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Does anybody know if Arab Christians are circumcised?

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Jun 30, 2015, 11:58:38 AM6/30/15
Especially Syrian Arab Christians?

Jul 1, 2015, 3:17:40 AM7/1/15
On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 11:58:38 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Especially Syrian Arab Christians?

The issue is a bit complicated because (a) it depends on which Christian groups you refer to and (b) most arabic speaking Christian groups in arab countries are not really of arab origin.

The Copts are the biggest Christian group in Arab countries. They are mostly in Egypt but also Sudan and Libya. The speak arabic but consider themselves descendants of the original pre-arab Egyptian population. They all practice male circumcision.

There are other arab speaking Christian groups mostly in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Many of them call themselves Assyrians or Chaldeans and claim descent from non-Arab peoples in what is now Turkey and the Caucasus. They belong to several sects e.g. Maronites, Melkites, Syriac Orthodox etc. In most of these groups circumcision may be practiced but is not required, it just depends on local tradition and family choice. In Lebanon most Christians are circumcised but in Syria and Iraq much less so.

Your question about a Syrian arab Christian doesn't have a definite answer unfortunately. You will have to ask him :)

Jul 14, 2015, 10:35:37 AM7/14/15
If it wasn't for St Paul it would still be an obligation for Christians to be circumcised today!

Jul 17, 2015, 11:43:45 PM7/17/15
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Is that a fact?

Aug 3, 2015, 9:06:07 AM8/3/15
On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 3:35:37 PM UTC+1, wrote:

> If it wasn't for St Paul it would still be an obligation for Christians to be circumcised today!

True he was against circumcision and he told the early christians they didnt need to do it. (Epistle to Galatians.) Up to then the christians thought they were just jews who accepted Jesus as the messiah but after that they couldn't be jews any more if they kept foreskins. For the jews God made circumcison the law. Ecxept for the philistines they were the only uncircumcised tribe in those parts until God made the covenant where he gave them Israel for ever so long as they were cirucmcised forever. After that the bible uses uncircumcised like an insult specially for the philistines. When David wanted to marry the king's daughter he made the dowry 100 philistine foreskins but David doubled the dowry and got the kings daughter for 200 philistine foreskins. (1 Samuel.) I guess David had to chop their heads off first. Paul had no right to change the law but he did. If he hadn't I guess christians would still be a circumcised jewish sect.

Sep 24, 2015, 6:36:10 AM9/24/15
On Wednesday, 1 July 2015 08:17:40 UTC+1, wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 11:58:38 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> > Especially Syrian Arab Christians?

> Your question about a Syrian arab Christian doesn't have a definite answer unfortunately. You will have to ask him :)

Thanks. I asked him and he is circumcised :)

David Edwards

Nov 9, 2015, 12:14:46 PM11/9/15
> Thanks. I asked him and he is circumcised :)

I always ask first now.If he's uncut sometimes he gets upset but that's better than finding out too late. I used to hook up with some guy then find too late he's uncut, then I had 3 choices which were. NUMBER 1, tell him right out I'm sorry I don't like sex with uncuts, gotta go. I definitely don't recommend this, they NEVER take it well!! NUMBER 2, make some feeble excuse like O I suddenly got terrible diarrhoea, gotta go, or O I left my iphone in the bar,gotta go, or O I forget my gonorrhea meds, gotta go. Any of those works. NUMBER 3, just try to be polite and go thru with it. Which is what I did many times hoping for the best BUT the result is now if I even see a pic of uncut dick I want to throw up. So I now I always ask first!!!

Apr 7, 2016, 6:13:11 AM4/7/16
On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 12:14:46 AM UTC+7, David Edwards wrote:

> >
.I used to hook up with some guy then find too late he's uncut, then I had 3 choices which were. NUMBER 1, tell him right out I'm sorry I don't like sex with uncuts, gotta go. I definitely don't recommend this, they NEVER take it well!! NUMBER 2, make some feeble excuse like O I suddenly got terrible diarrhoea, gotta go, or O I left my iphone in the bar,gotta go, or O I forget my gonorrhea meds, gotta go. Any of those works. NUMBER 3, just try to be polite and go thru with it.

