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RE: Group Administrator

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Jul 3, 2018, 6:08:50 PM7/3/18
Is there an official group administrator for this group? If so, would you mind giving me your contact info?


Jul 9, 2018, 12:23:46 AM7/9/18
There is no administrator. That's why there is so much open, vigorous debate here.

Most of the other circumcision websites were set up by a little clique of gay foreskin fetishists, some pretending to be doctors or mothers or experts. You can tell which ones they are because they don't allow questions or debate, or they have "moderators" who censor any pro circumcision content. They all publish identical long-discredited claims and they all repress the info about the uncircumcised hygiene problem and the link between uncircumcised and HIV.

If you want a full range of uncensored contributions this is the place for you.

Aug 9, 2018, 5:21:58 AM8/9/18
Well, my experience is that many pro-circ webs are also ruled ... by gay foreskin fetishists.... people that get excited with the idea of circumcising or being circumcised... first think they ask for are pics.

Pat Lastingham

Aug 10, 2018, 6:13:46 AM8/10/18
On Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 5:21:58 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> Well, my experience is that many pro-circ webs are also ruled ... by gay foreskin fetishists.... people that get excited with the idea of circumcising or being circumcised... first think they ask for are pics.

That's strange. What "pro circumcision" discussion websites are you referring to?

Actually there are very few "pro circumcision" sites. I suppose they are not needed because circumcision is so popular and its benefits so well known. There are also very few neutral sites like this one. There are numerous anti-circumcision websites which as the previous contributor pointed out generally avoid the two main reasons for circumcision in the modern world, penile hygiene and protection from sexually transmitted diseases.

Aug 10, 2018, 6:52:49 AM8/10/18
Well, I've found many comments opinions that suggest there are many people obsessed with circ that are gay oriented (Inter-circ, Circlist, circinfo...)
My opinion is that sexual orientation doesn't relate to cut/uncut preference.
But I'm surprised to find facts like the one listed in Team Helmet UK survey.
How do you describe your sexuality?
Homosexual 49.5%
Heterosexual 26.6%
Bisexual 22.3%
Other 1.6%
In my opinion circumcision should be an adult decison (unless there's a real medical necessity).
But these % are higher than the Demographics of sexual orientation %
Really, It's not my business, but there's a big difference between worrying about your penis and being always concerned about the others one.

Pat Lastingham

Aug 10, 2018, 7:07:21 AM8/10/18
On Friday, August 10, 2018 at 6:52:49 AM UTC-4, wrote:

> Well, I've found many comments opinions that suggest there are many people obsessed with circ that are gay oriented (Inter-circ, Circlist, circinfo...)

I believe that is true. Heterosexual men have to deal only with their own penis; homosexual men have to deal with other men's penises as well. Therefore they have extra reason to be concerned if penises are pleasing or unpleasing.

Aug 10, 2018, 7:19:41 AM8/10/18
You're right. Plus they are quite direct about these subjects.
What's surprinsing is that most women aren't really focused in men's penis.
May be because there're more concerned about themselves !!!


Aug 13, 2018, 4:09:14 PM8/13/18
I think women are very reluctant to say anything against a man's penis. They know how important it is to men and don't want to hurt their feelings. Especially as they are more likely to be in a relationship with the penis owner than gay men who may have meet him just five mins before!

In countries where almost all the men are cut or uncut I suppose gay men just get used to whatever the norm is there but for obvious reasons there's a lot less oral sex in uncut countries. In USA where gay men probably have some experience of both there are vey strong opinions. I'm gay and I don't have sex with uncut guys. I don't know any other gays who prefer uncut. I know a few who don't care but most are like me and don't like uncut, or flat out avoid it.

