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Re: My experience with uncut

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Mar 31, 2020, 8:56:06 AM3/31/20
On Monday, March 30, 2020 at 4:08:45 AM UTC+1, Val92 wrote:
> I've been reading quite a lot lately about circumcision since I tried my first uncut dick and I thought it'd be positive to share my experience.
> Until last year when I tried uncut for the first time, I had only ever had sex with circumcised men and I wasn't a big fan of vaginal or anal sex.
> After trying uncut I realized why: the foreskin removes all the unnecessary friction in sex and makes it way more enjoyable. With circumcised men, I want sex to last as little as possible because after a while I can feel the abrasion in my vagina and in my ass, and adding more lube only provides some relief in the beginning but but not after a while having sex.
> Also, masturbating a circumcised dick is awkward for the same reason; like rubbing a cucumber with your hands, the skin just doesn't glide down the penis and it requires tons of lube and technique.
> My outlook has changed completely since and now I'm not even turned on by circumcised dicks anymore, and I'll try to avoid them as much as possible. They're dry and uncomfortable to handle because they're just not meant to be like that — they're left like dildos, which is not good.
> As for the smell I've seen people mentioning, I don't have that much experience with uncut men, but I have only encountered a guy with a smelly dick which I refused to suck. All the other ones were clean and even if they had a slight smell I wouldn't say it was bad and I enjoyed sucking it. I would compare it to any other bodily odor — armpits or crotches can smell, but they don't have to if you've got good hygiene.
> For everything I've said above, lately I'm biased about the men I meet and I tend to go Europeans, which I find a real shame.

OK first of all this post doesnt sound like a woman at all, it's a man's use of words and it sounds like a fake post with all the usual phrases from foreskin fetishist websites.

If you really are a woman and don't like being fucked by circumcised because of "abrasion in the vagina" then the problem isn't circumcised men, it's your vagina. Talk to your gynocologist, there are several conditions that can make vaginal sex uncomfortable. I have fucked hundreds of women before I got cut in early twenties and after, and ALL of them with NO exceptions preferred my cut dick. Women with normal vaginas dont like uncut dick in them because some of the time or all of the time the guy is just sliding back and forth inside his own foreskin which is a BORE to wonen! But of course if you have a perpetually sore cunt then naturally you would prefer a dick that you can hardly feel while he's fucking you.

Women worldwide agree with ME and not with you. A review of all the international studies about this subject found that women have a very strong preference for circumcised men, quote:

"In the overwhelming majority of studies, women expressed a preference for the circumcised penis. The main reasons given for this preference were better appearance, better hygiene, reduced risk of infection, and enhanced sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse, manual stimulation, and fellatio".

See it in Journal of Sexual Medicine:

As for foreskin stink, the main reason I got cut was because I know women hate it. You say most of your uncut guys didnt stink so it's strange isn't it that the most popular post in alt. circ by far is the one called "Why do foreskins smell even after washing??" Over 53,000 views with hundreds of posts not just by sex partners disgusted by the smell but even by uncut guys desparate to find a way to hide it.

I think youre a fake.
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Mar 31, 2020, 12:50:53 PM3/31/20
I guess it's easier to believe that I'm a fake than understanding that your point of view is not an absolute truth. I exposed MY experience and opinion, and I have a perfectly healthy vagina (and ass) like many other women who think just like me.

I don't understand this cut against uncut mentality/agenda, like you need to prove that your mutilated penises are better than complete ones. To all men who are feeling less than others because of their foreskin: you are beautiful the way you are and there are plenty of women who will love your dick just as it is! Just keep it clean and don't worry about it — men in Europe, South America, Australia, etc., are not cut and they (and women) enjoy sex the same, if not more!

And preferences aside, I'm completely pro circumcision when it's for medical reasons, but doing that to all male babies by default just because a tiny fraction of them might develop some issues with their foreskin seems to me really stupid and wrong.

I chose to post this because I find the idea of living in a world where all men are circumcised profoundly horrifying, for both sexual and moral reasons. We should let men choose when they are old enough to do so, or their parents only when there's the need for a medical intervention.

