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Who faces L. Ron Hubbard in this newsgroup

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 18, 2002, 7:19:28 AM10/18/02
Who faces L. Ron Hubbard in this newsgroup

In all the eight(!) years that I monitored the newsgroup
alt.religion.scientology and its sister newsgroup - in all the eight years that I monitored
these newsgroups for signs of intelligent life, I found only ONE
person who faced (and faces) L. Ron Hubbard.

The person who did show signs of intelligent life, is

Ed "metasyn" at

If I forgot anyone, be kind enough to inform me (I don't want to be
incomplete) - but I don't think I did.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

Copyright 2002 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge undominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
(address unreadable for internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)


Oct 18, 2002, 8:22:02 AM10/18/02
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

> Who faces L. Ron Hubbard in this newsgroup
> In all the eight(!) years that I monitored the newsgroup
> alt.religion.scientology and its sister newsgroup
> - in all the eight years that I monitored
> these newsgroups for signs of intelligent life, I found only ONE
> person who faced (and faces) L. Ron Hubbard.
> The person who did show signs of intelligent life, is
> Ed "metasyn" at
> If I forgot anyone, be kind enough to inform me (I don't want to be
> incomplete) - but I don't think I did.
> Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
> human rights philosopher and poet
> Copyright 2002 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)

"Learn" from your writings? You've got to be fucking nuts!!

Oh, I forgot. You are.

Ralph Hilton

Oct 18, 2002, 10:21:25 AM10/18/02
to (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote on 18 Oct 2002
04:19:28 -0700 in msg <>, :

>Who faces L. Ron Hubbard in this newsgroup
> In all the eight(!) years that I monitored the newsgroup
> alt.religion.scientology and its sister newsgroup
> - in all the eight years that I monitored
> these newsgroups for signs of intelligent life, I found only ONE
> person who faced (and faces) L. Ron Hubbard.

He is staying with Mike and Virginia somewhere in Idaho. I'm should he'd
love to hear from you.
Ralph Hilton
Freezone Directory:
Freezone International:

Phil Scott

Oct 17, 2002, 11:46:02 AM10/17/02
On 18 Oct 2002 04:19:28 -0700, (Koos Nolst
Trenite) wrote:

>Who faces L. Ron Hubbard in this newsgroup
> In all the eight(!) years that I monitored the newsgroup
> alt.religion.scientology and its sister newsgroup
> - in all the eight years that I monitored
> these newsgroups for signs of intelligent life, I found only ONE
> person who faced (and faces) L. Ron Hubbard.
>The person who did show signs of intelligent life, is
> Ed "metasyn" at
> If I forgot anyone, be kind enough to inform me (I don't want to be
> incomplete) - but I don't think I did.

You are a bird brain Koos, and now your memory fails broad spectrum.

Phil Scott

Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 18, 2002, 5:02:43 PM10/18/02
The 'Orcs' are never told from where they get their impulses,
their "truths" - they just feel, emote and execute these without
any reason.

This is done by the projection of Life Energy - which the master
denies the existence of, so he himself can take and manipulate it
freely and unhindered, and undetected too.

The 'Orcs' are conditioned not to look at and not to investigate their
own actual condition and their deceived allegiance, and they are
incapacitated from facing the object of their enforced admiration.

Once they were Elves ...very long ago, who have been captured and made
into 'Orcs.'

And their master is not going to tell them where he is, and he makes
it impossible for them to perceive or sense what he himself does and
what he himself thinks about them or what he plans.

And their master makes very sure his 'Orcs' are not told about their
condition - so that they just protect him, and work and fight for him
and do his bidding.

And their conditioning is such, that even when they hear of it, they
can not listen nor comprehend...

Even if they would become aware of their condition and their deceived
allegiance, they would be terrified of undoing it - not unlike a
Drug addict is deadly terrified of facing the extreme Pain and
Ugliness and Hate ...that the Drugs made him comfortably not feel,
that the deception, caused by the Drugs, allowed him to pretend not
to exist 'in his universe.'

The master made himself believe, that he created the 'Orcs,' that
they are "his creations" - but all he did was mutilating immortal and
beautiful souls called Elves, once friends of mine...