LOL!!! Those are great ways to get out of that situation! From what you say when you hook up you go to his home or hotel room which is generally a smart move. It's a lot easier to get out of somebody else's place than get them out of yours. Anybody male or female who hates uncut dick should always find out first. It's too late when you're both nekkid...

>>Which is what I did many times hoping for the best BUT the result is now if I even see a pic of uncut dick I want to throw up.

That's a psychological process called Conditioning. Pavlov over 100 yrs ago noticed dogs salivated when they got food but they also salivated at anything they associated with food like a bell that Pavlov rang. If you had experience with uncut dick that made you want to throw up then later on, just seeing a pic of one has same effect. Uncut dick smells like rotten fish and its natural to vomit if something that smells like that goes in your mouth because that's how nature protects you from food poisoning. People who start to gag and retch at smell of uncut have the same reaction, it's natural.


Apr 17, 2016, 11:03:37 PM4/17/16
On Thursday, 7 April 2016 19:13:11 UTC+9, wrote:

> >>Which is what I did many times hoping for the best BUT the result is now if I even see a pic of uncut dick I want to throw up.

> That's a psychological process called Conditioning. Pavlov over 100 yrs ago noticed dogs salivated when they got food but they also salivated at anything they associated with food like a bell that Pavlov rang. If you had experience with uncut dick that made you want to throw up then later on, just seeing a pic of one has same effect. Uncut dick smells like rotten fish and its natural to vomit if something that smells like that goes in your mouth because that's how nature protects you from food poisoning. People who start to gag and retch at smell of uncut have the same reaction, it's natural.

That is a scientifically correct analysis :)

Jun 3, 2016, 8:04:23 AM6/3/16
Regarding "Uncut dick smells like rotten fish and its natural to vomit if something that smells like that goes in your mouth because that's how nature protects you from food poisoning. People who start to gag and retch at smell of uncut have the same reaction, it's natural."
This is total stupid inaccurate NONSENSE. It is used to justify this mutilating circumcision procedure. Uncircumcised guys retract their foreskins and WASH with soap and water and the reult is clean and hygenic. The uncut dick is remarkably more sensitive and suffers none of the annual disasters of circumcision. Google "Botched circumcisions becoming health crisis in South Africa" for example. The great majority of the world's men are uncircumcised (uncut). Go figure!
In Britain and most of Europe, Russia, Japan and China, Hindu India and many other countries, circumcision is now highly unusal except amongst Middle Eastern religious groups, i.e. Judaism and Islam. To literally throw up at the sight of a dick (just the way your own was before the end was sliced off) shows a mental health issue, not a physical necessity to amputate part of your genitals. Gouging out a girl's clitoris (FGM) is normal in some parts of Ethipia and Pakistan. Do you advocate that too? The foreskin is not merely a piece of skin, it's a remarkably useful "wizard's sleeve" during sex and masturbation, and has about 100,000 nerve endings of its own. It's a pleasure cut guys sadly don't know, as they slop endless lube onto their leathery desensitised penises to compensate for the lack of Nature's own solution.

Jun 11, 2016, 3:14:19 AM6/11/16
On Friday, June 3, 2016 at 2:04:23 PM UTC+2, wrote:

>Uncircumcised guys retract their foreskins and WASH with soap and water and the reult is clean and hygenic.

How do you know that?

Try google of "uncircumcised smells after wash". You will get a big surprise because there are pages and pages of guys saying washing still leaves their uncircumcised cock stinking. A lot of the advice is actually NOT to use soap because supposedly it makes the smell WORSE!

These are some quotes from the first page, look it up yourself if you like.

"I'm uncircumcised, and even minutes after thoroughly washing my penis it still has a persistent bad odor."

"My[22] boyfriend[25] ... is uncircumcised and the smell and taste is god-awful...I have gotten in the shower with him and tried to get it clean myself but he doesn't seem to like that. I love giving head... just smelling it makes me want to vomit."

