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#fIRCign--18-July-2002--1 of 2

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Jul 20, 2002, 11:26:49 PM7/20/02
Session Start: Thu Jul 18 20:12:49 2002
*** Now talking in #firesign
*** Topic is 'Open the curtain, fred'
*** Set by Dexter_fong on Thu Jul 11 23:11:25
<DocTechnical> hello?
<DocTechnical> I'm stepping away for a few minutes...
* DocTechnical is still here
*** Mr_Yamamoto has joined #firesign
<Mr_Yamamoto> yow
<Mr_Yamamoto> there are almost people here
<DocTechnical> yep
<DocTechnical> i decided to try and figure out what is up with my
firewall not letting me connect to irc
<DocTechnical> i haven't solved the problem but i now have some useful
info to go on
<Mr_Yamamoto> poke a hole in it
<Mr_Yamamoto> ther you go
<DocTechnical> ah yes, the "whack the set a couple of times" school of
tv repair...
<DocTechnical> been there done that
<Mr_Yamamoto> heh
<DocTechnical> damn solid state stuff doesn't seem to respond to a
good whack - or a hole poking
<Mr_Yamamoto> Riussian School of Teevee repairski
<DocTechnical> Our motto: You want it WHEN!?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Have it OUR way, OR ELSE!
<DocTechnical> take a number....
<Mr_Yamamoto> wel I like 74
<DocTechnical> now service number 2
<DocTechnical> serving
<DocTechnical> this is the earliest i think i've ever been on the
#firesign chat - a good 40 mins ahead of schedule
<Mr_Yamamoto> Number two is not as tasty as number 10
<DocTechnical> as my uncle always said, "don't jump to any tasty
<Mr_Yamamoto> I log in, leave agent on, and respond when the
conversation starts up
<DocTechnical> it doesn't time out after n minutes?
<DocTechnical> (n = anywhere from 15 mins to 1 hour)
<Mr_Yamamoto> nope
<DocTechnical> kewel
<Mr_Yamamoto> fixed that
<DocTechnical> and so conVEEENient
<DocTechnical> is that a mIRC setting i haven't played with?
<Mr_Yamamoto> No, it stays on until I stop it
<Mr_Yamamoto> prolly
<DocTechnical> so, i guess this means we can dominate the log for a
good browser page or two (BWAAAAAhahahahahahaha....)
<Mr_Yamamoto> Sure
<DocTechnical> can ya FELL the power!?
<Mr_Yamamoto> See I never set the timer
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yes!
<DocTechnical> maybe i should start doing that with my alarm (not
setting it) - then i wouldn't have to get up and go to work!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yeah, but then you wouldn't have any money unless you
stole it
<Mr_Yamamoto> Like a chartered accountant
<DocTechnical> so did we ever figger out who this regnad kcin fellow
is? i seem to recall seeing that nick in the chat a couple of years
<Mr_Yamamoto> I do too, but I don't recall who it is
<DocTechnical> ah yes, the "close cover before striking institute of
chartered accountancy"...
<Mr_Yamamoto> Enron's main supplier(and WorldComm and now
AOL/TimeWarner et. al.)
<DocTechnical> cook the books at 450 degrees until golden brown,
serves four
<DocTechnical> makes a great grift idea!
<Mr_Yamamoto> mmmmmm
<Mr_Yamamoto> See we had it all wrong, glorifying the gangsters,
they're bush (ahem) league compared to the accountants
<DocTechnical> my maw always said " you gotta start young if you're
gonna rip 'em off!"
<DocTechnical> president bushwack
<Mr_Yamamoto> Monty Python was right all along
<Mr_Yamamoto> The ADA in action
<Mr_Yamamoto> My mom said anybody can be president....
<DocTechnical> long as the silver their spoon is made out of is
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yeah, none of that plated stuff
<Mr_Yamamoto> You lick it off and there's a different color underneath
<Mr_Yamamoto> Can't wait til cat shows up
<Mr_Yamamoto> Maybe he can tell me what my lead graphic says
<DocTechnical> cat? lead graphic?
