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Male Circumcision's Effect On Female Sexual Enjoyment

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Aug 15, 2018, 2:40:42 AM8/15/18
"The Effect Of Male Circumcision On The Sexual Enjoyment Of The Female Partner"

{Excellent Study, some excerpts below:}

… Laumann et al. [5] found that circumcised men had different sexual practices from genitally unaltered men. Circumcised men were more likely to masturbate, engage in heterosexual anal and oral sex, and to engage in homosexual anal sex. In the male rat, removal of the penile sheath markedly interferes with normal penile reflex and copulation. When circumcised rats were paired with sexually experienced females, they had more difficulty obtaining an erection, more difficulty inserting the penis into the vagina, and required more mounts to inseminate than did unaltered males [6]. Preputial secretions in mice and rats are a strong attractant for female mice and rats [7–11], and may provoke the onset of oestrus in mature females [12].

There may be a histological explanation for these findings. The tip of the foreskin, and some or all of the frenulum, are routinely removed as part of circumcision. This tissue contains a high concentration of the nerve endings that sense fine touch [1]. After circumcision the surface of the glans thickens like a callus. The glans is innervated by free nerve endings that can only sense deep pressure and pain [13]…

... The {dubiously regarded} study {about female preference} results may reflect the tendency of people to choose the familiar and shun the unfamiliar…

In a survey conducted on the Internet, circumcised men were significantly more likely to use additional artificial lubricants during sexual activity (odds ratio, OR=5.64, 95% CI=3.65–8.71) [16].

With their circumcised partners, women were more likely not to have a vaginal orgasm (4.62, 3.69–5.80). Conversely, women were more likely to have a vaginal orgasm with an unaltered partner.

Their circumcised partners were more likely to have premature ejaculation (1.82, 1.45–2.27). Women were also more likely to state that they had vaginal discomfort with a circumcised partner either often (19.89, 5.98–66.22) or occasionally as opposed to rarely or never. More women reported that they never achieved vaginal orgasm with their circumcised partners (2.25, 1.13–4.50) than with their unaltered partners. Also, they were more likely to report never having had a multiple orgasm with their circumcised partners (2.22, 1.36–3.63). They were also more likely to report that vaginal secretions lessened as coitus progressed with their circumcised partners (16.75, 6.88–40.77).

During prolonged intercourse with their circumcised partners, women were less likely to ‘really get into it’ and more likely to ‘want to get it over with’ (23.32, 11.24–48.39). On the other hand, with their unaltered partners, the reverse was true: they were less likely to ‘want to get it over with’ and considerably more likely to ‘really get into it.’

When the women were divided into those older or younger than 40 years, the older women were more likely to rate the frequency of orgasm as higher with an unaltered partner (Z=2.04, P=0.02).

… Although these women {a different subset} preferred circumcised partners, they still found unaltered partners to evoke more vaginal fluid production, a lower vaginal discomfort rating and fewer complaints during intercourse than their circumcised partners…

These results show clearly that women preferred vaginal intercourse with an anatomically complete penis over that with a circumcised penis; there may be many reasons for this. When the anatomically complete penis thrusts in the vagina, it does not slide, but rather glides on its own ‘bedding’ of movable skin, in much the same way that a turtle’s neck glides in and out on the folded layers of skin surrounding it. The underlying corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum slide within the penile skin, while the skin juxtaposed against the vaginal wall moves very little. This sheath-within-a-sheath alignment allows penile movement, and vaginal and penile stimulation, with minimal friction or loss of secretions. When the penile shaft is withdrawn slightly from the vagina, the foreskin bunches up behind the corona in a manner that allows the tip of the foreskin, which contains the highest density of fine-touch neuroreceptors in the penis [1], to contact the corona of the glans, highest concentration of fine-touch neuroreceptors on the glans [18].

This intense stimulation discourages the penile shaft from further withdrawal, explaining the short-thrusting style that women noted in their unaltered partners. This juxtaposition of sensitive neuroreceptors is also seen in the clitoris and clitoral hood of the Rhesus monkey [19] and in the human clitoris [18].

