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Can brother and sister cats breed ?

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Sep 15, 2002, 4:53:02 PM9/15/02
I have two cats (brother & sister) they are trying to mate with each other,
should I stop this from happening?. I do want a litter of kittens but am
worried that two cats being related could be a problem.!!!!


Sep 15, 2002, 5:14:59 PM9/15/02
Yes, it would be a problem. If they mate it is called incest just like in
humans. And the kittens can be born deformed or with other birth defects. Don't
do it!!!

Cheryl Blake

Sep 15, 2002, 5:27:39 PM9/15/02
Brother/sister matings are a definate NO! NO!. You can end up with deformed
kittens and then you would have to go through all the heartbreak of putting
the poor little things to sleep!

Bob Brenchley.

Sep 15, 2002, 5:35:47 PM9/15/02

What total and utter rubbish. True, with close related cats the odds
of birth defects are slightly higher, but it would take several
generation of close breeding for it to become a real problem.

In breeding you often use close relative matings to reinforce a trait.


You have not been charged for this lesson. Please pass it to all your
friends so they may learn as well.


Sep 15, 2002, 7:05:03 PM9/15/02
in article, Bob Brenchley. at wrote on 9/15/02 4:35 PM:

> On 15 Sep 2002 21:14:59 GMT, flna...@aol.comblah (Flnangl82) wrote:
>> Yes, it would be a problem. If they mate it is called incest just like in
>> humans. And the kittens can be born deformed or with other birth defects.
>> Don't
>> do it!!!
> What total and utter rubbish. True, with close related cats the odds
> of birth defects are slightly higher, but it would take several
> generation of close breeding for it to become a real problem.
> In breeding you often use close relative matings to reinforce a trait.

That clinches it. Brench Boy approves, so we KNOW you shouldn't do it.
Besides, original poster, you COULD foster kittens, probably desperately
needed help for some shelter. Have your cats spayed and neutered and help
our animal overpopulation.



Sep 15, 2002, 7:12:31 PM9/15/02
Bob Brenchley just because your parents practiced incest doesn't make it right.
I mean come on, don't you have enough troubles, don't encourage the same for
some poor kitties...


Sep 15, 2002, 7:24:25 PM9/15/02

"shauncannon" <> wrote in message

Definitely stop this from happening.
If this is the first time they have been trying, they are very young and
certainly it could be very harmful to the queen to have a litter when so
young herself anyway, ethical issues of brother / sister mating aside
[Personally, I am strongly against such matings].
*Please* have them neutered before its too late.
If you are deperate to have kittens around, you will find plenty of rescues
equally desperate for fosterers.
If you are in the US, the pet over-population problem is *huge*, with
thousands of unwanted cats being put down *every day*.
*Please* dont add to it.



Sep 15, 2002, 9:50:54 PM9/15/02
Cats don't have ethical problems.


Sep 16, 2002, 1:46:19 AM9/16/02
GOOD GOD!!! Don't you have a clue as to how many kittens are being
destroyed at pounds and shelters EACH DAY? And you are asking about mating
a brother and sister, because you "want kittens"? For Christ sake, get them
both spayed and neutered and go to your newest shelter and adopt a litter
that is destined to be gassed!!!!

"shauncannon" <> wrote in message

Matthew Montchalin

Sep 16, 2002, 4:12:13 AM9/16/02
On Mon, 16 Sep 2002, jmilam wrote:
|GOOD GOD!!! Don't you have a clue as to how many kittens are being
|destroyed at pounds and shelters EACH DAY? And you are asking about
|mating a brother and sister, because you "want kittens"? For Christ
|sake, get them both spayed and neutered and go to your newest shelter
|and adopt a litter that is destined to be gassed!!!!

What if he has to drive for 150 miles to get to the nearest animal

Bob Brenchley.

Sep 16, 2002, 4:28:40 AM9/16/02

I think you should educate yourself on the subject before making a
fool of yourself.


If you can't dazzle me with your brilliance, please don't try to
baffle me with your bullshit.

Bob Brenchley.

Sep 16, 2002, 4:31:05 AM9/16/02
On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 05:46:19 GMT, "jmilam" <> wrote:

>"shauncannon" <> wrote in message
>> I have two cats (brother & sister) they are trying to mate with each
>> should I stop this from happening?. I do want a litter of kittens but am
>> worried that two cats being related could be a problem.!!!!

Moronic posting style corrected. You have not been charged for this
service but I reserve the right to charge in the future if you make
the same mistake again.

>GOOD GOD!!! Don't you have a clue as to how many kittens are being
>destroyed at pounds and shelters EACH DAY?

ONLY IN THE USA - Where shelters are too bloody lazy to do their job.

>And you are asking about mating
>a brother and sister, because you "want kittens"? For Christ sake, get them
>both spayed and neutered and go to your newest shelter and adopt a litter
>that is destined to be gassed!!!!