<DocTechnical> vas is los?
<Mr_Yamamoto> The lead graphic on my site:
<Mr_Yamamoto> I change it at random intervals, this month, it's an
advert from a japanese road atlas
<DocTechnical> that's a great graphic
<DocTechnical> i love it
<Mr_Yamamoto> Ain't it spiffy?
<DocTechnical> i'm visitor number nine - number nine - number nine -
number nine - number nine - ...
<Mr_Yamamoto> It was originally an advert for "Clean Green"
<DocTechnical> the cleaner it is, the greener it is!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Which I think is some kind of stuff to wash up with
<DocTechnical> i like your wesley willis banner too ... that's great!
<Mr_Yamamoto> I'd like to know what the man and woman are saying
<Mr_Yamamoto> I'm a big Wesley fan
<DocTechnical> probably something along the lines of: (man) can i get
there from here? (woman) no!!!!
<Mr_Yamamoto> I have a LOT of his music
<DocTechnical> rilly... kewel...
<DocTechnical> he's definitely a 1-of-a-kind
<Mr_Yamamoto> Either that or "Wow" or "Holy Shit"
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yeah, that he is
<DocTechnical> or "where the hell am i ?!"
*** kend^ has joined #firesign
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o kend^
<DocTechnical> hey k
<kend^> hello, dear friends
<DocTechnical> i got in early - and without having to disconnect my
firewall this time!!!!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Mental illness for your amusement and entertainment
<DocTechnical> lucky me
<Mr_Yamamoto> ken
<kend^> i thought i would be early, but wasn't. did i miss much? (i'm
so damned nosy!)
<DocTechnical> i popped in at around 8:20 edt, yammy was already here
*** kend^ sets mode: +o DocTechnical
*** ChanServ sets mode: +nt
*** kend^ sets mode: +o Mr_Yamamoto
<Mr_Yamamoto> We're discussing my new lead graphic
<Mr_Yamamoto> thank yew
<Mr_Yamamoto> I think it's kinda ZEn'
<DocTechnical> we have no idea where (or who) Regnad Kcin is (though
we recall having seen him in the thurs chat sessions a couple of years
<kend^> lead is dangerous, can cause mental derangement
<DocTechnical> demangement?
<DocTechnical> mental rearrangement!?
<DocTechnical> which reminds me, i gotta get my mental detector
checked soon
<kend^> regnad_kcin is our new landlord :) but he seems to be quite
good, keeps the water bill paid, the garbage collected, etc. if only
he'd put in a elevator, though, i HATE walking up all those damned
<DocTechnical> i keep running into people who don't know what they're
<kend^> hey, doc, that's life!
<DocTechnical> yeah, there's no denying it
<DocTechnical> i was riding high in april, seriously shot down in may
<Mr_Yamamoto> I've been mentallty demanged for years
<kend^> i'm positive when i'm driving that being an asshole was a
requirement to be licensed (for everyone except me, of course!)
<Mr_Yamamoto> Especially if you're from NJ
<DocTechnical> i've become a master of patience and traffic-flow
control these days
<kend^> i have driven into/in/out of n.j. before, it's a trip, for
<Mr_Yamamoto> There being stupid must be mandatory
<Mr_Yamamoto> I've nearly creamed many NJites
<DocTechnical> i love pissing off the people in the left lane in heavy
traffic situations by actually putting a little distance between me
and the driver in front of me...