Aug 13, 2018, 4:42:26 PM8/13/18
I'm sure you have far more experience than me about penises !!
I'm uncut (European) and it hasn't never been a problem with women. Can't say a word about men, never been with one. Anyway when erected and foreskin retracted it looks similar to a circumcised.
I must admit that sometimes I'd be interested in checking other penis, but normally there's a man attached to them !!!
Had a balanitis last year and an urologist (old Syrian doctor) suggested circumcision, as I've quite a long foreskin that could lost elasticity as I'm getting older. Not sure about it, It has worked -and works- fine for 52 years, I don't know if such a change could impact in my sexual life. By the way, wife quite enthusiastic, this will be a novelty after 30 year of monogamous relationship (at least, afaik). Regards


Aug 13, 2018, 5:11:49 PM8/13/18
On Monday, August 13, 2018 at 4:42:26 PM UTC-4, wrote:

> Had a balanitis last year and an urologist (old Syrian doctor) suggested circumcision, as I've quite a long foreskin that could lost elasticity as I'm getting older. Not sure about it, It has worked -and works- fine for 52 years, I don't know if such a change could impact in my sexual life. By the way, wife quite enthusiastic, this will be a novelty after 30 year of monogamous relationship (at least, afaik). Regards

Usually only uncircumcised guys get balanitis infections. Does your doctor recommend circumcision because he thinks it will become recurrent? If you are diabetic it makes it worse as uncircumcised guys with diabetes can develop chronic cracking and bleeding problems at the end of the foreskin.

Congrats to you and your wife on your 30 years of monogamy!

Aug 13, 2018, 5:36:59 PM8/13/18
Thanks for the congratulations.
NHS GP doctor treated me and my wife with antifungal cream, and told me to keep very strict hygiene, washing and drying before and after sex, and even better, using condom (wife said NO way condoms). Then when to a private urologist, this old doctor, explain to him everything, he asked me if wife is "wet" or "dry" (she's very very very wet), sex sessions (almost every day since wife turned 50) and sugar levels (a bit high but not diabetic). Then he told me that GP was right but following his advice would be difficult in my case, and recommended circumcision. I'd say he's quite pro circ. For the moment, I've managed to not develop new balanits, but the tip of foreskin remains a bit reddish, and that could become a full one. I think my problem is the mix: wet wife (that sure pass me the yeast infection) + long foreskin (even if elastic, it keeps everything moist). Anyway, getting rid of my foreskin would be less expensive that getting rid of my wife!! Thinking about it. Decision delayed until after summer season. Regards

Aug 27, 2018, 10:05:15 AM8/27/18
On Monday, August 13, 2018 at 3:36:59 PM UTC-6, wrote:

> NHS GP doctor treated me and my wife with antifungal cream, and told me to keep very strict hygiene, washing and drying before and after sex, and even better, using condom (wife said NO way condoms). Then when to a private urologist, this old doctor, explain to him everything, he asked me if wife is "wet" or "dry" (she's very very very wet), sex sessions (almost every day since wife turned 50) and sugar levels (a bit high but not diabetic). Then he told me that GP was right but following his advice would be difficult in my case, and recommended circumcision. I'd say he's quite pro circ. For the moment, I've managed to not develop new balanits, but the tip of foreskin remains a bit reddish, and that could become a full one. I think my problem is the mix: wet wife (that sure pass me the yeast infection) + long foreskin (even if elastic, it keeps everything moist). Anyway, getting rid of my foreskin would be less expensive that getting rid of my wife!! Thinking about it. Decision delayed until after summer season. Regards

If you do get circumcised please report back to us and especially let us know your wife's opinion!
I have experience of both circumcised and uncircumcised and I think your wife will be very pleased with the result.

Aug 29, 2018, 7:13:22 AM8/29/18
Hi Judith. As said, at this moment I'm still considering the surgery. Not 100% sure yet.
What are the pros from your point of view? Why do you think wife will be very pleased? (apart from the novelty issue)
May be you also know someone that has been circ when adult and you could follow all the process.

Aug 29, 2018, 5:13:30 PM8/29/18
Hullo, in answer to your question about why women prefer circumcised, basically uncircumcised are a turn off! They are actually very ugly, like a wrinkled snake, but a circumcised penis has a nice, pert, interesting look. The smell is a real turn off too if a woman is giving oral always dread you will get that awful dead fish/stale urine smell. A lot of women just tell uncircumcised guys that they never suck anybody, that way the guy doesn't take it personally (they all like to think their penis is wonderful!) From experience we know that even if it doesn't smell bad one time and we do it, then they will always want more even when it does smell bad. If you suck a circumcised man the shaft is smooth and responsive but with uncircumcised the foreskin is always getting in the way, it's like this web of loose skin that you have to work around and it's just unpleasant and I think it affects how a woman enjoys doing it (and therefore how a man enjoys it). Also unless a woman has some medical problem with vaginal tenderness a circumcised penis feels much better inside you. Uncircumcised men are often just thrusting back and forward inside their own foreskin (especially if it is very long) and they don't make proper contact with the vaginal wall -- boring!!! Add in all the problems uncircumcised men have with condoms (they keep falling off) and all the medical and disease problems of uncircumcised I think circumcision is a no brainer. I see you are from Britain, I was also raised in a non circumcising country (Argentina) where everybody just accepted the fact that men always came with foreskins. In the USA where I have lived from early adulthood it's different, I suppose around half the men are circumcised so many women have experience of both and from personal experience and any conversation I ever had with another woman about it here, women prefer circumcised. My husband is circumcised and we gave that gift to our two sons, Hope this helps. Please let us know how it works out if you decide to do it, from your pointe of view and your wife's -- Judith.

