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What to Do About George Soros?

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Joe Cooper

Feb 10, 2017, 8:44:51 PM2/10/17
Taking into account the current controversy swirling around the
prevalence of fake news in the mediasphere, it has become increasingly
difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. The fake news syndrome, as it
turns out, is primarily a mainstay of the Left, which is constantly being
caught propagating outright falsehood — Trump removing the bust of MLK
from the Oval Office is only a single but representative instance of a
widespread offensive to distort and falsify. Trying to ascertain truth
has become a mission rivalling the quest for the Holy Grail.

When it comes to the activities of George Soros, however, much is known.
Soros is a man of the deep Left whose campaign to destabilize the U.S. is
powerful and pervasive. Should he be allowed to operate freely, he will
continue to wreak enormous damage, aided by a large constituency composed
in part and at various removes of the individuals and groups he has
subsidized. There is no doubt about the extent of his interference in
domestic affairs. And there is no doubt that something needs to be done
about it, certainly before his likeminded son Alex inherits his empire
and persists in advancing the father’s regime-change and conflict-
creation agenda.

Soros believes, as he writes in The Age of Fallibility: Democracy, Human
Rights and Open Society, that “sovereignty is an anachronistic concept,”
a conviction that explains his push for the principle of open borders
that also characterizes the European Union. Although the Schengen
Agreement has proven disastrous for Europe, as terrorists and
“fakefugees” (Selwyn Duke’s phrase) travel freely across its territory,
Soros wants the same disintegrative effect to develop in the U.S. When he
goes on to state that “the main obstacle to a stable and just world order
is the United States,” his intention to sow discord and weaken the nation
he detests is amply clear.

This is why he is so virulently antagonistic to Donald Trump, who wants
to make America great again and disassemble Obama’s regulatory nightmare.
(There is little question that Soros was behind the violent disruptions
of Trump’s political rallies.) Soros is all for a multilateral world, an
international legal system that rules over individual states and
institutions, and an end to the free market, which means, Becket Adams
explains in The Blaze, “that transactions between private parties would
be governed by state intervention, including restrictive regulations,
taxes, tariffs and enforced monopolies.”

Bill O’Reilly has exposed Soros’ vast and clandestine network tasked with
subverting the U.S., pointing out that the flow of Soros money, in the
range of hundreds of millions of dollars, has corrupted the Democratic
Party, elements in the Republican Party, millennial and celebrity
culture, and the media almost in toto. He is, as Matthew Vadum shows,
“the ‘Number One Funder’ of the domestic terrorism that is part and
parcel of the Left.”

Channeling funds through his Open Society Foundations, Soros has endowed
movements and organizations like the Tides Foundation, Center for
American Progress, Democracy Alliance, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives
Matter, MoveOn, Media Matters, and ACORN, purveyors of lies and
instigators of social mayhem.

As Asra Nomani reports in The New York Times, “Soros has funded, or has
close relationships with, at least 56 of the [Women’s March on
Washington’s] partners,” anarchically protesting the election of Donald
Trump. These include the notorious Planned Parenthood, Amnesty
International, Human Rights Watch, the Council on American-Islamic
Relations, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Soros-hunter Vadum has drawn attention to the billionaire’s latest
project, Humanity Ventures, which seeks to promote and profit from
illegal immigration into the U.S. The Daily Caller reveals that the
partly Soros-funded Alliance for Global Justice backed the rioters who
violently shut down the recent Milo Yiannopoulos event at UC Berkeley.

These outfits all bear highfalutin-sounding names, but they resemble
late-model highway patrol “ghost cars” ready to pounce on unsuspecting
motorists. Soros is also implicated, via funding of immigrant rights and
lobbying groups, in blocking Trump’s executive order halting visas for 90
days for immigrants from seven terror-sponsoring Muslim nations.

In the international arena, we know that Soros has been convicted of
insider trading by a French court. There are rumors that he is the
subject of an arrest warrant issued by Russia and a Red Notice by
Interpol and the European Union. But are they merely rumors? The so-
called “fact-checking” site Snopes declares these to be a hoax, but
Snopes — a mom-and-pop outfit run by a divorced couple without
investigative credentials — and its shady hireling Kim Lacapria, are
highly suspect authorities.

Global Research, itself an anti-American site, has revealed the range of
Soros’ machinations, using his fortune “to topple governments in Serbia,
Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. He ‘broke’ the British pound in 1992
costing the taxpayer billions for personal profit, was accused of
wreaking havoc on the Malaysian ringgit, and was called an ‘economic war
criminal’ in Thailand.” Some countries have decided they have had enough
of Soros’ operations. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is moving to
extrude Soros and “the forces symbolized by him” from the nation. A mass
movement in Macedonia seeks to do the same.

He is also involved in destabilizing my own country, partnering with
Canada — its Islamophiliac Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his tired
old retread of an Immigration Minister John McCallum — to foster massive
Muslim immigration, regrettably without significant pushback from what
has been called a “cold socialist netherworld.”

The Russian connection does not seem entirely speculative. I have been in
communication with the Russian Embassy in Ottawa but it has neither
confirmed nor denied its intentions vis à vis Soros. Its reluctance to
comment may (or may not) indicate that something is afoot. Being of
Russian parentage (original surname: Solovechik), I believe I understand
the mindset. The Russians play their cards very close to the zhilet.

