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Cheeto Benito gets the ban hammer

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Jan 8, 2021, 6:48:49 PM1/8/21
Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.



Jan 8, 2021, 6:51:29 PM1/8/21
vallor explained on 1/8/2021 :
> Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
You better kiss him, cuz you're gonna miss
him when he's gone. (Brooks and Dunn)


Jan 8, 2021, 6:55:38 PM1/8/21
No way.

Bushco said that about himself when he was leaving office. lul.

BBIALW, zoom call


🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈Jen🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈 Dershmender 💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🐶笛🌈💐🌻🌺🌹🌻💐🌷🌺🌈

Jan 8, 2021, 6:58:03 PM1/8/21
On 8 Jan 2021 23:48:47 GMT, LO AND BEHOLD; vallor <>
determined that the following was of great importance and subsequently
decided to freely share it with us in

Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.

david dennision 2024

"4 out of 5 pet rocks" won't comment on this poast...



"It will always be with you. Why do you think I hate those bastards as much as I do? I've been watching a lecture series on the history of the muzzies... many hour's worth, in fact, and the muzzies have been that way for thousands of years. It's in their culture. Every few hundred years, they try to invade Europe or some other region nearby, and have to be beaten back. They just need to be eliminated to whatever extent that's possible. You can't kill ideas completely, but you can set them back a few generations when necessary.

One important distinction between islam and christianity, is both religions have historically used their "beliefs" as a means to control the ignorant Unwashed Masses, only Western civilization became educated enough to take that power away from the clergy. The muzzies like their citizens to remain dumb, brainwashed, and obedient. That's why the radical ones are nearly all from The Land That Time Forgot. They're still stuck back in the fourteenth century, and suffer from the delusional notion that they're going to drag the rest of the world back there with them. As I see it, there's only one solution to that problem, and it's the same one we use to rid ourselves of rats, cockroaches, and other vermin." - Checkmate said this psycho lunatic shit in <>


"What you see happening in Europe now... defiant muzzies openly proclaiming that they have no desire to "assimilate" or co-exist with Europeans, and stating that their objective is to turn all of Europe into a muzzie dominated region under sharia law, is the harbinger of what they have planned for the US. To what extent they'll be successful with that here can be debated, but should not be underestimated. I wish I could share your optimism in that regard, but I don't.

Terror attacks are only one page out of the muzzie play book. They serve more as a distraction. The real goal is occupation, and that's already well underway. They've got that frog pretty well boiled in Europe now, and they're getting bolder by the day. The longer the Europeans wait to do something about it, the harder it's going to be TO do anything about it. It may already be too late IMO. This is going to get real messy in a hurry." - Checkmate crying about some bullshit about muslims in europe that's he's convinced himself is true.


"Bitches don't get to use the Pussy Card when they initiate an
assault." - Cuckmate the Wonder Klown in <>


"Thanks to muzzies and their apologist-enablers like puppy whistle, this seems to be the new norm in the world. It's spreading like a cancer, and it's time we admit we're at war with pure evil. We need to put an end to this muzzie plague, or life on Earth is going to become pure hell everywhere. We need to get these people out of every civilized country, and there's only one way to do it. IOW, we have to become like them, with an emphasis on expediency over cruelty." - Herr Fuhrer Checkmate (of alt.checkmate)


"Pussy Willow has just proven that Trump's crackdown on previously unenforced immigration policies is working. We'll deal with the domestic terrorists as needed, but we don't need to be letting the muzzie terrorists get a foothold in our country too. One need only look at what they're doing in Europe right now to know we're doing the right thing by keeping them out, which is our right and our duty. - Checkmate (#1 pussy willow fan)


"You just made puppy whistle's sig line longer." - Janithor


STOP! (janithor time.):

i hope his sails weren't torn asunder with words on a screen, or
somesuch, but also i hope that his pain is not as bad as the murderguy
who got hit with a skateboard. - anynonymous


"If I have a complaint about the (Southern Poverty) Law Center's description (of the alt-right movement), it is the phrase "heavy use of social media," which implies the alt-right is a real-world movement which uses a lot of social media. This is backwards: it is an online movement which occasionally appears in the real world. Where it gets punched." - Jason Rhode


"I think we should destroy every last fucking mosque in America." - "Checkmate, DoW #1" <Lunatic...@The.Edge> proves for us that white males are violent in Message-ID: <>


"I wasn't even aware that I HAD a religion. I'm pretty-much against all of The Big Three, but the muzzies are at the top of the list." - Checkmate


"Such "places of worship" are terrorist breeding grounds, as has been proven on many occasions. Please refrain from morphing out of my
killfile." - Checkmate on his belief that all Mosques are where terrorists are.


