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Was George Carlin murdered too? --just like Tim Russert was.

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Jun 25, 2008, 5:54:40 PM6/25/08
Lunatics are beginning to blame Hillary Clinton for the death of Tim
Russert. It's a red flag when lunatics begin to blame suspicious death
on the "Clintonistas" because it means the fix is in. The death of
George Carlin, who was also a target of self-righteous lunatics,
should have raised its own flag, but we like to accept what we are

The publicized cause of George Carlin's death -heart failure is a
generic term -it describes the "cause" of every death -even if the
fragile old man was smothered to death with a pillow, it would be
called "heart failure". "Oh nurse, Dr. Death is checking Carlin's

Carlin's death is suspicious because he was under assault by the the
likes of right wing fanatics like O'reilly, who violently blasted
Carlin for suggesting that the United States is responsible for 9/11.
(in fact, Carlin merely said 'you reap what you sow') God Help Carlin
if he dared to expres his own opinion.

After Carlin died, self absorbed O'Reilly dug up an old clip from an
interview in 2001 showing him confronting Carlin about using "the F
word" because good folks that Oreilly thinks he represents are
supposed to be above this vulgarity.

Is this anti-Carlin hostility responsible for "heart failure"? -just
in time to deny him the spotlight as the recipient of the Mark Twain
award. Carlin will be the first Posthumous Award recipient of the
Prestigious Kennedy Center Honor, and the hostility of his worthless
critics speaks for itself.


Jun 25, 2008, 6:09:51 PM6/25/08

Ehhh don't worry about it, when Tim Russert interviews Vince Foster,
they'll put two and two together.


Jun 25, 2008, 6:30:47 PM6/25/08
> -Bozo-- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

and come up with five!

Dr. Strangemonde

Jul 28, 2008, 10:07:10 PM7/28/08
On Jun 25, 12:54 pm, tobetbaa <> wrote:
> The publicized cause of George Carlin's death -heart failure is a
> generic term.

> Is this anti-Carlin hostility responsible for "heart failure"?

If this was true, they would've killed Bill Hicks years ago...

Hmmm... wait a minute...

- Dr S

Oct 17, 2014, 10:14:14 PM10/17/14
To me it seems obvious, they silenced him because he would not
shut up about how bad that things have gotten in America.
He kept telling us all along, "I have no stake in it,
I am just a spectator" but they still shut him up.
The man had the immune system of a buffalo so I don't
buy the story that his health gave out. He would have
lived to be a hundred easy. It is good to see that other
folks out there do not just roll over and believe whatever
they are told to believe.

Frank J. Lhota

Oct 18, 2014, 8:46:29 PM10/18/14
So let me get this straight: the theory that a man who suffered the
ravages of multiple drug additions, three previous heart attacks, and an
arrhythmia, would die of a heart attack at 71 is just too incredible to
believe. What is easier to believe is that a weapon that would cause
someone to die of heart attack would be invented by Bill O'Reilly, long
before anyone whose expertise is actually in weapons development, and
that O'Reilly's used this weapon only on this one stand-up comic, and
never used it on his more politically powerful enemies.

Frankly, the plot to the anime series "Death Note" is more credible that
this conspiracy theory.

"All things extant in this world,
Gods of Heaven, gods of Earth,
Let everything be as it should be;
Thus shall it be!"
- Magical chant from "Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi"

"Drizzle, Drazzle, Drozzle, Drome,
Time for this one to come home!"
- Mr. Wizard from "Tooter Turtle"

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Frank J. Lhota

Oct 19, 2014, 12:55:12 AM10/19/14
On 10/18/2014 4:46 PM, Frank J. Lhota wrote:
> So let me get this straight: the theory that a man who suffered the
> ravages of multiple drug additions, three previous heart attacks, and an
> arrhythmia, would die of a heart attack at 71 is just too incredible to
> believe. What is easier to believe is that a weapon that would cause
> someone to die of heart attack would be invented by Bill O'Reilly, long
> before anyone whose expertise is actually in weapons development, and
> that O'Reilly's used this weapon only on this one stand-up comic, and
> never used it on his more politically powerful enemies.
> Frankly, the plot to the anime series "Death Note" is more credible that
> this conspiracy theory.

My apologies, I should not have ended that post with the assertion that
the anime series "Death Note" has a more credible story than the George
Carlin murder mystery. I should have used this opportunity to bring this
thread back on topic by comparing the Carlin conspiracy to the
conspiracy to fix the Darwin versus Huxley game.

Pete The Upstart

Oct 25, 2014, 9:32:43 PM10/25/14
I don't know about George Carlin, but Mrs. Teasdale's husband was definitely murdered.
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