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My Circumcision Story

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The Lame Troll

Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00
It is a great relief to talk about my circumcision. No other event in my life has affected me as strongly as this mutilation done to my body when I was just a few days old. And there is no other event about which I am nearly as angry, sad, and depressed. Even so, this is the first time I have sat down and tried to recount the ways circumcision has affected my life -- physically, mentally, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually.
I was born in 1960. Although my circumcision was not what most doctors would call "botched" (all circumcisions are botched by definition, in my opinion, because they destroy healthy, functional tissue), my circumcision was tight and extensive. My entire frenulum was removed.

Like most other circumcised males, I do not remember my circumcision consciously. In August 1994, however, I attended a workshop using specialized breathing techniques to access intense repressed emotional states. I remembered and relived the experience of being circumcised (with less intensity, however, than I must have felt as an baby).

Most of what I learned about human sexuality during my early adolescence came from a few well-written books, such as Wardell Pomeroy's Boys and Sex. My family was quite repressed sexually. I don't remember their ever being physically affectionate beyond goodnight kisses, nor were they very affectionate with my younger brother and me. Their only attempt to discuss sex with me was rather pathetic. When I was seventeen and already had a girlfriend, my father came into my room and made a painfully awkward attempt to discuss sex with me. I felt sorry and embarrassed for him. I'm sad that my parents gave me no real support or guidance as I entered into the mysterious world of adult sexuality.

As a child, I vaguely remember hearing about circumcision from time to time. I grew up in suburban Southern California, where almost all the boys I knew were circumcised too. Like many other boys of my era, I assumed I had not been circumcised. My penis looked like everyone else's and I assumed I had all of the penis I was born with. I remember feeling glad that this strange, horrible thing had not been done to me.

As I grew into a young adult, however, I became aware of information that made me think that maybe I was in fact circumcised. I don't remember the exact sequence of events, but I think it was around 1985, when I was 25, that I realized for sure that my penis had been surgically cut.

I spent several years in denial about this and the pain and loss it represented. I tried many rationalizations, which were easier than accepting that I had lost so important a part of my identity and self. In 1987, I began attending men's events that focused on support and personal growth. Some included workshops on circumcision. In 1989, I began to acknowledge to myself more consciously my anger and unhappiness that someone had cut part of my penis off when I was a baby.

The following summer, I attended a support meeting organized by the National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM) (then known as RECAP), founded to offer emotional support to men involved in non-surgical foreskin restoration. Restoration entails gradually stretching the remaining penile skin to re-cover the glans. Since that meeting, I have attempted foreskin restoration several times. NORM founder Wayne Griffiths generously and kindly kept in touch with me for several years after I returned to Boston, where I was then living. More recently, other restoring men have helped me in my attempt to restore.

I've had little success, however. I find using the various devices to stretch my remaining skin very draining emotionally because it reminds me of what I have lost. I also had problems with urination and soreness from taping, etc. Because my circumcision is relatively tight, I have to do more to achieve a given degree of restoration than men whose circumcisers left them more skin. My longest period of attempting restoration was two to three months in 1994. I'm not restoring right now. I want to, but I'm not sure when I will have the determination and resolve necessary to see this emotionally and physically demanding, drawn out process through to its successful end.

I talked with my mother about circumcision for the first time in December 1992. A month later we talked about it again. Both times, I was terrified to mention the subject to her. I was sure she would shame me or refuse to discuss it. However, my mother has grown in many ways over the past thirty years, especially since the death of my father in 1990. She listened to what I had to say and even acknowledged that she understood that I was in pain and why I was in pain. Although she didn't say so, it was clear that she regretted allowing me and my brother to be circumcised. She told me she had given the matter almost no thought at the time, as I had suspected. The doctor had advised her that circumcision was "cleaner," and that was enough to satisfy her and my father that I should be circumcised.