<Mr_Yamamoto> Especially at toll plazas
<DocTechnical> especially when I can see up ahead a hundred yards and
everyone is at a dead stop
<Mr_Yamamoto> heh
<kend^> doc, i did that in l.a. and lost the guy i was following. if
there's one car length plus 3" someone else will pull in there
<Mr_Yamamoto> You bet
<Mr_Yamamoto> same in NY
<DocTechnical> when people do that, i can't help but think "good for
you, buddy, you just shaved .03 seconds off your commute
<Mr_Yamamoto> Try that in NYC
<kend^> i never want to drive in cal. again. not even sure i'd want to
re-enter the southern part of the state. maybe the north?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Northern CA is okay
<kend^> i laugh when someone passes me at a high rate of speed, then
10 minutes later, i pull into a town, and there they are, right in
front of me at the red light
<Mr_Yamamoto> a lot mellower
<Mr_Yamamoto> Better dope :)
<kend^> humboldt?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yeah, that happens to me all the time
<DocTechnical> northern ca is not all that much better according to
lili - frisco and silicon valley have horrid commute delays and may
crashes daily
<DocTechnical> many crashes
<Mr_Yamamoto> Or someone like him
<Mr_Yamamoto> Hmmm
<DocTechnical> k^: re commuters who thought they'd gotten way ahead of
you but didn't: i hear you there!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Prolly better off where I am
<kend^> hrrrr (let's be sexually/genderly correct and mention both)
<Mr_Yamamoto> That's very funny
<Mr_Yamamoto> I don't want to be correct
<kend^> i almost enjoy driving around here in my small 10k town, i'm
only 5 minutes from anywhere even if i catch all the red lights
<DocTechnical> k^: way to go - i'm envious of you commute-wise
<kend^> "if luvin' you is right, i don't wanna be wrong...."
<Mr_Yamamoto> I can walk around town
<Mr_Yamamoto> Stewarts is just up the street
<DocTechnical> my drive from bpt to darien isn't anywhere near as
hellacious as when i was doing the CT/NYC thing, but some days it can
take over an hour to drive 20 miles down I-95
<Mr_Yamamoto> I can get a coffee
<kend^> walking downtown from my home here would probably take me
longer than walking to the other side of the district. it's only a
couple blocks square
<DocTechnical> i'm cultivating a degree of patience in my old age i
would never have thought i was capable of
<kend^> doc, i understand completely! when i lived in tampa, i was 7
miles from work. even on interstate, it took me min. of 20 min,
usually longer
<Mr_Yamamoto> You have to have patients if you drive the CT tPK
<kend^> only doctors can drive on that road?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yes
<Mr_Yamamoto> It goes to a hospital
<DocTechnical> I would take the Merritt more often (prettier road) but
it's more out of the way, and the delays there are almost as bad -
usually adds 10 mins to the morning commute
<kend^> doctor's hospital, of course :)
<Mr_Yamamoto> Lawyers Hospital
<Mr_Yamamoto> I was bipping around the Merritt at the beginning of
last month
<kend^> that's right next door
<DocTechnical> lili just got a walletectomy at the acura dealership -
had to pay $1200 for car repairs
<Mr_Yamamoto> Did a picture page on it
<kend^> ooh. not good
<DocTechnical> and her tv died to boot
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yow
<Mr_Yamamoto> No great loss, the latter
<DocTechnical> but she's got a line on a unix sysadmin job in nyc,
waiting to hear back from the headhunter
<kend^> she is getting all the bad luck at once, i think
*** StephenFosterKane has joined #firesign
<StephenFosterKane> StephenFosterKane appears at 8:55:04 PM EDT.
yellow! is it HOT or what??
<DocTechnical> k^: re bad luck: yep
<kend^> if she's happy, so am i
<kend^> hi brian
*** StephenFosterKane is now known as klokwkdog
*** kend^ sets mode: +o klokwkdog
<Mr_Yamamoto> Headhunters in NYC?
<klokwkdog> hey, Ken
<klokwkdog> didn't they play there last week?
<Mr_Yamamoto> hello
<DocTechnical> k^: well, she's pretty down at the moment, but she
appreciates my efforts to cheer her up
<kend^> btw, should any of you guise wish to be opped automagically on
entrance, you MUST register your nick, then tell me
<klokwkdog> Hi-Y
*** bfwestley has joined #firesign
<Mr_Yamamoto> Kentucky version :)
<kend^> hi brian
<bfwestley> hello
*** kend^ sets mode: +o bfwestley
<DocTechnical> k^: i forget - how do i register my nick?
*** Mr_Yamamoto sets mode: +o bfwestley
<DocTechnical> hey brian - & brian
<klokwkdog> howdy DT, bfw
<kend^> i will check if this doesn't work: /msg nickserv register
<DocTechnical> ah thx k
<kend^> did it work?