Spay is the female form of neuter.
Castrate is the male form of neuter.

Neuter applies to both you illiterate moron.


I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in


Sep 16, 2002, 8:10:47 AM9/16/02
If the two cats live in Arkansas it will be OK.

Sep 16, 2002, 7:53:46 AM9/16/02
In article
<>, Matthew
Montchalin <> wrote:

He could take a picnic lunch.


Sep 16, 2002, 8:42:26 AM9/16/02

Matthew Montchalin <> wrote in message
Then he probably has neighbours who are over-run with cats who can't get rid
of them because THEY have to drive 150 miles to the nearest animal shelter.
If he makes enquiries, there will probably be someone, somewhere, close to
him who has unwanted cats or kittens.



Sep 16, 2002, 12:10:05 PM9/16/02

So...a 300 mile round trip. At worst, that's going to be one long day
in the car to save a kitten or three from being destroyed; is a life
worth so little?



Sep 16, 2002, 7:13:37 PM9/16/02
Then DO IT! If he breeds the brother and sister and they have kittens, then
those kittens will have kittens.....etc., etc.

"Matthew Montchalin" <> wrote in message


Sep 16, 2002, 7:14:53 PM9/16/02
I thought it was Kentucky?
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" <> wrote in message


Sep 17, 2002, 1:59:30 AM9/17/02
> I have two cats (brother & sister) they are trying to mate with each other,
> should I stop this from happening?. I do want a litter of kittens but am
> worried that two cats being related could be a problem.!!!!

Somebody please put me out of my misery....



Sep 16, 2002, 9:55:15 PM9/16/02
Only in the North Eastern part of Kentucky.


Sep 19, 2002, 5:58:59 PM9/19/02
On Mon, 16 Sep 2002, jmilam wrote:

> you are asking about mating

> a brother and sister, because you "want kittens"? For Christ sake...

...strains of Dueling Banjoes


David Rorer

Sep 20, 2002, 8:46:55 AM9/20/02

"Karen" <> wrote in message
Actually, in this case Brenchly is <gasp choke> correct! It takes a number
of generations of inbreeding to produce deformities or birth defects,
however, that is provided there are any that become dominate. In the wild it
is probably fairly common for tom's to mate with daughters and other close
relatives. Brenchly is also correct in that close relatives are breed
together to reinforce a desired trait.
Good examples are the Arabian horses that are raised in this country. As I
understand it most of their blood lines go back to a handful of sires,
therefore, all of those that qualify for the registry are related not only
to all other registered horses to several degrees but to themselves as well.
Other examples of this in the so called purebred animals abound. Some that
come to mind are the purebred dogs with the pushed up faces, which have
breathing problems. These are examples of both genetic defects and
characteristics that have been reinforced by breeding.
In humans this can be seen in the royal families of Europe, especially in
the Spanish royal family where insanity and facial deformities became
heredity. In the males of the family their jaws became so oversized that
they were unable to chew and had to swallow food whole. In the females
insanity became so common that some of them are actually given the
designation "XX the Insane"

Now before you-all flame me!
Brenchly is in my killfile and I would never have known of his comment had
Karen not responded to it.
Furthermore, I agree with Karen that if original poster wants some kittens,
there are too many unwanted little ones out there that need homes and you
could easily find as many as you want to adopt or foster. The newest members
of our tribe, Tiger and Lillie are now 6 months old and had their visit to
the vet last week. Lillie goes back to get her stitches out next Thurs.
There will be no breeding in this household.

David Rorer


Sep 20, 2002, 2:16:56 PM9/20/02
>Now before you-all flame me!
>Brenchly is in my killfile and I would never have known of his comment had
>Karen not responded to it.
>Furthermore, I agree with Karen that if original poster wants some kittens,
>there are too many unwanted little ones out there that need homes and you
>could easily find as many as you want to adopt or foster. The newest members
>of our tribe, Tiger and Lillie are now 6 months old and had their visit to
>the vet last week. Lillie goes back to get her stitches out next Thurs.
>There will be no breeding in this household.
>David Rorer
No flames here. There is no shortage of kittens and won't be in our lifetimes.
There's no reason for anyone to breed cats just because they want a kitten.


Sep 20, 2002, 5:53:42 PM9/20/02
In article <>, (Sherry ) wrote:

> >
> No flames here. There is no shortage of kittens and won't be in our lifetimes.
> There's no reason for anyone to breed cats just because they want a kitten.
> Sherry

Don't forget that most people don't know what you know about the pet
over-population problem. In my admittedly limited experience, here's
what often happens: A family adopts a sweet kitty and love her dearly.
Then they ponder whether they should have their sweet kitty spayed. And
they think, "Gee, if she had kittens, they'd be just as cute and sweet
as she is, and she's so wonderful, everyone would want one of her
kittens. AND our children could witness the miracle of birth." These
people aren't bad, they're just very uninformed.

