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Dec 14, 2023, 1:20:23 PM12/14/23
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 12:58:23 -0700, "J Young" <>

>Did anybody see him get egged? He just ignored it like it didn't happen. I
>think he should have made an example out of one of his potential
>constituents and ripped somebody's arm off. Or declared war on Oregon or
>"The VoltairianT/Black JesterT/The Absent MindT/Riley BittermanT"
>wrote in message news:ZsE5b.63$
>> X-Body
>> What's with Arnold Schwartzenegger's suddon limo complex over fucken
>> I think all politicians should be on the hot seat without any scripted
>> and questions provided before the debate. Is this how he conducts
>> Because either way it's not reflecting on him well. A good leader can
>handle a
>> little improvisation.
>> A bit of a cry baby, I'd say.
>> X-Sigfile
>> Docta Gov. Admr. Count Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday; PhGT/D
>> Aka The Pyromaniac of Madison County.
>> Writer, Humorist [The Absent Mind], and everything else under the moon.
>> [Also said to be a multi-trilionare businessman and Navy SEAL]
>> Vancouver, Neo Sumer/Olympia, Washington/Who knows where else...
>> The Official Black Jester Website:
>> My Ego Times:
>> R-LPoV aka C.R.E.E.D.
>> Dictionary:
>> Jim Akwei Vs. NSA; Ft Meade, MA:
>> Item Store:
>> 3rd Party Central
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> "In revenge and in love. woman is more barbarous than
>> man.". - Dr. F. Nietzsche
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "As you have the power, sir, to do some service to letters, I implore
>> you not to clip the wings of our writers so closely, nor turn into
>> barndoor fowls those who, allowed a start, might become eagles;
>> reasonable liberty permits the mind to soar--slavery makes it creep."
>> -- Voltaire [A Letter To A First Commissioner]
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> A: Yes, yes. There is a natural law, and it does not consist
>> either in doing harm to others or in rejoicing thereat. -- [FMA]
>> Voltaire; Phil. Dict. -- Natural Law.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> An itinerant bookseller does not burden himself with a Virgil,
>> with a Horace, but with a new book, even though it be
>> detestible. He draws a you aside and says to you: "Sir, do
>> you want some books from Holland?" [FMA] Voltaire; Phil.
>> Dict. -- New Novelties (Trends and Fads to Prechew).
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Chance is a word void of meaning, nothing happens without a
>> cause." -- Voltaire; Phil. Dict. -- Chance
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Cool, like popular, is a word that is often associated with
>> self betrayal." -- Gölök Buday, 2003 aka The Absent Mind
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "One should stat clear of comparing one self to others to feel like
>> scum, one should compare themselves to what they could be or
>> what they were for that; the same could be said about feeling
>> good about one self." -- Gölök Buday, 2003 aka The Absent Mind
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "When the poison's pusher uses the poison, you can be sure
>> he has and has used the antidote." -- Gölök Buday, 2003
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his
>> enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes
>> a precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work
>> and then gets elected and proves it. -P.J. O'Rourke
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "There may not be an 'I' in team, but there is an 'I' in Libertarian
>> (in fact 2)" -- Gölök Buday, April of 2002
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "...I would have wished that no one in the state that could claim
>> he was above the law, and that no one from outside the state could
>> dictate a law [Fuck the UN] that the state was obliged to recognize.
>> For regardless of how the government is formally constituted, if
>> there is a single man not subject to the law, all the others are
>> necessarily at that man' mercy." -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau;
>> To The Republic Of Geneva: Discourse On Inequality.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "...It follows that if in such a fortunate situation it (the country/
>> state) would have nothing to fear but itself, and if citizens were
>> trained in arms, it would be more for maintaining that soldiery
>> spirit and noble courage that are so well suited for freedom and
>> cultivate the taste for it rather than from the necessity for it's
>> citizens' actual defence. -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau;
>> To The Republic Of Geneva: Discourse On Inequality.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Freedom can only exist if all laws apply to all people." --
>> Jean-Jacques Rousseau; possible paraphrase.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Think, it's not illegal yet." -- George Clinton
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "A Press That Is Not Free Isn't A Press At All" -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "A Government, Of All Things, Is To Be Questioned And
>> Inspected" -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "At The Very Least, Insanity Isn't Unsanitary" -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "it is an abomination for a person's tax dollars to be used to
>> further a faith to which he does not subscribe. You want to
>> pray, go to church. Nobody's objecting." -- Thomas Jefferson
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "I am the first Prime Minister of this country of neither
>> altogether English nor French origin. So I determined to bring
>> about a Canadian citizenship that knew no hyphenated
>> consideration." - Prime Minister Diefenbaker, March 29,
>> 1958, Maclean's.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "We shall never build the nation which our potential resources
>> make possible by dividing ourselves into Anglophones,
>> Francophones, multiculturalphones, or whatever kind of
>> phoneys you choose. I say: Americans, first, last, and always!"