In a third conversation with my mother, in October 1996, she told me that my father was circumcised. This surprised me because he was born in Nebraska in 1924, when circumcision in the U.S. was still uncommon. The fact that he was circumcised surely affected my parents' decision to have me circumcised too.

The last time I saw my beloved grandfather alive, August 1995, I noticed that he wasn't circumcised. This didn't surprise me because he was born in Oklahoma in 1904. But I felt sad that he was whole and I wasn't.

Since I first discussed circumcision with my mother, I have frequently alluded to my anti-circumcision activism when I talk or write to her. I don't go out of my way to mention the subject but I do let her know what I'm doing when it fits into the flow of the conversation or my letter. I still usually feel somewhat awkward and nervous about mentioning circumcision to her, but I continue to share my thoughts and feelings about this with her.

I often wonder if being aware of the damage I have suffered hasn't made me enjoy life less. I wonder if I wouldn't have been much happier if I had remained unaware of what I have lost. This, of course, is like asking what it would be like to be a fish. It's futile. I did in fact come to understand that my circumcision had removed a significant, irreplaceable component of sexual pleasure possible only with a foreskin and rendered me incapable of ever experiencing it.

This loss is what upsets me most. I can deal with the appearance of my circumcised penis. But knowing that I never have experienced and never will experience the full range of sexual sensations and pleasures intact males enjoy and take for granted is very hard for me to accept and deal with.

My own sexual history has contributed to my turmoil about all this. I was 26 before I developed enough self-confidence and worked through the sexuality issues I had from my childhood enough to begin enjoying a fairly normal, healthy sex life. So my grief at realizing I have been denied the the full range of pleasurable sensations possible only with a foreskin and frenulum is compounded by my loss of roughly a decade of sexual activity and enjoyment.

Before I learned that there were other men unhappy about being circumcised who had started a movement to end routine circumcision, I had already thought about circumcision as an extreme form of rape. I would rather have been raped than circumcised.

I am reminded of my loss several times a day every day of my life. It's a kind of torture, from which I can never escape. I can never get it out of my mind. Every time I urinate, every time I have an erection, every time I dress or undress or take a shower or walk down the street, I am reminded that part of my penis is missing. Every time my naked glans touches my clothing, I am reminded that I have no foreskin. Bicycling is especially troublesome because my glans touches my pants almost every time I raise and lower my legs. When I was a child I wondered why the head of my penis was the first place I felt pain when it was cold.

Like many other circumcised males, I rediscover the horror of circumcision firsthand every day. I have noticed a dramatic, heartbreaking loss of sexual sensitivity during the last couple of years. This is caused, of course, by the continuous build-up of layers of keratin over the mucous membrane tissue that remains on the penis after the foreskin is removed.

Because my ongoing experience with circumcision affects my life so strongly, it has fueled my commitment to the struggle for men's rights and male equality in our society. My circumcision constantly reminds me that I am not crazy in thinking that our society oppresses males as well as females. This is not yet the conventional awareness and may not be for a long time. But circumcision reminds me that many of our ideas come from cultural prejudices and blindnesses, and reaffirms for me the importance of thinking for oneself and not just blindly trusting and accepting preconceived notions.

It hurts and angers me deeply that our society shows so much compassion for women and children yet so little for the concerns and struggles of men. The signs of this are all around us: the passage of the Violence Against Women Act in a society where three-fourths of all victims of violence are male. Almost as many males as females are the victims of domestic violence, but much more help and support are available to females. Men around the world are systematically forced to sacrifice their bodies and lives in war. We are also forced to give our bodies and lives in the workplace; 94% of all Americans who die at work are male.

I have come to believe that the numbness in our circumcised penises parallels and even contributes to our emotional numbness that those in power, and society in general, regard as necessary in order for us to fulfill our roles as producers.

I would give everything I own to have my foreskin back, to know how I was meant to be, to have my body whole and natural. I would give up my music collection, probably my single most valued possession, and everything else I own, including my house and life savings.

