Session Start: Thu Aug 22 20:10:00 2002
Session Ident: #firesign
*** Now talking in #firesign
*** Topic is '"Hippies Made to Keep Assholes" Random Japanese Engrish '
*** Set by Regnad_Kcin on Wed Aug 21 20:38:53
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o kend^
*** Retrieving #firesign info...
*** Joins: Comrade_Yamamoto (
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<Comrade_Yamamoto> herro?
*** Joins: Dexter_Fong (
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<Dexter_Fong> Thank you Chan serv
*** Dexter_Fong is now known as DEXLogging
<Comrade_Yamamoto> Good old number one son
<DEXLogging> Hi MY...gonna be afk until I finish dinner...see you later
*** DEXLogging is now known as DexAFKLogging
<Comrade_Yamamoto> okay
*** Joins: Bubbas_Brain (
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Bubbas_Brain
<Bubbas_Brain> Hello all, Nick, Ken, Comrade.
<Comrade_Yamamoto> hello
<Bubbas_Brain> Ah, Tovarisch!
<Comrade_Yamamoto> Da
<Bubbas_Brain> Am surfing and job searching. I'll be in and out.
<Comrade_Yamamoto> okay
<Comrade_Yamamoto> Am I the onnly one who has a job :)
<Bubbas_Brain> I got one --- I just don't want it.
<Comrade_Yamamoto> heh
<Comrade_Yamamoto> whad do you do?
<Bubbas_Brain> I am an audio engineer, specifically a "mastering
engineer" -- which means that I take recordings and make them sound
better, plus tape transfers and such for a CD and Cassette plant.
However, I am working on a carreer change into computer programming.
<kend^> do? grasshoppah, do not strive "to do". instead, just "be"
<Comrade_Yamamoto> okay
<Bubbas_Brain> to do is to be
<kend^> good evenin', dear friends
<Bubbas_Brain> to be is to do
<Bubbas_Brain> do be do be do --- Sinatra
<kend^> "The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are
right sometimes." - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
<kend^> you wanna quote war? i've got hundreds :)
<Bubbas_Brain> Naw. I don't have my Bartlett's
<kend^> they make a great pear
<Bubbas_Brain> and a fine apple....
*** DocTechnical [~
doc...@] is on IRC
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<kend^> the doctor's in the house!
<Bubbas_Brain> Herr, Doktor!
<DocTechnical> wow, i got past the identd problem ...
<DocTechnical> if i get bounced at some point, it may be a little while
before i am able to reconnect
<kend^> one ogre down, troll competition is next....
<DocTechnical> evenin' all
<DocTechnical> troll bridge - pay troll
<Comrade_Yamamoto> Trolls? Gimme2
<Comrade_Yamamoto> DT
<kend^> then comes the famous dwarf tossing
<DocTechnical> you are in a maze of twisted passages, all different
<Bubbas_Brain> Are you trolling for comments?
<DocTechnical> you are in a twisted maze of passages, all different
<Bubbas_Brain> Go North.
<kend^> north to alaska?
<DocTechnical> nah, just showing my age (there are all lines from the
old text 'adventure' game)
<Bubbas_Brain> Look
<DocTechnical> collosal cave, ya know...
<DocTechnical> Listen
<Bubbas_Brain> East.
<DocTechnical> take keys
<DocTechnical> drink water
<kend^> i've seen those caves, damn near fell in one
<DocTechnical> up
<Bubbas_Brain> You have a one eye'd snake in your trousers.
<kend^> how did you know? you have one of those x10 cameras hidden here?
<DocTechnical> so who all here has heard the latest firesighn npr bit?
<kend^> oh yes, tom, heard it live. i do want a duck plucker with rubber
fingers :)
<Bubbas_Brain> Didn't hear the bit, but heard the uproar about it on
letters tonight.
<DocTechnical> no
<kend^> uproar? one pro, one con.
<DocTechnical> i guess i'll pop into
<kend^> i wish they had given the ratio though
<DocTechnical> (i thought it was a fantastic bit though, caught it on my
way home from work in the car, lmao)
<kend^> dt: letters read on the air, npr, not on the ng unless i'm
behind the 8ball there
<kend^> i loved it, mr. anthrax, er, ashcroft
* Bubbas_Brain travels to the NPR site to see if he can find the bit.
<DocTechnical> b_b: ok, so what was the upshot re npr letter-writers?