"I am 21, I have an uncircumcised penis...(thanks to my parents..grr..) My girlfriend constantly complains about a residual pee smell on my penis, and I feel terrible. I wash daily, once or twice, and I always make sure I wash under my foreskin with soap."

"Hey I think my penis may have BO or something I have heard about this being common for uncut guys and I need some help. Do I just wash it with water, use soap or anything else?.'

''m a 25 year old male, not sexually active, and I have this horrible smell coming from my penis that i want to get rid of. some background: It's not a UTI b/c I've recently tested for that, and not an STD. I have very good hygeine and wash under the foreskin with soap every day, and make sure that i rinse thoroughly'

"I usually love giving blowjobs, but he is the first I've been with who has been uncircumcised. I almost threw up when I gave him one because it smelled and tasted like acrid pee and mildew. I KNOW he takes showers every day, so is this normal? '

"My penis smells fishy under the foreskin, even within 10 mins after a shower. I wash regurlarly, but the smell keeps coming back.

"Hey guys, I know this sounds gross, and I'm generally a pretty clean person... but this is extremely weird. for those not familiar with the term "smegma", its a fishy dirty aromna. However I wash myself quite often and very thoroughly. Even after a long shower or bath the smell still persists.... I can't seem to make it go away."

"How do i get rid of bad smells under my foreskin? I wash daily and thoroughly,but after about an hour i get a (dirty strong-ish) smell under my foreskin."

There are thousands more like these! So there IS a problem and washing with soap or without soap doesn't seem to help much.

>The uncut dick is remarkably more sensitive

That claim is often made but it's not true according to a lot of research Here is the latest, read it and see.

>and suffers none of the annual disasters of circumcision. Google "Botched circumcisions becoming health crisis in South Africa" for example.

Whoa there! I live in South Africa and those tribal circumcisions which are occasionally botched because of primitive unhygenic conditions are highly illegal and are NOT typical of circumcisions worldwide!! That is such an unfair example!! There must be over a billion circumcised men on earth who were never "botched".

>The great majority of the world's men are uncircumcised (uncut). Go figure!

I think you should go figure why over a third of men in the world ARE circumcised. Considering how much easier it would be to leave everybody uncut there must be some pretty good reasons for it, wouldn't you say?

> In Britain and most of Europe, Russia, Japan and China, Hindu India and many other countries, circumcision is now highly unusal except amongst Middle Eastern religious groups, i.e. Judaism and Islam.

You are missing a lot of other countries like Phiippines, South Korea, many non muslim African like Angola, Ghana, Eritrea, Liberia, Madagascar, Congo etc, South Pacific islands and so on.

>The foreskin is not merely a piece of skin, it's a remarkably useful "wizard's sleeve" during sex and masturbation,

Actually it gets in the way of glans contact with flesh other than the foreskin. I have heard girls complain that sex with uncircumcised men is boring because most of the time they are just thrusting back and forth inside their own foresksin!

>>and has about 100,000 nerve endings of its own.

That is complete nonsense! Nobody ever counted nerve endings and you can't produce an original reference for it. People spread this nonsense on the internet but never seem to check if it is true or not!

> It's a pleasure cut guys sadly don't know, as they slop endless lube onto their leathery desensitised penises to compensate for the lack of Nature's own solution.

The research I cited above shows there is no evidence at all for this "leathery desentitized penis" claim. It is just plain false. By the way I'm circumcised and have never used lube unless I am penetrating somebody anally and that is for their comfort not mine! You don't know much about circumcised cock!

Anyway it is such a weak argument because there are millions of men who were circumcised in youth or adulthood who know what it's like with and without. If it was worse without they would yell it from the rooftops! But they don't and what's more they usually get their male offspring circumcised too.

In South Africa we have a big campaign to circumcise men against HIV. Even the President got circumcised as a example and is so pleased he recommends it to everybody. You never hear of men complaining after being circumcised. In fact they encourage others. The women are the biggest advocates by the way because they prefer their men circumcised.
They say their penises don't stink and they are better sex!

