will Kryten, ever be able to
repair him, after he is up and running, again?! Or do we really want,
Talkie Toaster, up and running again, especially if he is going, to make
constant demands, of the Boyz of the Dwarf, to eat, a lot of bread
related products, in the near future?!
And now, that Lister, has finally managed, to get a good nights sleep,
just exactly, what the Bloody Hell, is the significance, and relevance
of the dreams, that he is having, about all of the women, that he had
ever been with, over the years, especially with regard, to Lister's
ex-girlfriend: Lise Yates, who had suddenly, become Rimmer's
ex-girlfriend, albeit, only on a temporary basis (and in quite, some
very suspicious circumstances, indeed, especially, via sheer
irresponsible, and well-meant, Cherubic and Seraphic mischief,
especially, where Lister and the Cat, had been concerned!), and the
Black Box, that had been located, on the Planet's Moon, where they had
originally celebrated, Rimmer's: Deathday?! And, come to think of it,
just exactly, what have the connections, with Rimmer's short-lived: Long
Lost Love interest: Yvonne McGruder, and the late Dr Hildegard Lanstrom,
at the Scientific Research Centre, on the barren planet, and the Luck
and the Sexual Magnetism viruses, have got to do, with all of this?!
And is there a possibility, that Lister, will not come to blows, with
the Cat, before they set off, for Earth, once again?!
And exactly, just what, is the significance of the long silver space
ship, especially, where the radio signal, and those two large silver
coffins, are concerned?!
Find out all this and more, in the next exciting instalment of:
The Alternative Red Dwarf!
My new version of the Alternative Red Dwarf, which is actually set, on
the Dwarf, is now available, for viewing, or downloading, at:
If you would like to go directly on to my Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf
Website, the Web Reference is:
Now available on my Unofficial Xanadu Red Dwarf Website.
A review of Red Dwarf VIII filmed live at Shepperton
Studios of the 4th of December 1998!
Some new Red Dwarf links on the Xanadu Red Dwarf Links
Website, which includes links to:
Red Dwarf The Official Website.
The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club Website (UK, Eire and Europe).
The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club Website (U.S.A, Australia and
New Zealand).
The Craig Charles Funk and Soul MySpace Website.
The Unofficial Craig Charles Website.
The Unofficial Captain Butler Website.
The Danny John-Jules MySpace Website
The BBC CBBC MI High Website
The BBC CBeebies Story Makers Website
The Hideout (A Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website)
Kryten's Homepage.
The Unofficial Chloe Annett and The Unofficial Clare Grogan Websites.
The Unofficial Emile Charles Website.
The Inquisitor Red Dwarf Group and The Inquisitor Red Dwarf Website.
The Xanadu Red Dwarf Discussion and Fan Fiction Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The Xanadu Red Dwarf Discussion and Fan Fiction Microsoft Windows:
Live: SkyDrive Group Message Board.
And on the Xanadu Red Dwarf Website, itself, are:
Future Red Dwarf Projects.
The Xanadu Red Dwarf Favourite Episode Guide
has recently, been updated!
The Xanadu Red Dwarf Fact File Website.
A review of the film: Xanadu, and the lyrics for the
theme song: Xanadu by Olivia Newton-John!
A review of the Red Dwarf VII Extended episodes:
Tikka To Ride/Ouroboros/Duct Soup/Possible
unedited material for Red Dwarf VII, plus a review
of Can't Smeg, Won't Smeg/The Tenth Anniversary
Smeg Ups/Universe Challenge and The Children In
Need sketch.
The Explanation For The Time Drive in Transporting
The Red Dwarf Posse Back To Earth in Tikka To Ride:
(Episode I, Red Dwarf VII), as well as, The Heady
Medieval Atmosphere of 15th Century Space!
A review of the Red Dwarf VIII episodes: Back
In The Red I to III!
Recently added to Xanadu: A Review of Red Dwarf VII
by Marie Birch and Kevin Blake, and An Additional Review
of Red Dwarf VII by Marie Birch!
Red Dwarf: Back To Earth News!
Red Dwarf X News!
Red Dwarf XI News!
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Craig
Charles Websites, the Web References, are:
Recently added to my Unofficial Craig Charles Websites:
The ITV Coronation Street Website.
The Lloyd Mullaney (Coronation Street Character) Profile Website.
A Craig Charles Funk and Soul Page Website.
The Craig Charles Career Profile Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The Craig Charles Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The Smegaround: Smeg Around - Just A Place To Smeg Around Yahoo! Groups
Message Board.
The Street (Coronation Street) Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The BBC 6 Music Website.