<DocTechnical> thumbs up, down, or stuck in arse?
<kend^> dt: one guy said that they were unpatriotic in so many words.
the other one said they were still as surreal as ever
<kend^> we don't know the total ratio though, just 1-1 on letters
<kend^> i have trouble thinking that conservatives/republicans listen to
npr anyway, so i discount the anti-fst letter
<Bubbas_Brain><kend^> i wrote a nice note to npr thanking them, telling that this was
one of the reasons i pledged $$ to them, the high quality programming
they present
<DocTechnical> loved the reappearance of mutt 'n' smutt
<kend^> so many blasts from the past in that short time
<DocTechnical> (Ashcroft:) Say Cheese... (Caller:) Limbaugh?
<kend^> i think i heard "elmer" twice
<kend^> oh yeah, the weed-seeker missile (or something like that) for
the pot-paranoid
<DocTechnical> well it really sounded like the guys were firing on all
4or5 cylinders on this one... what a trest
<DocTechnical> er, treat
<DocTechnical> (what *is* a trest anyway?)
<kend^> "trick or trest"
<Comrade_Yamamoto> brb
*** Parts: Comrade_Yamamoto (
<kend^> anyone except me wasting time watching "big brother"?
<DocTechnical> nope - no tv in basement (yet, anyway ... i may get an
ancient one connected down here soon)
<kend^> csi not on tonight, f***ing football. i'm NOT a sports fan
<DocTechnical> i'm a fair weather sports fan... if the weather's fair, i
might watch a minute or two
<DocTechnical> but that's about it
<kend^> i try to think i'm above the competitive spirit, but put me at
the table with 3 other people playing spades or hearts, and my evil
streak surfaces
*** Quits: Bubbas_Brain ( ) ( )
<kend^> speaking of evil, the net-split monster just ate bubba
<DocTechnical> oh dear
*** Joins: Comrade_Yamamoto (
<kend^> i've wondered at times about the programming involved in dalnet.
it's a balancing act to make sure no one server is overloaded
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Comrade_Yamamoto
<kend^> wb, commie-rat
<kend^> er, comrade
<Comrade_Yamamoto> da
<kend^> i remember that song: "da, a deer, a female deer..."
<DocTechnical> dear me
<kend^> remember, no additives!
<kend^> but i can't say that about me, ate chinese buffet for lunch, i'm
sure i'm full of msg now
*** Joins: Bubbas_Brain (
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Bubbas_Brain
<kend^> wb, B_B, i see you survived the split
<DocTechnical> ah, he's back
<Bubbas_Brain> Ah, I thought people were just being quiet.
<kend^> you were in parallel universe for a while
<DocTechnical> "/msg kend^" ... hmmm....
<Bubbas_Brain> Last I knew someone was asking about Big Brother....
<kend^> it's one of my vices
<kend^> all those young women running around in bikinis, gets my sap
rising in the old trunk
<Bubbas_Brain> Isn't Big Brother supposed to be watching you? Now
you're watching Big Brother.
<DocTechnical> k^: i hear ya there
<kend^> if they are watching me, then they are bored most of the time
<kend^> but then, 1984 was 18 years ago (or is it really now?)
*** Joins: uhmeow (
<uhmeow> hey all
<kend^> hi cat
*** kend^ sets mode: +o uhmeow
<Comrade_Yamamoto> cat
<Bubbas_Brain> Hey cat!
<DocTechnical> hey cat
*** DexAFKLogging is now known as Dexter_Fong
<kend^> howdy, dex
<Dexter_Fong> Evening all
<Comrade_Yamamoto> hello again
<DocTechnical> yo dex
<Dexter_Fong> Nick_Danger = Regnad?
<kend^> a/k/a
<DocTechnical> reggie naddy
<Dexter_Fong> Oii! 11 seconds to DT
<kend^> but i'm not sure he's here. with always-on cable, he could be in
<uhmeow> i just put the firesign npr thing on
<Dexter_Fong> Cat: How can you be in 2 places at once?
<uhmeow> common sense and a dash of surrealism
<uhmeow> htis is anthrax, uh,ashcroft
<uhmeow> crystal meth rode. 36 years of drug jokes And Counting!
<kend^> he's a disease, for sure
[Dexter_Fong PING]
<DocTechnical> achoo
<Dexter_Fong> Coming achoo in quarts and shorts
<uhmeow> it reminds me of the april fools stuff
<kend^> april fools snuff makes you "achoo" too
<DocTechnical> shirts?