"Is Pussy Willow saying you're a bigger nazi puke than me? You didn't even suggest that maybe we ought to burn down all the mosques. This just isn't fair!" - Checkmate admits to suggesting burning down mosques.


"The world IS shit, and getting closer to hitting the fan every day. We'll be at war before the end of this decade, and nearly everybody
already knows it." - Checkmate teh war hawk, in 2017


Golden Killfile, June 2005
KOTM, November 2006
Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, September 2007
Tony Sidaway Memorial "Drama Queen" Award, November 2006
Busted Urinal Award, April 2007
Order of the Holey Sockpuppet, September 2007
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, September 2006
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, April 2008
Tinfoil Sombrero, February 2007
AUK Mascot, September 2007
Putting the Awards Out of Order to Screw With the OCD Fuckheads, March 2016


Jan 8, 2021, 7:02:10 PM1/8/21
x-no-archive: yes

On 1/8/2021 3:48 PM, vallor wrote:
> Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.

Attacking him for his physical appearance is ad hominem.

The Right And The Powerful

Jan 8, 2021, 7:11:29 PM1/8/21
On 8 Jan 2021 23:48:47 GMT, vallor <> wrote:

>Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.

You're such a wrinkled up white skinned race face.

The Right And The Powerful

Jan 8, 2021, 7:13:03 PM1/8/21
On Fri, 8 Jan 2021 16:02:08 -0800, Janithor <>
He's of superlative inferior intelligence ol' v is.


Jan 8, 2021, 7:20:54 PM1/8/21
what if he's been banned from twitter


Jan 8, 2021, 7:27:15 PM1/8/21
% submitted this idea :
That's for losers anyway.

mixed nuts

Jan 8, 2021, 8:33:22 PM1/8/21
On 1/8/2021 19:43, Skeeter wrote:
> On 8 Jan 2021 23:48:47 GMT, vallor <> wrote:
>> Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
> That makes you happy? Censorship in it's finest. I bet you believe
> that was all decided by the CEOs. No outside influnce at all.

It's a sedition problem for Benedict Trump that he created himself.

Traitors don't get the freedom to incite insurrection

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 8, 2021, 10:06:04 PM1/8/21
It's an inside joke. He looks that way to give his fried chicken,
hamberger, ribs, homefries with ketchup. biscuits and gravy and moon pie
base the chuckles (he's a south Florida Man at heart).

Grizzly H.


Jan 8, 2021, 10:08:38 PM1/8/21
x-no-archive: yes
Classist attack on the working class noted and recorded.


Jan 8, 2021, 10:11:21 PM1/8/21
x-no-archive: yes

On 1/8/2021 7:06 PM, mixed nuts wrote:
This shit is exactly why people voted for Trump and why we saw what we
saw on Wednesday. Keep fomenting hate, prejudice, and division, real
nice. Let's just rip the country apart, what the hell, why not.


Jan 8, 2021, 10:13:52 PM1/8/21
i've never been able to find a reason why not ,
and admit you got beat by the guys in sandals and dresses


Jan 8, 2021, 10:17:04 PM1/8/21
x-no-archive: yes
We definitely did, Osama accomplished exactly what he said out to do.


Jan 8, 2021, 10:28:07 PM1/8/21
that was just the end , there was lots more before that ,
and now that you've been proven to be weak and defenseless you can
expect more attacks in bigger numbers did you notice ,
all the mobsters needed a shave

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 12:40:08 AM1/9/21
You really don't understand southern culture you effete northern
California snob.

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 12:55:28 AM1/9/21
Yeah. Liberals made the badly mistreated heavily armed conservative
patriots plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan and storm the
statehouse and hang nooses and threaten to hang those liberal bastards
who are stepping on their freedoms.

Your homies?