Jul 10, 2016, 11:05:57 AM7/10/16
On Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 11:14:19 AM UTC+4, wrote:
> On Friday, June 3, 2016 at 2:04:23 PM UTC+2, wrote:

> > In Britain and most of Europe, Russia, Japan and China, Hindu India and many other countries, circumcision is now highly unusal except amongst Middle Eastern religious groups, i.e. Judaism and Islam.

> You are missing a lot of other countries like Phiippines, South Korea, many non muslim African like Angola, Ghana, Eritrea, Liberia, Madagascar, Congo etc, South Pacific islands and so on.

Yes in Madagascar ( my home )we consist 18 tribes which ALL have male circumcision. Every tribe has different origins but each chose cirucmcision as the best way for boys. A boy cannot be a man in any tribe unless he is circumcised, Women will not sleep with him. If he dies before he is cirucmcised he cannot be buried in the family tomb. Each tribe knows from history that uncircumcised state is just problems, too many problems. Circumcised looks better and it is cleaner, anybody knows that. PS we prefer to call our country Malagasy.

Jul 10, 2016, 1:27:40 PM7/10/16
On Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 11:14:19 AM UTC+4, wrote:
> A boy cannot be a man in any tribe unless he is circumcised, Women will not sleep with him. If he dies before he is cirucmcised he cannot be buried in the family tomb.
...... .......

The lunacy and superstition of child circumcision.

Jul 10, 2016, 3:05:19 PM7/10/16
Superstition to you in your arrogant western view. For other cultures if it is Philippines or Xhosa or Turkey or Malagasy or New Guinea or so many others this is a proud moment, a festival for celebration. Did you read Nelson Mandela about this ever? Here is what Nelson Mandela wrote:

<When I was sixteen, the regent decided that it was time that I became a man. In Xhosa tradition, this is achieved through one means only: circumcision. In my tradition, an uncircumcised male cannot be heir to his father's wealth, cannot marry or officiate in tribal rituals. An uncircumcised Xhosa man is a contradiction in terms, for he is not considered a man at all, but a boy. For the Xhosa people, circumcision represents the formal incorporation of males into society. It is not just a surgical procedure, but a lengthy and elaborate ritual in preparation for manhood. As a Xhosa, I count my years as a man from the date of my circumcision. It was a sacred time; I felt happy and fulfilled taking part in my people's customs and ready to make the transition from boyhood to manhood.>

You are ethnocentric in America you think you know everything except you don't know how to stop your people shooting each other every day? But you want to destroy our traditions that keep us whole and well. Let me tell you something, in my country 90 percent have less than $2 dollar a day.This means they cannot buy condoms. You know why we don't have a terrible AIDS epidemic? Because our men are CIRCUMCISED every one of them! If we did what you want we would be DYING. You are such a fool in contempt for other cultures. You know nothing how other cultures work. So, how do you Americans celebrate a boy turning to a man O yes I remember often you give the boy a gun so he can shoot things. Very nice.

Jul 10, 2016, 3:59:23 PM7/10/16
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.... . . .. . ....... ...

Sounds like you know it all.

Jul 10, 2016, 9:29:19 PM7/10/16
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Superstition to you in your arrogant western view. For other cultures if it is Philippines or Xhosa or Turkey or Malagasy or New Guinea or so many others this is a proud moment, a festival for celebration. Did you read Nelson Mandela about this ever? Here is what Nelson Mandela wrote:

<When I was sixteen, the regent decided that it was time that I became a man. In Xhosa tradition, this is achieved through one means only: circumcision. In my tradition, an uncircumcised male cannot be heir to his father's wealth, cannot marry or officiate in tribal rituals. An uncircumcised Xhosa man is a contradiction in terms, for he is not considered a man at all, but a boy. For the Xhosa people, circumcision represents the formal incorporation of males into society. It is not just a surgical procedure, but a lengthy and elaborate ritual in preparation for manhood. As a Xhosa, I count my years as a man from the date of my circumcision. It was a sacred time; I felt happy and fulfilled taking part in my people's customs and ready to make the transition from boyhood to manhood.>