-> *nickserv* register zvbxrpl
<klokwkdog> did we resolve the mystery guest Chicagoan o'last week?
<DocTechnical> " Error! "/msg NickServ" is no longer supported. Use
"/msg" or "/nickserv" instead."
<Mr_Yamamoto> Beat me to it
<kend^> no, klok, but he's here (although mute so far)
<klokwkdog> ah, someone with NO FINGERS
<kend^> ok, doc, i think you're smart enough to handle that. they have
made many changes to little stuff on dalnet and i haven't kept up with
the joneses
<bfwestley> a witch turned me into a mute, once
<Mr_Yamamoto> Lady Fingers?
<kend^> notice: i did NOT call him dumb (although that word is
*technically* correct)
<Mr_Yamamoto> Chicken Fingers?
<DocTechnical> "Usage - /nickserv REGISTER <password>
<klokwkdog> and since he's waiting...
<kend^> chicken fingers are as anatomically incorrect as buffalo wings
<klokwkdog> nah, on every menu, right next to the chicken lips
<kend^> ok, doc, they want you to receive an email then say the secret
woid on their website, i remember that now
<bfwestley> but chickens still have genes for fingers
<kend^> yeah, brian, but they are in that last section of the wing
that no one eats
<klokwkdog> doesn't mean they're expressed as fingers in that species
<klokwkdog> lots of overloading goes on
<kend^> we have the genes for a tail, but in almost everyone, it'd
rudimentary and internal. don't break your coccyx though, it's painful
as hell
<klokwkdog> it's like the old KSR-35 baudot TTYs
<bfwestley> throw a towel over it
<klokwkdog> yeah, but if they get expressed, you get a tail
<kend^> i haven't had any tail for over a month.....but then that's a
personal problem, isn't it?
<bfwestley> wet cement? row a trowel over it
<Mr_Yamamoto> I want a tail
<Mr_Yamamoto> I could whack people w/it
<kend^> if i had to have a tail, i'd wish it to be prehensile (what
good is a post-hensile tail, anyway?)
<bfwestley> you prehensile EEDIOT!
<klokwkdog> the gene for fingers in e coli , if expressed, might turn
it into ebola-type bacteria or something
<DocTechnical> eyeballa!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Post-Hensile is for intellectuals
<kend^> except that ebola is a virus, and they ALL have fingers on
them (so to speak)
<klokwkdog> ah, too close to .ca; the french begins early tonight
<bfwestley> post-hensile and post-gretile
<klokwkdog> i said bacteria...
<Mr_Yamamoto> Gingerbread house
<klokwkdog> ...and you say bacterium
<kend^> stuff them in the oven
<Mr_Yamamoto> Englebert Humperdinck?
<DocTechnical> let's call the whole thing orff
<bfwestley> I say cafeteria...
<bfwestley> ...and you say cafeterium
<kend^> karl orff is one of my favs, "carmina burana" is one hell of a
<Mr_Yamamoto> Caramina
<klokwkdog> spreak Engrish!
<Mr_Yamamoto> By burana
<bfwestley> that sound like my school; bacteria & cafeteria
<DocTechnical> you say shovel, and i say entrenching tool...
<Mr_Yamamoto> I have to be in a mood for it
<DocTechnical> ay carmina...
<kend^> i have a version by someone who used to be a rock star, but
can't remember right now who is was
<Mr_Yamamoto> I got a nice Naxos disc of the 1904 version of Madama
<kend^> it was
<klokwkdog> yeah, I was listening to his Trifono di Afrodite on my
walk today; part of it is used as theme in Liquid Sky
<Mr_Yamamoto> Better Carmina then Carmen
<bfwestley> there's cockroaches in the kafkateria
<kend^> does afrodite have hair that sticks out all over?
<DocTechnical> liquid sky... what a lovely, bizarre flick - actually
saw it at sono cinema in norwalk (back when sono cinema was the
coolest art house in town)
<klokwkdog> depends on which magazine she's in
<kend^> and three cell phones on her belt?