The master made himself believe in equal delusion and grandeur, that
he created his "own universe," his own certainty, his own "truth,"
but all he could do - and can ever do - was to take from The Creation
and deform and mutilate and uglify it, and hide the truth by altering
what is and what will ever be and what can not be destroyed, and he
then called it all "just a matter of opinion" and "just a game" - a
'game' without any regard for life at all: 'Whoever is the most
deceptive and does the most unbelieved evil and steals the hardest
and cleverest, "wins".'

(Those are the fundamentals of his thoughts.)

From 'What Should Not Have Remained Forgotten'
(attributed to J.R.R. Tolkien)

Note: Don't omit to see the second part of 'The Lord of the Rings'!

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet


- 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)'
(29 Aug 2001)

- 'Defining Love and Hate - A Law of Life (Definition)'
(29 July 2002)

- 'A Poem of Love and Adventure' (17 July 2002)

Michael O'Neill

Oct 19, 2002, 1:16:29 AM10/19/02
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:

> The 'Orcs' are never told from where they get their impulses,
> their "truths" - they just feel, emote and execute these without
> any reason.

[snip argument that Orcs are no self aware/have no free will]

Looks like we have a live one at last.

Anyone check out the references in the sig?

I'm too bollixed to read any more unctuous stuff tonight.


Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 21, 2002, 7:00:50 AM10/21/02
'No greater the fool than the person who knows not that
he knows too little.'

Koos Nolst Trenite

21 October 2002

Shortly after I posted the article quoted at the bottom - forty six
minutes after the Posting Date of it, to be exact - a very strong
Illusion was projected at me, that 'made it felt with "natural and
kind certainty",' that:

"L. Ron Hubbard is just a nice and friendly guy whom I like,
and whom everybody likes naturally."

The strength of this Illusion - which was intended to become
accepted as a Delusion - was so overwhelming, and contained that
much "feeling things as they are(*)," that it took me(!) about a
minute to get out of it ...getting out of it by recalling to mind
the data that I knew - data and experiences, that indeed most heavily
do contradict that Illusion (which had turned - for a short moment -
into a Delusion)!

It goes of course together with a total denial of who I am, but that
implied action and enforcement is hidden ...hidden by the Delusion
In other words, that Delusion is not just 'a different truth,' but
that particular Delusion is a violent denial and complete reversal of
any and all truth over a very long time period.

(Truth is defined as 'that what happened,' including the driving
intentions behind it.')

- 'Mozart Remedying Spiritual Violence - Fine Particle Physics
- Beauty and Awareness' (20 August 2002)

If you are further interested in Delusions and how these affect
people, then you must know, that the ones who USE (project and
enforce) these, are not really going to tell you how it works, nor
what things they really do with it, nor what the Delusions are that
they use - except for some superficial bragging about the results of

But they create and offer courses in miracles and in avatars and
personal success in life, and they write urantia and maitreya books
and right uses of will and evolutions of consciousness, and they
invoke various Dimensions and Channels and Civilizations - all based
on the formulation and projection of Illusions with the desired
object of making these accepted by oneself, and more so, by others,
as Delusions - that is to say, as "true."

But they never check out nor investigate their 'sources of "divine"
knowledge' - very much to their own and to our detriment, and indeed,
to their own and to our Delusion.

Knowing about spirits and about the existence of Life Energy,
or even being able consciously to see it located and working,
or someone consciously being able to feel and sense various
ideas and sensations and information contained in Life Energy
(I say 'consciously,' because you are doing it all the time
anyway, as that is how life and perception and memory works)
knowing that consciously, or seeing some of it consciously -
does NOT at all, and not at all automatically, guarantee a
freedom of Illusion and Delusion.

Even though one doesn't (anymore) suffer from the Delusion of
identifying oneself to oneself as a part of the body one has,
and even though one treats others as a being of immortal
spiritual nature, and not as if they are body parts, one is
still subject to all the other Delusions.

In fact, knowing about something, without knowing that one
knows far too little about it and sees far too little, can, and
does result in highly contradictory behavior and statements:

No greater the fool than the person who knows not that he
knows too little.

By way of entertainment, you are well served by the author
E.E. "Doc" Smith and his Lensman Series - from, I think, Volume Four
('Grey Lensman') onwards - who in his turn was advised by a scientist
on that particular subject, when he wrote the Lensman Series books:
Much of his galaxy-spanning action adventure revolves around the use
of Delusions and the detection of Delusions, in a rather playful and
highly entertaining way.

I have written and published very much about things I uncovered in the
line of research, but rather in a scientific manner as soon as the
data became available - that is, as 'raw research data.'