PS congrats on your marriage!!!

Aug 30, 2018, 2:55:27 AM8/30/18
Thanks Judith.
I'm spanish, here in Spain only circ for medical reasons. Now, with muslim migrants is more common, but not very much. Problem is lack of information. You don't know about surgeon skills, no specialized clinics, nothing...
I've seen some really horrible outcomes in gym and beach. Plus, some circumcised +40 report difficult adaptation to the new situation. My wife hasn't never complained about smell, only feels slight discomfort when doggy style. She says that sometimes foreskin "pinches" vagina walls (never heard of it, haven't foung anything similar in internet). I think it happens bcause long foreskin folds, but normally it stays retracted during sex. But first com firs, our holydays start this saturday !!!. Will decide after them. Thanks for your answers Judith.

Pat Lastingham

Sep 5, 2018, 11:26:28 PM9/5/18
Cusido, those who vehemently oppose circumcision often claim that the foreskin provides more sexual pleasure than any other part of the penis. There is no real evidence for this but if it applies to you then of course you should give great weight to that in making your decision about circumcision.

In the real world most uncircumcised men are indifferent to their foreskins or may even have negative feelings about them. Thirteen studies in nine countries found that an average of 65 percent of men would be willing to get circumcised, and 69 percent of their partners favored it. Also, 71 percent of the men and 81 percent of the women were willing to circumcise their sons. See:


Sep 22, 2018, 6:02:13 AM9/22/18
I got circed in early twenties and my experience pre and post is sex is MUCH better for me and women too. Especially oral sex. Women get into it more, no more of that gagging and choking. Lets face it women don't want to suck on a foreskin. I got circed as a present for myself and it;s the best present I ever had.

Sep 22, 2018, 4:53:34 PM9/22/18
thanks for the info. Sometimes, oral sex is more trouble for me than for her. She really likes oral, so much, that sometimes is a bit rough (frenulum issues). Plus, is complicate to explain, I don't feel so many nice sensations as with penetration or handjobs. Would the circumcision+frenulectomy solve both issues?
My only other concern is the swelling (oedema). I want a mid-high cut and they say this happens more than in low ones (wich i don't like at all) because the inner foreskin is more prone to. Any advice?


Nov 7, 2018, 12:36:40 PM11/7/18
For what it's worth, when my son was born I automatically wanted him circumcised, but my wife (who had no experience of uncircumcised) suggested we first consult some of her women friends, who all urged circumcision, so that is what we did. My son is pleased with that decision and intends to circumcise sons of his own although he lives in Britain where circumcision is now uncommon.

I must admit I had a prejudice against uncircumcised because I attended an all-boy British boarding school in the middle of the last century. At that time nearly all upper and middle class boys were circumcised but the working class was not. This changed around the 1960s I believe when the National Health Service stopped paying for circumcisions as a cost cutting measure. Anyway the few uncircumcised boys in my school were subject to a lot of scorn and ridicule which I just admit I sometimes participated in although I regret that now as it must have been very hurtful to them. There was a lot of sexual carrying on at the school (as was typical of such boys' boarding schools in that era but now I suppose we would all be arrested!) but the uncircumcised boys were not allowed to participate, or if they did, they had to play demeaning roles. Those memories have always influenced my views on this topic but in my later career which is mostly in very arid backward regions I have been very much aware of how much more comfortable and adaptable a circumcised penis is.