If only one uncut man sees this and feels better about himself I'm more than satisfied. Bye now <3

Darrin T

Mar 31, 2020, 3:50:03 PM3/31/20
If she is indeed a she, then it must be of Aborigine or European descent and/or mentality. ehe No sane, sensible American woman would ever nosh on Goyim shmeckle. eh BTW, I used "Goyim shmeckle" for comedic purposes only, because it was pish in your pants funny!eh As we (ie. non skin-freak anti-Semites) all know, the majority of the world's circumcised are Gentile, as Jews comprise a measly 1/4 of 1% of the world's population.

Apr 4, 2020, 12:26:19 PM4/4/20
On Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 5:50:53 PM UTC+1, Val92 wrote:

> I have a perfectly healthy vagina

You dont. You say you want sex with circumcised men too be over as soon as possible because there is too much friction. Thats highly abnormal. It means your cunt is so tender and sensitive you can only have sex with a man whose dick is sliding around inside his foreskin instead of your cunt. If this was a common complaint everybody would know about it, it would be in all the medical books. You have dry cunt or some kind of cunt rot. The world is full of women who want sex with circumcised guys to go on forever. Get your dry or diseased kooz checked out by a doctor.


Apr 12, 2020, 4:31:38 AM4/12/20
I would tend to agree that the original post was by a pro-foreskin internet troll pretending to be a woman "Val92" who has always disliked circumcised penises but found new joy in uncircumcised. The fact that the original poster has deleted the original post since that criticism was made confirms the suspicion. Why does "she" not want it inspected in detail?

Too many of the phrases used by this "woman" do not sound authentic;. They echo the standard language of the various anti circumcision sites, which are nearly run by the same little group of fanatical gay foreskin fetishists, pretending to be "mothers" "nurses" "doctors" "advisors" "resources" etc. One tip off to these sites is the recurrent language, seen in the all these sites and the original post: "mutilated penises" .."like a cucumber"..."like a dildo". A second tip off is that the foreskin fetishist sites are always "monitored" which means censored to prevent their nonsense being exposed and corrected. A third tip off is that they always completely avoid the main reasons for circumcision, the stink and the host of medical problems especially the spreading of AIDS.

Also, the proposition that this woman 'val92"has has "not had that much experience with uncut men" but can now proclaim on this limited basis that most men and women in the world enjoy uncut "the same, if not more!" is not credible. And if as she says, only one of the uncircumcised men she was with had a foul smelling penis, then her sample must have been very small. In my experience all uncircumcised penises have an unpleasant odor to say the least. She might have got incredibly lucky once, but if her sample had been four or five or six or more, she would know perfectly well how offensive the typical smell is.


Apr 17, 2020, 4:25:14 PM4/17/20
The foreskin fetish mentality is amazing.

I supplied this "woman" Val 92 with a scientific survey of all the studies on womens preference for cut or uncut in Journal of Sexual Medicine:

"In the overwhelming majority of studies, women expressed a preference for the circumcised penis. The main reasons given for this preference were better appearance, better hygiene, reduced risk of infection, and enhanced sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse, manual stimulation, and fellatio".

So what is "her" response?

"I don't have that much experience with uncut men...."

but -

"men in Europe, South America, Australia, etc., are not cut and they (and women) enjoy sex the same, if not more!"

So in this person's fevered mind a teeny bit of experience with uncut men justifies a sweeping generalization about populations of entire continents. No matter that a series of scientific studies of different population groups prove EXACTLY the opposite!!

These foreskin freaks are just demented.


Apr 20, 2020, 12:33:47 PM4/20/20
Here are some opinions on cut v uncut from REAL women (citation below)

“Cut is the best, uncut lovers often have a nasty smelly mess under the foreskin. it is not going to happen Jack, especially when considering oral.”

“My friend vommed on this dude when she went down on him and peeled it back. All the funk got on under her fingernails.”

“I’ve had both. The uncircumcised was the worst lover fathomable. He did not use his parts optimally. I wish he had been more hygienic too."

“I believe uncircumcised penises have a very off-putting odor! The uncircumcised penis has a foul smell that I cannot stand. Everyone’s different & some may like the smell or be able to see past it. However, I cannot. Circumcised is much cleaner & pleasant."

