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Clearing Archive Roboposter

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.ce Copyright (C) Flemming A. Funch
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Technical Essay # 27 - FAF 17 January 1991

.ce The Spiritual Surfer

3D Clearing

There are some important principles that provide the key to solving the 3rd dynamic.

First of all, there are some inconsistencies in the typical picture of what an OT is.

It is true that one is fully creating one's own reality. It is true that postulates make things
happen. It is true that a being can be fully cause. However, this all happens at a very high
level. Charted along the dynamics it would be the 6th or 7th dynamic viewpoints.

We are all operating to some extent on all dynamics simultaneously. However, fully assuming
the viewpoint of a higher dynamic requires a gradual process of expanding across the lower
dynamics. That is roughly what we call the bridge.

Attempting to operate exclusively on the 6th or 7th dynamic when one doesn't know how to
handle the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th bypasses all the case on these dynamics. That is not only
not very workable, it also can produce nasty side effects. Another way of saying it is that
exteriorization and havingness isn't balanced.

I am not saying, of course, that one shouldn't make postulates and create things. I am just
saying that one doesn't get on top of that unless one goes through what one needs to go
through. One doesn't get directly from total effect to total cause without looking at all that is in
between. Unless one in some twisted way goes out the bottom, and that is not what we had in
mind with the bridge.

Now, what can we really expect in clearing the 3rd dynamic? What we are looking for is ways
of sorting out the ability to start, change, and stop activities, games, groups. We are trying to
get someone to confront the barriers to doing that, to as-is them, and to regain the ability to
comfortably and naturally do it.

Notice that 1st through 4th dynamic mostly deal with effects, 5th through 8th mostly deal with
causes. So, on the lower dynamics we are not overly concerned with the ultimate causes of
things. They are not quite available anyway.

Life on a broad scale can be regarded as consisting of flows or waves. Above the low level
significances, mass, and experiences in life there are conceptual flows. That is, above the
detailed phenomena that can be observed there are vectors. Things are moving in certain

To get activities to come out right in the universe one has to evaluate the existing vectors, find
the optimum point to operate from, and align vectors in the desired direction.

In other words, one gets something done most effectively by taking all existing forces into
consideration, choosing the path of least resistance, and aligning the forces in a more
optimum direction.

One does not get something done very easily in this universe by ignoring all existing vectors
and postulating arbitraries. That requires an unfathomable amount of horsepower and it isn't
the agreed upon way of playing the game. As a matter of fact it isn't playing the game at all.

The key to operating successfully in this universe is to find, use, and optimize the flows in it.
Maneuvering on the path of least resistance in the direction one wants to go. Or, to use a
suitable metaphor: skillfully riding the waves.

A skilled surfer uses the existing flows to his advantage. He selects the waves that have
potential, he puts himself in the most optimum position, aligns the existing forces, produces
the result he wanted, and has a great experience in the process.

The surfer doesn't create the waves. As a matter of fact, it would spoil the fun if he first had to
engineer some waves, plan their path, and then follow them.

The waves & surfer analogy goes quite deep. We can learn quite a bit about life through it.

Energy is very important in this universe. A great many phenomena, including clearing, can
be described in terms of energy. All flows and vectors are basically energy. Energy can take
various shapes: flows, dispersals, or ridges. Energy has other attributes such as frequency,
wave forms, amplitude. Flows have direction. Ridges have degrees of compressedness.
Matter is basically ridges: compressed energy, standing waves.

There is a whole mathematical and physics base to waves, so-called Wave Mechanics or
Wave Theory. All of it can be very useful for understanding the universe.

The subject of resonance can be taken to wider analogies. Resonance is when two or more
waves interact to get into a common agreement that produce a resulting wave much more
powerful than the simple sum of the waves. They hit the right note and suddenly out of
apparently disorganized randomness rises a new organized force. That is what lets an opera
singer shatter glass by hitting the right note.

Now, lets take a group of people and put them in the same room for some purpose.
Sometimes such a group will align with each other and produce marvelous results.
Sometimes they will be in wild disagreement and produce nothing. Why is that?