I truly believe that the horrific problem with abandoned, stray, and
unwanted kitties will never end until the general population is
educated. Education is, unfortunately, a big-ticket item. It's too bad
there isn't some politician campaigning on this issue. If such a person
existed, I'd not only vote for him/her, I'd do volunteer work. Such a
person is probably not going to surface in our lifetime either.


Sep 20, 2002, 6:52:20 PM9/20/02

"David Rorer" <> wrote in message
David is correct. Incest is a human term for human morality and in many
times and countries it was legal. Doberman Pinchers were created by
inbreeding to create the tiny skulls. Deafness is a threat prevelent in
Dalmations due to the inbreeding done to create and fine tune them.

But please don't let your cats breed, you have to find homes for all the
kittens when there are so many cats and kittens out there that need loving



Sep 20, 2002, 6:55:41 PM9/20/02

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" <> wrote in message
> If the two cats live in Arkansas it will be OK.
> >

Ok, that made me laugh, thanks!

Kai ^-,-^

Bob Brenchley.

Sep 21, 2002, 2:48:03 AM9/21/02
On 20 Sep 2002 18:16:56 GMT, (Sherry ) wrote:

>>Now before you-all flame me!
>>Brenchly is in my killfile and I would never have known of his comment had
>>Karen not responded to it.
>>Furthermore, I agree with Karen that if original poster wants some kittens,
>>there are too many unwanted little ones out there that need homes and you
>>could easily find as many as you want to adopt or foster. The newest members
>>of our tribe, Tiger and Lillie are now 6 months old and had their visit to
>>the vet last week. Lillie goes back to get her stitches out next Thurs.
>>There will be no breeding in this household.
>>David Rorer
>No flames here. There is no shortage of kittens and won't be in our lifetimes.

Not as long as cat hating scum like you are involved in the shelter

>There's no reason for anyone to breed cats just because they want a kitten.

Just because YOU hate cats it doesn't mean others can't enjoy them.

Your IQ score is 2 (it takes 3 to grunt).


Sep 21, 2002, 4:01:23 AM9/21/02
>>There's no reason for anyone to breed cats just because they want a kitten.
>Just because YOU hate cats it doesn't mean others can't enjoy them.

Oh, do shut up, you stupid troll.



Sep 21, 2002, 4:10:43 AM9/21/02

>>There's no reason for anyone to breed cats just because they want a kitten.

Bob Brenchley wrote:
>Just because YOU hate cats it doesn't mean others can't enjoy them.

Touchy subject, eh Bob? Still running that kitten mill, I see. How many litters
have you cranked out this year? (And how many has CPS already had to deal


Bob Brenchley.

Sep 21, 2002, 4:15:59 PM9/21/02

Oh do stop being a harpic cat-hating troll.


Everyone is entitled to be stupid but you're abusing the privilege.

Bob Brenchley.

Sep 21, 2002, 4:16:57 PM9/21/02

Cats Protection have never had to deal with any kittens from me - in
fact I often have to help FIND kittens because for most of the year
there is always a shortage.

Anyway Riddles, while you are here there are still a number of
questions you have to answer.

1) How many cats will die today because of YOU Riddles?

2) How many cats will suffer another day of deprivation because of YOU

3) How much money will your shelter fail to raise today because of
YOUR selfish two-faced rejection of help Riddles?

I don't think it is asking too much to expect answers to these
questions Riddles. The more you avoid them the more it looks like you
are hiding the truth. People have the right to know how many animals
will DIE and SUFFER because of YOUR brainless selfishness?


Riddles. One of the biggest cat haters in the USA. As long as HER
cats are OK she doesn't give a thought to others.


Sep 21, 2002, 8:48:52 PM9/21/02
>Cats Protection have never had to deal with any kittens from me - in
>fact I often have to help FIND kittens because for most of the year
>there is always a shortage.

Cats Protection issued a statement just two short months ago notifying the
internet newsgroup community that you were in no way affiliated with their
group, and they are quite embarrassed by you. You forget about that?


Bryan S. Slick

Sep 21, 2002, 10:44:12 PM9/21/02
[22 Sep 2002 00:48:52 GMT]

:>Cats Protection have never had to deal with any kittens from me - in

Dang.. I must have been in the field when that was posted.


Bryan S. Slick, bryan at slick-family dot net


Sep 21, 2002, 11:30:32 PM9/21/02

If you are going to insist on being as much of a jerk as Brenchly by
feeding the troll and NOT snipping his posts from your replies, you are
going back in my kill file for good. You are as bad as if not worse than
Brenchly. You love to feed the trolls...that makes you one yourself. You are
as much of an ignorant pain in the ass as he is! *PLONK*


Sep 22, 2002, 1:05:55 AM9/22/02

"Sue" <> wrote in message

Why did you waste your time posting this? Looking for a reaction? Do you
think either of them care what you or anyone else thinks? If you do, then
you are mistaken.