And lets blame black lives welfare queen socialist grifters for wrecking
the economy. Reagan did. Trump does. It's cool, it appeals to his
base, and he doesn't have to wear a mask because he's really rich. USA

Grizzly H.


Jan 9, 2021, 1:07:05 AM1/9/21
x-no-archive: yes

On 1/8/2021 9:55 PM, mixed nuts wrote:
> On 1/8/2021 22:11, Janithor wrote:
>> On 1/8/2021 7:06 PM, mixed nuts wrote:
>>> On 1/8/2021 19:02, Janithor wrote:
>>>> On 1/8/2021 3:48 PM, vallor wrote:
>>>>> Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
>>>> Attacking him for his physical appearance is ad hominem.
>>> It's an inside joke.  He looks that way to give his fried chicken,
>>> hamberger, ribs, homefries with ketchup. biscuits and gravy and moon
>>> pie base the chuckles (he's a south Florida Man at heart).
>> This shit is exactly why people voted for Trump and why we saw what we
>> saw on Wednesday.  Keep fomenting hate, prejudice, and division, real
>> nice.  Let's just rip the country apart, what the hell, why not.
> Yeah. Liberals made the badly mistreated heavily armed conservative
> patriots plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan and storm the
> statehouse and hang nooses and threaten to hang those liberal bastards
> who are stepping on their freedoms.
> Your homies?

No, not at all. But when you encourage the violence we saw this summer
and say it's "peaceful" when the building is burning right behind you on
camera, people get a little fed up. Extremes beget extremes, and
everyone keeps turning up the temperature.

> And lets blame black lives welfare queen socialist grifters for wrecking
> the economy.  Reagan did.  Trump does.  It's cool, it appeals to his
> base, and he doesn't have to wear a mask because he's really rich.  USA
> USA USA!!!

I'm sorry, is there an argument there or are you just masturbating again?

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 1:31:54 AM1/9/21
He had a black belt in allah akbar. It's like when Benny Hinn drives
out the devil and he swings his arm and 15 people fall to the ground
fully healed through the power of Jesus. Good thing Osama did what he
did though; Wolfowitz and the boys had the bills all written up and
ready for the vote and there it was - the Department of Homeland
Security and the PATRIOT act and impoverished targets where UNOCAL
needed a pipeline.

And then it was done - Mission Accomplished, terrorists in cages,
Blackwater, Halliburton, Raytheon, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas and
countless other defense contractors out of the Clinton doldrums and
really raking it in.

America's a great country.

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 3:29:48 AM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 01:07, Janithor wrote:
> x-no-archive: yes
> On 1/8/2021 9:55 PM, mixed nuts wrote:
>> On 1/8/2021 22:11, Janithor wrote:
>>> On 1/8/2021 7:06 PM, mixed nuts wrote:
>>>> On 1/8/2021 19:02, Janithor wrote:
>>>>> On 1/8/2021 3:48 PM, vallor wrote:
>>>>>> Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
>>>>> Attacking him for his physical appearance is ad hominem.
>>>> It's an inside joke.  He looks that way to give his fried chicken,
>>>> hamberger, ribs, homefries with ketchup. biscuits and gravy and moon
>>>> pie base the chuckles (he's a south Florida Man at heart).
>>> This shit is exactly why people voted for Trump and why we saw what
>>> we saw on Wednesday.  Keep fomenting hate, prejudice, and division,
>>> real nice.  Let's just rip the country apart, what the hell, why not.
>> Yeah. Liberals made the badly mistreated heavily armed conservative
>> patriots plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan and storm the
>> statehouse and hang nooses and threaten to hang those liberal bastards
>> who are stepping on their freedoms.
>> Your homies?
> No, not at all.  But when you encourage the violence we saw this summer
> and say it's "peaceful" when the building is burning right behind you on
> camera, people get a little fed up.  Extremes beget extremes, and
> everyone keeps turning up the temperature.

Of course the temperature gets turned up. Deplorable "leaders" do that
to gain the advantage. Watch a MAGA Nazi rally. Watch a White House
press event. Listen to any republican who can attract a tv crew.

>> And lets blame black lives welfare queen socialist grifters for
>> wrecking the economy.  Reagan did.  Trump does.  It's cool, it appeals
>> to his base, and he doesn't have to wear a mask because he's really
>> rich.  USA USA USA!!!
> I'm sorry, is there an argument there or are you just masturbating again?

