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Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, June 13, 2023

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Robert Bernardo

May 7, 2023, 1:52:14 AM5/7/23
Happy Coronation Day, C= and Ami comrades!

The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, May 13, from 2 to 5+ p.m. at

Panera Bread Restaurant
19662 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, California
(818) 407-9400

For discussion we’ll review our April Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2023 and talk about the sister show, the June 24-25 Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2023 in Seattle. That latter show needs ideas for presentations, so if you have any suggestions, let them be known!

Also I will be visiting Ray Carlsen around the time of the PaCommEx, but I won’t be able to take any of your equipment for repair, because I already have too much hardware that will be packed in the car for him (think eight 1541’s/1571’s and two or three CRT’s)!

The Ultimate 64 returns with some of the latest C64 programs, like Sulphur Eye (a 3D Construction Kit game) and the Last Defender. The trusty Amiga 1200 with Blizzard ‘040 25 MHz. accelerator and 64 megs of Fast RAM returns.

As always, feel free to bring any other Commodore and Amiga hardware/software that you wish to show off!

Robert Bernardo
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
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