"For Duty and Humanity!"
I thought it was Moe's voice when I was a kid, but now I know better......I,
too, often wondered why he didn't use his own voice....when the Stooges made
those Christmas songs and other dittys with Curly Joe, Moe sometimes sang alone
and it sounded pretty good and that was in his senior years!!
This has perplexed me why his own voice was never used.......when the other
voices were harmonizing after that first verse, was it them? How about Curly?
Was that his voice?
"Curly's A Dope!"
Actually, post-dubbed vocals of that era always sounded a tad "unnatural" --
maybe something to do with the technical process at the time being somwhat
primitive by our standards.
Years ago, I worked part-time at a Domino's Pizza where the manager and 3 or
4 of us employees were all Stooges fans. Sometimes when we would be getting
slammed with orders, the manager would suddenly launch into "The Alphabet
Song" and we would all join in, getting louder and sillier with each verse.
If someone had walked in, it would have been quite a sight -- all these guys
spinning pizza dough, manning the ovens, and boxing pizzas, all laughing
like idiots and singing (very off-key) "B-ay-bay, B-ee-bee...." etc. <g>
Moe: "You can't open a little file drawer, how did you get so stupid?!"
Larry: "I got a charge account ! What's your excuse?!!"
Ray Greenberg wrote:
> Moe sang "My Love, My All" in "Woman Haters" as a tenor; I thought he
> sounded pretty good, too!
> Ray G.
> Curly: "Well, it was like this, Judgee--"
> Lawyer: "Please address the court as 'Your Honor'!
> Curly: "Well, it was like this, My Honor--"
> Lawyer: "YOUR Honor, not MY Honor!!"
> Curly: "Why? Don't ya like him?"
> --The Three Stooges "Disorder in the Court" (1936)
>Moe was a baritone which is much lower than a tenor and lower than an alto. Bass
>(almost always men) is lower than a baritone, it's as low as you can get as far as
>singing goes. Like Moe in the "Alphabet Song" if I try to sing higher out of my
>register it sounds odd and sometimes strained.
Moe sang "My Love, My All" in "Woman Haters" as a tenor; I thought he
"You're um-day in ANY language!"
Moe: " You have sullied the fair name of the great sovereign state of, CLAP!
CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! Texas!! "
Are you kidding? Was that really Vernon talking back and singing with the boys
in that one?
"Hey, ain't those choppers done yet?"
You can view the Flash animation here:
follow the link to "Gettin About"
"Ken Roberts" <ken...@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
So, now I know:
Name of song: Swingin' The Alphabet
Film: Violent is the Word for Curly
Director: Charley Chase
Script: Charley Chase and Elwood Ullman
So all I need to know now is... who owns the copyright??? And how do I find
(oops, using girlfriends account)
"Girlskamog" <Girls...@btinternet.com> wrote in message