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Intelligent Party

Oct 31, 2021, 9:39:35 PM10/31/21
It's like cutting off a baby's little finger.

This is capital crime.

Lacerating Infants is abomination. Mayhem is a capital crime, like murder, and a

Obviously you can do anything with your dick once you're mentally competent, and
an adult. It's your body. Just don't mutilate the infants.

Even so, doing anything to someone else, might require a waiting period. Like
there should be a week's wait to get a tattoo. Is it soundly your choice, that
you're sure you want, and that you're not being mal-pressured by anyone else?


Dec 11, 2021, 5:21:20 AM12/11/21
On Monday, November 1, 2021 at 1:39:35 AM UTC, Intelligent Party wrote:
> It's like cutting off a baby's little finger.
> This is capital crime.
> Lacerating Infants is abomination. Mayhem is a capital crime, like murder, and a
> felony.

Cutting off a finger gets you a death sentence?
Mayhem gets you a death sentence?
In which county on earth????

Circumcision is, and has always been, the most common surgical procedure in the world. You seem to want to execute several billion parents!!!!

Removal of the foreskin is widely and justly celebrated because it improves the appearance, disease resistance, hygiene, and sexual function of he penis.

It would make more sense to impose penalties on parents who DON'T circumcise, actually. But I think execution would be rather extreme. Maybe a nominal fine, just to remind them of their responsibilities?


Dec 22, 2021, 10:17:24 PM12/22/21
Add to this: circumcision is totally unparalleled in the realm of "parental consent" or "proxy consent." Parents cannot consent to any similar procedure on babies, boy or girl.

Should we allow parents to choose to remove a child's testicles? I know that many people are outraged at gender conversions on young children, but how is that any different than circumcision. Both are altering a child's normal and natural state.

Never mind various complications occur at a rate of "10-12%."

These may include:
• Infection
• Bleeding
• Insufficient Foreskin Removed
• Excessive Foreskin Removed
• Adhesions / Skin Bridges
• Inclusion Cysts
• Abnormal Healing
• Meatitis
• Meatal Stenosis
• Urinary Retention
• Phimosis
• Chordee
• Hypospadias
• Epispadias
• Urethrocutaneous Fistula
• Necrosis of the Penis
• Amputation of the Glans

Darrin T

Mar 26, 2022, 3:05:16 AM3/26/22
Ironically, half of these minor risks are actual foreskin-related conditions that necessitate circumcision. Once again, if foreskin is such a healthy appendage, why does it continually necessitate medical intervention? There is no surgery that is without risk. In the case of circumcision, the benefits always outweigh the risks. There are no positives to sebaceous ridden flesh that harbors bacteria and other lovely gunk. If a flap of skin grew over your decrepit tookess, would you revel in the bacteria that it traps? No, you would run to the doctor to have it removed. You must train your heathenish mind to view circumcision with sensible eyes. You must be able to disassociate the penis from the foreskin as they are two separate entities. Foreskin is a remnant appendage (see wisdom teeth, appendix) that should have gone out with Neanderthal man. BTW, testicles are necessary to the overall appearance and function of the male anatomy. Foreskin serves no useful function. It's one of God's anatomical goofs, and we've been able to live without it for hundreds of years. But alas, continue proving that your skin-freak ilk could care less about facts and health benefits. Your only concern is to sexualize a useless scab o' skin.
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