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Does Martin King really deserve a national holiday?

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Usenet Legends ªºªandca®ole ----->♫♫♫♫

Jan 16, 2011, 9:41:09 PM1/16/11
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
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The Truth,
Let's take them one at a time:

His name wasn't Martin Luther King-Confusing!
According to all accounts, the name on Martin Luther King's birth
certificate is Michael and there is no evidence that he changed it.
He didn't pick the name Martin Luther out of the air, however.
It was the name his father used and claimed to have given to his son.
According to, Martin Luther King, Sr. said that his son's
given name was Martin Luther but that the doctor who delivered him put
"Michael" on the birth certificate, something he didn't know until
Until adulthood, Martin Luther King, Jr. was known as "M.L." or

Martin Luther King plagiarized in college-Truth!
The staff at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project discovered a
lot of plagiarism in Martin Luther King's writings and in a 1991
article in THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY said that "plagiarism was a
general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings"
including his doctoral dissertation.

Martin Luther King plagiarized his famous "I Have a Dream"
Critics have charged that King plagiarized that too by borrowing from
speech given to the Republican convention in 1952 by an
African-American preacher named Archibald Carey, Jr.
Some of them say he gave Cary's speech word-for-word.
It can probably be said that King borrowed from the idea of the speech
by Carey (who was a friend of King's), but only the last couple of
paragraph's resembled Carey's speech and little of it is word-for-
Both men spun their remarks off the words of the song "My Country 'Tis
of Thee."

King's speech ended with:
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing
with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty,
of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's
pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring." And if America is
be a great nation, this must become true. So let freedom ring from the
prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty
mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening
Alleghenies of Pennsylvania! Let freedom ring from the snowcapped
Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of
California! But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of
Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee! Let
freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From
every mountainside, let freedom ring.
When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and
every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to
up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews
and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands
sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at
last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

Carey's speech ended with:
We, Negro Americans, sing with all loyal Americans: My country 'tis of
thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my fathers
died, Land of the Pilgrims' pride From every mountainside Let freedom
That's exactly what we mean--from every mountain side, let freedom
ring. Not only from the Green Mountains and White Mountains of
and New Hampshire; not only from the Catskills of New York; but from
the Ozarks in Arkansas, from the Stone Mountain
in Georgia, from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia--let it ring not
only for the minorities of the United States, but for the disinherited
of all the earth--may the Republican Party, under God, from every

King was under surveillance because of his ties to communist
David Garrow, the author of "Bearing the Cross," a book about Martin
Luther King, says that King's criticism of the Kennedy administration
drew administration scrutiny.
There was suspicion that two of his associates, including Stanley
Levinson, had disassociated from the Communist party as a cover to
with and influence King.
Despite extensive surveillance, the FBI was never able to find any
direct funding or other links between King and the Communist party.

King had an obsession with white prostitutes and used church funds
drunken parties-Denied!
One of King's closest associates addressed rumors about King's sexual
activities in his 1989 book, "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down."
He said that King did have a weakness for women and engaged in
extramarital affairs.
He denied reports that he was attracted to white women and said he
never knew of King to be involved with a white woman.
As a part of its surveillance activities, the FBI did document some
sexual encounters involving Martin Luther King.
We've not found any substantiation about prostitues, sex parties or
church funds being used for such.Last updated 1/3/04

A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet:

Interesting, if all is really true.
Martin Luther King...................................

Most of the info is from Reportable History experts, as quoted in
Newsweek and Time magazine.

Four things you didn't know about Dr. Martin Luther King

1. His name wasn't Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided
Luther had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never
legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael

2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston
University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done
research on a subject similar to King's. As academic committee later
found that over half of King's work was plagiarized, yet would not
revoke his doctrine. King was dead by this time, and the committee
ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also
discovered that King's famous I HAVE A DREAM speech was also not his
own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black
preacher in the 1950's

3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died)
due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country.
King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In
return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts
of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could
project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in
the 60's ruled that the FBI files on King links to communism to remain
top-secret until 2027. Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme
Court in
1983 to release the files, so the correct bill in the Senate to create
the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was

4. One of King's closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book
1989 in which he talked about King's obsession with white prostitutes.
King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties,
where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally
beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents
who monitored King. King was married with four children.

