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Clearing Archive Roboposter

Jul 21, 2023, 12:06:05 PM7/21/23
Hi folks, here's a little something I wrote up years ago. Consider it
a reference.


Note: LRH, Scientology, Dianetics, the Bridge, Clear, the Grades,
the OT levels, and other marks are trademarks and/or service marks of
the Church of Spiritual Technology. This document is a review or
critique of the various sources named herein.

This paper presents a bridge "unified" for purposes of discussion
only. It is not expected that one do everything listed below; it merely
presents the various "bridges", or paths to a better world based on the
spiritual philosophy of L. Ron Hubbard. No attempt is made to promote
one bridge over another, but the steps from the most popular sources are
given here.

Those of you who are on this path would do well to consult the list
below. Knowing what your options are is the first step to making an
informed decision. For example, if you only want to do the LRH bridge,
the steps LRH authored are clearly marked below. (But please don't
fault me for including other sources; and please don't write me and tell
me I have misunderstoods and need to get myself "corrected".)

For some individuals, it may be optimum to alter the sequence of
the steps.


[LRH] These are steps authored by LRH taken from Grade Charts
published in 1975 and 1980.

[DM] NOTs was authored by David Mayo (and approved by LRH) in the
late 70's. The courts have ruled he has no rights to them as he
developed them while and as an employee of the Church of Scientology.

[CBR] This is Captain Bill Robertson, who founded Ron's Orgs and
the original Freezone in Germany. He's said he's received upper level
data from LRH telepathically after his death.

[RTC] Only a few levels has been released by the Religious
Technology Corporation. Their main "contribution" was to remove some
levels, specifically XDn, "old" OT 4, 5, 6, and 7, and to tell Dianetic
Clears to bypass Power, Power Plus, R6EW, and the Scientology Clearing
Course (now collectively known as the "alternate route"). They've
effectively made it a status symbol to not do part of the bridge!

[SOBRA] The Science Of Beings Research Academy, whose materials are
available on the World Wide Web.

[RD] Robert DuCharme, who counsels by phone, and holds the cans
himself to get reads!

[RF] Ron Fitch, president of the California Association of Dianetic
Auditors, who made refinements to Book One Dianetics he calls Dianetics

[MF] Mary Freeman, who uses Ethics for personal gain, not as
punishment or to enforce compliance.

[KO] Ken Ogger, aka the Pilot, who wrote the excellent books Super
Scio and Self Clearing.

[AW] Alan Walter, founder of Knowledgism. He has written several
books, including Gods in Disguise.


1. Introductory Group Processing [LRH]. Done in Div 6, this is
done to demonstrate the power of processing on new people.

1A. Introductory Co-Audit [LRH]. Also in Div 6, this shows new
people that they too can produce results.

2. Book One Dianetics [LRH]. The same way it was done in 1950.

2A. Dianetics 2000 [RF]. Book One Dianetics with extra steps to
make it even more power- ful.

3. Purification Rundown [LRH]. While not exactly processing, this
action makes the body more receptive to case gain in future actions.

4. Life Repair [LRH]. Various correction lists prefixed with "in
this life". A short but powerful action!

4A. Self Clearing [KO]. An alternative bridge, replacing the
Survival Rundown up to Clear, for those with limited funds or who do not
have a professional auditor available in their area. Not recommended
for any kind of "tough" case.

5. Survival Rundown [LRH]. Objective processes. Helps bring the
person into present time.

5A. Happiness Rundown [LRH]. Additional processes aimed at
raising tone. Can be done at various points on the bridge.

6. Expanded ARC Straightwire. Helps improve recall, making
further processing easier.

7. Dianetic Drug Rundown [LRH]. One of four DRD's on the LRH
Grade Chart.

8. New Era Dianetics (NED) [LRH]. The RTC bridge puts Dianetics
after the Grades.

8A. Standard Dianetics [LRH]. An alternative to NED that excludes
certain actions taught on the Grades 0-4 courses; co-auditors in
particular may want to learn and deliver Standard Dianetics first, with
the NED steps done after the Grades. Alternatively, co-auditors may
deliver Standard Dianetics to each other, and have the NED steps done
professionally in Review.

8B. New Vitality Rundown [LRH]. A case booster for those on the
lower end of the Bridge.

9. Scientology Drug Rundown [LRH].

Note: Roman numerals below have been replaced with Arabic ones;
with OT levels now going up to 48 on the CBR bridge, this seemed

10. Grade 0. Communication [LRH].

11. Grade 1. Problems (including Help) [LRH].

11A. Some versions of the bridge make Help into a separate grade
chart action [KO].