Nov 7, 2018, 1:32:47 PM11/7/18
Hi. surgery done past 31 october. With laser CO2. Got a low and losse cut + frenulum totally removed. Dr. said a mid or high tight cut would have been unrealistic due my anatomy. I'm a grower but not more than 5.5 when full, plus in flaccid state, my size also varies a lot, depending on temperature, situation.... Sometimes penis even bury a bit in my pubis (for instance, seating in a low seato)
Surgety quite fast with local anaesthesia. Just a bit if pain when anaesthetic effect gone, but almost not blood or pain after. Frenulum incredibily well with no bleeding nor swelling in just 4-5 days. No inner skin swelling (the typical ring), may be due to few remnant inner skin. Only issue is that on day 2, shaft started swelling and skin covers 1/3-1/2 glans when stand up or seated (on day 1 , after removing bandages, It was full exposed, shaft only bruised but no swelling) However when lying skin retracts. I think It's because all the pubic area is a swollen. Tomorrow follow up visit.
Honestly, i expected glans always exposed as per 1st day, but I guess that this won't happen ever and sometimes will be 1/3 covered. Of course I have to wait until all swelling and bruising is gone and checking how the new tool works. but I will accept the final result if the last thing is ok.


Nov 13, 2018, 11:15:08 PM11/13/18
Thanks for the update and sorry I missed your earlier message. Glad you got this done, I think you and your wife will find circ a great improvement! Please keep us informed, we get a lot of opinions here but not so much in the way of facts from somebody who is having the op.

Nov 14, 2018, 2:22:22 AM11/14/18
Hi. I'm in day 14. As said fortunately no pain (except for a while when local anaesthetic was gone). Only issue the swollen shaft and bruising of the genital area. Due to my penis variability size when flaccid (It also buries a bit on pubis when sitting low) glans is covered 1/3-1/4. However, when I pee (seated) or when lying, It uncovers. Of course if I get excited It uncovers. Plus is a bit "retracted" as a reaction to the surgery and the presence of stitches. Doctor told me that it will remain always uncovered when all swelling and stiches are gone. I'm not so sure because my flaccid penis size variations, but the real and important issue is its sex performance, something I still haven't tested (obviously).
For the moment I've managed to control erections, avoiding going 100%. I think I've activated some mental "emergency brake". That plus my age keep things more or less under control.
Honestly I do not know how I could have done it when I was young. Wife is incredible horny. She's really mad about oral. Even more than usual.
Keep you informed. Regards

Nov 14, 2018, 1:34:48 PM11/14/18
Your wife will like oral a lot better

Nov 15, 2018, 5:05:45 AM11/15/18
El miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018, 19:34:48 (UTC+1), escribió:
> Your wife will like oral a lot better

Yes. She's really obsessed and has already started even with stitches. Of course I told her to stop and wait at least until all stitches have fallen. She says that not finding the frenulum is much, much better, also, the absence of foreskin.
I've managed to avoid full erection when playing with wife (oral, fingers and toys) but a some nights I've woke up with almost full boner, you really feel the stitches, and that act as a brake. Last night went to bathroom to check it. Look quite tight, and my brain applies the "brake". I think that at day 14 the whole thing is still swollen and healing.
Next week I have visit and I think that if healing is ok dr. will remove any remaining stitches. If things are ok next day I will try oral. I can't stand anymore.
Honestly, I can't imagine myself having this surgery 30 years ago. I think It would have been impossible. Will keep you informed

Nov 16, 2018, 8:23:44 AM11/16/18
On Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 2:05:45 AM UTC-8, wrote:

> She says that not finding the frenulum is much, much better, also, the absence of foreskin.

Of course she does!

> Honestly, I can't imagine myself having this surgery 30 years ago. I think It would have been impossible.

Yes infant circumcision is best.

Nov 16, 2018, 9:42:06 AM11/16/18
> Honestly, I can't imagine myself having this surgery 30 years ago. I think It would have been impossible.

"Yes infant circumcision is best."

well, 30 years ago I was 22.... I was talking about sex drive....!!
I don't know about infant circumcision, my two boys aren't. I think It should be owner's decision (unless medical issues, of course).

Nov 16, 2018, 2:56:47 PM11/16/18
On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 6:42:06 PM UTC+4, wrote:

> I don't know about infant circumcision, my two boys aren't. I think It should be owner's decision (unless medical issues, of course).