Martin Luther King Day. A day when this country will come to a
screeching halt so we can have parades and memorials to honor this
a man that most of the world views as a saint for his role in the
rights movement. No other public holiday in the United States honors a
single individual. Of all the great leaders in our Nation's
history-none of them have their own holiday. All of our great war
heroes share Memorial Day. All of our great presidents share
President's Day. Yet king -- a man who was a phony, a cheater, a
traitor, and a sexual degenerate gets a day of his own.

I have a big problem with that.

I'm not trying to take anything away from African Americans, but I am
trying to point out that
(1) the vast majority of people are sorely mistaken about Michael King
(2) that reverse discrimination is blatantly obvious everywhere you
look today.

Been watching the news lately? President Bush just got himself in some
hot water when he spoke out against the University of Michigan for
giving black applicants precedence over more qualified white
applicants. Now Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, and other black leaders are
trashing him, without a doubt planning how they can use this against
his reelection campaign.

Think about that - Bush just made a stand for equal human rights, but
low and behold -- in this case they didn't want to be treated as

Make up your minds. I feel like I belong to one of the more abused
ethnic groups in this country today. Can I do anything about it?
Absolutely not. If I dare speak out I'll get labeled a racist,
by the media. Subsequently lose my job, and never be able to show my
face in public again.

But what I will do is send out this email to as many people I know in
hopes that when you're watching the evening news on Martin Luther King
Day, and you see our politicians falling all over themselves to be
filmed in a black church somewhere; you might stop and ask yourself
"what about us?"


Jan 16, 2011, 10:04:43 PM1/16/11
So what's your pooint, other than you're a racist?

Harry Mary Andruschak

Jan 17, 2011, 1:34:11 AM1/17/11
On Jan 16, 6:41 pm, Usenet Legends ªºªandca®ole ----->♫♫♫♫
<> wrote:

<pathetic posting deleted>



Jan 17, 2011, 7:29:46 AM1/17/11
Harry Mary Andruschak wrote:

There were other deserving people who also helped the United States move
towards racial equality eg Rosa Parkes.

It's interesting how getting assassinated often promotes someone above
their peers to national/international hero.

I think that's why the South Africans didn't kill Nelson Mandela, the
Burmese haven't killed Aung San Suu Kyi, the Chinese haven't killed Liu
Xiaobo, and why it was a really, really bad idea for the USA's puppets
in Iraq to kill Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti.

Usenet Legends ªºªandca®ole ----->♫♫♫♫

Jan 17, 2011, 10:39:39 AM1/17/11
On Jan 16, 9:41 pm, Usenet Legends ªºªandca®ole ----->♫♫♫♫


On Jan 16, 10:04 pm, "ReKvest-or" <> wrote:
> So what's your pooint, other than you're a racist?

Well, Jethro, the "pooint" is I love how you liberal fuck-stains
prefer to overlook the serious character flaws and cheating of MLK.

He bought prostitutes with church money

Martin Luther King plagiarized in college.

The staff at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project discovered a
lot of plagiarism in Martin Luther King's writings and in a 1991
article in THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY said that "plagiarism was a
general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings"
including his doctoral dissertation.

One of King's closest associates addressed rumors about King's sexual

activities in his 1989 book, "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down."
He said that King did have a weakness for women and engaged in
extramarital affairs.

Facts don't go away just because you choose to ignore them....

Copyright © 2011
all rights reserved
"Bringing you the ultimate uncensored truth since 1997"

"I mean, it's not as if I'm bringing up "ass pounding" all the time,
or doing it right in front of you."~~ Deviant homosexual sodomite
Scott Allen Salberg, aka "Enos Penvy" convicted of battery in
Broward County Florida and currently running from the humiliation
of being outed as a convicted offender to usenet.

Image snap of Court and Conviction Record, Scott Salberg.

