May 29, 2003
The Scott Ritter bitchslapfest
mrsrude over at the BC Forum was kind enough to post part of Bill
O'Really's interview of Scott Ritter last night on Fux. Here they're
discussing the recently found "mobile labs":
RITTER: They don't have the people who built it. The people who built
it have said that this is used to produce hydrogen for meteorological
O'REILLY: All right, but Mr. Ritter, meteorological balloons?
RITTER: Yes, that's - well, look, I have been in the artillery. I
don't know if you have, Bill...
O'REILLY: No, I haven't.
RITTER: ... but I've been in field artillery, and we fly met.
balloons. You need to have the weather report at the higher altitudes
when you fire artillery shells.
O'REILLY: All right.
RITTER: But the CIA also said that aluminum tubes - back if you recall
when I went to Iraq in 2002, September - these aluminum tubes for
centrifuges? I said, no, they're used for artillery rockets. The CIA
came out and said, no, we believe they're used for enrichment. I was
right. They were used for...
O'REILLY: But here, you were wrong about this, and we have a minute
left. All right?
RITTER: I haven't been wrong about anything regarding weapons of mass
O'REILLY: No, you were wrong about the war. You said the United States
is going to leave Iraq with its tail between its legs, defeated.
RITTER: Oh my gosh, we already lost the war, Bill.
O'REILLY: 3/25/03. Well, wait, if you think that we lost that war,
then people are going to say - and you are entitled to your opinion -
that you are nuts.
RITTER: Really? In 1965, Bill, when the First Cav Division fought the
Vietnamese in the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Valley, did we win that battle? We
sure did. We won every battle after that, too, but I believe in 1975,
it was an American helicopter flying off the embassy taking the last
American out. We're neck deep in a quagmire in Iraq. We lost the war,
I wish folks would draft Scott Ritter for president. I would vote for
him in a heart beat. He has been the one courageous, intelligent,
knowledgeable person to call Bush what he really is, a g.d.liar. I
love to hear him talk. He does not weigh his words. He knows what he
is talking about and has no agenda, but to confront the Bushite
regime's lies.
"We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found
biological laboratories. They're illegal. They're
against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so
far discovered two. For those who say we haven't found
the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons,
they're wrong, we found them."
George Bush, 5/31/03 regarding trailers Iraq bought
from Britain to inflate hydrogen gas balloons.
>Even President Bush has said we lost the war when he said we had to change course
and implement that surge in his state of the union address..You don't
change strategies if you are winning!!
George Bush wanted revenge on Saddam for calling Daddy Bush a wimp. That's
why 25,000 Americans have died and over 1 million Iraqis have died, not
counting the maimed.
Bush figured he would use Iraq's oil to pay for his war but as usual Bush's
plan had no ending and he's retiring next year with his 3% following
planning to blame the Democrats at every turn.
However, we did find weapons of mass destruction related program
activities. Those gotta count for *something*!
Yeah, SAD Ass had a copy of "Idiot's Guide To NEW-CLEAR Weapons Of
Mass Destruction" on his desk.