12. Grade 2. Overts (evil acts) and Withholds [LRH].

13. Grade 3. ARC Breaks [LRH].

14. Grade 4. Service Facsimiles [LRH].

15. Expanded Dianetics [LRH]. While this level adds to the
Dianetics tech, much of it is the same as NED. Having done the Grades,
the person is now in a position to pick up charge that may have been too
deeply buried before.

15A. Codes Rundown [AW]. Ever wonder what your real personal
agenda is? This level will answer that question and give you your
reason for living. Other unique levels are also available from

15B. R3XD [RD]. Part of this process allows entire Dianetic
chains to be run at once, instead of one incident at a time. Reduces
the charge on Goals Problem Masses (GPM's).

15C. The Ethics Intensive [MF]. By addressing the "inner villain"
in all of us, this le- vel changes personality (for the better) in a
very fundamental way. Particularly useful in cases where the tech is
just not going in. While it has been placed between Grade 4 and Power
in this list, it can be done at any earlier time if needed.

15D. Havingness Rundown [LRH]. Positive processing to give the PC
something in place of all the negative charge removed.

16-16A. Power and Power Plus [LRH]. The first of the
"confidential" levels. Power Plus is an extention of the original
Power, and they are usually delivered together.

16B-16C-16D. L-11, L-10, and L-12 [LRH]. Usually delivered in
that order but the actual sequence is at the discretion of the C/S.

17. Solo Set-Ups [LRH]. As determined by the C/S. Called Solo
Assists by Ron's Orgs.

18. Solo Auditor Course [LRH]. A training action necessary to
proceed up the processing side of the bridge. One way of teaching Solo
skills is to teach every action needed in the future in this course;
another way is to teach only the basic actions and to teach the specific
actions needed for each Solo level on that level. Becoming a classed
auditor with some experience auditing others first can make this level a
lot easier.

19. R6EW [LRH]. The first Solo level. This level bypasses the
usual protective mechanisms of the "bank" and reduces charge. "R6" is
simply the name of the process used on this level and in a few others

20. Clearing Course (CC) [LRH]. This is the level that produces
"Scientology Clears". This level addresses Goals Problem Masses
(GPM's), not engrams, and so it is way different than any Dianetics
level. Some say going Dianetic Clear does not remove the need to do the
Clearing Course.

20A. Sunshine Rundown [LRH]. A locational-type action for new

20B. Dianetic Clear Special Intensive [RTC]. The RTC bridge puts
NED after Grade 4, and if the person then attests to Dianetic Clear,
they are given this step and skip ahead to Solo and the OT levels.
Those who don't attest to Dianetic Clear are called "Dianetic Case
Completions" and do Power, Power Plus, R6EW, and the Clearing Course.
These are le- vels which everybody used to do anyway before RTC started
calling it the "alternate route".

20C. Force Processing [LRH]. Makes the thetan unafraid to unleash
his own power. A ver- sion of this, called Synergetics, can be found on
the World Wide Web at

20D. Case-Cracking Rundown [LRH]. Tailored to the individual to
clean up any bypassed charge.

20E. Clear Hat [CBR]. Orients a Clear for his new role as a

21. OT 1 [LRH]. Several versions of this level have been released
over the years; I can- not recommend one over the other. The heck with
it, why not do them all?

22. OT 2 [LRH]. On every Grade Chart issued, this level and the
next have never had the word "new" placed in front of them---they are
the same as when they were originally is- sued. There are many steps to
do on this level; just be sure not to stop on the first floating needle.

23. OT 3 [LRH]. Truly a different kind of auditing! Handles the
major whole track inci- dents that have affected thetans. Reveals the
true history of this sector of the galaxy.

23A. OT 7EP [LRH]. For those who are having trouble on OT 3,
these processes borrowed from OT 7 are run to improve the Solo Auditor's
power of intention.

23B. OT 3X [LRH]. A continuation of OT 3 after doing OT 7EP.

23C. OT Drug Rundown [LRH]. A Drug Rundown for those who have
completed OT 3.

Note: in this paper, the numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7 have been given
back to the original OT levels that had those numbers. The "new" OT
levels, the various NOTs levels, are identi- fied by name instead.

24. OT 4 [LRH]. This level, and the three following, have been
removed from the bridge by RTC. Some say there is nothing "old" or
obsolete about them, and that they should be done as always.