#1 pedophile hunter: the wikisposure project.
#5 ruiner of usenet.
Owner and trainer of Tom Evans aka "mad as a box of frogs"
Tom Evans picture:
"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~ Alice
"Did you plug the hole yet Daddy?"~~Malia Obama
Now I know why they call him tiger, "Eldrick Tont Woods"??
LMAO!! .
"There are 1000 or more reasons for a person INNOCENT of child
molesting to kill themselves"~ Arrested filth-monger frank mccoy
"A victory for one pornographer is a victory for all of the human
race"--pedophile "XXX"
"I mean, it's not as if I'm bringing up "ass pounding" all the time,
or doing it right in front of you."~~ deviant homosexual sodomite
Scott Allen Salberg, convicted of battery in Broward County Florida.
Image snap of Court and Conviction Record, Scott Salberg.
"I am so superior to you that you can't even see it"~ScottyFLL
aka "Enos Penvy" aka Scott Salberg violent criminal, Broward
County Fla.
"Why should I have to push one for English?, this is AMERICA"

Fred Brown

Jan 17, 2011, 11:45:01 AM1/17/11

"invalidd" <inva...@invalidd.invalidd> wrote in message

> Harry Mary Andruschak wrote:
>> On Jan 16, 6:41 pm, Usenet Legends ªºªandca®ole ----->♫♫♫♫
>> <> wrote:
>> <pathetic posting deleted>
>> Yes.
> There were other deserving people who also helped the United States move
> towards racial equality eg Rosa Parkes.
> It's interesting how getting assassinated often promotes someone above
> their peers to national/international hero.

Which is why assassinating a politician is always counter productive.
The politico might be considered by all to be a complete a**hole but
killing hem/her turns them into a martyr.
While I deplore the shooting of congresswoman Giffords and wish
her a full and speedy recovery, the anti-gun crowd will try to turn her
into a poster girl for more gun control.

> I think that's why the South Africans didn't kill Nelson Mandela, the
> Burmese haven't killed Aung San Suu Kyi, the Chinese haven't killed Liu
> Xiaobo, and why it was a really, really bad idea for the USA's puppets in
> Iraq to kill Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti.

Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be a Catholic church
and we'd all be Jewish.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Rusty Trombone

Jan 17, 2011, 12:42:49 PM1/17/11
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
On Jan 17, 11:53 am, Sir F. A. Rien <> wrote:
> "ReKvest-or" <> found these unused words:

> >So what's your pooint, other than you're a racist?
> What's a "pooint"
> The rest we know.

If you shoot 6 more Niggers we will get the whole week off!


Jan 17, 2011, 1:18:38 PM1/17/11
Fred Brown wrote:

> While I deplore the shooting of congresswoman Giffords and wish
> her a full and speedy recovery, the anti-gun crowd will try to turn her
> into a poster girl for more gun control.

They have something of a point though, Loughner isn't the sort of person
you want owning a gun.

The problem is that denying him a weapon is a form of censorship. "You
can say what you like provided we agree with it" is disturbingly similar
to "You can own a gun if we think you're fit and proper."

> Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be a Catholic
> church
> and we'd all be Jewish.

Heh! Then we could all make Jewish jokes without the political
correctness nazis accusing us of anti-semitism.


Jan 17, 2011, 2:46:21 PM1/17/11
On Jan 17, 1:18 pm, invalidd <inval...@invalidd.invalidd> wrote:
> Fred Brown wrote:

> > Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be a Catholic
> > church
> > and we'd all be Jewish.
> Heh! Then we could all make Jewish jokes without the political
> correctness nazis accusing us of anti-semitism.

David Gerrold's "The Man Who Folded Himself" has the lead character
gets Jesus off.
When he comes back to his own time, everything's wrong.
The art, the architecture, everything.

He has to go back and talk himself out of it.


Jan 17, 2011, 3:25:01 PM1/17/11
>> So what's your pooint, other than you're a racist?
> Well, Jethro, the "pooint" is I love how you liberal fuck-stains
> prefer to overlook the serious character flaws and cheating of MLK.

I guess you confirmed my hypothesis.


Jan 17, 2011, 3:28:31 PM1/17/11
Sir F. A. Rien <> wrote:
> Soon we'll have the burrow critters working one day a week - the rest
> will be National Holidays ! ! !

So, how many national holidays have been added in the past 50 years?
-ZERO- There were 10 fifty years ago, and 10 today. When they added MLKing
day, they dropped another. However, I would GLADLY give up "Columbus Day"
and make 9-11 a "National Responder's Day" where we celebrate all the
police, fire, and rescue workers who save Millions of lives every year.

Kraut / Larry Stark

Jan 17, 2011, 8:23:57 PM1/17/11
On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:42:49 -0800 (PST), Rusty Trombone
<> wrote:

>> >So what's your pooint, other than you're a racist?
>> What's a "pooint"
>> The rest we know.
>If you shoot 6 more Niggers we will get the whole week off!

Hey I am for anything that gets us a paid holiday!!!