As stated, circumcision removes 33–50% of the penile skin. With this skin missing, there is less tissue for the swollen corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum to slide against. Instead, the skin of the circumcised penis rubs against the vaginal wall, increasing friction, abrasion and the need for artificial lubrication. Because of the tight penile skin, the corona of the glans, which is configured as a one-way valve, pulls the vaginal secretions out of the vagina when the shaft is withdrawn. Unlike the anatomically complete penis, there is no sensory input to limit withdrawal. Because the vast majority of the fine-touch receptors are missing from the circumcised penis, their role as ejaculatory triggers is also absent. The loss of these receptors creates an imbalance between the deep pressure sensed in the glans, corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum and the missing fine-touch [20].

To compensate for this imbalance, to achieve orgasm, the circumcised man must stimulate the glans, corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum by thrusting deeply in and out of the vagina. As a result, coitus with a circumcised partner reduces the amount of vaginal secretions in the vagina, and decreases continual stimulation of the mons pubis and clitoris.

{end of excerpts}

Pat Lastingham

Sep 3, 2018, 6:00:49 PM9/3/18
On Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 2:40:42 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> "The Effect Of Male Circumcision On The Sexual Enjoyment Of The Female Partner"

> {Excellent Study, some excerpts below:}

Actually it is not an "excellent study". It is worthless because it is based on a small, biased, self-selected sample.

This study was conducted by two married "researchers" with no prior or subsequent research experience. The total sample, from which they generalize to all the women of the world, was 138 women. Some 64 of these were obtained by an ad in an anti-circumcision publication, a sure guarantee of bias that alone invalidates the study. The remainder were recruited over several years mostly from ads in a local newspaper. The survey questions were also patently biased and amateurishly misinterpreted in ways far too numerous to recite here. For a very detailed rebuttal of this silly study see:

A common female complaint about vaginal sex with uncircumcised men is that the men are often having sex within their foreskin, which may partially or wholly cover the glans and shaft during intercourse. The O'Hara study cited above was a clumsy attempt to make a virtue of this problem, by claiming that the "gliding" action of the penis within the foreskin is more satisfying for the female partner. There is not a shred of evidence for this in any medical text or in the scientific literature but the claim is much beloved by "intactivists."

If you like surveys that are subject to sampling bias then surely one is as good as another. For example a 2014 survey of over 1000 women conducted for the sex toy manufacturer Adam and Eve found that over 54% of the women polled said they prefer a circumcised penis and only 3% prefer an uncircumcised penis:

Another survey of women, similarly subject to sampling bias, found that 71 percent preferred circumcised for sexual intercourse and only 6 percent preferred uncircumcised. Also 83 percent preferred circumcised for oral sex and only 15 percent preferred uncircumcised: Williamson & Williamson, "Women’s Preferences for Penile Circumcision in Sexual Partners" Journal of Sex Education and Therapy 14: 8. (1988).

Take your pick.

A more useful study reported on the sexual functioning of female partners of men who took part in a random circumcision study. Most of the women (57.3 percent) reported no change after their partner was circumcised, 2.9 percent reported worse sexual functioning, and 39.8 percent reported an improvement in sexual functioning. Here, the women were making a direct, before-and-after comparison with the same partner (and not trying to recollect the circumcision status of various men in their past, and their level of satisfaction with each, as the surveys mentioned above require). See Kigozi et al, "Sexual satisfaction of women partners of circumcised men in a randomized trial of male circumcision in Rakai, Uganda, British Journal of Urology 2009, Dec; 104: 1698-701.


Sep 22, 2018, 6:27:40 AM9/22/18
On Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 7:40:42 AM UTC+1, wrote:

> … Laumann et al. [5] found that circumcised men had different sexual practices from genitally unaltered men. Circumcised men were more likely to masturbate, engage in heterosexual anal and oral sex, and to engage in homosexual anal sex.