Circumcision without the consent of the circumcised, regardless of the parents' wishes or religious beliefs, should definitely be outlawed.

I feel much more anger toward my circumciser than toward my parents. Considering when and where I was born, my parents would have had to have been unusually questioning people to have saved me from the knife. Actually, they were quite typical for that time and place and would never have acted against a doctor's advice. Given the kind of people they were, I had no hope of remaining intact.

I feel some anger toward them for not questioning this terrible violation of their firstborn's physical integrity, but I feel much more anger toward the doctor, who should have known, and perhaps did know better. It is criminal that he advised thousands of parents to have the genitals of their newborn, perfect baby boys cut.

I definitely think that my circumciser should have been stopped by force. I wouldn't go so far as to say that he and others who cut off healthy foreskins should receive the death penalty. I do think, however, that life imprisonment would be morally justified, because he significantly harmed thousands of lives.

Many babies have died as a result of circumcision, and many others have lost their entire penis and then been cut even more to turn them into "girls." This strikes me as absolutely outrageous.

Another unfortunate effect of my circumcision is the anger I feel toward society for its refusal to recognize male pain and male suffering. These feelings have affected my friendships and romantic relationships and have made it difficult at times for me to sustain certain connections. When a potential friend or lover can't or won't recognize or acknowledge the horrors of circumcision and/or the other forms of oppression and pain most males in our society are forced to endure, I can become quite emotional, sometimes at the expense of the relationship. Once I became fully aware of how circumcision has harmed me, this was almost inevitable. It's another way circumcised has harmed me indirectly.

Recently I talked about circumcision with a Jewish friend who is the mother of a boy who, like most other Jewish boys, is circumcised. Her open-mindedness, for which I was grateful, surprised me. I know that because of my own turbulent feelings about this issue, I did not present my point of view as calmly and effectively as I might have.

I feel extremely frustrated that in 1998, in a developed country, we have to spend time and energy even discussing this. Do we discuss why babies' arms and legs should not be cut off? Do we weigh the medical advantages and disadvantages of amputating women's breasts? It is only because of our peculiar cultural history of practicing circumcision for the last century that this horrible mutilation is even an issue. In a truly civilized society such discussions would never even arise.

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Find Out At


Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00
Too bad they didn't cut off the other head.



Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00
>>Like most other circumcised males, I do not remember my circumcision
>consciously. In August 1994, however, I attended a workshop using specialized
>breathing techniques to access intense repressed emotional states. I
>remembered and relived the experience of being circumcised (with less int

You do realize that if you told the above to a PSYCHIATRIST, he would have you

Hugh Despot

Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00
What a cut-up!!!



mhm 26x5

official apdd dood #p4n7yl1n3r

nominee: president of usenet - 2000


"Hugh Despot is uncapable of not being a DICK."

Buzzard <> in message


"You're a sick, sadistic, and empty person..."

Animal Friend <> in message


"The Lame Troll" <> wrote in message


Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00
><HTML><PRE>Subject: Re: My Circumcision Story
>From: (DarrinT68)
>Date: Sun, Aug 6, 2000 16:26 EDT
>Message-id: <>

>>>Like most other circumcised males, I do not remember my circumcision
>>consciously. In August 1994, however, I attended a workshop using
>>breathing techniques to access intense repressed emotional states. I
>>remembered and relived the experience of being circumcised (with less int
>You do realize that if you told the above to a PSYCHIATRIST, he would have

If you told a psychiatrist you believe "a magical spirit in the sky" (God)
influences you to ritualistically cut off the most sensitive part of your son's
anatomy, he would have you committed! Hee hee hee hee hee hee.


Kevorkian X Maldonado

Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00

" Mack from Socorro " <> wrote in message
> On 6 Aug 2000 19:13:52 GMT, <> The

> Lame Troll wrote:
> >It is a great relief to talk about my circumcision.