<Dexter_Fong> Annie Golden?
<Bubbas_Brain> and skins?
<DocTechnical> (s)mutt
<Dexter_Fong> Doc: 2 of my favorite chars
<uhmeow> blind, just like the govt.
<uhmeow> they won't quit
<uhmeow> put it on our bill, quack, quack
<Dexter_Fong> "We're cutting down the National Forest so it won't burn"
<DocTechnical> just like the govt
<kend^> dex: that's not fst, that's straight from tonight's news
<kend^> of course, surreal has a picture of dubya next to it in the
<Dexter_Fong> Kend^: I know =))
<DocTechnical> forrest sawyer?
<DocTechnical> sawer!
<Comrade_Yamamoto> Forrest Gump?
<Dexter_Fong> DT: Sawyer works too =)
<uhmeow> tom sawyer in the forrest?
<uhmeow> painting it all green
<Dexter_Fong> With Becky on a cross-cut
<kend^> was that rush from canada that did "tom sawyer" years ago? i forget
<DocTechnical> yes, he did!
<DocTechnical> ...with helen shaver
<uhmeow> not that i know of
<uhmeow> helen shaves?
<kend^> what does helen shave?
<kend^> sorry, guttermind here
<Dexter_Fong> Helen could shave a fortune if she shopped at Great
Satan's Village
<uhmeow> the smile that launched a thousand ships can now launch 2,000!
<Dexter_Fong> See paris and die
<uhmeow> in opposite directions
<uhmeow> ulysesees, what has happened to your nose?
<kend^> i want to see paris before i die. i fear that after i die it
would be boring
<uhmeow> i'll be ab le to answer that in december
<Dexter_Fong> "I was shaving and something went wrong"
<uhmeow> yeah kend, go to paris. most beautiful place i've ever seen. YET.
<uhmeow> andspeaking of beautiful places, just got plane tickets for
Saskatchewan for mid-Sept.
<kend^> if i had to tour europe knowing only one foreign language, i
think it would be french.
<Dexter_Fong> Cat: Is Saskatchewan in Italy?
<uhmeow> Fumiyo and I will be making a flick there that week, so I won't
be on IRC Sept. 19th.
<kend^> just east of naples
<uhmeow> I'll be in Yorkton that night, actually.
*** Quits: Comrade_Yamamoto ( ) (Quit: Jüting )
<uhmeow> No, we goto Rome the following week
<uhmeow> kend, french is useful.
<Dexter_Fong> Jet setting with the Cat
<DocTechnical> rome if you want to - rome around the world -
<uhmeow> that may be The Plan
<kend^> cat, i hope you are going to take many pictures and share with us
<uhmeow> with my digital camera, it'll be easy to do.
<kend^> you taking laptop so you can download and don't have to stop at
30 of them?
<kend^> or do you have the mavica-cd?
<uhmeow> not this trip. trying to travel light
<uhmeow> what's that?
<kend^> sony digicam puts pics directly on mini-cdr
<uhmeow> i might be able to upload some stuff from friend['s place in
Geneva but we won't be there til Oct. 27th
<Dexter_Fong> Has 'em developed by tiny technicians
<uhmeow> dont crush that technician, hand me his joint
<kend^> i saw robin williams on letterman this week, promoting his "one
hour photo" movie
<DocTechnical> it's amazing how they can outrun a spinning cd...
<kend^> looks like a real "dark" picture
<Dexter_Fong> Under developed?
<DocTechnical> fuzzy, out of focus... ?
<kend^> definitely not a comedy, from the clip i saw
<DocTechnical> ... and what of s1m0ne?
<uhmeow> robin is exploring his dark side these days
<uhmeow> maybe he ran out of jokes
<kend^> al pacino, looks good also. so many movies, and i so rarely see one
<uhmeow> used em all up
<DocTechnical> yeah - re "insomnia"
<kend^> no, cat, he was funny as hell in the pre-clip interview
<uhmeow> really?
<kend^> if he's not legally insane, he's so close you can't tell the
<uhmeow> that was said of the firesign in the 60s
<uhmeow> As a Compliment!
<uhmeow> they were not amused
<DocTechnical> hbo ran his "live on broadway" standup show earlier this
month as i recall (or was it late last month?) ...