No. Trump is Reagan's legacy magnified. They both lied. They're both
unabashed racists and they cultivated and exploited division wherever
they could find a crack.

Reagan did not tear down the Berlin Wall.
He did not save us from a communist takeover. The Soviet Union collapsed
on its own ticket,
He was not in a combat unit and did not rescue jews from a concentration
He magnified racial divisions.
He went out of his way to poke people who struggled for equality in the
And contrary to his and his supporters assertions that he saved the VA,
I know from personal experience that he did not.

Honor the troops? I know dead people who served in Vietnam, came back
broken and did not receive adequate care. No joke for me. And Gitmo
lives on but it's "illegal" refugees now. No place to go, exploited
and terrorized, and old fatass claims he has saved America from your
beloved drug dealers and rapists, bad hombres, and presumablies.

Grizzly H.


Jan 9, 2021, 4:46:11 AM1/9/21
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 03:29:45 -0500, mixed nuts had the audacity to say the
I didn't like Ronnie either, because he lied about the Iran-Contra affair.
We won the cold war because we had a higher credit limit. Billy Clinton
lied about his affair too, with That Woman... Miss Lewinski. Jimmy Carter
was a nice guy and probably more honest than the others, just not very
competent. Bush went through three different excuses for invading Iraq
after 911 when Cheney and Rumsfeld were the President, and O'Bummer was a
slippery sleazebag from the gitgo, and still is. Did I leave anybody out?

Checkmate ®
Copyright © 2021
all rights reserved

"I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed..." --Vallor
Message-ID: <>

"I am the author of nearly as much kook butthurt as
kensi." -Nadegda
Message-ID: <pbg8ne$p9k$>

AUK Hammer of Thor award, Feb. 2012 (Pre-Burnore)
Destroyer of the AUK Ko0k Awards (Post-Burnore)
Co-winner Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker
award May 2001, (Brethern of Beelzebub troll)
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker award, Feb 2012

Author, Humorist, Cynic
Philosopher, Humanitarian
Poet, Elektrishun to the Stars
Usenet Shot-Caller

In loving memory of The Battle Kitten
May 2010-February 12, 2017


Jan 9, 2021, 4:54:51 AM1/9/21
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 00:55:26 -0500, mixed nuts had the audacity to say the

And yet it was Aunt Teefa and BLaM who spent four months burning down all
their own libtard cities, shooting people and beating them up and kicking
them in their heads, and looting Gucci's because you know...
"reparations" and shit.


Jan 9, 2021, 4:55:52 AM1/9/21
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On Fri, 8 Jan 2021 22:07:02 -0800, Janithor had the audacity to say the

"Look over there! Look over there!"


Jan 9, 2021, 4:58:22 AM1/9/21
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 01:31:52 -0500, mixed nuts had the audacity to say the

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? We're going to be seeing a
lot more of that doctrine in the future. You got to keep dem people

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 8:05:28 AM1/9/21
Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 8:22:52 AM1/9/21
The FBI has just pointed out that there is no evidence antifa activists
were involved in the Trump DC riot. None.

But, several prominent pundints, 1/2 governors, whole governors,
evangelists, senators, representatives and generic bullshitters who can
find a way to get on tv, have confirmed that Antifa infiltrators and BLM
Marxists twisted The Presidents call for a peaceful assault on the US
Capitol and should be rounded up and convicted (any day now).

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 8:32:03 AM1/9/21
Oh! Aneagle! Yubbutyubbutyubbut. AntifaBLMSorosObama!!!!! (treason, and