A Profile of Craig Charles' Work For BBC 6 Music! Plus Some Very
Important BBC 6 Music Information!
The BBC 6 Music Extra Information Website.
Craig Charles', very short Tribute, to the former: BBC North and BBC
North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters.
A Weblink, for the brand new: MediaCityUK Studos Complex, where the
brand new: BBC 6 Music Radio Station Headquarters, at The BBC North and
BBC North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters, Dock House,
Salford, Greater Manchester, which is situated, at the brand new:
MediaCityUK Studios Complex, which is based, at The Greenhouse, Salford
Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester.
Information, with regard, to Her Royal Highness: Princess Anne: The
Princess Royal, opening The Blue Peter Garden, at the BBC North and BBC
North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters, Dock House, Salford,
Greater Manchester, which is situated, at the brand new: MediaCityUK
Studios Complex, which is based, at The Greenhouse, Salford Quays,
Salford, Greater Manchester.
Information, with regard, to Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II,
opening the BBC Studios, and unveiling the plaque, at the Open Centre,
at the BBC North and BBC North West Studios: BBC Manchester
Headquarters, Dock House, Salford, Greater Manchester, which is
situated, at the brand new: MediaCityUK Studios Complex, which is based,
at The Greenhouse, Salford Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester, and with
regard, to Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, who also started, the
BBC Sport Relief Mile, for six hundred participants, from the Quayside,
at the MediaCityUK Complex. And more information, with regard, to Her
Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, along with his Royal Highness: Prince
Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, opening the Royal Manchester Children's
Hospital, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, and Saint Mary's Hospital, and
a new wing, at Manchester Royal Infirmary, in Manchester, Greater
Manchester, and with regard, to the Royal couple, attending a Lunch, at
Manchester Town Hall, hosted by the Lord Mayor of Manchester, and Her
Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, meeting Newlyweds: John and Frances
Canning, of Prestwich, Greater Manchester. And, more information, with
regard, to Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth The II, viewing a Jubilee
Garden, unveiled in Albert Square, in her honour, which has, as its
Centrepiece, an enormous "Throne", sculpted from a fallen beech tree,
from Wythenshaw Park.
Craig Charles: Former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club and the Former:
Craig Charles Online Website.
The Funky Bunker and Weapons of Mass Distraction Website.
A Craig Charles: Back From Hell: Red Dwarf VII (September 1996) Interview.
Craig Charles: Autobiography Information.
My Unoffical Craig Charles Websites: Web Pages, which have recently been
My Craig Charles Career Profile Website: Plus an Interview With Craig
Charles From Cult TV Magazine, has recently been updated.
My Craig Charles Poetry Website, has recently been updated.
My Craig Charles Mini-Biography, has recently been updated.
Craig Charles, being a Presenter, of The Craig Charles Funk and Soul
Show, at the BBC 6 Music Radio Station, has recently been updated. Craig
Charles: Coronation Street (Craig, has starred, as Lloyd Mullaney, on
Coronation Street), has recently been updated.
Craig Charles, being a former Presenter, on Robot Wars, has recently
been updated.
Craig Charles: Former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and the Former:
Craig Charles Online Website, have recently been updated.
A Craig Charles and Suzanne Rhatigan Profile, has recently been updated.
Craig Charles: Author, has recently been updated.
Craig Charles: Autobiography News, has recently been updated.
And finally, I have set up a brand new: Section, on my Unofficial Craig
Charles Website, which is dedicated, to Additional Websites Devoted To
Craig Charles, which is basically dedicated, to some Message Boards,
that have been set up, as a Tribute, for Craig, over the years. And, one
of those Message Boards, in question, I had originally set up, for
Craig, all by myself!
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Captain Butler
Website, the Web Reference is:
Recently added to my Unofficial Captain Butler Website:
A link has been set up, for the Captain Pugwash
Website/The Captain Butler Maritime and
Non-Maritime Incidents Website, informs you, all about,
The Mary Celeste Mystery and just exactly, how old,
Admiral Horatio Nelson, was, when he lost his arm!
The Captain Butler Good and Evil Pirates Website,
informs you, about, all, that you need to know, about,
Blackbeard, and the renowned legitimate Pirate:
Sir Francis Drake!
And my Captain Butler Fan Fiction: On The Goodship
Lady Captain has recently been updated!
I was, and I still am, a very devoted Fan of the Late Actor:
Barry Evans, who starred, in the Doctor series, and Mind
Your Language, and not to mention, the films: Here We Go
Round The Mulberry Bush, Die Screaming Marianne, The Adventures
of a Taxi Driver, and Under The Doctor. And Barry, had also
appeared, alongside, the late Actor and Comedian: Dick Emery,
in the 1982: BBC Comedy Series: Emery: A Legacy of Murder.