You are ethnocentric in America you think you know everything except you don't know how to stop your people shooting each other every day? But you want to destroy our traditions that keep us whole and well. Let me tell you something, in my country 90 percent have less than $2 dollar a day.This means they cannot buy condoms. You know why we don't have a terrible AIDS epidemic? Because our men are CIRCUMCISED every one of them! If we did what you want we would be DYING. You are such a fool in contempt for other cultures. You know nothing how other cultures work. So, how do you Americans celebrate a boy turning to a man O yes I remember often you give the boy a gun so he can shoot things. Very nice.

Also, I apologize for losing perspective - it is a wonderful thing to communicate with someone from so far away as Malagasy. You are to Africa as Sri Lanka is to India.

Jul 25, 2016, 3:14:53 AM7/25/16
On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 8:59:23 PM UTC+1, wrote:

> Sounds like you know it all.

Typical sarcastic remark by Jack who has has lost a debate but like the DRUNKEN FOOL he is, always has to have the last word so it looks like he "won". Spiteful sarcasm being the usual style.

Nothing in Tanab's post suggests he "knows it all". Actually he showed YOU up as not knowing very much. He gave you some info you didn't have about circ in Madagascar and a great quote from Nelson Mandela about circumcision ritual. There's lots of reasons why so many peoples circumcise boys but you don't even want to hear them because you think YOU know it all. But you don't know very much about anything that I can see.

K Williams

Nov 14, 2016, 9:48:21 AM11/14/16
On Monday, November 9, 2015 at 12:14:46 PM UTC-5, David Edwards wrote:

> I used to hook up with some guy then find too late he's uncut, then I had 3 choices which were. NUMBER 1, tell him right out I'm sorry I don't like sex with uncuts, gotta go. I definitely don't recommend this, they NEVER take it well!! NUMBER 2, make some feeble excuse like O I suddenly got terrible diarrhoea, gotta go, or O I left my iphone in the bar,gotta go, or O I forget my gonorrhea meds, gotta go. Any of those works. NUMBER 3, just try to be polite and go thru with it. Which is what I did many times hoping for the best BUT the result is now if I even see a pic of uncut dick I want to throw up. So I now I always ask first!!!

LOL! I showed this to my son who is gay, and he laughed and said this is spot on!

Nov 20, 2016, 3:40:35 PM11/20/16
of course chum, you don't know much. Why would anyone care that you don't have any meaningful sex life and have no idea what oxytocin is for?

Nov 20, 2016, 3:45:14 PM11/20/16
If it wasn't for the Greeks you would have mutilated genitals, won't eat shell fish and pork.

Jan 24, 2017, 10:30:01 PM1/24/17
Sorry you are wrong about Lebanese Christians being circumcised, it is uncommon amongst them, and a Lebanese Christian can attest to this. Even among the non-practicing Muslim families Circumcision is not practice among Muslims.

David Edwards

Jan 25, 2017, 11:09:12 AM1/25/17
Ok I've been to beirut now three times since 2015 basically for a gay sex vacation. I go there cuz I work in Europe but it's like water water everywhere, almost all europeans are uncut n I don't do sex with uncuts. Lebanon is fulla muslims who are always cut, n those muslim boys are always hot for cock n beirut has great gay bars and discos. BUT part of the pop in lebanon is christian n I didn't want to take any chances with them so I checked on the net n asked around when I was there. What I got was a whole mess of different info. First off nobody knows how much of the pop is christian or muslim cuz ther's no census done there for like 70 years or something. I guess they don't want to know which group is majority cuz that'll cause probs. Most peeps thought muslims are the majority but not by a lot. When I asked if the christians were cut some said yes n some said no n that includes some christians I asked! Most peeps said "sometimes" it just depends on the family, there's no rule for christians. I always ask anyway cuz no way am I gonna end up with an uncut guy in a sexual situation. I only went with two christians who were both cut.