Chris Zakes

Jan 17, 2011, 10:27:02 PM1/17/11
On 17 Jan 2011 10:45:01 -0600, an orbital mind-control laser caused
"Fred Brown" <> to write:


>Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be a Catholic church
>and we'd all be Jewish.

Or Mithraist, or we might still be using the Roman pantheon, or maybe
the Norse gods or any of a dozen other pagan flavors.

-Chris Zakes

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they
will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

-Martin Luther King Jr.

The TheatrElf

Jan 17, 2011, 10:43:52 PM1/17/11
invalidd <inva...@invalidd.invalidd> wrote in

Oy! We should live so long.

The TheatrElf

Take thee this thing covered with that stuff and give it unto
that guy, that he may do things with it.

The TheatrElf

Jan 17, 2011, 10:48:00 PM1/17/11
rincewind <> wrote in

I love that book. And that isn't the last time he has to go talk
himself out of stuff. The best part is the boozy bit in the
middle where he's folded over dozens of times, living in a big
house crowded with himself, playing poker, taking care of
chores...and then folds through quantam time with somewhat
incestuous results.

The TheatrElf

Jan 17, 2011, 10:50:23 PM1/17/11
Chris Zakes <> wrote in

> On 17 Jan 2011 10:45:01 -0600, an orbital mind-control laser
> caused "Fred Brown" <> to write:
> (snip)
>>Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be a
>>Catholic church and we'd all be Jewish.
> Or Mithraist, or we might still be using the Roman pantheon,
> or maybe the Norse gods or any of a dozen other pagan flavors.

It's time we go back to worshipping Ghu, the ceiling god. His
only commandment; ignore him. Just leave him the hell alone, he's
too busy to care about your stupid problems.

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
pessimist is afraid that it is.

Fred Brown

Jan 18, 2011, 10:30:02 AM1/18/11

"invalidd" <inva...@invalidd.invalidd> wrote in message

> Fred Brown wrote:
>> While I deplore the shooting of congresswoman Giffords and wish
>> her a full and speedy recovery, the anti-gun crowd will try to turn her
>> into a poster girl for more gun control.
> They have something of a point though, Loughner isn't the sort of person
> you want owning a gun.
> The problem is that denying him a weapon is a form of censorship. "You can
> say what you like provided we agree with it" is disturbingly similar to
> "You can own a gun if we think you're fit and proper."

From the news reportsI have read, Loughner did everything except wear
a flashing neon sign saying, "I'm a dangerous lunatic." Yet all his
ignored the signs. Even his family.
The problem is, how do we sort the dangerous lunatics from the merely
We all know people who are 'flakey' but are also perfectly harmless.
The other question is, how do we sort the real lunatics from the people
targeted by a vendetta. The normal, law abiding gun owner whose neighbor
disapproves of gun ownership and files a complaint he is "acting strangly?"

>> Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be a Catholic
>> church
>> and we'd all be Jewish.
> Heh! Then we could all make Jewish jokes without the political correctness
> nazis accusing us of anti-semitism.

I've heard Jesus might have been black. Imagine, black Jewish jokes.
Would drive the NAACP and Al Sharpton crazy.


Jan 18, 2011, 11:33:49 AM1/18/11
Fred Brown wrote:

>>> Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be a Catholic
>>> church
>>> and we'd all be Jewish.
>> Heh! Then we could all make Jewish jokes without the political
>> correctness nazis accusing us of anti-semitism.
> I've heard Jesus might have been black. Imagine, black Jewish jokes.
> Would drive the NAACP and Al Sharpton crazy.

Some people believe the Falashas are a lost tribe of Israel.

Jesus would have been Arabic, short with swarthy skin and dark hair.
Definitely not the 6ft blue-eyed blond represented in some Christain

Frank McCoy

Jan 18, 2011, 11:53:39 AM1/18/11
invalidd <inva...@invalidd.invalidd> wrote:

Probably with a big honking nose, too.
But most likely not *black* with tightly curled hair, either.
Nor yellow or red or ....

My wife's friend has this "picture of Jesus" hanging on the wall.
Huge thing. It bugs me.
Not because of what it represents; but because the person who painted
it ....
The picture shows this white man with brown hair ... and a BLACK
beard! No fading from one to another ... just the hair switches
abruptly from medium-brown to ace-of-spades black, right at ear-level.

