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Ch'kai's Corollaries

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Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
Returning from an unheralded and largely unnoticed absence,
Ch'kai offers an explanation - and a couple of thoughts:

"We've just finished creating a company intranet here - the
big rollout was yesterday. It's been months of work, but in
the end, it looks good and works well. There was a position
available that I really wanted, and went after. Hmm, said
the PTB, and handed me a whole slew of work to do on it -
which I fitted in around what I was already doing, thinking
that I was demonstrating I could do this. So can I get the
job, I asked, and the PTB said hmmm again, and gave me
another chunk. This went on for some time. And then,
without ever posting the job, they hired someone else."

"Now, a smarter person would have realized much earlier than
I did that at some point, no answer becomes the answer no.
I applied for a secondary position, and got an answer much
faster - which was again no, partly on the grounds that
rebound and general snitfittery are not the best of all

"By this time, I was in full hedgehog mode, and had it not
been for some distinctly Good Things in my personal life,
I'd have been in much worse shape. But still, I was all
prepared to dislike this person on sight - after all, she
had taken My Job, right?"

"Wrong. The PTB were right. I don't have anything like her
skill, her talent or her flair. I do a pretty competent
mise en place, but this lady can cook! I still have issues
with being used as a placeholder - but that's hardly her
fault. And maybe I've learned something."

"So this is free advice, people, and probably worth about
that much - but it's bought and paid for with experience.
You've all heard the line about when one door closes,
another opens: IME, you should also consider the following

a) don't stand too close to the door that's closing, but if
you do,

b) wait till the bruises fade before trying the second door

gradually uncurling

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
Ch'kai :
> Returning from an unheralded and largely unnoticed absence,
> Ch'kai offers an explanation - and a couple of thoughts:

maenad offers Ch'kai a *hug* and a BOHC. That does sound hard on the spirit.

__Anna________fun is good!_________BORDEAUX = spamblock__
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not. -Yogi Berra

Kirsten M. Berry

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00

Ch'kai looked up from the want-ads, turned to me and said:

<gentle snip>

}"So this is free advice, people, and probably worth about
}that much - but it's bought and paid for with experience.
}You've all heard the line about when one door closes,
}another opens: IME, you should also consider the following
}a) don't stand too close to the door that's closing, but if
}you do,
}b) wait till the bruises fade before trying the second door

Well said. BOYC to help with the uncurling process?


Kirsten M. Berry -- -- K`shandra on IRC
"Expect the best. Expect the worst. Expect a f*cking miracle.
It's always Anything Can Happen Day." -Pamela Des Barres


Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00

Ch'kai wrote:
> Returning from an unheralded and largely unnoticed absence,
> Ch'kai offers an explanation - and a couple of thoughts:

> So can I get the
> job, I asked, and the PTB said hmmm again, and gave me
> another chunk. This went on for some time. And then,
> without ever posting the job, they hired someone else."
> "Now, a smarter person would have realized much earlier than
> I did that at some point, no answer becomes the answer no.
> I applied for a secondary position, and got an answer much
> faster - which was again no, partly on the grounds that
> rebound and general snitfittery are not the best of all
> motivations."

> I still have issues
> with being used as a placeholder - but that's hardly her
> fault. And maybe I've learned something."

> -----------------------------------------

If they treaded you with no respect ,then hired you, probably they
would have made your life meserable. I always say," wow, that was

Well, I can understand also on an other angle, I would have been real
upset, and would have at least wanted to try out the new job.
The way they did you, I call that "dirty pool.'

Maybe by not getting hired, you got out of the big mess.

Good luck on you next adventure. Anne

"Life is full of adventures"

John Vinson

Mar 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/10/00
On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 08:57:56 -0500, Ch'kai <> wrote:

>a) don't stand too close to the door that's closing, but if
>you do,
>b) wait till the bruises fade before trying the second door

John the Wysard (who's BTDT and dealt with people close to him
BeingTDoingT) offers Ch'kai a gentle <hug> and a welcome-back BOHC...
and wishes for a surprising and attractive opening-door experience


Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
to wrote:
> Ch'kai :

> > Returning from an unheralded and largely unnoticed absence,
> > Ch'kai offers an explanation - and a couple of thoughts:

> ...
> maenad offers Ch'kai a *hug* and a BOHC. That does sound hard on the spirit.

Thank you - I think it's a Learning Experience - bears a striking
resemblance to Buckley's, really.

But I'll gladly accept both a hug - and a large mug of tea. Join me?



Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00

niteridr wrote:
> If they treaded you with no respect ,then hired you, probably they
> would have made your life meserable. I always say," wow, that was
> close."

That's a valid point.

> Well, I can understand also on an other angle, I would have been real
> upset, and would have at least wanted to try out the new job.
> The way they did you, I call that "dirty pool.'

The fault's not all on their side though - I should have asked for, and
got, clarification much earlier on.

> Maybe by not getting hired, you got out of the big mess.

And that's possible, too.

> Good luck on you next adventure. Anne




Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00

Thank you so much - and a <hug> back. I think right now I need to
recharge the batteries, as it were - which is one of the reasons I'm



Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
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