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Why did Fischer leave chess?

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Apr 18, 2017, 10:50:58 PM4/18/17
Do you think it was fear of losing? Greed? Mental illness?

I am going with Greed. I think he thought he was in such a high
demand he should be getting paid much more than he was actually worth.
While he was considered the best chess player of the time, I don't
think chess would bring in the money he was asking. Especially when
he was making demands for the cameras being turned off and the people
should be removed.

Oct 30, 2018, 2:41:50 AM10/30/18

He was just plain crazy.

But the best chess player of all time.

What he has shown no one after him ever repeated.

Winning the USA championship with 11/11 (+11−0=0), beating Taimanov and Larsen with 6-0 in the candidates, nobody ever came close to stunts like that.

The gap between him and the rest of the world was greater than with any other player.

Look how hard it was for Kasparov to beat Karpov. They played like a 100 games against each other, and what was the difference? One point, a half point?

He's a legend.
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