So far as I can see, there are only two ways of dealing with the
malignance that is George Soros.

Given the extent of Soros’ activities in funding violence and causing
social upheaval, he is liable, as Vadum suggests, to the “criminal and
civil provisions of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act (RICO), state racketeering statutes, and class-action
lawsuits.” These provisions “could be used to end Soros’s long-running
scheme to interfere with the civil rights of Americans and fundamentally
transform the country.” Additionally, we may ask whether Trump will
declare George Soros a national security threat, a move, according to
some sources, that Trump may be contemplating. Such is the domestic-based
Given his fiscal intrigues and interference in the affairs of foreign
countries, Soros may be liable under certain circumstances to
extradition. It is unclear whether the case could be transferred to
Interpol, but should Trump, for example, sign an extradition treaty with
Russia as part of a policy to seek warmer relations with Putin under the
auspices of pursuing mutual interests, Soros could conceivably find
himself in Moscow to answer charges as — once again — a threat to
national security. Though it has its downsides, it is a strategy to be
considered. Gadfly columnist Erik Rush argues that Soros “has used his
billions to institutionalize sedition on a variety of fronts” and “could
easily be stripped of his citizenship on any number of grounds and
unceremoniously deposited back on Hungarian soil if our leaders found
sufficient vertebral fortitude to initiate the requisite proceedings.” I
am not sure about the “easily” or the feasibility of the legal process
Rush envisages. There is speculation that Trump will use Obama’s 2014
Executive Order (13660), titled “Blocking Property of Certain Persons
Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine,” to declare Soros a threat to
national security. Such is the foreign-based option.
Under existing conditions, extradition is a long shot. Failing which, we
may find applicable the principle known as Aut Dedere Aut Judicare
(“Extradite or Prosecute”), a proceeding designed to deprive criminals of
a safe haven which has recently been put on the agenda of the
International Law Commission.

According to the Oxford Bibliographies treating of international law, the
obligation to extradite or prosecute “has gradually been incorporated in
numerous bilateral and multilateral treaties, which deal with different
types of crimes, including ordinary offenses with an international
nexus,” among other derelictions of justice. (Italics mine.) This is,
admittedly, still a controversial issue, but the principle requires that
a choice be made between the two alternatives. Prosecution would then
become the other face of extradition.

Soros is the most dangerous man in America and an acknowledged global
menace, a man with sufficient influence, as Press for Truth observes, to
render him “above and beyond the state.” Indeed, the man who reminisces
fondly of his youth in Nazi-occupied Hungary when he participated in the
looting of Jewish homes without subsequent remorse is, to put it bluntly,
quintessentially evil. More recently, the irony of Soros denouncing Trump
at the Davos World Economic Forum as an impostor, a con man and a would-
be dictator is palpable. Trump of course is none of these. These epithets
apply more precisely to Soros himself (and, no less specifically, to his
protégé Barack Obama.)

Should Soros be prosecuted under the RICO Act and/or declared a national
security threat, or should he be extradited to face justice in another
country, one could sing, with The Shadows and The Kingston Trio,
adjusting for the times, all my Soros, soon forgotten.

Read more:

"For them, pro-choice boils down to just two options: Whatever they
demand and abortions."--Susan Stamper Brown


Feb 10, 2017, 11:11:25 PM2/10/17
No! Send in the Seals and execute him like was done to a lesser enemy
"Osama Bin Laden". Be sure to clean out his nest of minions also.
Seize all of his assets as being from a criminal enterprise.

and/or declared a national
> security threat, or should he be extradited to face justice in another
> country, one could sing, with The Shadows and The Kingston Trio,
> adjusting for the times, all my Soros, soon forgotten.
> Read more:


It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster

Rudy Canoza

Feb 11, 2017, 1:40:59 PM2/11/17
On 2/10/2017 5:43 PM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> Taking into account the current controversy swirling around the
> prevalence of fake news in the mediasphere, it has become increasingly
> difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. The fake news syndrome, as it
> turns out, is primarily a mainstay of the Left

That is simply and indisputably a lie. Virtually *every* bit of "fake
news" is something that is gobbled up and propagated by the far
right-wingnut idiots.


* "Pope Francis endorses Trump"
* "3,000,000 [minimum] 'fraudulent' votes case for Clinton"
* "biggest inauguration crowd and TV viewers in history"

The first and third of those are provably - and *proved* - false. The
second has not a shred of evidence to support it, literally *zero*
evidence behind it, and is so thoroughly implausible that all rational
persons reject it. Nonetheless, Joe Cooper and the aptly named "Nobody"
and that certified lunatic "Scotty" and "Byker" and "AlleyCat" and
"raykeller" and "Mr. B1ack" and Poxed PeePee and "doddering DoD" and
Douche Weber and Hartung and maxipad and kleine klauschen and the aptly
named "yak" and the preening "Ministry of Vengeance and Vendettas" and
spammy *ALL* believed every one of them, and continue to believe #2 and
quite possibly #3.

Here are the definitions:

fake news: provably false statements that right-wingnut fruitcakes
believe because they statements support their toxic, fascist
Weltanschauung (force the ignorant cretins to look it up, heh heh)

right-wingnut phony "fake news": statements of actual *demonstrable*
facts that right-wingnut fruitcakes find displeasing or disturbing
because these facts challenge and *disprove* their beliefs
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