"PLONK" until you fill your boots. <G>

Bob Brenchley.

Sep 22, 2002, 8:33:57 AM9/22/02

SICK SLICK - Sick and Cowardly Animal Abuser.

Bob Brenchley.

Sep 22, 2002, 8:33:28 AM9/22/02

Hohohohoho! Harpic cat-hating Riddles does have some very wild dreams.

I think you should learn:-

A) How to read.

B) How Cats Protection (and most other charities) work in the UK.

C) How to stop telling lies.

D) How to stop being a sick and evil promotor of animal abuse.

You have not been charged for this lesson. Please pass it to all your
friends so they may learn as well.


Sep 22, 2002, 7:14:43 PM9/22/02

That was a really stupid post. You haven't contributed anything that isn't
negative *ever*. You must just sit there on your high horse reading all the
pleasantries and chime in with a flame here and there when you don't like
something. Why don't you ever post anything about your own cats? Do you have

Sep 23, 2002, 7:24:16 PM9/23/02
Bryan S. Slick <br...@slick-family.not> wrote:

Guess you were. Several of us contacted Cats Protection directly via fax,
sending them samples of Bunchley's moronic "fines" to be paid to Cats
Protection. And they were indeed unhappy with him.
> Link?

Here's part of a posting from the Google Groups archive:

Search Result 2From: Sherry (
Subject: Re: Maine coon so soft and loving yet bites?
Newsgroups: alt.catsView: Complete Thread (116 articles) | Original
FormatDate: 2002-07-12 18:26:33 PST

>I do not "drag their name down". What I do is to donate my income from
>some of the trolls around here to their very worthy cause.

No, you don't. They have not received any money from you. So, you are
pocketing it, huh? Just as I'd expect. Don't you know that's stealing, Bob?
I quote Dominic Sullivan of Cats Protection
".Mr.Benchley is nothing to do with Cats Protection and this
charity has not received any funds as a consequence of Mr.Benchley's
comments on the internet.I do not know whether an offence has been
committed but I can see that some might find Mr.Benchley's sense of humour
rather irritating."

So where are these "funds" you've collected? Spent them already?
Hmmm. I believe Cats Protection needs to know about this. You claim to be
collecting money for them, yet they have never received it. Interesting.

>If you think, as I do, that they do a good job, then maybe you should
>start telling some of the extremely dishonest people around here who
>use my services to start paying up.

Again, nobody is stupid enough to send you money; you are making Cats
Protection as big a laughingstock as you are.


Sep 24, 2002, 12:31:41 PM9/24/02
to wrote in message news:<20020923192416.694$>...

Besides being interesting, it's also called fraud.


Nov 13, 2018, 11:42:05 AM11/13/18
Thank you I was reading those comments like what are they reading?

Jul 2, 2019, 9:44:54 AM7/2/19
My m8 married his full cousin and nothing wrong with his kids well except there 2 noses and 3 ears but they are 2 of the nicest mongs u will ever get put down

Dec 4, 2019, 10:26:18 PM12/4/19
Thank you so much for clearing that up. Sadly, we have adults who do not know what purebred means and where/ why it is so many populations participate.

Blue Bloods/ hemophilia is caused from a defect of said “inbreeding “ throughout history. Most common in Royal Families, wherefore no male son had been conceived and fear of losing the kingdom had an other Royal Family been married in.
In the movie Gladiator is shows the perfect example!

Thanks so much

Feb 3, 2020, 5:10:03 AM2/3/20
Ummm.. No. Maybe You should call out to.. God for brains. First, he may want a kitten, but NOT Saying they WANT it from the Pair. They were ASKING A QUESTION. That was all, and YOU talked down to them and said lies. (Kittens and Dogs are NOT GASSED.. They are given a shot and put to rest. You have Shit for Brains.
Also, read into the Facts of how MOST Feline Cats with Pure BloodLines, ARE INTENTIONALLY Bred together. Yes, Health issues CAN BE Caused. But, just as a Human can contact Borth defects with 2 CompletelyDifferent Parents.. I can prove with jmju??? Has shit for Brains and I'm willing to..... THINK they.. have.. Different Parents?? Do you have Different Family Trees? Or are you an incest baby? Damn.. so many questions my own I have..

Feb 3, 2020, 5:11:23 AM2/3/20

Feb 3, 2020, 5:15:20 AM2/3/20
I agree Bob. I mean I am trying to see things from his Point of View.. but I cant get my Head that Far up my own ass. I haven't been this Baffled since I watched my uncle slide his detached thumb down his finger and put it back on before my very eyes..
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