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I will strongly oppose any attempt to make Allen Priest president of
the USCF.
He is an extremely unsuitable and intemperate person.
At the 2011 US Open and Delegate's Meeting in Orlando, Florida, Allen
Priest repeatedly and persistently objected to my being seated as a
delegate from New Jersey, a position to which I had been appointed by
the New Jersey State Chess Federation. Harold Winston, the long
standing by-laws chairman had to keep telling Allen Priest that I had
been duly appointed and Priest kept objecting over and over again.
Sevan Muradian made a video of this and you can play it back and see
Allen Priest persistently keep making his objections.
At the 2009 Delegate's meeting in Indianapolis, there was a
confrontation between Allen Priest and Louis Blair. Previously Louis
Blair had been appointed to the Forurm Oversight Committee or FOC by
Bill Hall and Bill Goichberg on the strength of the fact that Louis
Blair was outspokenly anti-Sam Sloan and they expected that he would
block my postings. However, since then Louis Blair had seen the way,
the truth and the light and had been converted from being an anti-Sam
Sloan to a pro-Sam Sloan person, much to the consternation of Bill
Hall and Bill Goichberg.
Therefore, Allen Priest, a known vehemently anti-Sam Sloan person, had
been appointed Chairman of the FOC so he could overrule the votes of
Louis Blair.
This had created a serious conflict between Louis Blair between Allen
Priest regarding not only my postings but over a wide variety of the
posters, with Louis Blair favoring allowing the postings to appear on
grounds of Freedom of Speech and Allen Priest blocking the postings.
Therefore, Bill Hall had called a meeting between the two to try to
settle their disagreements. There was nobody in the room except for me
and, as I was in the far end of the room, they probably did not
realize that I was there.
The meeting consisted of Louis Blair politely and respectfully telling
Allen Priest that he is a believer of Freedom of Speech any that the
particular posting they were discussing should be allowed to appear
and Allen Priest shouting back in rising tones that this particular
posting should not be allowed. Finally, Allen Priest started screaming
at the top of his voice at Louis Blair. (Since Allen Priest is a big
man, you can imagine how loud that was) with Louis Blair still
responding politely.
Finally, Allen Priest just stormed out of the room. Thus, the efforts
of Bill Hall to bring about a reconciliation ended in total failure.
Then in 2010 at the USCF delegate's meeting in Irving, California,
Allen Priest was the architect of the scheme to change the signature
requirements to run for election retroactively so as to try to make it
impossible for Sam Sloan to get enough signatures to run for election.
When I got enough delegate signatures any way, Bill Hall with the
backing of Allen Priest claimed that my signatures from the delegates
in New Jersey were invalid so I was kicked off the ballot. This was
the election that Allen Priest was running in and how he got elected,
in an obvious conflict of interest.
For all of these reasons Allen Priest should never have been elected
to the board and absolutely should not be allowed to become USCF
Sam Sloan