> -----------------
> Christine Tweet
> Reno, NV 89501 (775)331-3317
> Her pimp is:
> ----------------
> Michael E Tweet
> Phone: 775-677-7010
> Her latest customer was:
> --------------------------------
> Lewis Mack Stephenson
> Socorro New Mexico

Everyone who cares, raise your hand.
Thought so.


Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00
>>>remembered and relived the experience of being circumcised (with less int
>>You do realize that if you told the above to a PSYCHIATRIST, he would have
>If you told a psychiatrist you believe "a magical spirit in the sky" (God)
>influences you to ritualistically cut off the most sensitive part of your
>anatomy, he would have you committed! Hee hee hee hee hee hee.

Dave, this has to do with HYGIENE and COMMON SENSE! Something that you and
your people are devoid of!heheehhe


Aug 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/6/00

Sergi wrote:

> Now (George Melinko) places the lotion in the basket:

> >Way to plonk across USENET moron.
> Alright, everyone just stop crossposting.
> --
> Sergi, KotAGoR XXX
> Creator of alt.religion.christian.amish
> HL&S Winner 1/00

I agree with this post.

The Queen of Cans and Jars

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
Sergi <> wrote:

> Now (George Melinko) places the lotion in the basket:
> >On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 19:35:48 GMT, "LXIX"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>Too bad they didn't cut off the other head.
> >>
> >>*plonk*
> >
> >Way to plonk across USENET moron.
> Alright, everyone just stop crossposting.

you first.

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 19:50:57 GMT, (George Melinko) wrote:

>On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 19:35:48 GMT, "LXIX"
><> wrote:
>>Too bad they didn't cut off the other head.
>Way to plonk across USENET moron.


I like you. George. A LOT. Know what I mean, big fella?

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 20:14:28 GMT, ( Who Me? ) wrote:

>On 6 Aug 2000 19:13:52 GMT, <> The

>Pretty lame forgery.

So lame I didn't even think the asswipe was trying.

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:47:51 -0700, "Hugh Despot"
<hde...@databasix.con> wrote:

>What a cut-up!!!

Ha Ha Ha! Are you cut, Hugh? Icy never said.

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 12:15:32 -0400, Icy Hotpoison
<vpl.ub...@uhfuznvy.pbz> wrote:

>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to

>Hugh Despot is hung like a horse.
>Just thought I would share that.

That was not the question, Icy dear. Let their be no secrets between
us trollups. Tell all!

>Icy Hotpoison
>Please Support Troll Acceptance
>Official Trolls For The Sydney 2000 Limpics
>Brad gets a clue in
>Message-ID: <>
>"You guys aren't trolls. You're Lamerz."

Simon Thornington

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
<u...@ftc.g0v> writes:

>Sergi wrote:

>>Now (George Melinko) places the lotion in the basket:

>>>On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 19:35:48 GMT, "LXIX"
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Too bad they didn't cut off the other head.
>>>Way to plonk across USENET moron.

>>Alright, everyone just stop crossposting.


Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00

Who Me? wrote in message <398dc712...@TROLLNEWS.COM>...

>On 6 Aug 2000 19:13:52 GMT, <> The
>Pretty lame forgery.

That wasn't you? Dang. And I was so moved.


Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00

Icy Hotpoison wrote in message ...

>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>alt.hackers.malicious and said:
>>On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 12:15:32 -0400, Icy Hotpoison
>><vpl.ub...@uhfuznvy.pbz> wrote:
>>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>>> and said:
>>>>On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:47:51 -0700, "Hugh Despot"
>>>><hde...@databasix.con> wrote:
>>>>>What a cut-up!!!
>>>>Ha Ha Ha! Are you cut, Hugh? Icy never said.
>>>Hugh Despot is hung like a horse.
>>>Just thought I would share that.
>>That was not the question, Icy dear. Let their be no secrets between
>>us trollups. Tell all!
>Hugh is a wild stallion in bed. And those lips! He could smack kisses
>on me from across the room.
>But we had to break up. He never returned my emails or pings. I think
>he was cheating on me with a pizza delivery girl.
>What was the original question?