<DocTechnical> this was back in '83 i believe
<klokwkdog> no, you're thinking of the SBC logo, Ken
<klokwkdog> yeah, neat film
<klokwkdog> made by mad Russian (redundant?)
<DocTechnical> with the mutant calliope soundtrack (created on a
fairlight cmi)
<kend^> for me, sbc is "southern baptist convention", a relic of my
pre-intellectual period
<klokwkdog> yep, part of that was Orff
<kend^> but i know it's southern bell corp.
<klokwkdog> yeah, the religious right has been very quiet on the
pedophile-priest scandals, hasn't it?
<DocTechnical> another sign of technological progress: the
functionality of the $80,000 fairlight cmi back on the early '80s can
now be had on an $800 PC and about $1500 bucks of software packages
(or zero bucks if you know where to dig up the warez)
*** Bubbas_Brain has joined #firesign
<bfwestley> at the recent SF convention, some of the people who did
later startrek SFX said they just used amigas and commercial software
<klokwkdog> ought to at least run it on a $1500 PC, eh?
<klokwkdog> hey BB
<kend^> hi B_B
<Bubbas_Brain> Greetings, all.
*** kend^ sets mode: +o Bubbas_Brain
<klokwkdog> yeah, early Bab 5 CGI used Amigas.
<kend^> i found it--my "carmina burana" is by ray manzarek of "the
doors". a wild and wooly version
<Mr_Yamamoto> Okay
<klokwkdog> yeah, that's a cool CD
<Mr_Yamamoto> I'll bet :)
<klokwkdog> yikes - bug the size of a small sparrow just whacked the
screen next to me
<bfwestley> yeah, that's the guys; their first stuff was for B5, later
they did the first startrek movie re-release with new FX added in 1999
<DocTechnical> k^: i have that on vinyl - didn't know it was
rereleased on cd
<DocTechnical> kewel
<Mr_Yamamoto> Doesn't all that wool get caught up in the works?
<klokwkdog> yep
<klokwkdog> that's **how** it works, Mr.Y!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Oh, sorry
<klokwkdog> you know the old saying, "the spinning wheel gets the
<Mr_Yamamoto> I thought it was the grease
<klokwkdog> or is it "the spinning early robin gets the worm shirt"?
I forget
<kend^> "in 1983 ray manzarek, long attracted to the spiritual power
of 'carmina burana', chose to interpret the piece in a contemporary
framework. this presentation intends to create enchanged pictures, to
conjure up the ecstacy expressed by the lyrics, an enhanced intense
feeling for life akin to the passons and revelry of the wandering
poets of so long ago."
<Mr_Yamamoto> Shows what *I* know
<klokwkdog> no greasy worms here - all ours come fresh out of a hot
cheese log!
<DocTechnical> woohoo - my nick is registered!
<kend^> doc: a&m, cd-4945, 1983
* DocTechnical feels validated
<Bubbas_Brain> Behold the power of log....
<DocTechnical> k^: thx for the cd info
<kend^> ok doc, i'll try to make you an auto-op
<klokwkdog> ah, but it's part of a trilogy, Ken - you need to move on
to Carmina Catulli and Trifono
<Mr_Yamamoto> Otto Op?
<kend^> yeah, klok, but about an hour of that is all i can take at
<DocTechnical> thx k^
<DocTechnical> get orff-a my cloud
<DocTechnical> :)
<kend^> -ChanServ- doctechnical has been successfully added to the AOp
list of #firesign
<kend^> anyone else think they want that auto-op?
* klokwkdog does not want the responsibility!
<Mr_Yamamoto> how do you do that again?
<klokwkdog> a power so great, it can only be used for good or evil
<DocTechnical> i would think bf, b_b, klok, mr_y... the usual suspects
<klokwkdog> should that choice be left up to me?