A remedy to Delusions, is connecting back to the truth of who and what
you are, to Civilization, which is the Mozart Effect, or also the
Bach effect - which connects you back to what is, back to who is who,
back to the pure Life Energy, the pure Beauty, of The Creation.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

(*) Footnote:
A false feeling that is deliberately projected onto another or
onto others, by means of a combination or cocktail of certain
types of Life Energy Particles that make the lie accepted as
Certain individuals (criminal minds) project and enforce this
all the time - both on themselves and on others.


- 'The Second Mozart-Effect - Connecting To Your Own Past'
(3 Sept 2002 - Version 1.1)

- 'On People Wanting Delusions
- And Those Who Provide Delusions For Them'
(21 Sept 2002 - Version 2.0) (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in


Oct 21, 2002, 1:07:29 PM10/21/02
to (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote:

> A remedy to Delusions, is connecting back to the truth of who and what
> you are, to Civilization, which is the Mozart Effect, or also the
> Bach effect - which connects you back to what is, back to who is who,
> back to the pure Life Energy, the pure Beauty, of The Creation.

> "The primal single sound (Aum or Om) is the highest uttered word of
> power and knowledge. It is verily as Brahman itself. The regulation of
> the breath is the chiefest tapas-discipline. Higher than the Savitri
> is no mantra. Higher than silence is truth.
> s/rays1284.html

> OM sounded forth, with intent thought behind it, acts as a disturber,
> a loosener of the coarse matter of the body of thought, of emotion,
> and of the physical body. -Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - A Treatise on
> White Magic - Rule IV - The Creative Work of Sound

We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells in
the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the average
human being uses only a small part of his equipment. The area of the
brain which is found around the pineal gland is that connected with
the intuition, and it is these cells which must be roused into
activity before there can be any real intuitive perception which, when
aroused, will manifest soul control, spiritual illumination, true
psychological understanding of one's fellowmen, and a development of
the true esoteric sense, which is the objective before you at this

One excellent way to arouse that center is to think "AUM". The Yoga
Sutras of Pantanjali encourage students to "think 'AUM' with out

"Man must change or die. There is no other course."
The World Teacher


Oct 21, 2002, 1:23:20 PM10/21/02
In article <>, Maximus wrote:
> We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells in
> the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the average
> human being uses only a small part of his equipment.

That is a myth long ago proven false. Different areas of the brain serve
different functions. There is no inert chunk of brain matter, save in cases
of brain injury. I would recommend before you post such crap that you
actually read some information on the general functions of areas of
mammalian brains.



Oct 21, 2002, 1:42:15 PM10/21/02
On 21 pa? 2002, (Maximus) scribbled loosely:

> We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells in
> the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the average
> human being uses only a small part of his equipment.

No we're not. At least I'm not. Do you often hear voices?

Akai suna no ue ni saita shiroi hana
Daiyou no mashita de yureru chiisana kage
Tori no mure ga naiteiru
Douzo Douzo Shiawase ni

Michael Graf

Oct 22, 2002, 5:48:04 AM10/22/02

"Pradera" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> On 21 pa? 2002, (Maximus) scribbled loosely:

> > We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells in
> > the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the average
> > human being uses only a small part of his equipment.

> No we're not. At least I'm not. Do you often hear voices?

Regarding the number of inactive brain cells in some people's brains...more
likely a choir.
Anyway...better than being alone! ;-)

An apple a day
Keeps Bill Ferny away

Edmond Wollmann

Oct 22, 2002, 9:48:56 AM10/22/02
Michael Graf wrote:

> Hi!

> "Pradera" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:Xns92AEC868AF3DAp...@

> > On 21 pa? 2002, (Maximus) scribbled loosely:

> > > We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells in
> > > the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the average
> > > human being uses only a small part of his equipment.

Yes, scientists make many "claims." Much of our abilities lie dormant,
but much of this is from the way we are taught to BELIEVE, not which
cells "lie dormant."

> > No we're not. At least I'm not. Do you often hear voices?

> Regarding the number of inactive brain cells in some people's brains...more
> likely a choir.
> Anyway...better than being alone! ;-)

Who cares about L. Ron Hubbard or what he thinks anyway?