But what does all this have to do with bowling?


Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
to wrote in message ...

>On 6 Aug 2000 19:13:52 GMT, <> The
>Here is his doctor:
>Suzanne and Dan Thompson
> 3207 W. John Street, Champaign IL, 61821
> tel.: 217-355-6614
>More to come

rosetta, you're sounding shrill. Can you explain what these addresses have
to do with bowling? Thanks, Sunny

Dana (Killer of Threads)

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00

The Lame Troll wrote:

Thanks dude for sharing this with us but unless it involved aliens who bowled with hacked roses wrapped in news and slipped under a rock then this MAY be slightly off topic. I say slight in the same way as they slighted your poor paddy wacker.

> ----
> Have You Made The List Yet?
> Find Out At

"Yes," said Winnie the Pooh. "I see now," said Winnie the Pooh. "I have been Foolish and Deluded," said he, "and I am a Bear of No Brain at All." "You're the Best Bear in All the World," said Christopher Robin soothingly. "Am I?" said Pooh hopefully. And then he brightened up suddenly. "Anyhow," he said, "it is nearly Luncheon Time." So he went home for it.
- Winnie the Pooh

Nick Jaguar

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
In <OrFj5.13130$>, in
alt.hackers.malicious, (Sunny) wrote:

>Icy Hotpoison wrote in message ...
>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>>alt.hackers.malicious and said:
>>>On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 12:15:32 -0400, Icy Hotpoison
>>><vpl.ub...@uhfuznvy.pbz> wrote:
>>>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>>>> and said:
>>>>>On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:47:51 -0700, "Hugh Despot"
>>>>><hde...@databasix.con> wrote:
>>>>>>What a cut-up!!!
>>>>>Ha Ha Ha! Are you cut, Hugh? Icy never said.
>>>>Hugh Despot is hung like a horse.
>>>>Just thought I would share that.
>>>That was not the question, Icy dear. Let their be no secrets between
>>>us trollups. Tell all!
>>Hugh is a wild stallion in bed. And those lips! He could smack kisses
>>on me from across the room.
>>But we had to break up. He never returned my emails or pings. I think
>>he was cheating on me with a pizza delivery girl.
>>What was the original question?

>But what does all this have to do with bowling?

The 6 - 9 split maybe?
_|_ Love It To Death
/Petit Morte\
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Spooge is living pr0n"
TDMF&A No Limits. No Holding Back
"If that means you're gonna go r/l on me and try to take me "down" then so
be it.. all that means is that you've lost.."


Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00

Icy Hotpoison wrote in message ...
>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, "Sunny"
><> suscribed to alt.hackers.malicious and

>>Icy Hotpoison wrote in message ...
>>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>>>alt.hackers.malicious and said:
>>>>On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 12:15:32 -0400, Icy Hotpoison
>>>><vpl.ub...@uhfuznvy.pbz> wrote:
>>>>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>>>>> and said:
>>>>>>On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:47:51 -0700, "Hugh Despot"
>>>>>><hde...@databasix.con> wrote:
>>>>>>>What a cut-up!!!
>>>>>>Ha Ha Ha! Are you cut, Hugh? Icy never said.
>>>>>Hugh Despot is hung like a horse.
>>>>>Just thought I would share that.
>>>>That was not the question, Icy dear. Let their be no secrets between
>>>>us trollups. Tell all!
>>>Hugh is a wild stallion in bed. And those lips! He could smack kisses
>>>on me from across the room.
>>>But we had to break up. He never returned my emails or pings. I think
>>>he was cheating on me with a pizza delivery girl.
>>>What was the original question?
>>But what does all this have to do with bowling?
> and Hugh went bowling once.

"Icy" indeed!