I can't find any def info about it on the net, seems noboby keeps stats. Best info I could find is a gay lebanon website because if anybody did a close quarters inspection of a ton of local cocks its going to be gays, right? So this site says two things
---- Most lebanese christians are cut
---- Most gay lebanese prefer cut dick (surprise surprise!!)

Quote from the site (GIB stands for Gay in Beirut):

Most Lebanese men, at least 75% of us, are circumcised. It’s a common procedure across Lebanon’s hospitals, that is done on baby boys generally at birth.
You don’t have to sleep with a statistically significant sample of Lebanese guys (like we GiBs did) to verify this figure: just run a quick search on the online cruising websites, and you’ll quickly notice that the vast majority of profiles indicate “Cut”.
This high proportion makes sense, given that over half of Lebanon’s population is Muslim, and Muslims practice circumcision routinely. That’s that.
What is more surprising however is the case of the Christians, who comprise somewhere between one-third and one-half of the Lebanese. In fact, the Christians of Lebanon also practice circumcision widely, especially the non-Maronites among them.
Digging a little deeper in the online research, you’ll notice how many of the “Cut” GiB profiles also indicate under Fetishes: “Cut”. What’s more, some guys have it listed as their one-and-only Fetish… another way of saying “Cut Only Please!”
Over the years I have noticed that GiBs have not just a slight preference for the cut, which is understandable as it is the norm around here, but rather, that they tend to have quite a strong preference for the cut.
So the minority of uncut guys in Lebanon must cope with this noted GiB preference for the cut.

Feb 19, 2017, 9:49:55 AM2/19/17
On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 11:58:38 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Especially Syrian Arab Christians?

NO, they don't. Cir is not a Christian requirement as it is in Jewish and Islamic beliefs.


Feb 19, 2017, 10:01:54 AM2/19/17
It's not a Christian requirement but that doesn't stop hundreds of millions of Christians from choosing it in many countries, and that includes many Christian arabs, as pointed out by previous contributors here.

Feb 27, 2017, 7:27:02 PM2/27/17
On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 8:58:38 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Especially Syrian Arab Christians?

Middle Eastern Christians sometimes circumcise, sometimes not, depends on the family. Coptic Christians such as Egyptians, Eritrians & Ethopians always do. Their form of Christanity keep the Kosher laws and circumcision despite what St. Paul said about it. He decided that "Greeks" that is gentile Christians should not eat Kosher and circumcise rather "be circumcised of the heart". This leads me to believe that at the time circumcision was viewed as controlling excess passions. He said that those Jews that became Christians could if they wanted to keep Kosher and circumcise. So for Christians circumcision faded away within a couple of generations. But once Islam took over and they viewed circumcision as we do baptism and for cleanliness reasons some Christians followed suit and started to circumcise. Semites did historically circumcise but not all of them. Mohammed's tribe didn't but he was "born circumcised" which I take as that he had a naturally short foreskin.
The Jews only took off the baby's overhang until about 140AD. The rabbis thought too many young Jewish men were being Hellenized (Greek) and would tie a leather string with a small lead weight onto the bit of foreskin they still had to look uncut and pass for Greek. They did this as Greeks and Romans thought the sight of the glans was obscene and not allowed for sports which they did naked (Gymnasium = naked room) as well as the public baths. Jews and Muslims are very opposed to nakedness even if same sex as that is to them obscene.

May 18, 2017, 11:29:07 PM5/18/17
On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 8:58:38 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Especially Syrian Arab Christians?

Funny how I see Americans saying how great circumcision is and posting all these silly myths about foreskin. The U.S. is the only country that heavily promotes male circumcision, not even Muslims or Jews are this obsessed with circumcised penis. Nobody likes a mutilated (I mean, circumcised) penis with scarring, two-toned, leathery dick. Circumcised looks ugly, literally only the US thinks a circumcised penis is normal.

May 19, 2017, 9:39:22 AM5/19/17
It's not only the U.S. that think the two-tone scarification is normal.