We could apply the idea of resonance here. A group that gets into alignment and produces
something gets into resonance. The vectors and frequencies of each member somehow get
to align and the result will be a new vector bigger than any of the individual vectors.

If you can achieve resonance in a group you can accomplish something with it. If you can't -
you can't.

So what does it take if you want to produce alignment in an area? You need to observe and
evaluate the existing vectors and characteristics. Then you need to assume the location,
vector, or characteristic that will produce resonance. If you do that, alignment will "magically"
result and cooperation will be very easy.

So, how do you win the lottery, how do make a successful business, how do you change the
world? Same way. You need to spot the flows that are involved. You need to observe which
ways things are going. You need to get in on the line exactly where you can produce the
maximum effect with the minimum effort. You need to present your own vector in a manner
that aligns the greatest number of vectors in the desired direction.

So to become more of an operating thetan, the route is towards maximum result with
minimum effort. Not towards maximum effort with minimum result, and not towards minimum
result with no effort.

Maximum result with minimum effort is what is known as "leverage" in the business world.
Many successful people intuitively understand it very well. "Do more with less".

It is also the principle of several types of martial arts: judo, jiujitsu, etc. You use the existing
forces to accomplish your objectives with minimal exertion of effort.

The attempt here is to unify these concepts into their philosophical and spiritual basis. There
are some inherent characteristics of the universe that open the door to successfully operating
in it. There are some flows going on, and one will accomplish more by using and aligning
them than by rejecting them. And I don't mean agreeing with them. I mean: noticing them,
using them, coordinating them, changing them.

The way of conquering the universe is from within. This is where the game is being played.
One has to confront and work with what is there.

Flows happen between terminals. Energy flows if we put up two terminals in firm positions
with space between them. That is the way electricity is created: two terminals kept apart from
each other. Mastering the use of flows requires a practical understanding of this. How flows
are started, changed, or stopped.

One can of course not only use existing waves and flows. One can create new ones if one
knows how it is done. And those new waves and flows can interact with the existing waves
and flows for the optimum effect.

The dwindling spiral can be described in terms of energy. The phenomenon of entropy is a
physical universe manifestation of it. It means that the potential of energy gradually get spent.
Energy that can flow will flow, will gradually use its power, and will eventually be evenly
spread over the universe with no more potential power.

If the phenomena of generation of energy are mastered it can and will reverse the physical
and spiritual entropy. What is involved is the creation of new terminals and the imposition of
space between them. That is most correctly associated with the 4th dynamic, categories of
beingness. In other words the dwindling spiral is finally reversed with the mastering of the 4th
dynamic. If one is not up to handling the first 4 dynamics one is subject to dwindling spirals.
Beyond that point one doesn't have to be.

As regards to the third dynamic, the best approach is the rehabilitation of the ability to ride on
the flows.

Notice that we aren't talking about "going with the flow". We are talking about "riding on the
flow". Those are two different things. That is a little trap built into the 3rd dynamic. "Going with"
the flow is an effect viewpoint.

Tech that it is useful to know here are:
¥ Data series evaluation, which is basically the method of finding the optimum spot to work at
¥ PR Tech, about surveying and using existing vectors
¥ Admin tech, about setting up fixed terminals and lines and coordinating different vectors
¥ Energy theory: Scientology 8-80 type of stuff, plus wave mechanics

Clearing-wise we need to bring a person up to an awareness of and command of a
simultaneous multitude of vectors, flows, and forces.

In order to do that we first have to have cleared lower level flow phenomena. That is, the
person shouldn't have reactive flows internal to himself, i.e. 1D charge. He shouldn't
experience reactive flows when dealing with individual others, i.e. 2D charge. If these things
have been taken care of, the being should be able to start perceiving 3D flow phenomena

3D flows aren't words, or even communication. They are conceptual energy phenomena.
One has to become able to see them as such. Trying to hit the right words is not part of the

How one goes about restimulating and clearing charge in this area is not quite clear yet. That
is subject to further development. One thing that comes to mind though is that the ability to
logically evaluate is central. So anything that blocks logic should be addressed. General
perception drills should fit in also. And exercising the ability to conceive of many directions at
the same time.

Catch a wave. Surf the universe.

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Wed Jul 19 00:06:02 EDT 2023
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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