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6/6-6/20: Survival Training, Financial Warfare Theory In Hated USA (financial district)

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Saint Ram Bone

May 29, 2010, 10:54:00 PM5/29/10
6/6-6/20: Survival Training, Financial Warfare Theory In Hated USA
(financial district)

I am here to teach you if you are interested. I am considering setting
up a booth to pinpoint those in the government who have turned against
the American people, particularly those in the Treasury and FDIC and
the Federal Reserve, and who controls them. I will teach you how to
survive them, how to investigate them, and what not to do, and how to
view some of them when you approach them, like warmongering snakes,
pompous and full of sh--. The government is laying traps for us,
chewing us up and spitting us out, pigeonholing us into the lower
caste. We are seeing syndicates form and I urge you not to trust the
traps being set for Americans inside the USA governments and those who
control them internationally. We are urging our people to seperate
from them in their entirety. Where David Koresh went wrong was that he
brought no bargaining power to deal with those warlords in power over
Texas federal government. The OKC event was the response, and it
likely missed the intended targets. As the Bible said, for each of one
of us you kill, a thousand-fold of you will die, so it is probably not
done yet as the kills at Waco on the innocent side was 82 and on the
federal invaders side, well, the OKC federal building had a number

I warn you to beware of anyone you trust in government. Their mass
media lies and there have been attacks on innocent Americans in many
places. It is as if a war is waging underneath the USA with our family
members under attack in many ways by the dictatorship and their paid
combatants. We want it to stop, or escalate until it has to stop,
even if it means the dismantling of the international regime in power
and their corporate controllers. The FDIC regional director in San
Francisco was killed almost twenty years ago in San Francisco. I
survived in 2001 and was injected and tortured by the federal
governments money laundering associates in the Treasury Department
through the Secret Service. The FBI is worse and we have no human

If you want to assist with the booths and protests outside of the
federal buildings in San Francisco, contact me by email. Beware as the
federal syndicates have new weaponries and they have no friends and
they trust no one. Neve trust them. They will stick a knife in you one
way or another. They hated me. I would slit their throats before I
would serve their meanest dictators, those who use us medically and
steal from us. The VA can not be trusted as they are controlled by the
dictators and there is division in every agency.

I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving investigative
journalist specializing in investigations of governmentally sanctioned
crimes. I am trained in accounting, communications, medicine, and
programming, and surviving the cut throat syndicates now ruling the
USA governments. Many on the Gulf Coast think a nuclear bomb cracked
the surface of the Gulf and the BP scare is a ruse. There was a loud
explosion heard and a metallic snapping sound after the explosion on
4/20/2010. The Canadian Bank RBC has invaded the South East. BP oil is
taking market share from American oil companies. Many in the South
East live as if in a depression. We want the crime syndicates of the
federal government reigned in or we want the government of the
international dictators removed. We hate their banana boat governments
in the South East. They steal oil from Mobile Bay and sell the idiots
a gas contract. They use us in medical experiments and torture us
when we need medical care, but they imprison us if he have our own
medicines, such as marijuana. We will start with British BP most
evidently in removing the once enemies from our soils who are robbing
us of everything. But they likely are shifting hands. We hate you San
Francisco Federal F-DIC suckers. Many will applaud your downfall.

We are teaching our children not to allow forced injections on others
in hospitals and other facilities. Their government is like a Chinese
warlord who we want killed. They not only inject us with chemicals
and have our fellow Americans assist, but they use us in experiments
and likely in covert medical procedures on our bodies, some likely at
birth in some cases. Let us hope we do not have to throw out the baby
with the bath water. If you are a veteran, you were trained to trust
certain government agencies. You never trust any of them, especially
their hospitals and their VA and their federal employers in the
financial arena. They have you slotted for the bottom because you are
"An American.".

Mobile Audit Club has proofs of medical procedures on many of us.
MANY of you do not care. What comes around goes around and every dog
has his day.


May 30, 2010, 2:08:11 AM5/30/10
On 2010-05-30, Saint Ram Bone <> wrote:
> 6/6-6/20: Survival Training, Financial Warfare Theory In Hated USA
> (financial district)
> I am here to teach you if you are interested. I am considering setting
> up a booth to pinpoint those in the government who have turned against
> the American people, particularly those in the Treasury and FDIC and
> the Federal Reserve, and who controls them.

Not a good idea, imho. The problem is systematic, it is not just the
few top brass corrupt persons. What do you hope to accomplish even if
you succeed with your 'booths' and get a few people maybe even including
Rockefeller family, Bush family, Obama, CIA and ONI, Homeland security
stripped of power and many in jail ? Then what ? IMHO you still have
nothing, the 'beast' (American Imperial capitalist society) will only
grow up new heads in a few years or less.

What you need, imho, is a new Constitution that is stronger in cutting
out unwanted power concentrations. To install that it is better to first
talk to real/ordinary people, who might become the bearers of something
better, rather then to talk to the most exposed/known top and/or
possibly go to war against them without a clear idea of where to end up
exactly (making your troop numbers small and therefore probably
defeated). You have a tactic of immediate provocation against top
hostile elements, they may very well respond and use their media to good
effect against you from the start. Few people will be interested because
there is no overall believable goal. Perhaps worst of all: will you
attempt an indictment through the courts ? But aren't the courts
themselves corrupt (especially on Constitutional matters) ? You want to
use one part of a criminal family against another, in order to have
justice ? If that is your whole strategy, just don't bother I guess.

Maybe you like to check my site to see if you agree with it, then we can
go do it. It contains an analyses like so: trade is good but requires
an even playing field, nations must not be empires or democracy won't
work (too big, complex, no diversity). From that you get 4 goals:
- absolute state democracy
- companies become internal self-governing democracies after starter leaves,
starter is compensated and gets share of future profits
- socialized *investment* sector (mostly nationalized, but not entirely)
- natural resources distributed, to all an equal share (power)

You could attempt to merge these goals with the USA Constitution. If
you do that you may get a system that will function. I think the main
problems the USA failed was: private finance and Empire building. If
you reduce nation-size in USA (one nation per few states, and native
indians their sovereign nations of large land size), and put the general
public in control over the investment sector through political power (so
that it will be Government clerks that make the investments at the
behest of, control of and judgement by the People), you could end up
with nations that are reasonably stable accross the centuries. I think
that it could postpone another collapse considderably.

For a completely worked out model on these ideas see my site ...
_ _ /_\ _ _ Free markets and democracy,
\ /v`vvv\ / but now: properly.
\ / Day 33 of the revolution.

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