May 21, 2017, 5:09:09 PM5/21/17
пятница, 19 мая 2017 г., 6:29:07 UTC+3 пользователь написал:
> On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 8:58:38 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> > Especially Syrian Arab Christians?

> Funny how I see Americans saying how great circumcision is and posting all these silly myths about foreskin.

I do not see that. I look at posting locations and this is what I see for people who favour circumcision. USA - 2 UK - 1 Korea - 1 Madagascar - 1 South Africa - 1 Thailand - 1. That is international.

>The U.S. is the only country that heavily promotes male circumcision

I do not agree. More than 60 countries have higher rates of circumcision than USA.

>not even Muslims or Jews are this obsessed with circumcised penis.

How can that be so? Muslims and Jews have almost 100 percent circumcision but USA has about 65 percent

>Nobody likes a mutilated (I mean, circumcised) penis

I do not agree. Almost of 4 of every 10 men on earth circumcised so billions of people must like it.

>with scarring, two-toned, leathery dick.

Almost all penises have colour variation between the base and the area where the foreskin is or was. This is not noticed usually on uncircumcised men because the foreskin covers the second colour. Circumcision does not cause the colour variation, it just makes it easier to see. There is no "leathery", this is fiction. No scientific research has every found such a condition from circumcision.

> Circumcised looks ugly,

This is a matter of opinion, many think the uncircumcised is very ugly.

> literally only the US thinks a circumcised penis is normal.

>That can not be true because circumcision is normal in so many countries and almost 40 percent of men are circumcised.

See Table 1 in this research study which gives rates for almost all countries.

I think you are spreading "myths" not the people who wrote here in favour of circumcision.

May 29, 2017, 9:58:38 AM5/29/17
On Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 10:09:09 PM UTC+1, wrote:
> пятница, 19 мая 2017 г., 6:29:07 UTC+3 пользователь написал:

> Almost all penises have colour variation between the base and the area where the foreskin is or was. This is not noticed usually on uncircumcised men because the foreskin covers the second colour. Circumcision does not cause the colour variation, it just makes it easier to see.

I got circed in my early 20s and my dick was two tone before that, the part covered by the foreskin was darker than the part below. Several years later I don't see any colour change.

One of the many pleasures of being circed is that when I look at my dick I can actually see the head, all proud and beautiful and not covered up in wrinkled skin. Every time I take my dick in my hand to piss I get a little jolt of pleasure from that! (Followed by more pleasure because my piss goes where I direct it instead of splattering around, and when I put it back in my pants I know it's not going to smell of stale piss a hour later).

Oct 3, 2018, 2:23:14 AM10/3/18
Male circumcision has always been nearly universal among the peoples of the Middle East. There is very hot weather throughout the area and extensive desert. Hot conditions with limited water supplies quickly create unhygienic, smelly conditions for uncircumcised men. Windblown sand makes this worse because it gets inside the foreskin and causes irritation and infections.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus noted that the Egyptians practiced circumcision for the sake of cleanliness. The Israelites, Amorites, Babylonians, Hittites and nearly all other tribes and nations of the area circumcised their males. The main exception was the Philistines. The Israelites were so disgusted by their uncircumcised condition that they went out of their way to cut off Philistine foreskins when they were at war. The Israelite king Saul demanded a bride price of 100 Philistine foreskins from David, but David actually brought him 200 (I Samuel 18: 25-27)

Unlike the other peoples the Israelites had a religious as well as a practical reason for circumcision. God apparently realized he had made a design mistake and wanted to correct this for his Chosen People. So he made a contract or covenant with them, that if they circumcised their sons forever he would give them the land of Israel forever (Genesis 17: 10-14)

When Christianity first developed it was a Jewish sect and non-Jewish converts were expected to get circumcised. Some of them complained about this so in order to make it easier to get more converts as fast as possible Paul allowed them to become Christians without getting circumcised (I Corinthians:7, Galatians 5: 1-2). If Paul had been a bit more patient and not made the change, Christians might still all be circumcised to this day. In practice nearly all Christians in the Middle East are circumcised but outside that area it depends on local customs.