I get your point, its the only good argument not to circumcises infants.

Trouble is that boys/men are then stuck with a foreskin and it gets to be too much trouble to remove it when they are older even when they want to. Look how much trouble it is for you! Maybe when your circumcision is all healed up and you and your wife see how much nicer it is you will think maybe its a gift parents should give to sons. When they are infants and its such a simple op with fast recovery. Parents make all kinds of decisions for kids, get them vaccinated, send them to school, you do what you think is best and you dont let them decide years later if they wanted it.

Nov 16, 2018, 3:41:57 PM11/16/18
What I mean is that I've enjoyed many many years of fabulous sex life without any problem.
Even now, my circumcision wasn't a medical imperative. I like having been circumcised and I also like that it has been my decision.
So I think I should apply the same criteria with my sons, and let to them the decision.
However I will advice them to circumcise in case of the slightest problem. In these cases, I prefer to solve the problem in a definitive way

Nov 23, 2018, 2:09:06 PM11/23/18
Yesterday went to dr. Embarrasing moment, when dr. asked us If we had "cheated" and my wife and I look each other in the eyes (couple handjobs and a mild sex session 2 days before visit. Anyway, doctor said I can go ahead with sex, no remaining stitches at all and everything well healed. Set up another visit -last one- in a month.
I've felt that scar line strangled a bit the glans, but maybe due to last week morning boners thightness is almost gone. Dr prescribed some betamethasone just in case of need it.
So yesterday night first serious sex after 3 weeks (the other day doesn't count because was really mild sex).
I think wife noticed the change far more than. She said she felt really "penetrated" (doggy style). She's very, very, very wet woman, but even that, I added a bit of lube as she had some discomfort. and finally I finish in conventional way. I think that dr. did good job doing a loose one as in erection not a lot of shaft skin movement. It's not a very tight one. In erection I can move skin back and forth +/-5cm and I can just cover glans rim if I pull skin shaft at max, but not more. In flaccid state shaft skin covers maximum 1/2 glans when some turtling (ie. sitting down low), Glans uncover when lying down, slightest excitation or hot environement. So It looks really loose in flaccid but not so much in erection, wich I think is very good.
It has been GREAT. And I'm sure will be better when scar heal at all and I could really go hard as usual.

Nov 24, 2018, 9:42:00 PM11/24/18
Thank you so much for real-time snapshots of your circumcision, the decision and the operation! Usually we just get memories of it years later and memory is not reliable especially if there are strong opinions. You seem to be open minded about it all. Did your research made a decision had it done and then report on it after. With all the hot tempers on this subject its a relief to see somebody objective tell us exactly what the circumcision is like. The recovery, the sex life, everything. Please don't stop yet and I hope you come back in a year when its all settled down to tell us how it is for you and your wife. Thanks again, very much appreciated!

Nov 26, 2018, 3:28:01 AM11/26/18
Thanks Olga.
I've just tried to tell my history in the most objective way.
In the absence of any fanaticism, my actual conclusions are:
- if you don't have issues with your penis and sex life, just skip this surgery.
- If you have any problem, then think about being circumcised.
- Check carefully the doctor and procedures.
Finally, it should be YOUR decision, It's the best way to assume the outcome.
I still have to wait some weeks/months to have the final result. The scar is not 100% healed, a bit tender and can't stand "rough" treatement, but for the moment I can say that penetrative sex is as good -if not better- than in the past, oral is better for the partner, and handjobs not so good.
As said before, flaccid it looks very loose, as too much remaining skin, erected not so loose, still difficult to go up and down all the way because the scar hurts a bit, so either you stay at the shaft with its limited movement, or to just rub -with lube- the head.
of course these are my comments. My wife opinion is that now is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. He's promised me to improve her handjob skills (he never really liked to do handjobs) and will do a full body lube handjob with post orgasm torture when things are 100% healed.
But I repeat that It should be your decision.


Nov 30, 2018, 4:31:19 PM11/30/18
I get what you say but i wish my parents made the decision. if you are a teenager and you want it done you cant make your decision. I had such problems and so much wanted to be circumised but for me and surely many many more it is too EMBARASSING to talk to your parents about the defects of your penis! I waited for years and it was very unhappy years for me. I understand what you say but there is another way to understand also.