Makes me shudder.
If it was in MY house, I'd eventually scratch the itch by painting the
beard to match the hair.

/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_

Usenet Legends ªºªandca®ole ----->♫♫♫♫

Jan 18, 2011, 12:56:30 PM1/18/11

1. "Reverend" King violated the sanctity of his marriage and even used
church funds to buy whores. His flunky Jesse Jackson learned a
lesson about cheating on his wife, eh?
2. King plagiarized parts of his well known speeches and even his
college work.

3. King was under surveillance by the FBI because of his ties to

Sounds more like a candidate for GITMO than a holiday...


Jan 18, 2011, 5:04:35 PM1/18/11
On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 08:53:39 -0800, Frank McCoy <>

> My wife's friend has this "picture of Jesus" hanging on the wall.
> Huge thing. It bugs me.
> Not because of what it represents; but because the person who painted
> it ....
> The picture shows this white man with brown hair ... and a BLACK
> beard! No fading from one to another ... just the hair switches
> abruptly from medium-brown to ace-of-spades black, right at ear-level.
> Makes me shudder.
> If it was in MY house, I'd eventually scratch the itch by painting the
> beard to match the hair.

It's alleged that the modern European image of Jesus began around 1500,
when painters wanted to flatter the Pope by using the image of his very
handsome son: Cesare Borgia.


I'll never be able to look at a "classic" image of Jesus the same way
again ;-).

Morgan /|\
la shey'a haqeeqiyun wa kulu shey'in mubaah ;-)

Juan Topica

Jan 18, 2011, 6:14:53 PM1/18/11
> 1. "Reverend" King violated the sanctity of his marriage and even used
> church funds to buy whores. His flunky Jesse Jackson learned a
> lesson about cheating on his wife, eh?
> .
> 2. King plagiarized parts of his well known speeches and even his
> college work.
> 3. King was under surveillance by the FBI because of his ties to
> communist
> organizations.
> Sounds more like a candidate for GITMO than a holiday...

1) What do cheating on a marriage, plagiarism, or Communism have to do
with Gitmo? They don't amount to ANYWHERE near terrorism.

2) A LOT of people cheat on their marriage. Many with prostitutes.

3) Plagiarism is not a criminal offense.

4) TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans were under FBI surveillance in those
days. It had a lot to do with who was in the White House, and how
paranoid we ALL were about Communism.

5) Your argument is specious at best; racist at worst; and laughable at
most. It is a thinly-veiled slam at a man whose fecal matter you are not
worthy to ingest.

Usenet Legends bobandcarole ♣♣♣

Jan 18, 2011, 7:00:38 PM1/18/11
Illegal alien Juan Topica stopped gobbling grease and beans long
enough to babble:

> > 1. "Reverend" King violated the sanctity of his marriage and even used
> > church funds to buy whores. His flunky Jesse Jackson learned a
> > lesson about cheating on his wife, eh?
> > .
> > 2. King plagiarized parts of his well known speeches and even his
> > college work.
> >
> > 3. King was under surveillance by the FBI because of his ties to
> > communist
> > organizations.
> >
> > Sounds more like a candidate for GITMO than a holiday...
> 1) What do cheating on a marriage, plagiarism, or Communism have to do
> with Gitmo? They don't amount to ANYWHERE near terrorism.
> 2) A LOT of people cheat on their marriage. Many with prostitutes.

But when you thrust yourself into the spotlight claiming to be a role
model {and a MINISTER to boot} and/or a leader you are held to higher
standards. It sounds like you're attempting to justify cheating on
your spouse.

> 3) Plagiarism is not a criminal offense.

It's a moral offense and again not conduct becoming of a man
supposedly a cut above the rest.

> 4) TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans were under FBI surveillance in those
> days. It had a lot to do with who was in the White House, and how
> paranoid we ALL were about Communism.

But his FBI files affirm his transgressions.

> 5) Your argument is specious at best; racist at worst;

Yeah, yeah....can't you liberal fuck-stains ever come up with
something new? I'm not a believer in affirmative action so I won't
cover his mistakes just because he is black.

and laughable at
> most. It is a thinly-veiled slam at a man whose fecal matter you are not
> worthy to ingest.


"I can't dispute the fact that King was a piss poor excuse for a
supposed man of God, a faithful husband and a man who doesn't deserve
the title of "Doctor" since his doctoral dissertation was plagiarized
and therefore as much of a sham as King himself"


Jan 19, 2011, 8:10:37 AM1/19/11
Does Martin Luther King really deserve a national holiday?