Islam spread throughout the Middle East and elsewhere in the seventh century. Circumcision is not a religious duty for muslims and it is not mentioned in the Koran. Muslims circumcise for only reasons of personal cleanliness and it has become the custom among all muslim peoples.

There are a few peoples in the Middle East such as the Yazidis and the the Druze who are not jewish, christian, or muslim. Some of them practice circumcision and some do not and often it is just a matter of family preference. Most Arab Christians are circumcised especially in Egypt but there are some who are not. Mostly these are originally non-Arab peoples who now speak arabic but who descend from Christians in non-Arab areas particularly what is now Turkey.


Nov 7, 2018, 12:05:20 PM11/7/18
Le mercredi 3 octobre 2018 07:23:14 UTC+1, a écrit :

> Male circumcision has always been nearly universal among the peoples of the Middle East. There is very hot weather throughout the area and extensive desert. Hot conditions with limited water supplies quickly create unhygienic, smelly conditions for uncircumcised men. Windblown sand makes this worse because it gets inside the foreskin and causes irritation and infections.

Yes indeed. I've spent almost my entire working life in North Africa and the Middle East, as a hydraulic engineer (dams and irrigation projects). Most of the peoples I have encountered are Muslim and although there they have no religious requirement to circumcise, it is a practical and moral imperative for them. Practical because the heat, sand, and water shortages make uncircumcised hygiene impossible, and moral, I suppose, because decency impels a man to profer a hygienic penis for sexual intercourse!

When non Muslim men want to marry Muslim women here they are expected to convert to Islam and get circumcised. They can get away with pretending to convert but the circumcision must be done, and be proved to be done, or the wedding cannot proceed.

Jan 13, 2019, 5:24:56 AM1/13/19
On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 12:09:12 AM UTC+8, David Edwards wrote:

> Ok I've been to beirut now three times since 2015 basically for a gay sex vacation. I go there cuz I work in Europe but it's like water water everywhere, almost all europeans are uncut n I don't do sex with uncuts. Lebanon is fulla muslims who are always cut, n those muslim boys are always hot for cock

Wow I can relate to this! I work in Bali which is all uncut hindu (and hindus are incredibly uptight about gay sex which makes it worse). For sex vacs I take a short flight or boat ride to the next island Lombok which all cut muslims and as you say its no prob getting them to drop their pants!

Feb 19, 2020, 7:40:55 PM2/19/20
The Yazidis are a religious minority in Iraq mostly, but also Turkey and Syria. Their religion is a mix of Christianity Islam Zoroastrianism and ancient Mesopotamian paganism. Some speak Arab some speak Kurdish some speak other dialects.
They are uncirumcised. When ISIS took over part of their territory their women made into sex slaves. Yazidi males were forcibly circumcised.

Mar 21, 2020, 8:59:00 PM3/21/20
On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 6:40:55 PM UTC-6, wrote:

> They are uncirumcised. When ISIS took over part of their territory their women made into sex slaves. Yazidi males were forcibly circumcised.

I bet it has become the tradition since.


May 14, 2020, 1:27:37 PM5/14/20
Practically all the peoples of the middle east have been circumcised since antiquity, which is not surprising considering the hot climate and scarcity of water for washing. One exception in biblical times was the Philistines, whose uncircumcised penises so horrified the Israelites that they went out of their way to cut them off.

Saul demanded Philistine foreskins from David as a dowry for daughter. As reported in the King James version of the bible in I Samuel 18:27:

"Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king's son in law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife."


Nov 3, 2020, 6:43:30 AM11/3/20
On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 12:27:02 AM UTC, wrote:

> Greeks and Romans thought the sight of the glans was obscene and not allowed for sports which they did naked (Gymnasium = naked room) as well as the public baths.

Correct, they thought glans of uncircumcised was obscene because if you could see it you could smell it and therefore it was essential to keep it covered with foreskin.

With circumcised men on the other hand, the glans is proudly displayed as the crowning glory of the genitals. There is no smell so no reason at all to hide its beauty.
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