<bfwestley> "there can be only juan"
<kend^> type: /nickserv REGISTER <password> <email-address> and insert
your personal password and addy into the requisite spaces
<DocTechnical> klok, every time you come to the chat someone ops you,
right? seems silly when k^ can set us up to auto-op upon entering
<klokwkdog> (internally, a great debate rages within kwd's
<kend^> yeah, doc, but it doesn't work unless the nick is registered
<Mr_Yamamoto> Definitely a usual suspect, I am
<DocTechnical> ah, i see
*** klokwkdog is now known as klokgomakeicetea
<DocTechnical> so it would make sense for all you regulars here to
register your nicknames
<Mr_Yamamoto> The moonworms are having a smoker in klox head
<kend^> but not necessary, just an option
<Bubbas_Brain> already done....
<DocTechnical> "/msg REGISTER
<AnyGoodPassword> <YourEmailAddress>"
<kend^> you can stop someone else from using your nick that way
<klokgomakeicetea> jesus! he's already registered!
<Bubbas_Brain> jesus registered?
<kend^> bubbas_brain has been successfully added to the AOp list of
* Bubbas_Brain feels the power!
<DocTechnical> but moses signed up...
<kend^> be SURE to remember your password though--should there ever be
a conflict with a squatter, you can't retake that nick without it
<DocTechnical> got it
<DocTechnical> kewel
<Bubbas_Brain> Jesus registered, but sometimes the Father and Holy
Ghost use his account.
<kend^> and if you don't use it for 20 or 30 days (not sure which) it
<DocTechnical> ...when he's not looking...
<kend^> jesus registered, but was 4-f in the draft
<kend^> he had flat feet, you know
<DocTechnical> that was a cold draft...
<Bubbas_Brain> His ISP should charge him extra.
<kend^> all that damned walking around gallilee
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yaeh and holes in his palms. too
<Bubbas_Brain> Well, holes in the feet will do that....
<kend^> that was well after the 18 age to register though
<Bubbas_Brain> And that low-rent appendctomy....
<kend^> jesus would have made a good company clerk in the army
<Bubbas_Brain> jesus = radar?
<kend^> just like radar. damn if great minds don't think alike!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Oh, God
<kend^> george burns starring as major frank burns in "oh god--we're
in the army now"
<Mr_Yamamoto> 2/3 of the Holy Trinity is Gary Burghoff and George
<Bubbas_Brain> "Oh God, I've been drafted"
<kend^> yeah, i *think* alan alda is the holy spook in the movie
<Bubbas_Brain> .... we've got god on our side.....
<Mr_Yamamoto> Okay
<Mr_Yamamoto> Gott mitt uns
<kend^> got mittens? is that a spin-off from the got milk ad?
<Mr_Yamamoto> For the winter, you see
<Mr_Yamamoto> Egdar Winter
<kend^> didn't he do a tune called "frankenstein"?
<bfwestley> Gott Kookies?
<kend^> or was that johnny?
<Bubbas_Brain> Jesus in a German POW camp --- Heaven's Heroes.....
<kend^> "i see everythink, i know everythink..."
<Bubbas_Brain> German evangelical campaign -- "Gott Gott?"
<kend^> evangelical lutherans--is that an oxymoron?
<Mr_Yamamoto> There are some
<kend^> having been raised as a baptist, lutherans are only one step
removed from the r.c.'s, and not worthy of salvation
<DocTechnical> what about the episcimpaleans
*** klokgomakeicetea is now known as klokwkdog
<Mr_Yamamoto> I thoght that was the methodists
<kend^> oh my lord, the anglicans are just catholics in protestant
<klokwkdog> whiskeypalians
<bfwestley> ask an epsicopaleantologist
<klokwkdog> depends on the rank
<Mr_Yamamoto> I'm a mormon meself
<DocTechnical> and the congratulationists?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Backslidded
<kend^> but now that i'm a heathen/pagan, i like AND dislike them all
* Bubbas_Brain once walked into an evangelical bookstore in Mannheim.
(Was almost steamrolled....)
<kend^> praise brigham!
<kend^> lol, bub!
