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Halo Jones: Book IV ?

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Celine Barimen

Feb 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/18/96
Years ago, I found a tiny ad in an issue of 2000AD advertising `The Ballad
of Halo Jones: Book 4 - Pirate Queen'. At the time, I was, naturally,
overjoyed at the prospects of that wonderful story continuing. However.

What I want to know is: were there ever plans for HJ Book 4? Or were the
pblishers just being hopeful? I think Moore had just stopped writing for
2000AD at about the time the ad appeared (sorry I can't narrow it down
further than that).

My collection of old progs isn't complete, and nobody else I know bothered
to read the ads like I used to, so they don't remember if they ever saw
the ad (just one more tiny bit of self-promotion between stories).

The secondary title `Pirate Queen' stuck in my memory, and it was
definitely Ian Gibson's artwork in the promo. There was no other
information in the ad, and it seemed to be with a bunch of other Titan

Thanks in advance to whoever thinks I didn't imagine the whole thing in a
fit of wishful thinking, and may actually be able to enlighten me.


Stewart Nolan

Feb 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/23/96

I do remember the advertising, although the information that I took in from
it was that Halo Jones was to span 9 books in total.
After that it just disappeared. Maybe that's when Swamp Thing or Watchmen
started, tying Alan Moore to DC, and effectively shelving Halo Jones.


Rick Gillyon

Feb 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/25/96
On 23 Feb 1996 10:52:16 GMT, Stewart Nolan <>

> (Celine Barimen) writes:
>> Years ago, I found a tiny ad in an issue of 2000AD advertising `The Ballad
>> of Halo Jones: Book 4 - Pirate Queen'. At the time, I was, naturally,
>> overjoyed at the prospects of that wonderful story continuing. However.

>> Thanks in advance to whoever thinks I didn't imagine the whole thing in a
>> fit of wishful thinking, and may actually be able to enlighten me.

>I do remember the advertising, although the information that I took in from
>it was that Halo Jones was to span 9 books in total.
>After that it just disappeared. Maybe that's when Swamp Thing or Watchmen
>started, tying Alan Moore to DC, and effectively shelving Halo Jones.

David Seagrave posted an excerpt from an interview with the godlike
Moore, done just after Book 3 ISTR. In it Moore said that there were
no immediate plans for further HJ, but if he and Gibson felt like it
they might do it at some point. As you say, Moore seemed to have a
falling-out with Tharg just after this.

I never saw the advert, and I'm glad I didn't. I would have been
*even more* p**sed off at its non-appearance. But if such an advert
appeared, it either contradicts the above interview or Tharg was going
to get someone else to write it. God forbid.

Or Moore forbid, same thing... :)
| Rick Gillyon <*> |

Kevin Maroney

Feb 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/25/96
In article <4gk690$>,

Stewart Nolan <> wrote:
>I do remember the advertising, although the information that I took in from
>it was that Halo Jones was to span 9 books in total.
>After that it just disappeared. Maybe that's when Swamp Thing or Watchmen
>started, tying Alan Moore to DC, and effectively shelving Halo Jones.

Moore siad in his interview in Arkensword that HJ was supposed to span 10
volumes, each (after the one-year gap between 1&2) set ten years after
the previous, with a storytelling arc like a straight-line rocket out of
the ring of Earth.

One of the great lost comics. I'd pay good money to see it completed.

--Kevin Maroney

Kevin Maroney | | Proud to be a Maroney | Proud to be a Yonker


Feb 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/29/96
Kevin Maroney ( wrote:
: In article <4gk690$>,

: Stewart Nolan <> wrote:
: >I do remember the advertising, although the information that I took in from
: >it was that Halo Jones was to span 9 books in total.
: >After that it just disappeared. Maybe that's when Swamp Thing or Watchmen
: >started, tying Alan Moore to DC, and effectively shelving Halo Jones.

: Moore siad in his interview in Arkensword that HJ was supposed to span 10
: volumes, each (after the one-year gap between 1&2) set ten years after
: the previous, with a storytelling arc like a straight-line rocket out of
: the ring of Earth.

: One of the great lost comics. I'd pay good money to see it completed.

: --Kevin Maroney

Definately !! One of the few 2000ad books I never get sick of rereading.

Does anyone think if we jump up and down enough Tharg will crack a whip
on some poor droid and get the story continued ??



Feb 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/29/96
In article <> "kelvin" writes:

> begin 644 halo.txt
> M26%N($=I8G-
> M;F<@=VE
> M9',@
> M;

*sigh* What was the point of that? There is *absolutely* no need
to encode an ASCII file. In fact, doing so increases the size of
the post. It also make it harder to read; particularly for those
who must save the article, then run a decoder on it, then load the
decoded file into an editor to read it. Please, do not do it
again. If this is the only way that you know how to post to Usenet,
then please refrain from posting until you have learned how to use
your software.

Whose motorcycle is this?

David Otton

Mar 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/2/96

> Definately !! One of the few 2000ad books I never get sick of rereading.

> Does anyone think if we jump up and down enough Tharg will crack a whip
> on some poor droid and get the story continued ??

FWIW, I think that Halo Jones is a complete story, as is. It certainly
stands up well against most of the competition.

More books would, I think, have watered it down, whoever wrote them.
Hand it over to another writer? <shudder>.


Awakened by the sunlight
Victimised by last night


Mar 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/24/96
Colonel X <GOG...@MUSIC.CC.UGA.EDU> wrote:

>(Or brought back Indigo Prime, or forced Milligan at gunpoint to
>write more Bix Bartons, or given us that promised Canon Fodder after
>about 3 years...)
Canon Fodder is back now. It started a couple of weeks ago.
Womble BTSSB - You know it makes sense!
"This is a job for ...

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