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 9:24:37 AM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 08:55, Skeeter wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 03:29:45 -0500, mixed nuts
> And still no burning and looting.
>>>> And lets blame black lives welfare queen socialist grifters for
>>>> wrecking the economy.  Reagan did.  Trump does.  It's cool, it appeals
>>>> to his base, and he doesn't have to wear a mask because he's really
>>>> rich.  USA USA USA!!!
>>> I'm sorry, is there an argument there or are you just masturbating again?
>> No. Trump is Reagan's legacy magnified. They both lied. They're both
>> unabashed racists and they cultivated and exploited division wherever
>> they could find a crack.
> No proof of any of that.
>> Reagan did not tear down the Berlin Wall.
>> He did not save us from a communist takeover. The Soviet Union collapsed
>> on its own ticket,
>> He was not in a combat unit and did not rescue jews from a concentration
>> camp.
>> He magnified racial divisions.
>> He went out of his way to poke people who struggled for equality in the
>> eye.
>> And contrary to his and his supporters assertions that he saved the VA,
>> I know from personal experience that he did not.
> Trump did.
>> Honor the troops? I know dead people who served in Vietnam, came back
>> broken and did not receive adequate care. No joke for me. And Gitmo
>> lives on but it's "illegal" refugees now. No place to go, exploited
>> and terrorized, and old fatass claims he has saved America from your
>> beloved drug dealers and rapists, bad hombres, and presumablies.
> Lets let all them go free and see how that goes.

Yeah, they could learn to speak American and get jobs and become
citizens and get educated. They could pay taxes, get on school boards,
become mayors, doctors and all kinds of other people who work hard and
make America great. And, if they go to an Ivy League University (very
exclusive, only super geniuses can get in), they could get the highest
grades the world has ever seen and start out with nothing and become
billionaires which means they can be fantastically great presidents, win
Noble Prizes, and stop the immigrants from destroying America.

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 9:48:29 AM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 08:51, Skeeter wrote:
> Sounds like he eats better than you do.

Dunno. I made spaghetti sauce yesterday while you were supporting
Trump's insurrection. It's pretty good sauce. I made crab cakes last
Wednesday because crab meat was on special at the store. I'm cooking
one for breakfast right now. I'm thinking of doing chicken fried
chicken with dirty rice and boiled greens for dinner. I eat pretty good.

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 10:04:39 AM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 08:50, Skeeter wrote:
> They dumped many accounts. Keep those blinders on cupcake, no more $21
> beers for you.

I don't drink $21 beers unless somebody gives me one for Christmas. I
don't even have a jet with a hamberder chef paid by the American
taxpayer to feed me Big Macs when I blow $2 million/day in taxpayer
money to go golfing 1000 miles away with sedition colluders.

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 12:07:42 PM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 09:33, Skeeter wrote:
> You got "knocked the fuck out"

I chuckled.

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 12:14:10 PM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 09:33, Skeeter wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 09:24:33 -0500, mixed nuts
> We can't trust the "fair and honest" asshole coming into office now.

Maybe he'll take your guns and drugs away and call you corn pop pony face.

Grizzly H.


Jan 9, 2021, 12:25:24 PM1/9/21
On Fri, 08 Jan 2021 16:02:08 -0800, Janithor wrote:

> x-no-archive: yes
> On 1/8/2021 3:48 PM, vallor wrote:
>> Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
> Attacking him for his physical appearance is ad hominem.

That's true in terms of the latin usage.

But it isn't an (ad hom) _argument_, it is an _insult_.

Nor can one describe a person without, you know, describing them. For
instance, today referring to him as "the President" is an insult to the
office. I think "Bad Orange Man" is quite tame, when the individual I'm
referring to happens to be a ratfuck seditious unamerican Putin-sucking
wannabe autocrat who is responsible for a deadly insurrection and coup
attempt against the United States.

And I think it's very telling that you would be defending such a person,
because you and your ilk hate America so much, and love him so much.
It's a cult-like attitude you have, a cult of one person. Note that I'm
still saying "person", because he still does have rights -- for example,
a right to a speedy trial by a jury of his peers, and I'll let you guess
where I think you should find his peers.

So hopefully you will accept that I've been charitable. But from now on,
I think mincing the truth for charity is over, and I'll just have to
speak truth to power.

Similarly, Janithor, you too will need to start telling the truth. Not
"your truth", but _the_ truth. Though truth seems to be in very short
supply these days: if we are honest, there will be more than enough to
go around.


mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 12:39:10 PM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 10:34, Skeeter wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 10:04:36 -0500, mixed nuts
> Just wait, soon you won't have anything.

Same as Trump, I guess. No skyscraper. No jet. No helicopter. And no
golf course. I guess I'll have to buy a yacht and sail to a remote
island where the libs can't be mean to me and live on worms and coconuts.