I doubt if he'll enjoy it. He's dead!

Message has been deleted

Usenet Legends ªºªandca®ole ----->♫♫♫♫

Jan 19, 2011, 3:18:59 PM1/19/11
On Jan 19, 11:33 am, Sir F. A. Rien <> wrote:
> Juan Topica <> found these unused words:
> - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text ->> 1. "Reverend" King violated the sanctity of his marriage and even used

> >> church funds to buy whores. His flunky Jesse Jackson learned a
> >> lesson about cheating on his wife, eh?
> >> .
> >> 2. King plagiarized parts of his well known speeches and even his
> >> college work.
> >> 3. King was under surveillance by the FBI because of his ties to
> >> communist
> >> organizations.
> >> Sounds more like a candidate for GITMO than a holiday...
> >1) What do cheating on a marriage, plagiarism, or Communism have to do
> >with Gitmo?  They don't amount to ANYWHERE near terrorism.
> >2) A LOT of people cheat on their marriage.  Many with prostitutes.
> So that's your defense ... don't count on your wife buying it!

Uhh, it's "boyfriend" in this case ... :-)

> >3) Plagiarism is not a criminal offense.

> Thought he was being honored for his -=moral=- works, guess that too is
> 'selective'?

> >4) TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans were under FBI surveillance in those
> >days.  It had a lot to do with who was in the White House, and how
> >paranoid we ALL were about Communism.

> 50's, yes, sixties ... hardly! Passed history with a "D"?

> >5) Your argument is specious at best; racist at worst; and laughable at
> >most.  It is a thinly-veiled slam at a man whose fecal matter you are not
> >worthy to ingest.

> That's OK, you've swallowed it all ... none left, and we're happy!

There is nothing wrong in pointing out the serious character flaws in
King that others seem to be afraid to acknowledge. Would you use Bill
Clinton as a role model? Or Tiger Woods perhaps? It's the exact same
difference. Why should MLK any different?


Jan 20, 2011, 12:15:40 PM1/20/11

"Usenet Legends 的泳ndca峨le ----->????" <>
wrote in message

This is beginning to look like classic trollism.



Jan 23, 2011, 2:57:07 PM1/23/11

> >4) TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans were under FBI surveillance in those
> >days.  It had a lot to do with who was in the White House, and how
> >paranoid we ALL were about Communism.
> 50's, yes, sixties ... hardly! Passed history with a "D"?

Hoover was still head of the FBI and anyone he didn't approve of got
investigated for "Communist" tendencies.


Jan 28, 2011, 4:00:08 PM1/28/11
On Jan 17, 10:48 pm, The TheatrElf <> wrote:
> rincewind <> wrote innews:c5e3e548-2796-43a3...@35g2000prt.googlegroups

> .com:
> > On Jan 17, 1:18 pm, invalidd <inval...@invalidd.invalidd>
> > wrote:
> >> Fred Brown wrote:
> >> > Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be
> >> > a Catholic church
> >> > and we'd all be Jewish.
> >> Heh! Then we could all make Jewish jokes without the
> >> political correctness nazis accusing us of anti-semitism.
> > David Gerrold's "The Man Who Folded Himself" has the lead
> > character gets Jesus off.
> > When he comes back to his own time, everything's wrong.
> > The art, the architecture, everything.
> > He has to go back and talk himself out of it.
> I love that book.  And that isn't the last time he has to go talk
> himself out of stuff.  The best part is the boozy bit in the
> middle where he's folded over dozens of times, living in a big
> house crowded with himself, playing poker, taking care of
> chores...and then folds through quantam time with somewhat
> incestuous results.
> --
> Xjahn
> The TheatrElf

> Take thee this thing covered with that stuff and give it unto
> that guy, that he may do things with it.

Y'know having read the book, with the scene (before the quantum
sequence) where the character seduces himself, I was still surprised
to find out that David was gay! Mind you, I did figure it out while
reading his "Leaping off the Planet" trilogy which I read BEFORE read
'The Martian Child." I looked on his web-site, David doesn't even
MENTION the film they made of "The Martian Child."