“Women do not like to pull down a man’s pants to see a disgusting uncircumcised penis. In more civil writing, being uncircumcised really does not have the benefits that uncircumcised people claim. First of all, many but not all uncircumcised penises produce enough smegma to where hygiene becomes an issue. Women are very offended by this'".

“Uncircumcised penises are just aesthetically unpleasant to the eye. They are dirty. You don’t need science to tell you that a bigger surface area (uncircumcised penis) means more bacteria. It’s logic.”

''Oral and uncircumcised = NO!
Oral and Circumcised = YES!”

" Uncut sometimes can be more on the funky/smelly side."

“Uncircumcised carries bacteria and it’s kinda gross-looking….circumcision is a must here in America.”

'The problem with uncircumcised men is they do not keep it clean, and they experience more infections that way. My ex’s skin actually got so tight that he couldn’t pull the skin back to clean it. I researched it, and it is quite common as the man ages.”

“Circumcised penises, in my opinion, are much better. Over the years, I’ve found that uncircumcised penises tend to have a stronger smell and more greasy/sweaty feel to them. Despite best efforts to keep clean, any skin that is folded on top of other skin will tend to sweat and smell rather quickly—even after a good shower. So it is definitely a fact that circumcised penises are ‘easier’ to keep clean, and I’m guessing are less prone to infections.”

“Every female prefers a circumcised male. First of all, it looks better & no odor. Why would I want a guy that has an odor down there all the time, unless they go wash up pretty good every-time before any sexual contact. I mean do guys like ugly vaginas that have an odor? I don’t think so. So why would we?”

"In Australia it is much preferred to have sex with a circumcised man, not only does it look sexier and maintain much cleaner but no Aussie woman wants a foreskin that resembles an elephant trunk inside her or especially in her mouth! Yuck yuck and yuck.”

“Well, well, well. I have recently encountered my 1st uncircumcised penis. But after playing with it a couple times I noticed a smell. And I thought, hmmm maybe this one time he’s off, but NO every time I played with his dick it STANK!!! I mean it wouldn’t smell at first, but after a few minutes here came that smell again. UGHH! And all I could think of was its because he wasn’t cut. I never had that problem w/cut men, never! So, I can understand how some women equate uncut men to being smelly. But, NOW I know that it’s probably just a mixture of bad hygiene and diet. Crazy thing is, he could just be stepping outta the shower and it will STILL smell!”

“My ex of 1 year and 7 months was uncircumcised and it was really a pain in the ass. I would recommend parents just go ahead and get their male children circumcised as infants to save him the hassle of dealing with his foreskin when he grows up. An uncircumcised penis is a prime location for anaerobic bacteria to thrive. My ex would get this white film over his penis head that tasted gross and smelled even worse. Before we would have vaginal or oral sex I would request that he wash it with soap and water and thoroughly dry it with a towel. Sometimes the constant moisture under his foreskin would cause his skin to crack around his penis head causing him pain with erection & we would have to postpone sex until it healed".


Jun 10, 2020, 11:14:29 AM6/10/20
Thank you Oliver!!! Uncut dick is DISGUSTING!! They ALWAYS smell bad when that UGLY skin gets peeled back, then who want to suck it when the skin is all bunched on the shaft liek a turtle neck? The nicest part of dick is the head but with uncuts its hidden being covered with wrinkle skin like an anteater snout. YUK

Jun 11, 2020, 2:46:21 PM6/11/20
Val 92, you say you have "reading a lot about circumcision" but I think you read only anti circumision warriors? Did you read about problems of forskins? My forskin problems were very bad (pain with erection, hard to retract) so sex/hygiene was difficult. I grew up in uncircumnised country but then my family moved to a circumcised and the problems got worse because everybody preferred circumcsed. Finally i was circumcised. Then I began my enjoyable sex! There are so many boys with problems like this in uncircumcised countries, some don't even have a doctor or money for doctors. What do you think their life is like when an erection is hurting and the penis cannot be cleaned? For their whole life.


Nov 21, 2020, 6:51:54 AM11/21/20
On Monday, April 20, 2020 at 5:33:47 PM UTC+1, Oliver wrote:
Thanks for a great post on what REAL women think of uncircumcised. Every scientifically valid survey on the subject produces the same results: WOMEN PREFER CIRCUMCISED. OVERWHELMINGLY!
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