>> - Gölök Buday, Purposely misquoting the Chiefs Quote For
>> His Own Agenda (2002).
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong."
>> - Prime Minister Diefenbaker, March 11, 1958
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "As long as there is a drop of blood in my body they won't
>> stop me from talking about freedom." - Prime Minister
>> Diefenbaker, June 3, 1962, Sudbury, Ontario.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Freedom includes the right to say what others may object
>> to and resent... The essence of citizenship is to be tolerant of
>> strong and provocative words." - Prime Minister Diefenbaker,
>> April 9, 1970, House of Commons.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "I Am A Surrealists" -- What Salvador Dali Said When
>> Asked Why He Didn't Belong To The Surrealists (this may
>> be true, regarding why actors tend not to belong to the
>> Group of Actors and Libertarians don't always belong to the
>> Libertarian Party.)
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "I prefer to go to church, not have church come to me."
>> -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "It's almost as if he [Bill Clinton] spent 8 years pissing all over
>> the presidency and on his last day went, 'oh! missed a spot."
>> -- Lewis Black on Rich Pardon, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Honesty Makes An Opinion Important, Dishonesty Makes
>> It Irrelevant (unimportant even)" -- Gölök Buday; 2002
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "An Opinion, Like An Axe, Is Only As Good As The Person
>> Who Wields It." -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "The Value Of A Comment Derives From The Honesty Of The
>> Orator And/Or Writer." -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "The Height Of Genius Is The Ability To Conceal It." --
>> George Bernard Shaw
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Brevity is the soul of wit." -- William Shakespeare (hard to
>> believe, I know.).
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "There Is A Difference Between Community Involvement and
>> Being Involved (Or A Part Of) In A Community." -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> We trained hard but it seemed that every time we were
>> beginning to form into teams, we would be reorganized. I was
>> to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by
>> reorganizing. And what a wonderful method it can be for
>> creating the illusion of progress while producing inefficiency,
>> confusion and demoralization. -- Gaius Petronius Arbiter,
>> 1st century AD; Satyricon.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "If You Have A Lawsuit, Your Goods, Your Honor, Your Very
>> Life Depends On The Very Interpretation Of A Book You Never
>> Read." -- Francois "Voltaire" Marie Arouet; Phil. Dictionary.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "The Suppression Of A Word Is What Gives It Power." --
>> Lenny Bruce.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Window Peepers, Authoritarians In General, Tend To Be The
>> Biggest Scoundrels." -- Gölök Buday
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Sometimes, It's Not A Good Idea To Listen For, But A Good
>> Question." -- Gölök Buday.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Small Government's A Start" -- Gölök Buday.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Funny how diversity is ok unless it's of opinion or philosophical."
>> -- Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday; On "Divisive Opinions
>> and Issues;" December 2nd, 2002.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "I rather have one competant employee, than a million incompetent
>> ones, one competent something than a million incompetent
>> something; and criminality counts as incompetance in business as
>> well." -- Gölök Z. L. F. Buday
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> PS I am not, nor have been, known as Grant Buday
>> PPS Not Che from
>> ?
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>> Closet LibertarianT, Black MagusT, Bible ThumperT, Blow LoadT,
>> The VoltairianT, Black JesterT, Riley BittermanT, Pyromaniac of
>> Madison Country and any other origional works are trademarks of
>> Gölök Buday and all Constitutional and Intellectual Rights Are Reserved.
>> 203 Lines As Opposed To 1300 Lines on Sig File.


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