Frank McCoy

Jan 28, 2011, 4:24:19 PM1/28/11
rincewind <> wrote:

>On Jan 17, 10:48 pm, The TheatrElf <> wrote:
>> rincewind <> wrote innews:c5e3e548-2796-43a3...@35g2000prt.googlegroups
>> .com:
>> > On Jan 17, 1:18 pm, invalidd <inval...@invalidd.invalidd>
>> > wrote:
>> >> Fred Brown wrote:
>> >> > Maybe if the Romans hadn't killed Jesus there would not be
>> >> > a Catholic church
>> >> > and we'd all be Jewish.
>> >> Heh! Then we could all make Jewish jokes without the
>> >> political correctness nazis accusing us of anti-semitism.
>> > David Gerrold's "The Man Who Folded Himself" has the lead
>> > character gets Jesus off.
>> > When he comes back to his own time, everything's wrong.
>> > The art, the architecture, everything.
>> > He has to go back and talk himself out of it.
>> I love that book.  And that isn't the last time he has to go talk
>> himself out of stuff.  The best part is the boozy bit in the
>> middle where he's folded over dozens of times, living in a big
>> house crowded with himself, playing poker, taking care of
>> chores...and then folds through quantam time with somewhat
>> incestuous results.

>Y'know having read the book, with the scene (before the quantum
>sequence) where the character seduces himself, I was still surprised
>to find out that David was gay!

Technically, that's not gay ... That's masturbation.
Same thing with Heinlein's story, "All You Zombies".
Only in Heinelein's case, the story had pregnant possibilities.

>Mind you, I did figure it out while
>reading his "Leaping off the Planet" trilogy which I read BEFORE read
>'The Martian Child." I looked on his web-site, David doesn't even
>MENTION the film they made of "The Martian Child."



Jan 30, 2011, 4:21:18 PM1/30/11
On Jan 28, 4:24 pm, Frank McCoy <> wrote:

You're not thinking "fourth dimensionally" Him from another time
period would still be a separate person.
BTW, Gerrold ALSO brought in the "All You Zombies" concept. At a later
point in the book, the character finds an alternate timeline where
he's a she. They have sex and somehow (I lose the thread of the story
here) they BOTH manage to take off with the kid, in each case, it is
whatever gender the person wished it to be (ie, the original narrator
runs off with a son, the alternate narrator runs off with a daughter.)

Frank McCoy

Jan 30, 2011, 5:37:21 PM1/30/11
rincewind <> wrote:

In some cases and some types of time-travel, yes.
Not in "All You Zombies" though.

The whole timeline remained constant.
He didn't go back and destroy his past or even change it in the
slightest. Instead, he went back and *created* it, just the way he
remembered it and exactly how he needed and was destined to.

(Brings a really ironic note to the idea of predestination.)

There's something similar that happened with Lazarus Long, as I
recall, when he went back to meet his own mother.

Not a separate timeline; but a reaffirmation of a single stream.

>BTW, Gerrold ALSO brought in the "All You Zombies" concept. At a later
>point in the book, the character finds an alternate timeline where
>he's a she. They have sex and somehow (I lose the thread of the story
>here) they BOTH manage to take off with the kid, in each case, it is
>whatever gender the person wished it to be (ie, the original narrator
>runs off with a son, the alternate narrator runs off with a daughter.)

OK, in THAT sort of time-travel, they ARE separate people.

The TheatrElf

Feb 1, 2011, 11:09:36 PM2/1/11
Frank McCoy <> wrote in

> The whole timeline remained constant.
> He didn't go back and destroy his past or even change it in
> the slightest. Instead, he went back and *created* it, just
> the way he remembered it and exactly how he needed and was
> destined to.

This is similar to the central plot of THE MAN WHO FOLDED
HIMSELF. At the end of the book it turns out that he is his own
parents, and that the old man who he believed was his uncle is
actually himself. He paid for his own education at boarding
school. He didn't destroy or alter his past, it was what he had
created all along, he just didn't know it until the end.

Confused? You won't be, after this weeks episode of.... SOAP.

We all live in a yellow subroutine.


Feb 2, 2011, 2:33:37 PM2/2/11
On Feb 1, 10:09 pm, The TheatrElf <> wrote:
> Frank McCoy <> wrote

> > The whole timeline remained constant.
> > He didn't go back and destroy his past or even change it in
> > the slightest.  Instead, he went back and *created* it, just
> > the way he remembered it and exactly how he needed and was
> > destined to.
> This is similar to the central plot of THE MAN WHO FOLDED
> HIMSELF. At the end of the book it turns out that he is his own
> parents, and that the old man who he believed was his uncle is
> actually himself. He paid for his own education at boarding
> school. He didn't destroy or alter his past, it was what he had
> created all along, he just didn't know it until the end.
> Confused?  You won't be, after this weeks episode of.... SOAP.