25. OT 5 [LRH].

26. OT 6 [LRH].

27. OT 7 [LRH]. Boosts intention.

28. NOTs Drug Rundown [DM]. The first step of NOT's auditing.

29. Audited NOTs [DM]. A series of rundowns delivered by a Class
9 auditor.

30. Solo NOTs course [DM]. A training level needed to prepare one
to audit their own NOTs case.

31. Solo NOTs [DM]. When you can answer NOTs questions faster
than the auditor can ask them, it's time to move on to this level.

Note: in this paper, OT 8 and 9 are used for the original LRH
levels with those numbers. The Ron's Orgs bridge [CBR] uses those
numbers differently; in this paper they are identi- fied by name

32. Excalibur [CBR]. This can be described as "Solo NOTs with
something extra". This something extra can reduce to time needed to get
the full result from years to as little as one month. Ron's Orgs refers
to this level as "OT 8".

33. OT Life Repair [CBR]. Done after Excalibur. Together, they
handle the most secret and ancient barriers to OT, an organized attempt
on the 7th Dynamic to force thetans to conform to a lower state of

34. OT 8 [LRH]. Truth Revealed. A total of 5 rundowns, the first
of which is called the Focus Rundown. Beware of those who only deliver
the first rundown and then call the level complete. The fifth rundown
is optional at the discretion of the C/S.

35. Bridge Review [RTC]. Where the Solo Auditor gets to review
various actions done previ- ously. Now offered by RTC as "OT 8" in
place of the LRH version.

36. OT 9 [LRH]. The last of the released OT levels directly
written by LRH. This doesn't seem to be the same as Orders of

37-37A-37B-37C. Orders of Magnitude, Character, Operating, and
Future [RTC]. These are the "unreleased" levels now offered by the
Church as OT "9, 10, 11, and 12". I wonder if they are the "old" OT
levels, 4 through 7, renumbered.

37D. Ananda Rundowns [SOBRA]. "Ananda" means boundless joy.
Further information is available on the World Wide Web at

37E. Super Scio Processes [KO]. Various processes from the book
Super Scio by the Pilot, for use "after new OT 7". These go ALL the way
back on the time track, much earlier than Home Universe! Available on
the Web and in print form.

38. Body Straightwire [CBR]. An optional rundown which takes care
of any body somatics occasioned by earlier auditing and still persisting
after Excalibur has been completed.

39. Phoenix [CBR]. Opens the door to the "OT's own dynamics", and
what he did---and didn't do---on them. Now, with tech, he can end cycle
so that everyone wins---including himself. Ron's Orgs calls this level
"OT 9".

Note: from this point forward, the OT numbers refer exclusively to
the Ron's Orgs bridge.

40. OT 10 [CBR]. Continuation of Phoenix.

41. OT 11 [CBR]. Continuation of Phoenix.

42. OT 12 [CBR]. Super Power for OT's. This level through the
Clone Cycle Rundown han- dles why the OT didn't remain an OT.

42A. Pre-Static Life Repair [CBR].

43. OT 13 [CBR]. Super Power for OT's continued.

43A. Pre-Static Prior Assessment [CBR].

43B. Clone Cycle Rundown [CBR].

43C. Commanding Officer Cycle Rundown [CBR]. Puts the OT in
control of his own body mak- ing it easy for him to keep it operational.

44. OT 14. The Grail [CBR]. This level and the next two reveal
incredible data about the games thetans get into---and couldn't get out
of---until now.

45. OT 15 [CBR]. Continuation of The Grail.

46. OT 16 [CBR]. Continuation of The Grail.

46A. Super Static Rundown [CBR]. After this rundown the person
has no more case and re- quires no further auditing.

47-63. OT 17-33. The Administrative Levels [CBR]. This is where
the solo auditor reaches out to others on the bridge and
pandeterminatedly "administers" to them to get them through any barriers
to their own progress.

64-70. OT 34-40. Games Master or Boots in the Sky [CBR]. Handles
any tendency to go on a dwindling spiral again.

70A. Games Master Graduate [CBR].

71. OT 41 [CBR]. Games Series.

72. OT 42 [CBR]. Games Basics.

73-76. OT 43-46 [CBR]. Source Operation Level. (SOL 1 through
SOL 4).

77. OT 47 [CBR]. Valuable Application of Source Training (VAST).

78. OT 48 [CBR]. VAST Plus -- the very TOP of the bridge!

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun Sep 12 00:35:40 EDT 2010

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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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