Nov 30, 2018, 5:55:12 PM11/30/18
Sven, I understand you, but afaik most of the people I personally know that have been circumcised, have been when children or teenager. I only know 2 people circumcised as adults. One at 30 and my father in late 60s (diabetes). In the most popular spanish forum about circumcision (forum about phimosis), people is 20 or younger, I was a real dinosaur there.
I've 2 friends circumcised as teenagers because phimosis (both 50+ now). A salesmen in the company where I work also as teenager (now he's almost 60 now). One of my nieces circumcised at 3 years old and the other at 20. The son of a salemen at 7 years old. All these cases related to phimosis
None of these teenagers had problems to have their issues explained to their parents, and I'm talking about a country like Spain, that 30 years ago was quite a backward country compared to other European ones, and circumcision unknown except for medical reasons. However It wasn't so difficult to deal with the subject because It was just a medical issue. And when you have them you go to the doctor. Of course if there isn`t any medical problem, then decision should be delayed until he comes to age. I think is unethical to perform surgery without medical indication in non consenting minors, but I also think that you should go to the doctor as soon as you notice some problem (or take your sons), and I also prefer to take radical actions to solve them. regards


Nov 30, 2018, 10:31:40 PM11/30/18
Den lördag 1 december 2018 kl. 01:55:12 UTC+3 skrev

> However It wasn't so difficult to deal with the subject because It was just a medical issue. And when you have them you go to the doctor. Of course if there isn`t any medical problem, then decision should be delayed until he comes to age. I think is unethical to perform surgery without medical indication in non consenting minors, but I also think that you should go to the doctor as soon as you notice some problem (or take your sons), and I also prefer to take radical actions to solve them. regards

Many boys want to be cirucmcised for non medial reasons, esp if they are in countries where most are ciurcunciced they are like a freak and it upsets their sex life or ambition and devastates the personality. Nobody hears them because its not medical but their pain is just as bad.

Dec 4, 2018, 10:51:51 AM12/4/18
I see your point Sven, but today western societies are much more open minded than in the past. I think that they are far other reasons to be discriminated or to feel like a freak.
And It could also happen the opposite, what about teenagers that hate being circumcised? I don't mean this happens very often, but It's a possibility.
For these reasons, in absence of medical reasons, I really think the decision should be left to the owner, when he reachs the age of majority.

Dec 24, 2018, 5:35:24 PM12/24/18

Hullo, do you you a progress report for us? You should be healed now I think. We would be interested to know how the circumcised member is for you, what pros or cons there are from previous state, and your wife's opinion and comparisons. Thanks!

Dec 24, 2018, 6:03:31 PM12/24/18
hi and Merry Christmas
quick update:
+/- 1/3 glans coverage when standing up, 1/2 when sitting down and almost 0 coverage when lying down. It also uncover all when pissing (both seated and standing up), because it grows a bit (I suppose due to the pressure). If I'm standing and manually retract it stays back, with bare glans. Of course in erections no coverage at all, then, I've only can cover the glans rim forcing the shaft skin. The scar forms a "rebated ring" that I will try to flatten with E vitamin oil as your advice. Scar still too sensible now, and grows a bit after having sex, but things have improved a lot. Frenumlum reduced to a tiny line not painful anymore- Definitely, you have absolutely to change handjob procedure. I used to go up to down and viceversa and my long an loose foreskin covered and uncovered the glans. Now when going up suddenly no more foreskin !!. Lube helps but anyway having a couple this isn`t an issue. For penetrative and oral sex I would say sensations are the same. Really. Foreskin stayed retracted so not many difference for me now. Wife says is very different, that no more stopping to put back foreskin, no more foreskin "pinching" inside her, no more foreskin interfering in oral.... and if masturbating has worsened, wait until Friday !!! (I travel because my job). But I don't know which % is real and which one comes from her mind. Anyway if she enjoys it more, the better for her,.... and for me, you know, very difficult to keep women happy and satisfied.
Have nice Christmas !

Agnus O'Flock

Feb 5, 2019, 8:01:12 PM2/5/19
On Tuesday, 25 December 2018 12:03:31 UTC+13, wrote:
> hi and Merry Christmas
> quick update:

Hey I think its been three months now since you got circumcised? You should be healed up, do you have final thoughts on if its better/worse for you and for your wife?