You're a religious fanatic prude so you think it's a bad thing that circed men have more variety in their sex practices. Heres some news for you, most people aren't religious fanatic prudes and they think it's GREAT to have lots of different sexual practices to pick and choose from. If you dare, try getting your own cock sucked some time no matter what your bible bullshit says. You'll be AMAZED. A few good cock sucking sessions might turn you into an atheist.

I got circed in my twenties and I've been with more women than I can count before and after, which I suppose makes me a sex addict but I had a bartending job where I had opportunities every night and I rarely missed a chance. I have lots of comparison and sex is MUCH better after circ and that applies not just to me but to partners too. Women like circed cock much better for oral or vaginal. (I don't know about anal, it's not my thing).

The difference in hygiene is like night and day too.

Nov 16, 2018, 8:28:56 AM11/16/18
On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 3:27:40 AM UTC-7, Parker wrote:

Women like circed cock much better for oral or vaginal. >

Of course!

> The difference in hygiene is like night and day too.



Dec 14, 2018, 1:47:14 AM12/14/18
Most of the preceding discussion is about female experience of vaginal sex. It leaves out how women dislike uncircumcised penis because of the bad smell. Here are some quotes I found online in an article about women's preferences. Some may like cut or uncut for other reasons.... but nobody complains that circumcised men's genitals stink!

“Cut is the best, uncut lovers often have a nasty smelly mess under the foreskin. it is not going to happen Jack, especially when considering oral.”

“My friend vommed on this dude when she went down on him and peeled it back. All the funk got on under her fingernails.”

“I’ve had both. The uncircumcised was the worst lover fathomable. He did not use his parts optimally. I wish he had been more hygienic too."

“I believe uncircumcised penises have a very off-putting odor! The uncircumcised penis has a foul smell that I cannot stand. Everyone’s different & some may like the smell or be able to see past it. However, I cannot. Circumcised is much cleaner & pleasant."

“Women do not like to pull down a man’s pants to see a disgusting uncircumcised penis. In more civil writing, being uncircumcised really does not have the benefits that uncircumcised people claim. First of all, many but not all uncircumcised penises produce enough smegma to where hygiene becomes an issue. Women are very offended by this'".

“Uncircumcised penises are just aesthetically unpleasant to the eye. They are dirty. You don’t need science to tell you that a bigger surface area (uncircumcised penis) means more bacteria. It’s logic.”

''Oral and uncircumcised = NO!
Oral and Circumcised = YES!”

" Uncut sometimes can be more on the funky/smelly side."

“Uncircumcised carries bacteria and it’s kinda gross-looking….circumcision is a must here in America.”

'The problem with uncircumcised men is they do not keep it clean, and they experience more infections that way. My ex’s skin actually got so tight that he couldn’t pull the skin back to clean it. I researched it, and it is quite common as the man ages.”

“Circumcised penises, in my opinion, are much better. Over the years, I’ve found that uncircumcised penises tend to have a stronger smell and more greasy/sweaty feel to them. Despite best efforts to keep clean, any skin that is folded on top of other skin will tend to sweat and smell rather quickly—even after a good shower. So it is definitely a fact that circumcised penises are ‘easier’ to keep clean, and I’m guessing are less prone to infections.”

“Every female prefers a circumcised male. First of all, it looks better & no odor. Why would I want a guy that has an odor down there all the time, unless they go wash up pretty good every-time before any sexual contact. I mean do guys like ugly vaginas that have an odor? I don’t think so. So why would we?”

"In Australia it is much preferred to have sex with a circumcised man, not only does it look sexier and maintain much cleaner but no Aussie woman wants a foreskin that resembles an elephant trunk inside her or especially in her mouth! Yuck yuck and yuck.”