<uhmeow> hence the title of their worst album to that point in time,
"Not Insane"
<kend^> alas, i don't do hbo
<Dexter_Fong> Hobo TV, for you....the homeless
<DocTechnical> could "not insane" be thought of as their contractual
obligation record?
<kend^> an interesting though experiment: list the worst fst albums/cds
<Dexter_Fong> I believe so Doc
<kend^> but we don't want to be negative here, do we?
<Dexter_Fong> Positively not
<uhmeow> what, no scottish fire fans this week?
<kend^> dex: i had a friend who invariably said "posilutely, absitively"
<DocTechnical> no, but we are always talking about the albums we like -
cat here is the only participant here i can recall who has ever voiced
any criticism of their past work
<uhmeow> indeed on contractual, doc
<kend^> i think you're the only ferriner here this week (so far)
<uhmeow> but then so is bride of firesign
<DocTechnical> i know he doesn't like "lawyer's hostpial" (pointed this
out many times)
<uhmeow> i'm a ferriner here Every week
<uhmeow> will be a delight to be a permanent ferriner in europe
<Dexter_Fong> Feringe
<DocTechnical> ferriner and hives?
<uhmeow> i loathe lawyer's hospital. next world too, though enjoyed the
<uhmeow> that's beaut
<Dexter_Fong> Lol DT
<DocTechnical> so what was it about lawyer's hospital that turned you
off so?
<uhmeow> it was Boring!
<uhmeow> no, that was Next world. hmm, lawyer's hospital was just plain Bad!
<uhmeow> and it got worse as it went along
<kend^> don't pull your punches, tell us what you *really* think
<DocTechnical> ok, so be specific - what was it about the material you
found to be so boring?
<uhmeow> the presidents in hell wasnt too bad, which was that boom dot
bust was supposed to be as i recall the lads telling us in seattle
<uhmeow> or maybe austin told me that
<uhmeow> or no, ossman.
<Dexter_Fong> 2 or 3 of them at any rate
<uhmeow> where the fuck is bf westly when you need him for personal
firesign asides
<kend^> he's probably flashing :)
<Dexter_Fong> I tend to agree with Cat on Lawyer's.....just not very deep
<DocTechnical> yes, the presidents in hell was a killer bit - visious
and totally on target
<uhmeow> boring was next world. the endless soap jokes about being
endless soap jokes. the academy awards scene.
<uhmeow> the whole idea that they got sucked into what they were trying
to parody, ie, boring shit.
<uhmeow> i thought the kid watching TV had great promise, obviously live
in denver, but it never actually got there.
<Dexter_Fong> Joey Demagraphico?
<kend^> the zen way to look at it would be that the journey, not the
destination, is what you want
<DocTechnical> it took me a while to grok the overall concept of next
world but once i did, i got it and grooved on it ... the problem for me
was the ending, which went nowhere (although perhaps this was their
<uhmeow> sort of dumbed down to their audience, unlike for example, Dear
Freiens TV stuff (not to mention Deawr fn 2 places) where they elelvate
the listernedr to Their level
<Dexter_Fong> So you get there Kend^, zen what do you do
<uhmeow> yeah that too
<kend^> empty your mind, then refill it with drugs?
<Dexter_Fong> Well sure Ken, everything is great on drugs
<uhmeow> i know austin and ossman are proud of it so i'm not gonna argue
with them
<DocTechnical> but presenting each of the lead characters in terms of a
tv show that gets across what their lives are about (coolzip on a cop
show, his wife in a soap opera, the son in a game show intended to
humiliate indians ... great stuff)
<Dexter_Fong> Except a driver's test maybe
<kend^> and even if it isn't, you *think* it is, so it works
<DocTechnical> that's what i liked about it
<uhmeow> for YOU, doc
<kend^> i was humiliated when i failed my first driver's test. 65 ford
galaxie, a huge car, i couldn't park it
<kend^> borrowed a friend's corvair, no problem
<Dexter_Fong> That the one you crashed, Ken?
<uhmeow> with the number of albums they've put out, it's probable that
very different tastes will be appealed to, as was their intent, or at
least, their record companies
<DocTechnical> yes, it works for me in terms of its literary form ...
not many laughs though
<kend^> no, i've crashed many, but that wasn't one of them
<DocTechnical> for me the weakest album of theirs was the just folks album
<uhmeow> out takes from Let's Eat, basically
<Dexter_Fong> Kind of another Contractual thing I think DT
<kend^> i've been on the tail end of everything in my life, learned to
drive last year school used manual transmission; electric typewriters
after i took the course, etc. hell, i even did punchcards to learn
programming before terminals!