Feb 6, 2019, 3:26:34 AM2/6/19
Hi Agnus. It's the same in past post. I don't feel much difference except for masturbation. Wife still really happy about result. I don't know because sex is genuinely better for her or because the novelty and the worsened masturbation.
Healing is complete, but scar line is a bit rebatted, dr. told me that it will flatten in the next months. I'm applying E vitamin and massaging to help it. Regards

Agnus O'Flock

Feb 11, 2019, 12:43:38 PM2/11/19
On Wednesday, 6 February 2019 21:26:34 UTC+13, wrote:
> Hi Agnus. It's the same in past post. I don't feel much difference except for masturbation. Wife still really happy about result. I don't know because sex is genuinely better for her or because the novelty and the worsened masturbation.

Thanks for this. The foreskin fetish people rant on and on about how circumcision removes x meters of blood vessels and y square centimetres of skin and z billion erotic nerves and this destroys sex pleasure blah blah blah. All with no scientific basis and never a citation of the research to back it up. In the real world most men say circumcision makes no difference or actually improves pleasure. Also almost all their partners say they prefer it. So congrats, you and your wife have normal responses and may you have a wonderful sex life!!


Jun 2, 2020, 5:30:12 AM6/2/20
On Monday, 11 February 2019 17:43:38 UTC, Agnus O'Flock wrote:

> Thanks for this. The foreskin fetish people rant on and on about how circumcision removes x meters of blood vessels and y square centimetres of skin and z billion erotic nerves and this destroys sex pleasure blah blah blah. All with no scientific basis and never a citation of the research to back it up. In the real world most men say circumcision makes no difference or actually improves pleasure. Also almost all their partners say they prefer it. So congrats, you and your wife have normal responses and may you have a wonderful sex life!!

This is very interesting, to read a man's experience in real time of circumcision. Thank you.


Nov 21, 2020, 8:53:37 AM11/21/20
On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 10:13:30 PM UTC+1, wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 6:13:22 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> > Hi Judith. As said, at this moment I'm still considering the surgery. Not 100% sure yet.
> > What are the pros from your point of view? Why do you think wife will be very pleased? (apart from the novelty issue)
> > May be you also know someone that has been circ when adult and you could follow all the process.
> > Thanks.
> Hullo, in answer to your question about why women prefer circumcised, basically uncircumcised are a turn off! They are actually very ugly, like a wrinkled snake, but a circumcised penis has a nice, pert, interesting look. The smell is a real turn off too if a woman is giving oral always dread you will get that awful dead fish/stale urine smell. A lot of women just tell uncircumcised guys that they never suck anybody, that way the guy doesn't take it personally (they all like to think their penis is wonderful!) From experience we know that even if it doesn't smell bad one time and we do it, then they will always want more even when it does smell bad. If you suck a circumcised man the shaft is smooth and responsive but with uncircumcised the foreskin is always getting in the way, it's like this web of loose skin that you have to work around and it's just unpleasant and I think it affects how a woman enjoys doing it (and therefore how a man enjoys it). Also unless a woman has some medical problem with vaginal tenderness a circumcised penis feels much better inside you. Uncircumcised men are often just thrusting back and forward inside their own foreskin (especially if it is very long) and they don't make proper contact with the vaginal wall -- boring!!! Add in all the problems uncircumcised men have with condoms (they keep falling off) and all the medical and disease problems of uncircumcised I think circumcision is a no brainer. I see you are from Britain, I was also raised in a non circumcising country (Argentina) where everybody just accepted the fact that men always came with foreskins. In the USA where I have lived from early adulthood it's different, I suppose around half the men are circumcised so many women have experience of both and from personal experience and any conversation I ever had with another woman about it here, women prefer circumcised. My husband is circumcised and we gave that gift to our two sons, Hope this helps. Please let us know how it works out if you decide to do it, from your pointe of view and your wife's -- Judith.
> PS congrats on your marriage!!!

What a great post Judith! You really sum up the reasons women prefer circumcised. I have passed this on to a young couple I know who have a male infant on the way. They have no personal experience of uncircumcised (the father is circumcised and the mother has never been with anyone else). People like this are easy victims for "intactivists" because they are clueless about the reality of uncircumcised penises.
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