“Well, well, well. I have recently encountered my 1st uncircumcised penis. But after playing with it a couple times I noticed a smell. And I thought, hmmm maybe this one time he’s off, but NO every time I played with his dick it STANK!!! I mean it wouldn’t smell at first, but after a few minutes here came that smell again. UGHH! And all I could think of was its because he wasn’t cut. I never had that problem w/cut men, never! So, I can understand how some women equate uncut men to being smelly. But, NOW I know that it’s probably just a mixture of bad hygiene and diet. Crazy thing is, he could just be stepping outta the shower and it will STILL smell!”

“My ex of 1 year and 7 months was uncircumcised and it was really a pain in the ass. I would recommend parents just go ahead and get their male children circumcised as infants to save him the hassle of dealing with his foreskin when he grows up. An uncircumcised penis is a prime location for anaerobic bacteria to thrive. My ex would get this white film over his penis head that tasted gross and smelled even worse. Before we would have vaginal or oral sex I would request that he wash it with soap and water and thoroughly dry it with a towel. Sometimes the constant moisture under his foreskin would cause his skin to crack around his penis head causing him pain with erection & we would have to postpone sex until it healed".


Henry Thaler

May 11, 2019, 11:58:01 AM5/11/19

There is a new review of international studies of women's preferences for circumcised v uncircumcised partners. It found that women have a very strong preference for circumcised men, quote:

"In the overwhelming majority of studies, women expressed a preference for the circumcised penis. The main reasons given for this preference were better appearance, better hygiene, reduced risk of infection, and enhanced sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse, manual stimulation, and fellatio".

This preference exists regardless of the circumcision rate in the various countries.

You can read the original report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine:

Mar 21, 2020, 8:44:09 PM3/21/20
Women don't like to tell men what they really think or mens cocks. Nothing hurts a guy more than to think his cock isn't good enough for his woman. Or women generally. So women usu keep quiet about it. Especially if they are talking to an uncut guy because they know uncut guys worry about their stinky cocks.

The way to get the truth is to say you personally dont care about cut or uncut. Then ask the woman what they think OTHER women prefer, cut or uncut.

You know what? If they feel safe enough they ALWAYS say they think other women prefer cut cocks.


Jun 25, 2020, 9:50:32 AM6/25/20
I would just add here the many problems some uncircumcised men have with sex because of physiological problems with their foreskin. Some have phimosis where the foreskin can't be pulled back over the head of the penis. The doc who did my circumcision told me its amazing how many never get this treated and just have sex with the head of the penis permanently covered. More often the foreskin is just too tight so erections are painful. The pain gets worse the longer the penis is erect so those men just want to get the sex over quickly so they can come before it hurts too much. Some have adhesions between the foreskin and the penis so if they thrust they get a painful yank. I have posted here before about the problems of foreskin pain.

I could not satisfy a woman until i was circumcised because of foreskin pain and that has to be fairly common. Just google "foreskin pain" or "uncircumcised pain" You will be shocked because this is an issue nobody wants to talk about. Uncircumcised men are too embarrassed their penis doesn't work and circumcised men don't know anything about it.


Oct 29, 2020, 11:55:08 AM10/29/20
Women prefect cut because
-- a cut man's cock doesnt stink like mildew and rotten fish. That stink destroys enjoyment esp if he wants his cock sucked
-- a cut mans cock always moves back and forth in the woman when he is fucking. An uncut man's cock is often sliding back and forth inside his foreskin which reduces enjoyment


Oct 29, 2020, 5:32:32 PM10/29/20
I never thought about that difference when cut and uncut men fuck but I am sure you are right.

yang mimi

May 21, 2022, 2:24:40 AM5/21/22
Only 2.9% (13/455) of women reported less sexual satisfaction after their partners were circumcised; 57.3% (255/455) reported no change in sexual satisfaction and 39.8% (177/455) reported an improvement in sexual satisfaction after their partner’s circumcision. There were no statistically significant differences in sexual satisfaction before and after partner’s circumcision by age, religion and education status.
The overwhelming majority of women (97.1%) report either no change or improved sexual satisfaction after their male partner was circumcised. These findings suggest that male circumcision has no deleterious effect on female sexual satisfaction.
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