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ACF Nationals

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Spinoza's God

Apr 7, 1994, 2:57:12 PM4/7/94
At least one team has inquired: ACF Nationals are THIS weekend.
Registration starts at 5:00 pm tomorrow and ends at 6:00 pm. A
mandatory team meeting will follow. Play begins promptly at 6:30.
Play will resume Saturday at 9:00. Spectators are welcome. Here
are directions to Maryland.

--Vishnu Jejjala
MD Academic Quiz Team


Coming from the north, take I-95 south to the Capitol Beltway (495).
Take the beltway towards College Park. Take exit 25 (U.S 1 south)
after a short distance on the beltway.

Coming from the south, take I-95 north to the beltway (495). Take
the beltway east for about 25 miles and take exit 25 (U.S. 1 south).
You will come to exit 25 after passing the Baltimore-Washington
parkway and an exit for Kenilworth avenue.

Proceed on U.S 1 south for about one mile. Turn right onto Campus
Drive immediately after you pass a Jerry's subs. Proceed on Campus
Drive until you come to the circular "M". Go around the "M" and
proceed up the hill (still on Campus Drive). After going through
three stop signs (passing the Student Union on the right), the road
will fork. Take the right branch. After passing a building on the
left and tennis courts on the right, you should see a vast sea of
parking lots. Turn left and park in Lot 1 (if in doubt, read the
signs to make sure you won't get a ticket).

If you are coming by air to National Airport, take the Metro to the
College Park Metro Station. When there exit west. Walk on Calvert
Road until you hit Route 1. It is a busy street and it will be obvious
when you are there. Find your hotel.

The initial meeting will be held in 0106 Francis Scott Key hall. After
parking, walk back down the road you came in on. When you get to the
Stamp Student Union (on your left), turn right and head towards the
grass you see peeking between the buildings. Hopefully, you've now
reached the Mall. Key is on the opposite side of the Mall, one
building down. 0106 is on the ground floor (enter under the stairs).

Registration will be between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. It must be completed by
6:00. The team meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 pm and play will
start at 6:30. Play will resume the following morning at 9:00 am. If
you have transportation problems, please try to get in contact with
someone to let us know the difficulty. Contact Vishnu Jejjala by
e-mail at You can also contact Matt Baker or Mike
Starsinic by telephone at (301) 314-0015 and (301) 314-0101 respectively.

Here is a map drawn with ASCII characters.

----------- ------------------

Lot 1

----------- ---------
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
\ \| |
\ | |
\ |
\ |
| |
| |
--------- MALL ---- | | --------
| | | | | | | | Stamp Student Union
| | | | | | | |
|Tydings| ---- | | | |
--------- | | --------
MALL | |
------- | |
| | | |
|Key | MALL | |
| | | |
------- MALL | \
/=====\ \
/ \ |
| M | _______________________________
\ / Regents Drive
\=====/ _______________________________
| /
| /
| |
| |
Campus | |
Drive | |
| | | | Beltway
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
--------------------------------------| |
U.S 1 South | |
--------------------------------------| |
| |

Note: This really isn't to scale but it should help, especially once
on campus.

Spinoza's God

Apr 9, 1994, 2:00:39 AM4/9/94
The following teams showed up to ACF Nationals:
Armstrong State, BYU I, BYU II, Central Florida, Chicago I, Chicago II,
George Washington, Georgia State, Georgia Tech I, Georgia Tech II, Harvard,
Illinois, Maryland I, Maryland II, Maryland III, MIT, North Carolina,
N.C. State, Oklahoma, Southern California, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Virginia,
Western Michigan

After 6 rounds, Chicago I, Georgia Tech I, and Maryland II are undefeated.

Tanya N Cota-Robles

Apr 9, 1994, 3:02:09 AM4/9/94
Spinoza's God ( wrote:

: After 6 rounds, Chicago I, Georgia Tech I, and Maryland II are undefeated.

Go Chicago I!!!!!

Official UT-Dallas College Bowl Netrunner


Apr 10, 1994, 2:30:05 AM4/10/94
A big ol' pat on the back is going out from DFRYE's living room to the very
deserving University of Chicago College Bowl Team on their Nationals


Srinivasamurthy Kasibhotla

Apr 11, 1994, 1:23:27 PM4/11/94
First I must start by congratulating Ramesh and Jim for running a great
tournment. Every thing ran very smoothly, and like many others I must
thank them for giving the lesser placed teams to play a few more
rounds after the playoffs were decided. As I said a few times on this
newsgroup, our program here at USC is quite a fledling program,
and I am almost sure that this is the 1st Nationals USC has ever been
to, CBI or ACF or whatever. The experience of playing in such a formidable
field was very positive (although we are still recovering from the
nightmares of our game with Chicago where we were blown away by something
like 540-50 or so; but didn't Chicago do that to most teamms :-) Our
best win was the one against Western Michigan; I don't know how we did
it, but it is a great boost to our program to have a win against WMU,
which is one of the best in the country, (and which is one of the favorites
to win CBI Nationals I believe).

Congratulations to Chicago! Their win over U of Maryland in the finals
was the most awesome game I ever watched. Maryland and BYU also have
to be commended for placing 2 teams in the playoffs.


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