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Barry
Evans Website, the Web Reference is:
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Doctor
Series Website, the Web Reference is:
I am also in the process of working on a review, of the very First
Episode of the Doctor Series: Why Do You Want To Be A Doctor?, and a
review, of Doctor In The House: Those Wonderful TV Times Review, which
had featured, the very First Episode of the Doctor Series: Why Do You
Want To Be A Doctor?
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Mind Your
Language Website, the Web Reference is:
I am also in the process of working on a review of the very
first episode of Mind Your Language: The First Lesson.
Recently added to my Unofficial Barry Evans Website:
A Barry Evans Career Profile Website.
The Barry Evans Yahoo! Groups Message Board.
The Under The Doctor: aka: The Way You Smile (1976) Review Website.
Recently added to my Unofficial Doctor Series Website:
The Doctor In The House Episode Guide Website.
The Doctor On The Go Episode Guide Website.
And, the Doctor Series Episode Guide and Cast List, has finally, been
updated, with the Episode Guide and Cast List for Doctor At The Top!
With regard, to my Episode Reviews, of The Doctor Series, and Mind Your
Language, I am afraid, that they are incomplete, at this point in time,
which is due, to time constraints. But they are available, for viewing
or downloading, via the appropriate Websites, above, and they will
always be, permanently available, for this purpose! And when, my Episode
Reviews, of The Doctor Series, and Mind Your Language, are
complete, it will be my intention, to notify, the various newsgroups,
to whom, they have been posted to!
But in the meantime however, I sincerely apologise, for any delays,
caused, with regard, to my not sorting out, my Episode Reviews, of The
Doctor Series, and Mind Your Language. And my special thanks, do go out,
to everybody concerned, on the alt.comedy.british newsgroup, who are
interested, in my Unofficial Barry Evans/Doctor Series and Mind Your
Language Website's, anyway! And, it is always nice to know, that there
is more, than enough interest, to make it, more than worth my while, to
keep, my Unofficial Barry Evans/Doctor Series and Mind Your Language
Website's, going, thank you!
And, at this point in time, I have set up, some Episode Guide Websites,
via my Unofficial Doctor Series Website, which so far, have covered, the
very First Series of Doctor In The House, and for, every single episode
of Doctor On The Go, which are not, as nearly, as time consuming, to set
up, and sort out, as my reviews, of every single episode of the Doctor
Series, anyhow!
And therefore, I sincerely hope, that for all fans, of the Doctor
Series, and Mind Your Language, then at the very least, I have always,
got something, with regard, to my Episode Guides of Doctor In The House
and Doctor On The Go, and Mind Your Language (I have not, actually got
around, to sorting out, an Episode Guide For Mind Your Language, at this
point in time!), which I really do feel, will definitely, give all fans,
of the Doctor Series, and Mind Your Language, something, to keep them
going, for quite, a long time, where my Unofficial Doctor Series, and my
Mind Your Language Websites (I have not, actually got around, to sorting
out, an Episode Guide For Mind Your Language, at this point in time!),
are concerned, anyhow!
More recently, on my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic British
Comedy Website, you may be interested, to know, that, there are also Web
Links set up, for my Unofficial Men From The Ministry Website, and my
Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website, and for The Men From
The Ministry Website.
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Maid Marian and
Her Merry Men Website, the Web Reference is:
For those of you, who are interested, in my Unofficial Men From The
Ministy Website, the Web Reference is:
And, for those of you who are interested, in my Lynne Guy's General
Information and Classic British Comedy Websites, the Web References are:
On my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic British Comedy
Websites, you will find links set up for:
Our Astronomy Website.
The Jess Picture Gallery and Information Website.
The Cats Protection League Headquarters Website.
The Unofficial Maid Marian and Her Merry Men Website.
The College Of Adult Education in Wolverhampton Website.
The I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again Website.
The Unofficial Men From The Ministry Website
Wildlife Park Kirkcudbright Website.
Kevin Blake's: Puzlebox Hobbies and Puzzlebox Business Websites.
The Official Website Of The British Monarchy.
Recently added, to my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic
British Comedy Website, you can find a Website, which informs you all
about me: Marie Birch!
Recently added, to my Lynne Guy's General Information and Classic
British Comedy Websites.
A Message of Sympathy for the Families of the Victims and the
Firefighters, who lost their lives, via the attacks, on The World Trade
Centre and The Pentagon, in the United States of America.
That's All For Now, Folks!
Marie Birch
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