<DocTechnical> the jimmy clicker stuff just totally fell flat for me -
the studio version of pass the indian was stilted and dry, very much in
need of audience reaction - ben bland was the only saving grace on that
<uhmeow> i was crossing the street by the quizno's and two carpenters
working on that building were talking at lunch today. one of them
mentioned cal worthington and the other mentioned his dog spot.
<kend^> there should be a lifetime limit on "contractual" stuff
<uhmeow> i didnt know that ad was ever shown on vancouver tv. they might
have heard it on a firesign album, but what are the oodds on that?
<Dexter_Fong> Cat: Quizno's opening in NYC
<uhmeow> these guyus were in their 20s
*** Joins: Bunnyboy (
<Bunnyboy> lo dere
<kend^> hi bun
<uhmeow> i agree with you on that, doc
<uhmeow> hi bunny
<Dexter_Fong> Hop up here Bunny
*** kend^ sets mode: +o Bunnyboy
<DocTechnical> d_f: contractual? they put it out on butterfly records,
essentially a disco label that thought releasing a comedy album would be
cool - the guys had just been dumped by columbia at the time as i recall...
<Bunnyboy> "I'm a Loyal American Meter Reader\Other"
<uhmeow> indeed
<uhmeow> right on, bun
<DocTechnical> we believe in miracles!
<Dexter_Fong> Doc: Yes, I understand...but the fact that it was clips
from Dear Friends with studio continuity...
<uhmeow> and whips
<kend^> thus, miracle whip
<Bunnyboy> Mutt and Smut
<Dexter_Fong> Everybody's favorite =))
<DocTechnical> d_f: i am guessing they used those clips to pad out the
fact that they didn't really have an album's worth of worthwhile
material prepared, using snippets of their old radio broadcasts was the
equivalent of hamburger helper
<kend^> soy filler?
<Dexter_Fong> Ray! Hambergere
<uhmeow> indeed
<DocTechnical> yeah bb, i was driving home from work when npr played the
bit, i howled when i heard the endless combination of bizarre ronco-like
<Bunnyboy> Eat 'em, wipe 'em off, eat 'em again...
<DocTechnical> your first bag will be your last
<kend^> the coffin with the hole in it was one of my favs
<Bunnyboy> Proc does the best Anthrax *urhm* ASHCROFT in the business.
<uhmeow> sounds like sarner's disease
<DocTechnical> bb: true
<uhmeow> a weed seeking rocky max 2
<Bunnyboy> Bill Undermutter.
<kend^> every time i hear ashcroft's name, the first thought in my mind
is that he couldn't even beat a dead man
<uhmeow> in dead
<Dexter_Fong> ...with a Miracle whi
<Dexter_Fong> whip
<uhmeow> bush is gettin gmore and more like nixon
<kend^> learn from the master, then improve and improvise
<Dexter_Fong> Dunno Cat: Bush is totally stupid...Trickster was evil
<DocTechnical> ...and now here's bob white and the WASPs with their
rendition of "when the miracle whip comes down"...
<kend^> but bush is worse, instead of one evil, there's many of them
acting as puppet-masters
<uhmeow> good point, but i was thinking of the paranoia
<uhmeow> and now he actually has something to be paraoid about, using
the real threat to suspend liberties a la nixon
<uhmeow> good point, kend
<Bunnyboy> I was bored at work today, and I found myself telnetting to
the COHM (Copyright History Monograph) at the LOC (Library of Congress).
Bunnyboy Collection 1 has a listing there, I'll be damn!
<kend^> did anyone read that bush wants to depose mugabe in zimbabwe
because "he wasn't democratically elected"?
<DocTechnical> bush is his own excess of evil...
<kend^> pot calling the kettle black there
<Dexter_Fong> No
<uhmeow> mugabe needs a bullet through the "brain" but hadly by bush
<DocTechnical> he should declare war on himself
<uhmeow> mammee!
<kend^> op/ed piece couple weeks ago from uk about britain invading us
to "restore democracy".
<kend^> the whole world is indeed watching
<DocTechnical> bullet to the head would do him no harm, there's already
a hole there a mile wide
<uhmeow> look at this watch. it's still ticking
<Dexter_Fong> Yes Ken: but they're watching "reality TV"
<kend^> dex, you sure it's not "mad tv"?
