Bob Koestler, Saroko Cattery
It's called Feliway and yes, it works. A friend of mine who adopted a
stray cat had a problem with her other cat spraying because he objected
to the interloper moving in. She used Feliway and it stopped the
spraying. It doesn't happen overnight I gather, I think you have to
spray daily for about a month even if the spraying appears to have
stopped, but if you follow the instructions it *does* work.
I called my friend who's used this and she read out what it says on the
leaflet while I typed it, so here goes:
"This innovative and patented product has some of the properties of
feline facial pheromones. Pheromones are chemical substances secreted
by animals to confirm their territory and to communicate with others.
The cat usually uses facial pheromones to familiarise itself with its
environment. Surfaces that have been marked with these pheromones are
recognised by the cat as familiar and comforting. Facial pheromones are
deposited by rubbing the object with the side of the face.
Amonst other properties, facial pheromones will inhibit urinary marking
when applied to an area.
To stop or to prevent urinary marking by the cat.
To comfort the cat in an unknown or stressful environment (basket, cage,
car, holidays, new house etc.)
Feliway may be used in other specific cases and we advise you to discuss
the use of the product with your veterinary surgeon."
I've seen people on other NGs say that Feliway is brilliant for stopping
a cat scratching furniture, so it may well work for a pooping problem
too. Your best bet would be to speak to your vet about it.