Are you speaking of the short-lived TV show: SOAP ?

One of my very favorites of all time.

Just, last night, discovered, in IFC, the Onion News Network.
TIVO is set in perpetuity.

Half hour news show, that left me hurting and choking from laughing.

Too many comercials, though.



The TheatrElf

Feb 2, 2011, 8:37:01 PM2/2/11
MajorOz <> wrote in news:1d82c604-03c5-

> Are you speaking of the short-lived TV show: SOAP ?

It ran four seasons, hardly "short-lived."

God is not dead. He is alive and working on a less ambitious


Feb 2, 2011, 11:20:33 PM2/2/11
On Feb 2, 7:37 pm, The TheatrElf <> wrote:
> MajorOz <> wrote in news:1d82c604-03c5-

> > Are you speaking of the short-lived TV show: SOAP ?
> It ran four seasons, hardly "short-lived."
> --
> Xjahn
> The TheatrElf

> God is not dead. He is alive and working on a less ambitious
> project. it did.

I just googled it up.

It ran from 77 to 81

So, I figgered out why I thought "short lived" -- I was HEAVILY
involved in teaching night classes for three of those four years.

Thanks, though, for the reminder.

oz, going to the post office when the plows get here.

The TheatrElf

Feb 3, 2011, 3:09:18 PM2/3/11
MajorOz <> wrote in news:c5ba71d6-4f60-4123-

> On Feb 2, 7:37�pm, The TheatrElf <> wrote:
>> MajorOz <> wrote in news:1d82c604-03c5-
>> > Are you speaking of the short-lived TV show: SOAP ?
>> It ran four seasons, hardly "short-lived."
>> --
>> Xjahn
>> The TheatrElf
>> God is not dead. He is alive and working on a less ambitious
>> project.
> it did.
> I just googled it up.
> It ran from 77 to 81
> So, I figgered out why I thought "short lived" -- I was HEAVILY
> involved in teaching night classes for three of those four years.

Well, it did end abruptly. There was supposed to be one last story
arc, and instead it left Jessica facing a firing squad in South

> Thanks, though, for the reminder.
> oz, going to the post office when the plows get here.

I guess it would be impolite to say that I'm puttin on shorts to
run to the bank. OOPS!

I may have my faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.


Feb 3, 2011, 5:44:46 PM2/3/11
On Feb 3, 2:09 pm, The TheatrElf <> wrote:
> MajorOz <> wrote in news:c5ba71d6-4f60-4123-

> > On Feb 2, 7:37 pm, The TheatrElf <> wrote:
> >> MajorOz <> wrote in news:1d82c604-03c5-
> >>
> >> > Are you speaking of the short-lived TV show: SOAP ?
> >> It ran four seasons, hardly "short-lived."
> >> --
> >> Xjahn
> >> The TheatrElf
> >> God is not dead. He is alive and working on a less ambitious
> >> project.
> > it did.
> > I just googled it up.
> > It ran from 77 to 81
> > So, I figgered out why I thought "short lived" -- I was HEAVILY
> > involved in teaching night classes for three of those four years.
> Well, it did end abruptly. There was supposed to be one last story
> arc, and instead it left Jessica facing a firing squad in South
> America.
> > Thanks, though, for the reminder.
> > oz, going to the post office when the plows get here.
> I guess it would be impolite to say that I'm puttin on shorts to
> run to the bank.  OOPS!


> I may have my faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.

OK..........add another week to the TMcG care
package.............. :>)

Seriously, sorry about the procrastination.

Holidays, furniture swapping, weather, yadda-yadda.

Trying to get to town tomorrow.

cheers, and have a rum punch for me


The TheatrElf

Feb 3, 2011, 7:20:12 PM2/3/11
MajorOz <> wrote in

No worries!

> Holidays, furniture swapping, weather, yadda-yadda.
> Trying to get to town tomorrow.
> cheers, and have a rum punch for me

Will do! And enjoy a hot rum toddy to fight off the chill. It's
medicinal, dontcha know? ;-)

A man's got to know his limitations. (Clint Eastwood)

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