Grizzly H.


Jan 9, 2021, 12:49:21 PM1/9/21
No no, we gotta make america great _again_!

Seriously though, I agree. The whole "MAGA" slogan always struck me as
just some loser's idea about how to frame the conversation he wanted to
have. America was always great, thanks to her system of constitutional
government; including checks and balances, separation of powers, and due

But there are U.S. citizens posting right here that don't believe in any
of those principles of American government, which are the very principles


mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 2:14:49 PM1/9/21
Trump talked to god and god told Him that he was being tested and He
would have Make America Great Again Again. So, that must be what's
happening now.

In other news, the death toll at from Capitol invasion is now one more
than the Benghazi attack toll. Whar Devin Nunes(R-CA) member of the
House Intelligents? We need 4 year investigation NOW. What did Hillary
know and when did she know it and whar emails?

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 2:21:47 PM1/9/21
On 1/9/2021 13:32, Skeeter wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 12:39:07 -0500, mixed nuts
> You couldn't afford a canoe.

I can get money from Russia - same as Trump.

Grizzly H.


Jan 9, 2021, 3:44:59 PM1/9/21
I heard the mysterious "que" has, in his possession, the blue microfiber
cloth used to wipe her servers.

There is a stain on it, might be organic material.



Jan 9, 2021, 5:28:15 PM1/9/21
On Sat, 09 Jan 2021 11:33:22 -0700, Skeeter wrote:
> You are one of them.


Yes, you're special and he loves you.



Jan 9, 2021, 6:03:34 PM1/9/21
x-no-archive: yes
What does this have to do with what he just wrote? He's talking about
what happened all summer, not what happened on Wednesday.


Jan 9, 2021, 6:09:43 PM1/9/21
On a three hour cruise?


Jan 9, 2021, 6:11:43 PM1/9/21
I concur. The checks and balances are being tested however. So far,
they're holding.

> But there are U.S. citizens posting right here that don't believe in any
> of those principles of American government, which are the very
> principles that have MADE AMERICA GREAT.

Again, I concur.


Jan 9, 2021, 6:15:02 PM1/9/21
on 1/9/2021, Pandora supposed :
> I concur.
> Again, I concur.
Indeed indeed.


Jan 9, 2021, 6:15:04 PM1/9/21
On Sat, 09 Jan 2021 16:09:59 -0700, Skeeter wrote:
> You're a puppet and Biden hates you.

I don't care if Biden hates me or not, he will still represent me and you
and everybody else to actually do the work of We the People, including
stopping the pandemic.

There are people alive today that will be dead after the disease because
of the inaction of the Executive branch. Things are not hunky-dory --
what's-his-nuts is pouting, and the Executive branch has some partial



Jan 9, 2021, 6:20:18 PM1/9/21
But the lie cult has a name for those checks and balances: "deep state".

>> But there are U.S. citizens posting right here that don't believe in
>> any of those principles of American government, which are the very
>> principles that have MADE AMERICA GREAT.
> Again, I concur.

Do you remember RAMS from the Art Bell days? He used to say "I concur
with your man with the big secret credentials. [...] I concur 100%", with
remarkable gravitas.



Jan 9, 2021, 6:22:00 PM1/9/21
x-no-archive: yes

On 1/9/2021 9:25 AM, vallor wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Jan 2021 16:02:08 -0800, Janithor wrote:
>> x-no-archive: yes
>> On 1/8/2021 3:48 PM, vallor wrote:
>>> Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
>> Attacking him for his physical appearance is ad hominem.
> That's true in terms of the latin usage.
> But it isn't an (ad hom) _argument_, it is an _insult_.

Yes, exactly. An insult in the context of debating the merits of the
man as POTUS. It's designed to inflame and manipulate emotion within
that context. Checky does the same thing when he insults squad members
for their physical appearance.

Not only that, but one of the reasons people don't like Trump, including
me, is that he insults people for their physical appearance or even
physical disability. So you turn around and do the same thing? How
does that make you any better than him? What about innocent people who
may look like him who have done nothing wrong - now you just insulted
them too.