<Dexter_Fong> Ken: Nope, that's way to hip
<Dexter_Fong> Watching the Anna Nicole Smith show
<kend^> i only saw the promo for that one, refuse to waste my time on
the real show
<Dexter_Fong> Ken: Daily News reviwer gave it "0" Stars
<uhmeow> no evil do's
<kend^> she does not appeal to me at all, on any level
<Dexter_Fong> She's pretty much repulsive on all levels
<kend^> well-rounded, in more ways than one
<Dexter_Fong> Gives Zoftig a bad name
<kend^> i like "rubenesque" but she just turns me off
<Bunnyboy> Speaking of TV, any updates on TV OR NOT TV, and
the other Columbia solos?
<uhmeow> what's Your least favourite firesign lp, bunny?
<DocTechnical> yeah, like i want to spend my valuable time watching a
woman who (a) made bunches of money posing nude for playboy, (b)
matrrying a rich old geezer, (c) inheriting the vast majority of his not
inconsiderable estate, (d) gaining enough weight to destroy whatever
figure she once posessed, and (e) is so starved for attention and
validation she gets some tv producer to follow her around recording her
life to display on cable tv ... sheesh ...
<uhmeow> most people dont consider time valuable. hence their propensity
to kill it
<DocTechnical> bb: no news has come this way re the solo "firesign" works
* Dexter_Fong afk for refill
<uhmeow> yeah, i hear a cidre calling my name.
<Bunnyboy> cat: You'll love this. I overheard somebody referring to
Spire as apple beer.
* Dexter_Fong refilled
<kend^> dex: what's the drink du jour?
<kend^> or du noir?
<DocTechnical> oh bb: just got my copy of reason v2 this week - main
difference between it and v1 are a new (and radical) graintable synth
unit called Malstrom, and a sample player with multiple outs called
NN-XT that has multiple outs and does layers & there will be an akai
s500 <---> nn-xt program conversion utility later this year
<Dexter_Fong> Vodka and BRITA Filter water
<Dexter_Fong> Spreak Engrish troop
<kend^> ah, spoken like a true commie-capitalist
<DocTechnical> speaking of refills, i gots to get me a vodka tonic - i
is parched (not harry)
<Bunnyboy> Doc: Cool fer you!
<DocTechnical> brb
<Dexter_Fong> Doc: Virgil?
<uhmeow> spire? qhat's that?
<Dexter_Fong> When it
<Dexter_Fong> s hot i spire
<Bunnyboy> New Peter Gabriel album finally in stores 9/24.
<uhmeow> 9/11 plus 13
<uhmeow> unlucky
<Bunnyboy> It's a pattern!
<Dexter_Fong> Oooh! that's pretty
<uhmeow> you have an unfavourite firesign album, bunny?
<Dexter_Fong> Do you have any swatches?
<kend^> i use timex
<Bunnyboy> I think PG's album will be cool, from the bits I've heard.
<Bunnyboy> cat: Hmmm, lemme think...
<uhmeow> Bit has an album?
<uhmeow> I bet nobody answers that question "Dwarf"
<Bunnyboy> cat: Truth be told, no. Even the uneven albums have sparks
here and there.
<uhmeow> good pint, bun
<uhmeow> give that man a quart
<kend^> and a quark too
<Bunnyboy> The worst thing I've heard said about EAT OR BE EATEN was
that it sounded like amateur theatrics.
<Dexter_Fong> Or even a liter bit more
<uhmeow> war's good business, so give your sons and i'd rather have my
country die for me
<kend^> i would almost wager that in totality, boom dot bust would be
near the top of the bottom list for many
<uhmeow> eobe was commercial heavy, as if they didnt have enough
material and needed to pad, but i still liked it alot
<uhmeow> you're right, kend
<kend^> but as the bunster says, some good stuff in there
<Bunnyboy> kend^: Oh, sure. Nobody likes the messenger...
<uhmeow> the daily toilet and rat in a box were two of their most keenly
observed ads
<kend^> i like you (and i'm not even a purple dinosaur)
<Dexter_Fong> but you are old right, Ken?
<kend^> yeah, as old as dirt, and not nearly as good looking
<uhmeow> there are a lot of old firesign fans
<Bunnyboy> cat: And yet, the most blatant and uncharacteristic ads, as well.
<uhmeow> too bad not enough new ones
<Dexter_Fong> Most firesign fans are old
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