"Science is built of facts the way a house is built of bricks; but an
accumulation of facts is no more science than a pile of bricks is a
house." Henri Poincare
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A. remove-to mail me
© 2002 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting


Oct 22, 2002, 10:20:08 AM10/22/02

Edmond Wollmann wrote:

> "Science is built of facts the way a house is built of bricks; but an
> accumulation of facts is no more science than a pile of bricks is a
> house." Henri Poincare

Still having trouble with that original thought I see.


Oct 22, 2002, 2:19:14 PM10/22/02
Edmond Heinz Wollmann, dumpster-diving, bankruptcy-filing kook, failed
predictor, plagiarist, thief, asshole, spammer, 20-time Net and ISP
account loser, physical stalker, convicted in San Diego on 6/28/98 of a
misdemeanor (PC 555- Unlawful Entry), fined, and placed on probation,
sued for Unlawful Detainer and evicted in 3/96, past violator of Federal
and State game laws for abusing wildlife, described and punished as an
abuser by SDSU, and remorseless confessed killer of another human being

> Michael Graf wrote:
>> Hi!
>> "Pradera" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> news:Xns92AEC868AF3DAp...@
>> > On 21 pa? 2002, (Maximus) scribbled
>> > loosely:
>> > > We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells
>> > > in the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the
>> > > average human being uses only a small part of his equipment.
> Yes, scientists make many "claims." Much of our abilities lie dormant,
> but much of this is from the way we are taught to BELIEVE, not which
> cells "lie dormant."

Edmo, your brain cells never woke up.
"Yes, I am wise, and its wisdom born from my superior brain! Yes, I pay
no price and look how much I gain! If I have to, I can do ANYTHING!! I am
strong, I AM invincible! I am WOOOOOLLLLLLMMMMAAANNNNNNNN!!! HEAR------
Did you have any astrology to discuss?" - Edmo on another kooky rant.

>> > No we're not. At least I'm not. Do you often hear voices?
>> Regarding the number of inactive brain cells in some people's
>> brains...more likely a choir.
>> Anyway...better than being alone! ;-)
> Who cares about L. Ron Hubbard or what he thinks anyway?

WTF did that have to do with anything, kook? At least he sold a few
copies of his crappy book. So where's my lawsuit, dumpster diver?

There wouldn't be as many satisfied ladies around, if I
hadn't ditched them long ago! - Edmo in a moment of candor.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the August, 2000 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Fanatic Legion # 555-PLNTY
Rank: Colonel

Ren S. Timpie

Oct 22, 2002, 7:07:05 PM10/22/02
Edmond Wollmann wrote:
> Michael Graf wrote:
>>"Pradera" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>>>On 21 pa? 2002, (Maximus) scribbled loosely:
>>>>We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells in
>>>>the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the average
>>>>human being uses only a small part of his equipment.
> Yes, scientists make many "claims."

And them back them up with evidence.

Which is something you consistently fail to do with your claims of
having a diploma from SDSU.

In fact, you tried to sue SDSU.

Funny, your behavior is exactly consistent with what a lying fraud would do.

Imagine being able to dispel people's ideas about that just by
presenting some simple evidence.

Jeffrey Jupiter

Oct 22, 2002, 9:10:07 PM10/22/02
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 13:48:56 GMT, Edmond Wollmann
<> wrote:

>Michael Graf wrote:
>> Hi!
>> "Pradera" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> news:Xns92AEC868AF3DAp...@
>> > On 21 pa? 2002, (Maximus) scribbled loosely:
>> > > We are told by physicians and scientists that thousands of cells in
>> > > the human brain are still dormant and, consequently, that the average
>> > > human being uses only a small part of his equipment.
>Yes, scientists make many "claims."

However, anything you claim is worth nothing at all, because you're a
scum sucking spammer, fraudulent fake "counselor", and disgraceful
ghoul who tries to take advantage of other people's misfortunes in an
attempt to pad your wallet.

You are a fucking scumbag!

Prove us wrong, I bet you can't.

Shy David

Oct 23, 2002, 1:08:06 AM10/23/02
On 18 Oct 2002 04:19:28 -0700, (Koos Nolst Trenite)

> Who faces L. Ron Hubbard in this newsgroup

And here Koos claims he was found "more than sane." Amazing, eh?

Protect love: vote *NO!* on Proposition Two.
"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt." --- Clarence Darrow


Oct 27, 2002, 11:51:59 AM10/27/02
On 18 Oct 2002 14:02:43 -0700, (Koos
Nolst Trenite) wrote:

Wow, Koos. Your writing styles has changed.


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