<Mr_Yamamoto> heh
<Bubbas_Brain> Didn't realize what kind of bookstore it was till I was
<kend^> what's the MOST religious bit the fst has done? i realize
that's a matter of opinion, but i'd like to hear the verdicts
<Mr_Yamamoto> Louies Wipe out pumice hamburgers
<Bubbas_Brain> Holy Roller Maidens from.... oh never mind.
<kend^> i was thinking the oil bit
<Mr_Yamamoto> Oily to bed Oily to Rise
<DocTechnical> i'd have to say the thing they did to kick off one of
the dear friends shows
<DocTechnical> "toad away" etc
<kend^> yeah, there's some there also
<DocTechnical> the "properly religious opening"
<Bubbas_Brain> How Can You Be in Three Places at Once When You're Not
Anwhere at All?
<DocTechnical> "...and he was lillian roth in his extremity..."
*** uhmeow has joined #firesign
<DocTechnical> hey cat
<kend^> heaven, hell, purgatory? how about limbo?
<kend^> hi cat
<uhmeow> hi all
<DocTechnical> er, <uhMEOW>
*** kend^ sets mode: +o uhmeow
<Mr_Yamamoto> yes
<Bubbas_Brain> I was thinking Holy Trinity, actually.
<DocTechnical> AL-ways glad to see YOU <uhMEOW>
<kend^> ah, the holy trinity is ford, lincoln and mercury
<kend^> jerry ford, abe lincoln, and freddy mercury, of course!
<Mr_Yamamoto> Cat:
Dya kow what they're saying in the bottom picture?
<DocTechnical> we were just talking about what people here thought was
the most "religious" bit firesign ever did
<klokwkdog> hey Cat
<DocTechnical> your thoughts?
<bfwestley> reminder that "Box of Time" will be on shockwave this
saturday at 3:30 central time ok
<uhmeow> hey bf, is your show doing Box of Time this week? i've lost
my memo about when/where
<kend^> or the most "irreligious"
<uhmeow> thanks bf
<uhmeow> ok, 330 your time is 1230 my time? 130?
<kend^> 130 if you're pacific daylight time
<uhmeow> baltimore gets another hit, now has tieing run on 2nd
<uhmeow> yep
<Mr_Yamamoto> oka
<uhmeow> hi klok, mr y
<bfwestley> but you've heard it, haven't you?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Hello
<Bubbas_Brain> Aw, cmon, people. I thought it was pretty good. Holy
Trinity --- How can you be in 3 places at once when you're not
anywhere at all..... Nary a chuckle.
<uhmeow> I seem to have erased Tiny
<DocTechnical> specific daylight thyme?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Sorry
[klokwkdog:#firesign PING]
<uhmeow> we're chuckling bb, just more subtlely
<kend^> i chuckled, bub, i just didn't indicate it online. i will
start doing so. (do you want the fart-indicator from here also?)
<bfwestley> what, your recording? or the file?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Hahahahahahaha
<Mr_Yamamoto> Ack
<DocTechnical> what do you mean, "erased tiny"?
<Bubbas_Brain> That's better.
* Bubbas_Brain feels validated.
<uhmeow> no, when you go to and click on the red
shift icon and it says tiny dr tim
<uhmeow> well, you don't hear him no more
<Mr_Yamamoto> We're laughing on the inside
<kend^> now you're parking for free, my friend!
<uhmeow> i emailed you about that yesterday, doc
<uhmeow> hi regnad
<klokwkdog> sssss
<kend^> regnad is incommunicado so far, but we keep hoping....
<uhmeow> snake and bacon?
<klokwkdog> i thought he was in Chicago
<Mr_Yamamoto> Snaxe?
<kend^> his isp last week was in chicago, but don't assume so this
<Mr_Yamamoto> Snake and Bake: and I "helped"
<uhmeow> maybe he's one of ashcroft's minions, keeping an eye on us
<Mr_Yamamoto> Does he have horns and hooves and a pitch fork?
<klokwkdog> ...hope they can keep an eye on somebody - the record
isn't so hot, so far
<kend^> beep beep
<kend^> klok, when the record gets hot, it warps
<Mr_Yamamoto> We're easy to keep an eye on.