> Nor can one describe a person without, you know, describing them. For
> instance, today referring to him as "the President" is an insult to the
> office. I think "Bad Orange Man" is quite tame, when the individual I'm
> referring to happens to be a ratfuck seditious unamerican Putin-sucking
> wannabe autocrat who is responsible for a deadly insurrection and coup
> attempt against the United States.
> And I think it's very telling that you would be defending such a person,

I'm not defending anyone. You need to learn how to read.

> because you and your ilk hate America so much, and love him so much.

Again, I've stated many many times here I don't like the man. You need
to learn how to read.

> It's a cult-like attitude you have, a cult of one person. Note that I'm
> still saying "person", because he still does have rights -- for example,
> a right to a speedy trial by a jury of his peers, and I'll let you guess
> where I think you should find his peers.

Learn how to read.

> So hopefully you will accept that I've been charitable. But from now on,
> I think mincing the truth for charity is over, and I'll just have to
> speak truth to power.
> Similarly, Janithor, you too will need to start telling the truth. Not
> "your truth", but _the_ truth. Though truth seems to be in very short
> supply these days: if we are honest, there will be more than enough to
> go around.

I'm all about the truth. You, on the other hand, are well-versed in how
to lie. As you're doing in this very post, as well as the posts where
you continue to conflate peaceful protests with political violence, and
then place that confusion on me, when I explained to you many many times
the difference.


Jan 9, 2021, 6:30:54 PM1/9/21
On Sat, 09 Jan 2021 15:21:57 -0800, Janithor wrote:

> I'm all about the truth. You, on the other hand, are well-versed in how
> to lie. As you're doing in this very post, as well as the posts where
> you continue to conflate peaceful protests with political violence, and
> then place that confusion on me, when I explained to you many many times
> the difference.

Then why do you scream "ACAB!!!" when you know it's wrong on so many



Jan 9, 2021, 6:32:53 PM1/9/21
x-no-archive: yes
In what way is it wrong? I'm not making an argument, I'm not sure I
understand what you're saying.


Jan 9, 2021, 7:14:59 PM1/9/21
x-no-archive: yes
Everything on your side is good and right; everything on the other side
is bad and wrong.


Jan 9, 2021, 8:40:35 PM1/9/21
On Sat, 09 Jan 2021 16:41:42 -0700, Skeeter wrote:
> and how different is that now?
>>There are people alive today that will be dead after the disease because
>>of the inaction of the Executive branch. Things are not hunky-dory --
>>what's-his-nuts is pouting, and the Executive branch has some partial
> So you are scared and voted for the false hope that Biden is your
> savior. OK then

Don't worry -- Admiral Drumpht still loves you, just like Jesus.

And the Mercy Seat is waiting...


mixed nuts

Jan 9, 2021, 9:40:26 PM1/9/21


Jan 9, 2021, 9:44:37 PM1/9/21
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On Fri, 08 Jan 2021 18:11:27 -0600, The Right And The Powerful had the
audacity to say the following:

> On 8 Jan 2021 23:48:47 GMT, vallor <> wrote:
> >Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
> You're such a wrinkled up white skinned race face.

Twidder will soon become irrelevant.

Checkmate ®
Copyright © 2021
all rights reserved

"I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed..." --Vallor
Message-ID: <>

"I am the author of nearly as much kook butthurt as
kensi." -Nadegda
Message-ID: <pbg8ne$p9k$>

AUK Hammer of Thor award, Feb. 2012 (Pre-Burnore)
Destroyer of the AUK Ko0k Awards (Post-Burnore)
Co-winner Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker
award May 2001, (Brethern of Beelzebub troll)
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker award, Feb 2012

Author, Humorist, Cynic
Philosopher, Humanitarian
Poet, Elektrishun to the Stars
Usenet Shot-Caller

In loving memory of The Battle Kitten
May 2010-February 12, 2017

The Right And The Powerful

Jan 9, 2021, 9:49:38 PM1/9/21
On Sat, 9 Jan 2021 18:44:31 -0800, Checkmate <>

>Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by
>On Fri, 08 Jan 2021 18:11:27 -0600, The Right And The Powerful had the
>audacity to say the following:
>> On 8 Jan 2021 23:48:47 GMT, vallor <> wrote:
>> >Looks like permaban on twitter for Bad Orange Man.
>> You're such a wrinkled up white skinned race face.
>Twidder will soon become irrelevant.

