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CRACKPOT! Jim Jordan Releases New "Facebook Files", Highlights How Biden Admin Sought To Suppress Daily Wire Content

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Brock Evans

Dec 30, 2023, 1:28:37 PM12/30/23
>Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)

Is that the same Jim Jordan who enabled pedophilia at his college?

Inside Jim Jordan’s Disastrous Search for a ‘Deep State’ Whistleblower
Trump officials and GOP lawmakers are working together to deliver on
Jordan's promise to reveal an anti-Trump conspiracy. So far, they've
produced a 'dumpster fire'
By Kara Voght, Adam Rawnsley, Asawin Suebsaeng
March 2, 2023

In early February, Republicans brought an FBI veteran to Capitol Hill whom
they hoped would expose a “deep state conspiracy” among Democrats and
their accomplices in the intelligence community. The GOP witness was part
of a network of “whistleblowers” — funneled to congressional Republicans’
new Weaponization of Government panel by allies of Donald Trump — to
reveal covert attacks on the former president and broad, anti-conservative

But before the interview was over, it was the GOP witness who was failing
to answer difficult questions — and Democratic committee staff doing the

In the interview, the witness, former FBI supervisory intelligence analyst
George Hill, had admitted he had little or no firsthand knowledge of
alleged “deep state” scandals. Instead, he brought baggage of his own: a
history of inflammatory commentary on social media. Democratic staff had
found a tweet in which Hill claimed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-
Calif.) had “blood on her hands.” In a since-deleted tweet found by
Rolling Stone, Hill wrote “Cancer! GO FASTER!” in response to a tweet from
Rep. Lauren Boebert claiming that President Biden had been diagnosed with

According to portions of transcripts reviewed by Rolling Stone and sources
familiar with the exchange, Hill repeatedly declined to respond to the
questions and cited his First Amendment rights. (He’d later go on a
conservative talk show to accuse Democrats of trying to paint him as a
“right-wing nut job” because they couldn’t handle his message.) As the
exchange went on, Hill’s attorney, Jason Foster, begged the Democratic
counsel to stop asking about his client’s tweets.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the chair of the new House Judiciary’s
“weaponization” subcommittee, opened its first hearing vowing that he’d
heard from “dozens and dozens” of whistleblowers about “the political
nature at the Justice Department.” Indeed, powerful players from Trump’s
orbit have invested in recruiting intelligence community veterans, hoping
to produce bombshell revelations and must-see TV to rival the results of
the Jan. 6 committee.

But so far, Republicans have brought only three of those whistleblowers to
Capitol Hill for questioning, and have not scheduled any additional
interviews after completing the most recent in mid-February. In the
interviews conducted to date, witnesses have offered contradictory
responses, maintained fringe and violent online presences that undermine
their credibility, and failed to demonstrate first-hand knowledge of
alleged FBI wrongdoing.

The results have left Democrats gleeful and even some Republicans deeply
unimpressed. A “dumpster fire,” is how one Democrat with knowledge of the
at-times combative interactions terms the proceedings. “Clearly there is
room to grow and improve before [more] public hearings,” a Republican
familiar with the process tells Rolling Stone. But the work so far, the
Republican says, has been “very much amateur hour,” adding that airing
this “stuff on live television would make us look like morons.” (Sources
spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about the sensitive

“It is beyond disappointing, but sadly not surprising, that Democrats
would leak cherry-picked excerpts of testimony to attack the brave
whistleblowers who risked their careers to speak out on abuses at the
Justice Department and FBI,” a GOP House Judiciary spokesperson tells
Rolling Stone.

But if the whistleblowers aren’t able to produce what Jordan has promised,
it will be a serious blow to Republicans’ plan to use control of the House
to refocus the public away from Trump’s proximity to an insurrection and
onto an alleged anti-conservative conspiracy.

The whistleblower pipeline comes from a collaboration between Jordan,
other MAGA lawmakers, and top officials in Trump’s orbit. Whistleblowers
have received payments and legal counsel through this loose network; one
whistleblower, Stephen Friend — a former FBI agent who brought concerns
about the agency’s questioning of Jan. 6 protesters to Republicans — even
received a job.
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The three whistleblowers who have been interviewed by committee staff have
done so with the assistance of aides to former President Donald Trump and
the conspiracy-curious Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a loose network that
provides money and legal assistance to the GOP witnesses. Hill and Friend
are both represented by Foster, a former GOP chief counsel for the Senate
Judiciary Committee. From his perch under then-chair Grassley, Foster
masterminded an aggressive assault against the FBI in the midst of special
counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump. Foster has since
founded Empower Oversight, a self-described nonpartisan government and
corporate accountability organization. Friend said in an interview with
Russia Today that Jordan’s office had “attached” him to Foster. Dan Meyer,
listed as a member of Empower Oversight’s Whistleblower Advisory Panel, is
also an attorney for Friend.

Regarding Hill’s combative interview, Foster wrote: “Foster wrote in an
email to Rolling Stone that “It’s irresponsible and a violation of the
assurances witnesses were given for Committee staff to leak excerpts of
closed door interviews to attack whistleblowers rather than actually doing
their job to investigate their allegations regarding the FBI.”