<uhmeow> warp speed, mr sulu
-> *uhmeow* i see, i didn't know what you meant by what you said in
your email. you need to upload the mp3 to the same place where it was
on the seemreal site before you erased it ... connect to the site with
cuteFTP, click the seemreal_html folder to open it, then click the
redshift folder to open it, then transfer the MP3 file into that
<klokwkdog> well his record isn't so hot - he couldn't even beat an
Irishman for Dogkiller
<kend^> "i'm givin' 'er all she's got, cap'n, she won't take any
<uhmeow> to death?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Scotty I need More Power!
<uhmeow> powerful scot towels, soak up whole simpsons episodes
<kend^> doh!
<klokwkdog> it all sounds so sexual - what *was* Scotty doing down in
that engine room
<kend^> more sugar, more beer
<uhmeow> imagineering
<kend^> lol, klok
<Mr_Yamamoto> So cat, what are those nice japanese people saying?
<uhmeow> which ones?
<uhmeow> oh, the eb sit?
<Mr_Yamamoto> The url I posted
<Mr_Yamamoto> The last logo
<Bubbas_Brain> I think I'm gonna url.
<kend^> in paris? got butter?
<uhmeow> server pro?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Turn the other way, please
<uhmeow> server pro?
<Mr_Yamamoto> Crap
<Mr_Yamamoto> You should get my logo page
<Mr_Yamamoto> Try
<klokwkdog> what is your logo? "I am the way"?
<Bubbas_Brain> ... 2 turntables and a microphone ....
<Mr_Yamamoto> It changes
<kend^> metamorphosis
<klokwkdog> heck, I don't even get your URL, much less your logo page
(kwd is slow tonight, but having loads of fun before even the 1st
<uhmeow> mr y, you mean what are they saying?
<Mr_Yamamoto> About oncwe a month
<Mr_Yamamoto> Yes
<klokwkdog> what do you MEAN by that?
<Bubbas_Brain> metamorphosis tags?
<DocTechnical> cat, i sent you a "/msg" about the tiny file in the
chat just now - do you see it?
<Mr_Yamamoto> What do you Mean By THAT?
<klokwkdog> what tiny file?
<uhmeow> in katakana, they're saying "ski" which probably means
skiing, though the japanese verb, pronounced "ski" means to like
<DocTechnical> the mp3 with tiny's voice
* klokwkdog does not even see a full-size file yet; is still trying to
"get" the URL...
<kend^> <Mr_Yamamoto> It changes
<kend^> <kend^> metamorphosis
<Mr_Yamamoto> Okay
<klokwkdog> why can't a kana?
* Bubbas_Brain haben "ski" gern.
<uhmeow> i put the mp3 with clean tiny on the site, i thought, and
then deleted the dirty tiny mp3 from before. now there's Nothing
<Mr_Yamamoto> It's in reference to a product called "Clean Green"
<uhmeow> i'll have consult the resident nihongin. she ain't here right
* klokwkdog still doesn't see the joke...
<Mr_Yamamoto> I still have to figure a way to get her greeting on the
<kend^> open your ears, klok
<uhmeow> Fumiyo?
* klokwkdog didn't know they were closed
<Mr_Yamamoto> I'm going to have to rearrange the files a bit
<DocTechnical> cat: well, you deleted a file called Tiny54.mp3 in the
seemreal_html/redshift directory, but the one you uploaded has a
different file name, and you didn't put it in the same folder on the
<kend^> then you can see it (if you have synthesia, only)
<Mr_Yamamoto> Y
<DocTechnical> so no wonder it's gone!
<klokwkdog> all this humor in strange words and slashes and kwd is
struggling to figure out the joke...
<uhmeow> oh, i have to change its name?
<uhmeow> i knew i did something terribly wrong
<Mr_Yamamoto> It's ZEN
<kend^> that's alright, klok, i have problems with engrish sometimes
myself, let alone katakana
* klokwkdog has that feeling when he gets up in the AM, Cat
<kend^> zen and now
<uhmeow> just got a book today called Zig Zag Zen
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