That's what I've been reading.


Jan 9, 2021, 10:24:23 PM1/9/21
Mostly. :-)


Jan 9, 2021, 10:37:30 PM1/9/21
no you haven't


Jan 10, 2021, 1:51:11 AM1/10/21



Jan 10, 2021, 1:54:37 AM1/10/21
any day now



Jan 10, 2021, 3:43:34 AM1/10/21
Oh wait, I get it -- you haven't seen the film _Pi_.

man, some people...

mixed nuts

Jan 10, 2021, 9:51:09 AM1/10/21
It's a grandparent thing. Babies eject jar carrots. They'll eat
anything that came off grandpa's plate, however (e.g. steamed carrots,
asparagus, , broccoli, blackened catfish, taboule...).

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 10, 2021, 10:07:25 AM1/10/21
Devin Nunes sued his cow, who lives on an Iowa farm where La Migra
doesn't check for messicans to deport, for insubordination and libel,
and lost, BUT the longtime GOP loyalist and Trump backer has been
awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for services rendered. Trump
is in dire need of additional loyalist services, as you know. He is a
transactional Jefe de jefes, as you would know.

Grizzly H.


Jan 10, 2021, 11:55:18 AM1/10/21
All good, rock-ribbed food.

Except the asparagus. Doesn't seem like the stuff should be edible. But
hey, some people like strawberry ice cream, and some people don't even
like ice cream at all. It's a free country.


mixed nuts

Jan 10, 2021, 1:12:11 PM1/10/21
Just last Christmas, a year ago, vegetarian aunt Mimi from the Maine
wilderness showed up with a bowl of organic greenhouse roadside weeds
with nuts and a raspberry vinaigrette. Grandpa picked out baby beet and
spinach leaves and offered them to the kids. They snarfed 'em downright
quick and asked for more. The asparagus was grilled. Quizzical whadat
looks from the rugrats got "it tastes like green bean trees" - a quick
test nibble confirmed the truth and the asparagus disappeared as well.
Kids and grandpas like the same food.

Grizzly H.

mixed nuts

Jan 10, 2021, 1:37:16 PM1/10/21
In matters of loyalty to The Duly Elected Sitting President, and only
The Duly Elected Sitting President (who won by the greatest landslide in
the record books), there is no nuance possible:


An axiom, postulate or assumption is a statement that is taken to be
true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and

Do the math correctly now. And show your work.

Grizzly H.


Jan 10, 2021, 1:46:11 PM1/10/21
they nominated him then ,
they found out he got angry if you teased him ,
so they teased him and he got angry and they wanted to fire him ,
then they let that go and found something else and ,
made him angry again why did they tease ,
a man that had great intentions at the start ,
i feel sorry for mister trump and i'm upset with ,
the way his own people who picked him , teased him ,
oddly enough i know just how he feels and i'll bet ,
when he hurts emotionally its just like the way we feel


Jan 10, 2021, 2:14:04 PM1/10/21
I realize that. Sad, really.

>>> But there are U.S. citizens posting right here that don't believe in
>>> any of those principles of American government, which are the very
>>> principles that have MADE AMERICA GREAT.
>> Again, I concur.
> Do you remember RAMS from the Art Bell days? He used to say "I concur
> with your man with the big secret credentials. [...] I concur 100%",
> with remarkable gravitas.

Nope. I never ran across him that I am aware of.

mixed nuts

Jan 10, 2021, 2:50:11 PM1/10/21
He was too rich to play with the other kids and run around the yard
giggling and his mom let let somebody else raise him and his daddy was
an asshole too, so he never got socialized. He never even got to make
his own snacks or babysit his little sister and hold her hand while she
learned to walk.

Grizzly H.


Jan 10, 2021, 2:57:33 PM1/10/21
its not fair


Jan 10, 2021, 3:39:04 PM1/10/21
% <> wrote:

> its not fair

Fair play is very important; unfairness causes resentment
and eventually outrage. Then the gloves come off.

^Ï^ <>

My pet rock Gordon just is.

mon amorosa

Oct 19, 2021, 4:35:33 PM10/19/21
#someone should link your youtube cesspool channel here, eh Pandy?

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