Garret O’Boyle, a third FBI whistleblower who spoke with committee staff,
is represented by Jesse Binnall, former Trump campaign attorney who worked
to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Nevada; Binnall now acts as
one of Trump’s go-to attorneys for Jan. 6-related litigation. O’Boyle told
staff he’d been connected to Binnall through Kash Patel, a former Trump
administration official and one of Trump’s most vocal defenders in his
post presidency. Both O’Boyle and Friend said they received payments from
Patel through Fight with Kash, a nonprofit organization Patel established
to provide “veteran and law enforcement financial support,” according to
Patel’s website. Friend received $5,000, he told congressional
investigators; O’Boyle declined to share the amount.

Friend said Patel also helped connect him with the Center for Renewing
America, the Trump-aligned think tank led by former Trump budget director
Russ Vought, where Friend is now employed as a fellow. (Patel, too, is a
CRA fellow, according to the organization’s website.) His security
clearance was suspended by the FBI.

In a statement sent to Rolling Stone, Patel wrote that his nonprofit, The
Kash Foundation, had made assisting FBI whistleblowers one of its “main
areas of focus” and “will continue to assist veterans, law enforcement,
education, and other matters outlined in our Mission First approach.”

But for all the effort spent to find whistleblowers, they so far haven’t

Friend had been suspended from the FBI since the fall, when he refused to
participate in investigations related to the Jan. 6 insurrection,
according to a declaration he shared with GOP lawmakers. The 12-year
agency veteran described the FBI’s work on the matter as “marred by
politicization and ambition” — “this is their 9/11,” he said on an
appearance of Roger Stone’s Rumble show in January.

In a statement, Friend’s attorney, Meyer, claimed that his client blew the
whistle on the Bureau’s alleged failures to follow its own rules and “got
what most FBI whistleblowers get: retaliation, isolation, and financial
pressure designed to push Special Agents out of law enforcement with no
formal wrongdoing accusation, no due process, and lots of harmful error.”
He added, “This is not really about January 6th, it is about the broken
system of FBI oversight.”

Friend first made contact with staffers for Grassley, Johnson, and Jordan
shortly after he issued his declaration; his contact with Jordan helped
inform the Judiciary chairman’s 1000-page FBI whistleblower report from
November 2022. In his interviews for the weaponization committee, Friend
has claimed the FBI has been manipulating its case-file management system
to falsely inflate threats of domestic terrorism, but prosecutions tell a
different story. Studies by agencies like the Government Accountability
Office and the University of Syracuse have shown sharp rises not just in
investigations of terrorism-related cases but prosecutions of them as

Hill is a now-retired FBI intelligence analyst who had been based in the
agency’s Boston office at the time of the Jan. 6 attack. He, like Friend,
has made several media appearances claiming Bank of America had unlawfully
provided the FBI with a list that cross-referenced company data on gun and
travel purchases to identify Americans who made purchases in Washington,
D.C., on Jan. 6 and owned firearms. Hill chose to retire in 2022 after a
30-year career in the FBI with an active security clearance.

But under questioning, Hill said he’d never actually seen the list — only
the electronic communication used to bring it into the FBI’s case
management system — and had learned about it only through secondhand
chatter from colleagues, according to the interview transcript reviewed by
Rolling Stone. Foster, Hill’s own attorney, clarified that Hill, given his
role, wouldn’t even have been aware of such a request — a response that
further undermined Hill’s authority on the subject. In his media
appearances, Hill has downplayed the Democrats’ line of questioning. “They
were more interested in my social media profile and had very little in the
way of substantive questions,” Hill told conservative commentator Howie
Carr last month.

O’Boyle had been an agent based in the Wichita office and was en route to
a new assignment in Virginia when the FBI suspended him in 2022. He’d
first spoken to congressional Republicans in November 2021 and had more
than 20 communications with Jordan’s staff over the last 15 months. “I
believe, and likely cannot be swayed from the position, that the FBI
retaliated against me for being a whistleblower,” he wrote in a now-
private Substack newsletter.

O’Boyle also repeated his belief that he’d been suspended by the FBI for
his contact with Congress. When Democratic counsel asked O’Boyle to share
his suspension notice to prove that, however, O’Boyle refused. He also
refused to share his pay suspension notice, which would also have likely
listed a reason, as well as the estimated 50 documents he had previously
shared with congressional Republicans. In a statement to Rolling Stone,
Binnall wrote: “My client has served his country admirably, in the
military, the FBI, and now as a whistleblower. It is an honor to represent
him. The confidential information he provided to Congress was done so with
discretion, as provided for by law. He did not release that information to
Democrats on the committee because he knew that they would leak it to the
media; a concern that has proven justified. He is a whistleblower on
extremely serious government misconduct and unlawful retaliation. He
provided that information to people who would take it seriously.”

After Jordan and his cohorts concluded their first “Weaponization” hearing
last month, several figures in the right-wing media elite — who are
staunchly loyal to Trump and the GOP and already primed to just run with
the party’s claims and supposed bombshells — reacted with head scratches.
“I’m sick of these hearings,” Jesse Watters, a Fox News host and a buddy
of Trump’s, complained on-air after the inaugural House Weaponization of
the Federal Government subcommittee hearing. “Make me feel better, guys.
Tell me this is going somewhere. Can I throw someone in prison? Can
someone go to jail? Can someone get fined?”
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One well-known conservative media host tells Rolling Stone that after that
hearing, this person reached out to their “contacts on the [panel]” to
express their baffled disappointment with the offerings. This source says
their criticism amounted to scolding the committee, and saying something
akin to: “Come on, guys, you have to do fucking better than that!”

This story has been corrected to reflect that Steven Friend’s security
clearance was suspended and George Hill retired of his own volition.
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