All of the other US carriers have rolled out wireless web services on the
Openwave platform, which supports HDML. Some are using gateways from other
manufacturers, but their handsets all have HDML-capable browsers in them.
Thus, most of the US-developed content is HDML-based. In fact, Sprint PCS'
style guide *requires* you to write HDML if you want to be on their network.
True WAP phones like the Ericsson and Nokia don't know anything about HDML.
These are largely what has been deployed in the rest of the world. I would
LOVE to be able to access stuff like citysearch, Expedia, etc., but it only
works with an Openwave phone.
"Helio" <> wrote in message
I'm not sure if this is a problem with our gateway or if VS is blocking
traffic on 9201 past their own gateway. Hopefully not the latter. I'll post
more as I figure it out.
"Alan Westenbroek" <> wrote in message
The Marine Art Information Center
"The customers usually know more about this stuff than
we do. I'll turn it on for you 'cause you sound like you know
what you're doing."
This is fine customer service as far as I am concerned. At least
if they don't know what they're doing, they'll do what you ask
them to do.
GPRS is working fine on my T-39. I don't see what everyone
else is complaining about. Just use the WapHQ gateway instead
Tim Henrion
Boston, MA USA
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Alan Westenbroek" <> wrote in message news:<>...
VS is using Nokia's carrier-class gateway, which rejects *anything* having
to do with There are two types of content running on the
wireless Web in the US: WML ("WAP") and HDML. Other carriers in the US
support HDML, which is Openwave's older non-standard, because their handsets
have Openwave browsers. None of the "real" WAP handsets (Nokia/Ericsson/a
few others) will support HDML content at all. HDML sites will cause the
Malformed Content error. I'm not sure which sites still use HDML, but I know
that MSN and Amazon used to.
In addition, there are two flavors of WML. The WAP Forum has a codified
standard for the elements (tags), attributes, and structure for WML
documents. Openwave has authored their own extensions to this in order to
support special features of their browser. Both organizations have their own
DTDs, and WAP gateways and handsets from all manufacturers (including Nokia)
work fine with documents based on either DTD (as long as you don't try to
actually use the Openwave features in a document aimed at a Nokia or
Ericsson phone). For some reason, the Nokia gateway yarfs up a hairball when
there is a perfectly valid WML document, containing no Openwave code, but
based on the Openwave DTD.
What this means is if a document is based on this DTD, it will work with the
VS gateway:
If an identical document is based on this one, it won't:
This is ridiculous, by the way.
It gets better though. In between the WAP gateway and the Internet, VS is
using an Inktomi proxy server, running on a nonstandard Web port (8080).
This prevents the WAP gateway from accessing content on ports other than the
default (80). Example: my company runs a wireless groupware application on
port 8080 (there are security reasons for doing this; I won't go into them
here, you'll have to trust me). The VS gateway can't access this
application. This is also ridiculous.
Finally, VS is preventing access from the GPRS network to any WAP gateway
other than theirs. My company uses its own gateway, which works with our
applications and handsets (including the VS handsets using a CSD
connection). Can't get to it using GPRS.
I sincerely hope that someone turns up at VS who understands these issues
and can help fix them. I'm not holding my breath though. Sorry there aren't
many answers here but at least we're closer to understanding why this stuff
doesn't work.
"Alan Westenbroek" <> wrote in message
I was hoping that their Nokia Artus 2.2 server will support WAP 1.2.1
because Nokia in their
Technical specifications stated "Wireless Application Protocol, June 2000
The June 2000 (WAP 1.2.1) conformance release
In addition, access to non-anonymous (basic authentication) site is lottery:
sometimes it will give me User ID prompt but most of the times it will just
state " downloading" and than time out.
"Alan Westenbroek" <> wrote in message
"Vlado" <> wrote in message news:<iS8u7.26132$>...
"Vlado" <> wrote in message news:<iS8u7.26132$>...