>>>>>Icy Hotpoison
>>>>>Please Support Troll Acceptance
>>>>>Official Trolls For The Sydney 2000 Limpics
>>>>>Brad gets a clue in
>>>>>Message-ID: <>
>>>>>"You guys aren't trolls. You're Lamerz."
>>>Icy Hotpoison
>>>Please Support Troll Acceptance
>>>Official Trolls For The Sydney 2000 Limpics
>>>Brad gets a clue in
>>>Message-ID: <>
>>>"You guys aren't trolls. You're Lamerz."
>Icy Hotpoison
>Please Support Troll Acceptance

>Andy of ABS-K is a OWNED BITCH

The Queen of Cans and Jars

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00
Sergi <> wrote:

> Now (The Queen of Cans and Jars) places the lotion in
> the basket:

> >Sergi <> wrote:
> >
> >> Now (George Melinko) places the lotion in the basket:
> >>
> >> >On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 19:35:48 GMT, "LXIX"
> >> ><> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>Too bad they didn't cut off the other head.
> >> >>
> >> >>*plonk*
> >> >
> >> >Way to plonk across USENET moron.
> >>
> >> Alright, everyone just stop crossposting.
> >

> >you first.

maybe i will, and maybe i won't.

Hugh Despot

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00

<> wrote in message

> On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:47:51 -0700, "Hugh Despot"
> <hde...@databasix.con> wrote:
> >What a cut-up!!!
> Ha Ha Ha! Are you cut, Hugh? Icy never said.

Of course. It was a good thing, too... it's damn heavy as it is... I'd hate
to have MORE...

Hugh "Damn, I'm humble" Despot

Hugh Despot

Aug 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/7/00

"Sunny" <> wrote in message

> Icy Hotpoison wrote in message ...
> >While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
> >alt.hackers.malicious and said:
> >
> >>On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 12:15:32 -0400, Icy Hotpoison
> >><vpl.ub...@uhfuznvy.pbz> wrote:
> >>
> >>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
> >>> and said:
> >>>
> >>>>On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:47:51 -0700, "Hugh Despot"
> >>>><hde...@databasix.con> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>What a cut-up!!!
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Ha Ha Ha! Are you cut, Hugh? Icy never said.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Hugh Despot is hung like a horse.
> >>>Just thought I would share that.
> >>>HTH.
> >>
> >>That was not the question, Icy dear. Let their be no secrets between
> >>us trollups. Tell all!
> >
> >Hugh is a wild stallion in bed. And those lips! He could smack kisses
> >on me from across the room.
> >But we had to break up. He never returned my emails or pings. I think
> >he was cheating on me with a pizza delivery girl.
> >What was the original question?
> But what does all this have to do with bowling?

That's easy... I also have 16 Lb. Balls...



mhm 26x5

official apdd dood #p4n7yl1n3r

nominee: president of usenet - 2000


"Hugh Despot is uncapable of not being a DICK."

Buzzard <> in message


"You're a sick, sadistic, and empty person..."

Animal Friend <> in message


> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>>


Aug 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/8/00

Aug 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/8/00
On 7 Aug 2000 23:34:17 GMT, (Nick Jaguar) wrote:

>In <OrFj5.13130$>, in
>alt.hackers.malicious, (Sunny) wrote:

>>Icy Hotpoison wrote in message ...
>>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>>>alt.hackers.malicious and said:
>>>>On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 12:15:32 -0400, Icy Hotpoison
>>>><vpl.ub...@uhfuznvy.pbz> wrote:
>>>>>While Wojo kept a watchful eye on ABSK, suscribed to
>>>>> and said:
>>>>>>On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:47:51 -0700, "Hugh Despot"
>>>>>><hde...@databasix.con> wrote:
>>>>>>>What a cut-up!!!
>>>>>>Ha Ha Ha! Are you cut, Hugh? Icy never said.
>>>>>Hugh Despot is hung like a horse.
>>>>>Just thought I would share that.
>>>>That was not the question, Icy dear. Let their be no secrets between
>>>>us trollups. Tell all!
>>>Hugh is a wild stallion in bed. And those lips! He could smack kisses
>>>on me from across the room.
>>>But we had to break up. He never returned my emails or pings. I think
>>>he was cheating on me with a pizza delivery girl.
>>>What was the original question?

>>But what does all this have to do with bowling?
>The 6 - 9 split maybe?

Ha Ha Ha! Mayyyyyyyyybeeeeeeeeeee!

Hugh Young

Aug 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/9/00
On 6 Aug 2000 19:13:52 GMT, <> The
Lame Troll said:

The only false note to this story is the handle. And it seems to have
been take up by rent-a-troll. (lots of extraneous headers removed). I
wonder where TLT got it / who really wrote it? And did he set the page
width to infinity just to annoy us?

Hugh Young, Pukerua Bay, Nuclear-free Aotearoa / New Zealand
Overnight editing!


Aug 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/12/00
I read your circumcision story. I'll tell you mine. I endured discomfort for
years. I have a small penis and pubic hair would get caught under the
foreskin. This could be painful at times. Finally after I retired, I discussed
this with my doctor. He circumcised me. I did not experience any pain or
discomfort. My healing was complete in two weeks. I regret not having this
done years ago. I am happy with my circumcision,

Bob Wraay

Dabunny Rabbit

Aug 1, 2021, 9:00:42 PM8/1/21
well to put in my 2 cents.
the bottom line is, its not yours period.
you have no right as a parent or otherwise to have someone held down and remove part of their genitals no matter how clean or religious you think it is.
children can't consent to sex, but cutting off part of it for no reason or concept of whats being done is ok... honestly!!!
under that same logic then I should be able to have someone held down and their ears cut off because I think it would be healthier and cleaner for them. (or the skin cancer they might get)

circumcision has no effect on how much teens masturbate, teens are gonna do it and do it a lot regardless.

not to mention that there were 2 doctors in the US that claimed it cured a host of bizarre ailments (including epilepsy and rheumatism) and when people figured out that was a crock, they claimed it prevented masturbation. and in the religious society it took off once more.
it's not about what you want its about what the individual wants
so in conclusion circumcision is a violation of someone's human rights and bodily integrity and there is nothing anyone can say that will make it ok.

however if you get it done later as an adult and its your choice, then there is nothing wrong with that and to those that have, I hope it worked out well for you.

Darrin T

Sep 3, 2021, 8:42:37 PM9/3/21
After reading your histrionic rant, your 2 cents amounts to nothing more than a Wooden Nickel. Your insane analogies are anything but logical. They are downright frightening. Ears are vital to the overall aesthetic & function of the human anatomy. Foreskin serves no useful function other than being tossed into a skin-graft bin. eh Foreskin literally translates to "Shmuck" in Yinglish...err Yiddish. eh There's a good reason why - you literally have to be a Shmuck to shlep that hideous scab o' skin around. A remnant appendage that should have gone out with Neanderthal man. Ask yourself the following: If a flap of skin suddenly grew over your decrepit tookess, would you revel in the bacteria that it traps? Of course not! You would immediately run to your nearest ER to have it removed. Apply the same rationale to the male prepuce - ie. not the penis. Lastly, parents have every legal right to do what they believe is in the best interest of their children. They need not ask for permission. You do not wait until "Dirty Johnny's" putz is dangling by a mere thread. By the time that child reaches adulthood, the fear and embarrassment factor sets in. "Dirty Johnny" would now rather suffer in silence than seek out a simple, safe & beneficial procedure that occurs more frequently than tooth extraction. Look at Japan alone where circumcision is practically nonexistent. Over 90% of infants suffer from congenital phimosis. As the old adage goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Unfortunately you and your deranged ilk suffer from Partialism. You would rather place emotion before reason.
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